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   科学教育亟需突破应试瓶颈有关我国基础教育科学教育的观察与思考 science education need to breakthrough bottlenecks exam-oriented education in China's basic science education observation and thinking 浙江省台州市双语学校的科学课堂上,教师在教学生如何使用显微镜。资料图片 Zhejiang taizhou bilingual school science class,The teacher is teaching students how to use microscope.Material picture
编者按 Editor's note  只有尽快提升科学教育的质量,才能使我国在日益激烈的国际竞争中立于不败之地。在“2012国际科学教育研讨会”上,相关中外专家和与会者比较了各国科学教育的背景与发展之路,指出,美、加、英、法、德等经济较为发达的所谓“创新型国家”,都不仅拥有先进的科学技术,而且拥有较为完善的科学教育体系,培养出了一大批创新型人才。中国基础教育科学教育现存的诸多问题,限制了中国人才的培养质量。 Only improve the quality of the education science as soon as possible,To make our country in the increasingly fierce international competition.in"2012 international science education seminars"on,Related Chinese and foreign experts and participants is the various countries' science education background and development road,Pointed out that,beauty/add/British/method/Germany economy more developed so-called"Innovative country",Are not only has advanced science and technology,And has a perfect science education system,Cultivate a large number of creative talents.China's basic education science education existing many problems,Restricting Chinese talent training quality.


我国中小学科学教育为何画地为牢 Our primary and middle school science education why restrict your activities to a designated area


"Each teacher know,Scientific inquiry is the only way of cultivating innovative talents.But in the real teaching,But we often feel very helpless,For example,Some students are interested in question,The teacher also feel worth discussing,But the university entrance exam does not take an examination,Or only in the examination of a few specific gravity,This shouldn't go to explore it?In particular,In secondary school science course,Exactly what the problem is should explore?What problem is? Don't explore?and,Under the background of internationalization of scientific education,Emphasis on comprehensive and interdisciplinary,But our country's basic education related science education has been branch teaching,How to comprehensive……"a,In nanjing at the university"2012 international science education seminars"on,A middle school teacher's question,Caused a lot of participants resonance,But the field but no one can give a direct answer.


When it comes to China's elementary education science education problems,The standing committee of the National People's Congress/People's congress deputy director of the education committee members/Chinese private education association WangZuoShu said,His personal overall evaluation is:Started relatively late;Scattered experimental,universality/Representative is not strong;For science education service system has not been fully set up;From the actual need to there is a considerable distance.Related to this is,Our country promote science education ideas not quite clear,Relevant policy is still not completely supporting.


A few"Co., LTD.,"Is he to our country scientific education present situation of the generalization:Can effectively implement science education teachers strength is limited;science education experiment to a limited extent/Experience co., LTD.,;In science education experimental evaluation system is not perfect,And level co., LTD.,,For education scientific decision is not put forward powerful evidence;In science education evaluation of the overall level is limited;The existing education scientific research evaluation propaganda/Application co., LTD.,;The current college entrance examination subjects and enrollment policy reform limited……


So these"Co., LTD.,"Is how to appear?Compared with the developed countries,China's basic education system in science education existence which the difference and gap?Should take what kind of measures to improve the quality of science teacher?With these questions,The reporter interviewed some experts,And listen to their next meeting will further study.


美国科学教育新框架显示危机意识 The United States scientific education new frame display crisis consciousness


Michigan state university, Joseph carat Iraq at the meeting, professor qi systematically introduced the United States scientific education new framework.[K - 12 science education frame:practice/Interdisciplinary concept and the core concept]July 19, 2011 in the United States issued a formal,One of the K on behalf of the kindergarten,12 represents to acquire high school grade of each section.


This new framework is in the original science education standard by experts on for more than a year of time revision and become.In 1996,,The United States has issued a history the first a science education standard[The national science education standards].2010 start,Some experts began to participate in revision science education standard.Revised the reason is that:On the one hand,Ten years the pace of scientific progress has been to speed up,A lot of new contents and research achievements of scientific education to need to increase;On the other hand,Part of this personage points out,The scientific education exist deficiencies,For example,, on the whole, the lack of system planning,The comparatively broad content involved and lack of depth,, etc.science education new framework makers strive to build a clear three dimensional frame structure,And so as to summarize all the students in high school graduation front should learn scientific knowledge and complete practice content.It is also the United States"The next generation of science education standard"foundation.


The frame structure the first dimension is science and engineering practice,This dimension for science and engineering practice provides a complete understanding.here"practice"Meaning for:Repeat behavior to make its skilled;Further thorough study to make it a habit;Using the knowledge to make its goals.Students in science class should have the opportunity to study:Puts forward scientific questions and define technical problems;The development and use of model;Plan and implement research;Analysis and interpretation of data,Use mathematics/information/Computer technology and computing thinking;Construct explain(According to the scientific)And design solutions(Based on engineering);Based on evidence in the debate;get/Evaluation and communication, etc.


The second dimension is interdisciplinary concept.Interdisciplinary concept refers to those who can be applied to all areas of science and engineering concept,Has the important value to explain.Specific involves:mode,Causes and results(Mechanism and explain),scale/Proportion and quantity,System and system model,Energy and material(flow/Cycle and conservation),Structure and function,Stability and change, etc.


The third dimension is subject core concepts.Subject core concepts to the fine less for the principle,Involved in material science/Life science/The earth and space science/Engineering and technology, etc.Its screening standard for:one,In more than one subject or engineering significance in significantly,Or a particular subject organization of the key concept.The second,To understand the or research some complex ideas and solve the problem to provide the key tools.thirdly,With students' interest and experience life associated,Or can and social and personal focus needed science and technology related to knowledge.its,Can be in more than one year period of teaching,The first section increasing,But gradually complicated,Gradually goes deep.


In particular,Material science core concepts including:Material and its interaction;Movement and stable;Force and interaction;energy;Sweep the information technology application.In the field of life science core concept including:From molecules to biology;Structure and process;Ecological system: interaction,Energy and dynamic;Genetics: character of heredity and variation;Biological evolution:Unity and diversity.The earth and space science field include: earth's place in the universe;The earth system;The earth and human activities.Engineering technology and scientific applications include: engineering design,Coupling engineering/technology/Science and social.


Can say,Almost every aspect of modern life is inseparable from the science/Engineering and technology,They are human cope with the current and future challenges facing the most pressing key.The engineering education into the basic education stage of the science education,Is the United States institute of technology in order to fill the gap talents.


对比中看中国科学教育的差距 Contrast presentability China science education gap

  单纯从教育目标上来说,表面上看中国目前正逐渐与国际接轨。比如美国提出的STEM人才培养计划中,STEM分别代表科学(Science),技术(Technology),工程(Engineering), 数学(Mathematics)。在国家实力的比较中,美国将获得STEM学位的人数作为一个重要的指标。2006年,美国总统布什在国情咨文中就指出,培养具有STEM素养的人才是提高全球竞争力的关键。而我国的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》也指出,高中阶段教育要全面提高普通高中学生综合素质。目前我国一些地区也开始进行STEM课程基地建设。但从总体上看,我国科学教育城乡发展仍非常不均衡,即使同样是在经济文化较为发达的城市学校中,具体实施过程中也存在着很多问题。

Only from the education target for,On the surface China is gradually and international standards.For instance the United States proposed STEM personnel training plan,STEM represent respectively the science(science),technology(technology),engineering(Engineering), mathematics(Mathematics).In the national power in the comparison of,The United States will get the number of STEM degree as an important index.In 2006,,President bush in his state of the union address is pointed out,The cultivation of STEM accomplishment of talents is to enhance the global competitiveness of the key.But in China[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline]Also pointed out,High school education to improve ordinary high school students' comprehensive quality.At present our country some areas are also beginning STEM course base construction.However, from the overall perspective,science education in our country urban and rural development is not balanced,Even in the same economic and cultural more developed city schools,In the concrete implementation process, there are also a lot of problems.


In particular,From the scientific education idea and system/The classroom teaching mode to the curriculum and textbooks use, etc,China and the United States schools have obvious difference.For example,China's basic education of science education tend to attach more importance to knowledge,Sometimes the ultimate objective seems to be just by the way do problem"Score high on".American schools is more emphasis on the cultivation of practice ability,As much as possible to let students to participate in the experiment and operation,Let them their own conclusion.Single is experimental purposes,China and the United States is also different.Chinese students of the class with the same method and instrument,In the same experiment,The teacher's expectation they draw or prove textbook theory and results.In the United States,The student to begin operation,If it is found that textbooks outside of the theory and the results,Will be affected by the teacher more encouragement.This is a visit to the United States has to learn of university teachers observation.


American basic education science education is the interdisciplinary comprehensive education,And China's basic education system and related science education,Is dispersed in the physical/chemical/The biological sciences.Some scholars pointed out that,Scientific education is the biggest characteristics"comprehensive",China science education the most difficult problem is the lack of comprehensive teaching material and teacher.


At present Chinese classroom experiment or"explore"Sometimes there are also some problems.Such as content is superficial,Put too much emphasis on steps and form,A rigid and machinery.Sometimes just is to let the student beginning,Did not inspire students' thirst for knowledge or encourage them to people think more profound question.


Nanjing university education college professor and the United States ZhangBaoHui at the state university of New York[Science teaching research]Associate editor LiuXiuFeng professor noted that,The United States scientific education new framework,China's basic education shall be given to bring a lot of new enlightenment.For instance the United States scientific education new frame is a criss-cross system,It not only pay attention to"Core concepts",And puts forward the"Learning advanced"concept,Let students understand periodicals.this related concepts.It advocated by the"Engineering education"And scientific education parallel train of thought,Also worth of teacher's thinking and reference.


那些现实中绕不过去的问题 The reality around not the problems of the past


At present our country the university entrance exam baton in a certain extent see is still wins the race.Relative basic education curriculum reform to science education content/Setting has a direct impact.Southwest university science education research center director LiaoBoQin pointed out,At present the national within the scope of the college entrance examination examination paper of various kinds,For example,Independent proposition of the province/City Beijing/Shanghai/tianjin/chongqing/liaoning/jiangsu/zhejiang/anhui/fujian/jiangxi/shandong/hubei/hunan/guangdong/sichuan/Shaanxi, and other,The papers are different.And the national unified type papers and divided into class scale national roll and outline the volume,The class scale national volume of provinces, autonomous regions including henan/ningxia/hainan/heilongjiang/jilin/shaanxi/Shanxi etc,The outline of the province the volume/Autonomous regions including hebei/guangxi/yunnan/gansu/qinghai/Inner Mongolia/Tibet/guizhou.The provincial science or science comprehensive examination paper interdisciplinary knowledge proportion is endless also and same,Behind this is teaching materials and teaching contents of the difference.Such as biological,In different provinces,Required or elective content regulation is endless also and same.Restricted by the university entrance exam,The content of the same,In one province may be attention,In another province may be ignored.In this context the scientific education content and comprehensive must be affected and limitations.


At the same time,How to training science teacher is also the current very pressing a question.Rather part of China's science teachers' lack of scientific education professional background,In other words,Part of the teachers from arts steering science class teaching,Their level of scientific education have a major influence,Directly affect China's elementary education science education level.Deals with science teacher's professional development,Chongqing normal university chang/First new in"Elementary school science teachers' professional development level influence factors"Empirical study found,Of school age/degree/The title is influence science teacher professional development of the three major individual factors;At present the school science teacher professional development is uneven,The school background on science teacher professional development level play a key role;The school teacher evaluation mechanism,Provide teachers development opportunities and training frequency is also causes the science teacher professional development not balanced important factors.

  他们指出,很多地区的学校对小学科学课程重视程度不够,科学教师培训次数少,培训效果不明显,培训内容过于理论化,培训政策不完善。因此,在加大对科学教师的培训的同时,在培训内容、方式、效率、评价等方面应有所创新,培训应本着“培训内容多样化,培训考核常规化”的原则,针对科学教师的实际需要,在专业知识、专业能力、教学理念、教学方法、科学价值观、信息技术教育等多方面进行专业培训。培训内容应该既有更新科学教学理念方面,也应该有科学探究方面的训练,比如,可多采用“课例分析”的方式。培训方式则最好采取“名师现场课堂教学示范”的生动方式,考核方式要多样化,可将教学设计案例、课件制作、课题研究(小论文)、课堂教学展示等结合起来。(记者 杜悦)

They point out that,In many parts of the school the elementary school science course attention degree is not enough,science teacher training times less,Training effect is not obvious,The training content too theorized,Training policy not perfect.therefore,While increasing investment in science teacher training at the same time,In the training content/way/efficiency/Evaluation should have innovation,Training should be in line with"The training content diversity,Training evaluation routinization"principle,According to the actual needs of the science teacher,In the professional knowledge/Professional ability/Teaching idea/Teaching methods/Scientific values/The information technology education in many aspects such as professional training.The training content should be both update science teaching idea aspects,There should also be science inquiry in training,For example,Can be used more"Lesson analysis"way.Training is the best way to take"The teacher classroom teaching demonstration"Vivid way,Evaluation methods should be diversified,But will the teaching design case/courseware/Subject research(The small paper)/Classroom teaching combined display, etc.(Reporter DuYue)
