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打骂学生最高或获刑7年 孩子遭体罚怎么办--亲稳网络舆情监控室

美国的一位手持木板的高中老师。(资料图片) The United States a handheld board high school teacher.(Material picture)
   印度99%幼儿园学生曾遭体罚 India 99% kindergarten students have been corporal punishment


Wenzhou kindergarten teachers of child abuse event is after exposure,A society outcry.Anger and after due,Everyone began to reflect on root causes and preventive measures.


In many countries around the world,The teacher beat and scold the problems of students generally.Although a lot of countries have legislative ban on this kind of behavior,But in real life,Some sensational teacher abuse students events from time to time, still appeared in newspapers.


Investigate its reason,One is the teacher to the student have absolute authority in the old idea still haunt,Even a lot of people think beat and scold students is a kind of"normal"/"necessary"Teaching method;The second is the teacher's behavior belongs to the normal teaching norms need,Or have already constitutes maltreatment,The line between often difficult to define;The third is whether the government or the school,Teachers lack of effective guidance and supervision.Many countries although legislative ban corporal punishment,But the lack of effective execution,In the real front end into word on old parchment.


现象 phenomenon


教师打骂学生 Teachers and students


实乃家常便饭 Solid potluck


In India,The teacher beat and scold students' problem is very serious,Related statistical data is deceived.According to India's national children's rights and interests protection committee(NCPCR)The recently released the seven provinces in 6632 students to participate in the survey report,The teacher reproached students in punishment means first,81.2% of the students had been teacher reprimanded stupid incompetent.


In addition,In 3 years to 5 years of age,Every five children will have three was the teacher with a stick whip.As much as 99% of the children experienced four of the most common form of corporal punishment,Including a rod/Be slam back/Be twisted ears and fan a slap in the face.


In India,The teacher to student's violence have arrived in hard to bear,Although the Indian government department stressed that ban corporal punishment student,The court also ruled that these actions are illegal,But corporal punishment in India is still a common and widely accepted phenomenon,Many adults even parents didn't give a damn,Even think that is part of the children to grow up.


最新措施 The latest measures


考虑将最高刑期调至七年 Consider a maximum sentence will be transferred to seven years


In June this year,India women and children development Suggestions to the country's youth justice(Care and protection)An amendment to the bill increase,Chastise corporal punishment(Including verbal abuse)Students of teachers,To increase the maximum penalty to seven years in prison.


India is not about law"Corporal punishment"Make a clear definition,But according to ban on corporal punishment of India's education bill of right,The corporal punishment including student body beating/Spirit harassment and discrimination.India's national children's rights and interests protection committee make the following definition of corporal punishment:The corporal punishment includes not only physical punishment,Also include the students psychological damage caused by the spirit of the harassment,Such as laugh at/irony/nickname/Defamatory comments and the view of the students' gender/Race and levels of discrimination, etc.


After news spreads,In India the social widespread discussion.Have teachers worry about the definition of corporal punishment ambiguity,A lot of behavior in a gray area,Difficult definition is normal teaching standard behavior/Or has made harassment.


争议性大 Controversial big


入刑7年“说易行难” Into punishment seven years"Said and difficult"


Prison seven years of criminal law,What can play a role?For the problem,India"Eliminate campus corporal punishment committee"President vladimir radmanovic DeAn said,Punished through legislation is a necessary means,It can effectively deter play a role,Nip in the bud.but,Vladimir radmanovic DeAn think,Society should not focus on problems alone corporal punishment,And should consider how to help teachers improve teaching skills,Without depending on punishment education students.


In addition,Law can be effective implementation is also one of the main question point.this,Once for a teacher the corporal punishment student case played in 10 years case library sen · jayne have experience greatly.


In 1997,,India grade six students pull kersh was vice President persecuted naked on the campus walk,Spirit big stimulated,Had to drop out.The long-lasting lawsuit a dozen is ten years.Until 2007,After countless games after the trial,India court to finally made a decision,Ruling vice President into sin,Imprisonment for 2 years.


Jayne says:"At the beginning we thought the case for other teachers have very good warning role.But it is not true.Case itself a dozen is 10 years,How many people still have interest and energy to keep an eye on it?I totally support increase the penalty,just,Is only the legislative action is not big."


家长如何应对? The parents how to deal with?


Education experts say,For the possibility of child abuse,Parents can't take the attitude of the neglect or escape,Might as well take the following practice:


1.让孩子习惯谈论学校事情 1. Let the children used to talk about school things


Because the child generally apparent teacher for authority,Even if the teacher told them bad,They also often does not wish to be and parents said,Those who do not pay attention to and children exchange of parents is very easy to ignore the existence of the problem.therefore,Parents should careful attention to your child's behavior change,And pay attention to the child words reveal some of the details,if"XXX don't like my", etc.


2.与老师沟通先别带敌意 2. And the teacher first communication don't bring the hostility


If parents suspect teacher treat the child's a way to have a problem,They should try to put down the hostility and teacher communication,Avoid complain/Dispute even directly threatened to report the teacher.In addition,Parents don't first impressions are most lasting,After all, children may distort the teacher practice.


3.向学校高层反映情况 (3) to the school senior report the situation to them


Parents and the teacher a good communication,Often can solve a lot of problems,But there are exceptions.If things have been unable to improve,Parents can more high-level to school,Such as director/Even the principal report the situation to them.


4.让孩子安心 4. Let the child at ease


Children receive the unfair treatment,Parents should try to comfort the child,Express support,Make children at ease.Let the children know that you care for him,Would help him to solve the problem,Although it takes time,But you must have been trying to.Writing project:WangXiYi
