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教育部否认农村营养餐有米无锅 已拨款建食堂--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  在昨日召开的“农村义务教育学校厨房建设研讨会”上,教育部相关负责人透露,纳入“农村义务教育学生营养改善计划”(以下简称“营养餐计划”)的学校已全部“开餐”,近2600万农村学生吃上营养午餐。 In a yesterday"The construction of rural compulsory education school kitchen seminar"on,The relevant person in charge of the ministry of education has revealed,into"Rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan"(Hereinafter referred to as"Nutrient food plan")School has all"Open meal",Nearly 26 million rural students eat on nutritional lunch.


In addition,By the society public power of state of rural school kitchen already more than 1000.


社会援建农村学校厨房超千个 Social rebuilding of rural school kitchen super thousands


conference,The ministry of education compulsory education funds safeguard account division in the relevant person in charge of it"Government to promote rural school kitchen construction"This paper introduces the process of.According to introducing,Last November,The state council to launch rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan.Each year the central government for 22 provinces/699 ShiDianXian rural compulsory education students all provide every 3 yuan nutrition meal allowance.So far,699 county has all open meal.


Reporters also learned from the conference,Including JiuYang hope the kitchen/ChunMiao kitchen/Happiness kitchen/Free lunch, etc, public welfare projects,The country had been thousands of rural poverty school,In the social forces under the help of the built standard school kitchen,For students to supply hot food for dinner.


The kitchen is generally based on the original school facilities reconstruction/Funding school kitchen equipment, and other ways to realize.


“食堂建设从规划到使用尚需时间” "The dining room construction from planning to use is still needs time"


According to"Nutrient food plan",In society at present have seed"Rice no pot"Point of view,Think that countries nutrition meal allowance dial the down,But the rural school dining room construction can't keep up,Hardware lack.this,The ministry of education said in response,Last year,In the general office of the state council[Concerning the implementation of rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement opinion]in,Special requirements will school canteen listed as key construction content.In 2011,,The central government issued 10 billion yuan special used for ShiDianXian rural dining room construction,Strive for to 2013 all schools can have a dining room such a goal.


But the dining room after all is the basic construction project,From planning/Project to be constructed,Finally to put into use need a period of time.so,Simply speak"Rice no pot",Is not accurate and comprehensive.


- 建议 - Suggestions


邓飞 (微博):教育部可购买社会服务 DengFei (Micro bo):The ministry of education can buy social services


yesterday,Free lunch fund one of the sponsors DengFei also attended the seminar.He proposed,The rural school dining room construction and operation is a very professional project,We therefore suggest that the ministry of education ideas,Learning purchasing social services,Every year tens of billions of dollars to the financial used to adopt purchase enterprise equipment and social organization service,The ministry of education in conjunction with other departments supervision and guidance,Both for countries to save money,And can save worry,Achieve win-win.


this,The relevant person in charge of the ministry of education said response,"Nutrition improvement plan"Leading group by the ministry of education/The ministry of health/'s drug watchdog/The ministry of finance and the state development and reform commission and other departments to be composed,Each department is responsible for division of labor.The government will strengthen supervision and inspection,Work in progress/Operation results to the public,Constantly perfect policy to improve standards,At the same time also hope that parents/Social welfare organization support and supervision.(Reporter ChenBo)
