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大学排行榜,真真假假水多深?(图) 绘图马晶晶 Drawing MaJingJing

  至少十家机构先后发布数十个榜单 制作方或明或暗索要“赞助”

At least ten agencies released has dozens of list production openly or covertly ask for"sponsorship"


List of the university,Both real and sham water depth?


yesterday,The 7th scientific metrology and university evaluation international conference held in the han,Every representative is the university ranking hot debate.Domestic university list,It really is not true/Don't reliable?It have the so-called hidden rules?The examinee when parents fill volunteer,How many people reference it?


Since the 1980 s,Our country at least 10 agency has released a list of dozens of university.


From the current check data to see,China institute of management science institute for science of sciences is one of the earliest domestic universities to rank evaluation.On September 13, 1987,This so Philadelphia scientific information published by the institute[Science citation index](SCI)For data,in[Technology daily]on[Our country scientific measurement index of the sort]For the title,Announced the our country of 87 key university ranking.This marks China's scholars began to domestic university ranking quantitative research.In 1992,,Hunan university ZhangYing etc in[Understand.science]Magazine. 4 (1992),Published titled[The national 86 key university 1985 ~ 1989 science and technology activity evaluation]paper.Based on detailed quantitative method to the national 86 key university made sort.This is the first time in China, the different results to take different weights of the university rankings.In 1993,,China's science and technology in information research[People's Daily(Overseas edition)]The Chinese university published/Five strong/Such as top.


Guangdong institute of management science since 1993,Have been to university rankings,Also called"Wu book even edition"list.


In 1996,,[China's higher education evaluation]published[China's higher schools list],List China best university 30.This is the first national comprehensive university list.


In 2000,,[The China youth daily]And Hong Kong WangDa(China)Co., LTD., release"List of the university".

  2002年,武大中国科学评价研究中心推出大学排行榜。 昨天,武大中国科学评价研究中心主任、武大信息管理学院教授邱均平说,目前,在社会上影响较大且每年坚持对大学排行的主要有4个,“武书连版”、“武大版”、“中国校友会版”和“网大版”。

In 2002,,Wu3 da4 research centre for China science evaluation list launch university. yesterday,Wu3 da4, director of the research centre for China science evaluation/Wu3 da4 information management institute professor qiu are flat said,At present,In society and greatly influenced every year insist on the main university rankings have four,"Wu book even edition"/"Wu3 da4 edition"/"China alumni association edition"and"WangDa edition".


List of the university,Whether there are latent rules


List of the university,Exactly have latent rules,Also is the place to buy?


yesterday,When the reporter the problem are thrown to the high at ordinary times,He would not answer.In reporter repeatedly ask next,He said,Doing university list 8 years,Do have schools to please him as counselors and other forms of the trial,But he refused.He also says,"As far as I know,Some charts,There is this situation."He said"This kind of situation"Is refers to spend the money to buy the place.

  部分媒体见报的新闻稿件“佐证”了这一点。2010年1月12 日《 新民晚报》曾报道,天津大学校长龚克在学校“对话北洋”访谈活动中说,曾有一家大学排行榜的制作机构找上门来索要“赞助”,遭到学校拒绝。龚克还谈及自己对大学排名的看法:“我们不能简单否定排名,因为有社会需求,唯一的出路是使这些排名逐渐科学化。另外,南开大学新闻发言人吴志成也表示,学校接到过不少类似的来电及传真,明示或暗示校方提供“赞助”,可以换取排位的上升,但学校一概回绝。“凡是收费的商业性排行榜,南开不参加,也不支持。” 媒体称,天津大学、南开大学虽然回绝了所谓的“提供赞助”,却不排除其他学校利用潜规则挤上排行榜。

Part of the media appear in newspaper news manuscript"evidence"this.On January 12, 2010[ Xinmin evening]reported,Tianjin university President GongKe in the school"Dialogue the"Interview activity said,Once there is a list of the university of production organizations seek to claim"sponsorship",Were schools refused to.GongKe also talked about his views on university rankings:"We can't simple negative ranking,Because there are social needs,The only way out is to make these rankings scientific gradually.In addition,Nankai university news spokesman WuZhiCheng also said,The school received a similar telephone and fax,The school provides express or implied"sponsorship",Can exchange for the rise of qualifying,But the school all rebuff."All charges commercial list,Nankai not to participate in,Also does not support." Media said,Tianjin university/Nankai university although rejected the so-called"sponsored",But not exclude other schools use latent rules on the crowded list.


Along with the list of continuous launch and visibility of the increase,There are many universities invite high culture are about university rankings of the lectures.Now his"Appearance fee"Is 2000 yuan/3000 dollars,Most is 5000 yuan."My this charge,I feel very reasonable,A lecture is about the market."But he also said,"Some universities in list,Single appearance fee is as high as 30000 or even 50000,How could a lecture so expensive.This is the money out of the school rankings too."


Wu3 da4 high are flat:"My most objective"


So many top university,Their families all say good.so,Exactly which is objective and fair?yesterday,High are flat announced:"My most objective and fair".

  他说,“武书连版”、 “中国校友会版”和“网大版” 3个排行榜,都是临时性地为大学进行排行,有些还是几个退休老教授在那里弄,根本就不是一个专门研究机构。而他所在的武大中国科学评价中心则不同,是一个专门的科研机构,自然相关材料等要客观真实系统些。

He said,"Wu book even edition"/ "China alumni association edition"and"WangDa edition" Three charts,Are temporary for university rankings,Some or several retired old professor get in there,There is not a specialized research institutions.And he is wu3 da4 China science evaluation center is different,Is a specialized research institutions,Natural related materials to the objective real system some.


so,"Wu3 da4 edition"list,Can because is wu3 da4 institutions out of the evaluation and tend to wu3 da4?For example"Wu3 da4 edition"published[In 2012, the Chinese university disciplines and professional evaluation report]in,Wu3 da4 national ranked seventh,Huake national ranked eighth.this,High are flat flatly denied.

  他说,虽然机构是武大的,但武大校方从未干预评价结果,也从未“关心”评价的过程。武汉大学中国科学评价中心一直秉承“科学、合理、客观、公正”这四个基本原则对国内各大学进行排名评价的。 对于舆论质疑国内大学排行榜是否公平公正合理的声音,邱均平称,国外的大学排行榜并非都是很公正的。他说,泰晤士报的大学排行榜,就因为其社会调查部分权重达20%以上,太过于随意,所以也不公正。他说,评价大学排行榜要抓住根本,关注评价结果是怎么出来的,即采用的是何种评价体系,而不是纠缠于个别学校具体名次的上升或下降。

He said,Although the organization is the wu3 da4,But wu3 da4 school never intervention evaluation result,never"care"Evaluation process.Wuhan university, China science evaluation center has been adhering to the"science/reasonable/objective/justice"The four basic principles of the domestic various university rankings evaluation. For public opinion questioned whether domestic university top fair reasonable voice,High are flat says,Go to a foreign university charts are not very fair.He said,The Times of the list of the university,Because of its social investigation of partial weight of more than 20%,Too random,It is not fair.He said,The university evaluation list to grasp,Focus on evaluation result is how out,That is what the evaluation system,Rather than getting entangled in individual school specific ranking rise or fall.


yesterday,A university vice President said to reporters,Domestic exactly which university list the most authoritative,Is not in agreement,Must also stay time test.


source:Wuhan evening news
