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11岁女孩退学读出大学水平 专家激辩能否复制--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  有别于整齐划一的传统课堂,在家上学已7个多月的Tina一脸轻松地对着电脑学英文,桌上既没有摆放课本,也没有记得密密麻麻的笔记本,更没有作业和考试。她手中只拿着一支iPad画笔,指甲上还贴着绿色、红色的指甲叶,透出小女孩的俏皮可爱。随时可以打断“助教爸爸”的讲解,与他讨论任何与课文有关或无关的话题。从当年的郑渊洁在家教子,到现在Tina这样的家庭,“在家上学”逐渐引起广泛关注,尝试的人群也越来越多。目前,中国“在家上学联盟”网站会员达五千人,实践者中,内心强大的高学历爸爸居多,工作性质也比较自由。不过,专家指出,“在家上学”并非“有钱有闲高学历”就可盲目模仿的。 Different from traditional classroom neat and tidy,At home to go to school has 7 months Tina a face to the computer easily learn English,The table is neither put textbooks,Also not remember thickly dotted notebook,More no assignments and exams.Her hands only take a iPad brush,Nails still stick with green/Red nail leaf,Give the little girl's is nifty and lovely.Can interrupt"Ta dad"'s explanation,And he discussed with the text of any relevant or irrelevant topic.From the ZhengYuanJie at home godson,To now Tina such family,"At home to go to school"Gradually aroused widespread concern,Try to people also more and more.At present,China"At home to go to school union"Web site member of five thousand people,Practitioners in,Inner powerful highly educated dad is in the majority,The nature of the work and more free.but,Experts point out that,"At home to go to school"Is not"Rich leisure highly educated"Can the blind imitation.


 ■案例一 S case a

  11岁女孩“在家上学”,英语词汇量已过万 11 year old girl"At home to go to school",English vocabulary has already past thousands of


In march this year,In a school of international department finished fifth grade after the first half of the semester,At the age of 11 Tina formally put forward to their parents drop out of school request,Began her"At home to go to school"life.Tina parents are free profession person,A higher educational background,My dad once served as college English teachers,Also in the overseas life,Tina in foreign countries on two years elementary school.Monday at 10 a.m.,The reporter walks into Tina is located in pudong century park near home,She is talking with father Jim together English Plus class.


 在家上学不考试没作业 At home to go to school not the examination didn't work


Big screen English text is a report from harvard business school(Micro bo)Professor AmyCuddy speech --[Your body language shape you this man],This article is from a named"Ted"Web site of the download,This is a convergent world all walks of life elite speech website.


Tina learning this speech 22 minutes long.The first is audio-visual,Don't see subtitles or text.The speech is the same time in 22 minutes after reading the text,A total of more than 3700 words,Among them more than 50 new words and key word has been ahead of Jim with blue special mark out,The whole text is Tina changed lovely font.


After the break,Jim began to play his assistant role,First let daughter say something about yourself inductive a core word and a core phrases,Around the theme of the article and Tina discussion,And then explain the new words and other key.For a common 11 years old for a girl,Such a speech understanding up should be very difficult,however,Tina is easy to read/With relish.

  坐在旁边的Jim耐心地解答女儿的各种疑问。 Jim说自己并非老师,而是女儿的助教,遇到问题一起讨论寻找答案。 “我从来不布置课外作业,我把课堂上的讨论和Tina的文字反馈就当成作业了,有任何疑问课上都可以解决。 ”Jim说。当然,Tina也有漫不经心的时候,爸爸也有很严厉的时候。

Sitting beside Jim patiently answer her daughter's all kinds of questions. Jim said he is not a teacher,But her daughter's assistant,Encounter problems to discuss for the answers. "I never arrangement homework,I put the discussion in the classroom and Tina text feedback it as homework,Have any questions in class can solve. "Jim said.Of course,Tina has careless time,Dad also have very strict time.

  除了不布置作业外,记者也没有看到枯燥的英语生词抄写练习。 “单词其实不必靠反复抄写来记忆,关键是用,在不同的语境中反复碰到,达到足够的重复率,最后总能掌握。离开文章和对话的单词就像离开水的鱼。 ”Jim说。

In addition to not outside the homework,Reporters also did not see a boring English new words copying practice. "Actually not words by repeated copying to memory,Key is to use,In a different context met again and again,To achieve enough repetition rate,The last total can master.Leave articles and dialogue words like a fish out of water. "Jim said.


 在玩中学,呵护梦想好奇心 Playing high school,Caress dream curiosity


Break ten minutes,Tina ran to the balcony to two little parrot feeding.The parrot in water,Tina is specially in clear water to drop a few drops of fresh lemon juice,"I see online said,Drink lemon water is good for it."Give the parrot feed the food,Tina pointed to the balcony in pot spring Onions/garlic/Chlorophytum told reporters,These are her hands of the plant"baby",Go and see them every day,Give them watering fertilizer,"The baby"Grow long Tina make quite a sense of accomplishment.

  相比于植物成长带给Tina的成就感,在家上学的这段时间,爸爸Jim的成就感则来源于Tina的进步。据他透露,目前Tina已基本掌握了一万多词汇量,相当于大学英语专业三四年级学生的水平。 “我发现,在同样的半年时间里,Tina在家学到的东西远多于在学校的收获。 ”这样的结果令Jim倍感欣喜。

Compared to the plants to grow to Tina sense of achievement,Go to school at home this time,Father Jim sense of achievement is derived from the progress of Tina.According to his revealed,At present Tina has basically master more than ten thousand vocabulary,Equivalent to college English professional three or four grade students' level. "I found,At the same time in half a year,Tina home learned far more than in the school's harvest. "The result make Jim feel joy.

  不过,在Jim眼中,学到的东西不仅仅是词汇量那么简单,更重要的是通过本杰明·富兰克林、TED精英讲坛和Garrison Keillor大师等开启了孩子心灵的窗户。 “在家上学”保护了孩子的梦想和好奇心,激发了她探索未知世界的求知欲,呵护了她的身心健康,让她感受到学习就是生活的一部分,与玩耍类似,同样是快乐的源泉。

but,In Jim eyes,Learned not only is the vocabulary so simple,More important is through the Benjamin Franklin/Ted Garrison Keillor elite rostrum and master and open the child the Windows of the soul. "At home to go to school"To protect the child's dream and curiosity,Inspired her to explore unknown world thirst for knowledge,Caress her physical and mental health,Let her feel to the study is part of life,And play similar,The same is the source of joy.


As Jim expected,Go to school at home the positive effects of early began to show,In front of reporters Tina character lively and cheerful,And when the adult chat,tourism/building/Investment and topic,She can speak clear and logical.But Tina has kept a whimsical fairytales,Have countless dreams.At the press and parents chat of process,Tina sometimes quietly sitting there painting,Sometimes put on his just from online tao jeans,Please comment on.Using daddy words,Tina is this sometimes like adults there is no lack of again childish"Full spectrum type"children.


In addition to father for English Plus extracurricular,Mother also bear the Chinese/Mathematics teaching assistant task.The school language teaching material/[Lecture room]of[Zeng guofan characteristically]/Khan schools offer network math becomes a mother and Tina common select teaching materials.In the culture study,Body forging nature also cannot little.swimming/cycling/skating/Golf swing Tina is weekly optional sports.


退学原因:受不了作业和规矩 Drop out reason:Can't stand assignments and rules

  尽管在家上学没有了作业和考试的 “折磨”,但也没有了同学的陪伴,Tina感到了些许平淡。在对比在家上学和学校上学的区别时,Tina最满意的是,没有了做不完的作业和考试,爸爸能一心一意只回答自己提的问题,思考的问题更深入。当然,略感遗憾的是,可以一起玩的同学变少了。 “在学校上学时的情绪属于大起大落型,有时非常高兴,有时又很不高兴,而在家上学情绪就比较平稳。 ”Tina如是说。

Although home to school no homework and examination "torture",But is not the company of students,Tina feel a little dull.In contrast to go to school at home and school differences,Tina is the most satisfactory,No do not over of assignments and exams,Dad can undivided attention only to answer his question,The problem of thinking more deeply.Of course,Slightly feeling it is a pity,Can play together students become less. "In the school the emotional type belong to the dramatic ups and downs,Sometimes very happy,Sometimes is not happy,And at home to go to school mood is stable. "Tina said.

  情绪大起大落也是Tina做出退学决定的一大诱因。 “老师给我们布置了很多作业,她批评学生的声音也很响,还常常把一句话挂在嘴边,就是不完成作业是世界上最差的十件事之一。 ”这让Tina对上课充满了恐惧,为了早上起来赶前一天晚上写不完的作业,Tina给自己设定的起床时间一天比一天早,从6:30到5:50,这也让父母开始意识到问题的严重性。

The dramatic ups and downs mood is Tina decided to drop out of school to make a great incentive. "The teacher gave us a lot of homework arrangement,Her criticism of student's voice is also very sound,Often put a word in noises,Just don't finish the homework is one of the world's worst one of ten thing. "It makes Tina to class filled with fear,In the morning in order to catch the previous night don't finish writing assignments,Tina set for yourself up time of a day earlier than a day,From 6:30 to 5:50,This also let parents began to aware of the seriousness of the problem.

  除了作业多外,规矩太多也是Tina忍受不了学校教育的一个方面。如数学老师要求做竖式计算一定要用尺子划线,不用尺子就算错;答题模式永远不变,不能只简单写一个数字,而必须写好“解”和“答”,有时候回答还要将原题再完整地抄一遍;课间休息时间总不能去操场玩,因为你会被老师叫到办公室里,听她讲解各种错题……“老师当时还布置了一个写诗的作业,要求交上自己创作的最满意的十首诗,有各种字数、格式方面的限定,我试着写,但始终达不到最满意,所以这个作业迟迟交不出。 ”这种种原因,让Tina下定决心退学,哭着向父母恳求了两三天后,终于获得了“批准”。

In addition to the much homework,Too many rules is Tina can't stand school education one aspect.Such as the math teacher asked to do vertical calculation must use a ruler line,Don't ruler even if the wrong;The answer mode forever,Not only simple to write a number,But must write good"solution"and"a",Sometimes he will answer the question again completely copy it again;Break time always can't go to the playground,Because you will be the teacher asked to the office,Listen to her explain all the wrong topic……"The teacher was decorated with a writing poetry homework,Request to hand in their work the most satisfactory ten poem,There are various alphanumeric/Format of limit,I try to write,But always can not reach the most satisfaction,So the homework slowly don't pay. "This kind of reason,Let Tina made up his mind to drop out of school,Crying parents to for two or three days later,Finally won the"approval".


随时准备回归学校教育 Ready to return to school education


For children to go home to go to school,Jim first had hesitate,Mainly is the worry to leave the school say every day English language environment,Her daughter's English level will decline,Also lack of the collective life,The child will not feel lonely?but,Parents and Tina are trying to make up for,For example at home and dad English only,Weekly and the other kids together two painting class,Every weekend mad about good friends play.Tina hobbies is when the teacher.This summer,Tina himself by advertisements for primary school students,In the oral English class offered,Due to gather only six children,Didn't expect 12 children registration,The smallest is only four years old,Maximum 10 years old,Tina by doing little teacher,Mom and dad do assistant,Popular children love.Tina in ability and financial go up to also have a lot of harvest,Once again to experience can help others to help themselves.


Talking about future plans,Jim said,As long as the daughter would like to,The family always be ready to go back to school,May choose to foreign schools."We develop the child's goal and all parents:‘Physical and mental health/Having both ability and political integrity’,At the same time hope process is children have have a dream that action,The teacher has inspired a reward."Jim said,Go to school at home this time,He found himself started slowly close to the goal,Through the network to help,Daughter to enjoy the happiness of study.

  Jim不希望孩子把时间浪费在大量低效又痛苦的作业和考试中,不希望她成为流水线上的标准件,更不想看到孩子的快乐和天赋被大人们摧毁,“她的脑袋里其实不必装那么多数据和所谓的知识,应该装的是做人的道理、思维方式、常识以及工具的使用方法。 ”

Jim don't want children waste your time on a large number of inefficient and painful in the assignments and exams,Don't want her to be on line of standard parts,The more do not want to see the child's happiness and talents have been adults to destroy,"Her head actually don't need to pack so many data and the so-called knowledge,Should be installed is the truth that be an upright person/Way of thinking/Common sense and tools using method. "

  目前,除了在家教学外,Jim还将很大一部分精力花在创办网站上,“我希望把自己在网络上搜集到的在家教育资料、网络课程与大家分享,这里有全世界最好的老师和教材。 ”Jim说,这个网站将于年底与大家见面,供在家上学实践者参考,同时对接受体制内教育的家长(微博)也是一种有益补充。

At present,In addition to the teaching at home,Jim will also spend a large part of energy was founded on the site,"I hope his on the network to collect the home education material/The network curriculum and share,Here are the world's best teachers and teaching materials. "Jim said,This website will be seeing you at the end of the year,At home to go to school for practitioners reference,At the same time to accept the education of parents in the system(Micro bo)Is also a kind of beneficial supplement.


 ■案例二 S case two

  尝试两年,父亲放弃“在家教子” Try to two years,Father to give up"At home godson"


"dad,And I pick to a papaya pear la……"Voice from a tree two meters high papaya came up to me from the pear tree,Reporters to see from a distance,A six or seven years old boy two feet trample on the branch,The left hand tightly embrace tree trunk,The right hand holding a bit more largish than ordinary pear papaya pear.


The little boy is happy siping experimental primary school grade one students soldier soldier(alias),At four o 'clock in the afternoon every day,The first thing after school:And dad come QuYang park to climb trees.


他曾决定不送孩子去幼儿园 He had decided not to take your children to the kindergarten


Soldier soldier father Mr. He is engaged in the early work,A child superb"climb"power,Must carry child elementary school before the experience.In order to let the children naturally/No bound to grow,Mr. He choose their own children in family education,Didn't send your children to the kindergarten.

  “对于三至六岁的孩子来说,每天最重要的就是:睡眠、饮食、运动。 ”到底要不要送孩子去幼儿园,何先生也思虑了很久才下了决定。孩子不去幼儿园,每天可以睡到自然醒,可以保证睡眠质量;孩子在家,一日三餐是妈妈根据其喜好、口味制作;每天在家,大人、孩子有更多时间参加户外运动,更能激发孩子的运动兴趣。

"For three to six years for children,Every day is the most important:sleep/diet/movement. "Whether or not to take your children to the kindergarten,Mr. He also thought for a long time to decide.Children don't go to the kindergarten,Every day can sleep to nature to wake,Can guarantee the quality of sleep;Children at home,Three meals a day is mother according to their preferences/Taste production;Each day in the home,adult/Children have more time for outdoor sports,More can stimulate a child's interest in sport.

  不去幼儿园,如何让孩子吸收到更多的养料?一次偶然的机会,何先生获得一本《上海儿童地图》,被该书介绍的113个适合儿童的户外运动场所、图书馆、科普基地吸引住了。 “不教孩子学知识,我们轮流带孩子参观、游览各类博物馆、科技馆。 ”所有的博物馆、科普基地,上海科技馆是军军最喜欢的场馆,有时,一周会去参观两次。

Don't go to kindergarten,How to let the child absorption to more food?A pure chance,Mr. He get a book[Shanghai children's map],Is the book introduction of 113 is suitable for children's outdoor activities places/library/Popular science base attracted. "Don't teach children to learn knowledge,We take turns to take children to visit/Tour of the museum/Science and technology museum. "All of the museum/Science base,Shanghai science and technology museum is soldier soldier favorite venues,sometimes,A week to visit two times.


迫于压力终止在家学习计划 Under pressure to terminate at home study plan

  “不送孩子去幼儿园,父母内心要足够强大,承担来自各方的压力。 ”回想那段军军在家自由的日子,何先生一点也不轻松。每天花费很多心思安排、策划、带着孩子一起游玩、参观,却没有让孩子掌握任何可以展示的、显性的特长;每当和小区的孩子们在一起时,别的孩子可以跳一段舞、背两首唐诗、做一套健美操,军军却沉默不语;家长们聚集在一起,总是讨论何时报拼音班、在哪里上外(微博)教课,何先生很少发言。

"Don't take your children to the kindergarten,Parents heart to strong enough,From the parties bear the pressure. "Recall that DuanJunJun free days at home,Mr. He is not easy.Spends a lot of mind arrangement/planning/Took the children play together/visit,But didn't want to let the children learn any can show/Dominant specialty;Whenever and village children together,Other children can jump a dance/Back two first tang poetry/Do a set of aerobics,Soldier soldier was silent;Parents together,Always discuss when quote pinyin class/Where did the(Micro bo)teach,Mr. He seldom speak.

  “每个家庭只有一个孩子,我们也不想拿孩子的未来做赌注。 ”当军军刚过完五周岁生日,何先生放弃了“在家上学”的计划,将他送进小区附近的一所幼儿园大班。

"Every family has only one child,We also don't want to take the children's future at stake. "When the soldier soldier just had five birthday,Mr. He gave up"At home to go to school"plan,Will he sent into village nearby a kindergarten class.

  今年9月,军军顺利升入小学。“和其他孩子相比,军军是一位非常单纯的孩子,胃口好。 ”军军的数学老师瞿老师告诉记者,每天吃午餐时,军军总是第一个吃完盒饭,并主动走到讲台上,请老师帮忙加一碗米饭。在班级30位学生中,军军的个头显得略微矮小,身体却非常结实,开学至今两个月,军军从来没有因为身体不好而迟到、请假。

September this year,Soldier soldier smoothly into primary school."Compared with other children,Soldier soldier is a very simple child,Have a good appetite. "Soldier soldier math teacher's unique teacher told reporters,During lunch every day,Soldier soldier is always the first one to finish eating lunch box,And actively go to the platform,Ask the teacher for help with a bowl of rice.In the class of 30 students,Soldier soldier's head appears slightly short,The body is very strong,Since the two months,Soldier soldier never because of poor health and late/leave.


 ■分析 S analysis

  逃离“批量生产”,实践者爸爸居多 Escape from"Batch production",Practitioners dad is in the majority

  据 “在家上学联盟”网站统计,目前,网站已经有了五千多个会员。为了方便网友交流,网站还专门辟出一块领地,聚集了广东、北京、上海、成都、浙江、南昌和深圳等各地网友。据网站的创办者统计,其中真正实践 “在家上学”的会员有1000多人,在他看来大多数会员是抱着观望态度来加入的,并不是真的想对自己的孩子采取这种教育方式。当然,也有不少家长不愿对外展示自己,中国在家上学的孩子应该远远超过 “联盟”的会员数。

According to "At home to go to school union"Website statistics,At present,Web site have more than five thousand members.In order to facilitate the net friend exchange,Site also special monarch out a piece of territory,Gathered guangdong/Beijing/Shanghai/chengdu/zhejiang/Nanchang and shenzhen and so on each place net friend.According to the web site founder statistics,With the real practice "At home to go to school"Members of more than 1000 people,In his view most of the members is holding the wait-and-see attitude to join,Don't really want to their children to take this kind of education mode.Of course,There are many parents don't want to foreign show yourself,Chinese at home to go to school children should be far more than "alliance"Membership of.

  李新玲, 《在家上学——叛离学校教育》一书的作者,作为 《中国青年报》记者,曾采访了全国各地多个在家上学的案例, 21世纪教育研究院(微博)也将此作为长期研究课题。在采访和写作过程中,李新玲发现“在家上学”实践者中有一个有趣的现象,就是爸爸居多。

LiXinLing, [At home, school education to rebel]The author of the book,as [The China youth daily]reporter,Once interviewed more than all over the country at home to go to school case, The 21st century education institute(Micro bo)Will this as long-term research subject.In interviews and the process of writing,LiXinLing found"At home to go to school"Practitioners have an interesting phenomenon,Is dad is in the majority.


"Although in China's current reality,Especially in the urban family,Mother bear the most education behavior,In the family education to the absolute power,But at home to go to school reflected phenomenon but on the contrary,Decided to let the child back to family education is often more is father."LiXinLing in the book concluded,The father strong heart,Rebel spirit in them take in everything in a glance:Contempt of authority/Contempt of rules/Contempt of school neat and tidy education.They think that their own points of view and practices is suitable for children.At the same time,They are also diligently study,Good at absorbing knowledge,And brave practice.Children love,Hope children happy,Don't be pressed to grow,Consciously learning.Of course,Which also some people talent,Hope that through the child to prove his worth.

  李新玲通过实地走访证实,全国各地 “在家上学”公认的几位 “领袖式”人物都是父亲。浙江女孩袁小逸,之所以能够在家上学,就是因为父亲袁鸿林的坚持。继袁鸿林的 《14岁都能上大学》之后,女儿也出版了 《私塾女孩袁小逸》。 “在家上学联盟”的创办者徐先生也是一位全职爸爸。徐先生认为 “全职爸爸”有很多优势,会使得孩子得到更全面的发展。因为全职妈妈会把所有的关注点都放在孩子身上,常常丧失自我,而父亲的天性与思维上的理性则会避免这些问题。

LiXinLing through the field visit confirmed,All parts of the country "At home to go to school"Accepted several "Leader type"Character is the father.Zhejiang girl YuanXiaoYi,Can go to school at home,Because my father is to YuanHongLin.After the YuanHongLin [14 years old can go to college]after,Daughter also published [Private YuanXiaoYi girl]. "At home to go to school union"The wife of Mr Xu is also a full-time dad.Mr Xu think "Full-time dad"There are many advantages,Make children get more comprehensive development.Because a full-time mother will put all the concerns in the children,Often lose ourselves,And the father's nature and thinking on the rational will avoid these problems.

  在李新玲看来,父亲参与孩子教育是网络时代的一个新信号。进入网络时代后,信息获取的方式发生了改变,为了逃离批量生产,家长中个性化的理念得到张扬。”李新玲认为,在工业化社会以前,下一代的教育主要由家庭完成。如今,父亲高举 “在家上学”大旗,也是一种家庭教育的重新回归。

In LiXinLing seems,Father involved in their children education is the era of network a new signal.After the age into the network,Access to information way changed,In order to escape from batch production,In the concept of personalized parents get publicity."LiXinLing think,Before in the industrial society,The next generation of education mainly from family finish.now,Father lifted up "At home to go to school"flag,Is also a kind of family education's return.


 ■讨论 S discussion

  “郑渊洁现象”可以复制吗? "ZhengYuanJie phenomenon"Can copy it?


At home to go to school can draw lessons from,But has no imitativeness,In addition to economic to have the safeguard,"At home to go to school"Put forward higher requirements for parents,Light you have higher educational background is not enough,At the same time also have a continuous learning and update the knowledge ability.


--[At home to go to school]The author LiXinLing


Said to go to school at home,Many people will think of first"King of fairy tale"ZhengYuanJie godson story,He accepted the media interview said,What kind of education for children let him to accept what kind of education.ZhengYuanJie son grew up call father's name,Graduated from primary school had dropped out,Completely by the father at home on private type education.And son instead,ZhengYuanJie little daughter likes to go to school,ZhengYuanJie let her to go to school,To read for her doctor.When talking about the son why let drop out,ZhengYuanJie said he was not satisfied with the education idea at that time,Will the nature of the child kill,Put all the children went to a pattern to train,So made at home to teaching.

  不少人可能会问,郑渊洁现象能复制吗,什么样的孩子和家庭适合在家上学?在不少人眼中,符合在家上学的先决条件就是家长得 “有钱、有闲、有高学历”。在李新玲看来,光有这些还不够,“在家上学可以借鉴,但不具模仿性。 ”李新玲认为,实践“在家上学”的家庭大多起码有一名家长辞职在家专门照顾孩子,有的家长均为自由职业者,有时间呆在家里。除了经济要有保障外,“在家上学”对家长提出更高要求,“家长光自己拥有较高学历背景还不够,同时还要有不断学习和更新知识的能力,毕竟教育是一门科学,需要很多方法和技巧。 ”李新玲说,单纯的爱和高学历不能替代科学的方法。

Many people may ask,ZhengYuanJie phenomenon can copy,What kind of children and families at home for school?In many people's eyes,At home to go to school with the prerequisite is to parents "rich/leisure/A highly educated".In LiXinLing seems,Light has the enough,"At home to go to school can draw lessons from,But has no imitativeness. "LiXinLing think,practice"At home to go to school"Family most at least have a parent at home resignation special take care of the children,Some parents are free profession person,Have time to stay at home.In addition to economic to have the safeguard,"At home to go to school"Put forward higher requirements for parents,"Parents light you have higher educational background is not enough,At the same time also have a continuous learning and update the knowledge ability,After all, education is a science,Need a lot of methods and skills. "LiXinLing said,Pure love and highly educated cannot replace the scientific method.

  我认为,至少98%的中国孩子还是应该接受学校教育。学校教育是家庭教育无法替代的,尤其对于独生子女而言,脱离了社会化的过程,缺少同伴交流和集体生活的体验,可能对孩子未来全面发展产生影响。 ——上海社科院青少所所长杨雄

I think,At least 98% of China's children should accept the school education.School education is a family education cannot be replaced,Especially for the one-child concerned,From the process of socialization,The lack of peer exchanges and collective life experience,Children are likely to influence future comprehensive development. -- Shanghai academy of YangXiong of director of institute of youth


According to the national[Compulsory education]provisions:"Compulsory education is the implementation of the national unity of all school-age children/Young have to accept the education","School-age children/Young parents or other statutory guardians should ensure the on time in accordance with the entrance to accept and complete the compulsory education",therefore,"At home to go to school"In our country is a kind of not allowed behavior,At present also belongs to the"Gray area".

  对此,上海社科院青少所所长杨雄认为,如今社会在发展,学校教育已不能满足家长多样化的教育需求,对于这些学历高且不少拥有海归背景的父母“在家上学”的尝试,应该给予理解和宽容。 “在家上学”也是一个非常值得关注的社会现象,不能简单为其定性。

this,Shanghai youth academy of director of institute of YangXiong think,Now with the development of society,School education can't meet the parents diversified education demand,For these degree high and many have returnees background parents"At home to go to school"attempt,Should give understanding and tolerance. "At home to go to school"It is also a very remarkable social phenomenon,Not simple as its qualitative.

  但杨雄也认为,这种教育模式是不可复制的,在他看来,在家上学带有一定的风险性。 “我认为,至少98%的中国孩子还是应该接受学校教育。 ”杨雄认为,毕竟学校教育是教育者根据一定社会的要求和个人身心发展规律,进行的有目的、有计划、有组织的社会活动过程。对于大多数孩子而言,还是适用的。

But YangXiong also think,This kind of education mode is not duplicate,In his view,Go to school at home with a certain risk. "I think,At least 98% of China's children should accept the school education. "YangXiong think,After all, school education is educators according to certain social requirements and individual body and mind development law,With a purpose of/planned/Organized society process.For most for a child,Or applicable.

  除了这个风险外,杨雄还指出,学校教育是家庭教育无法替代的,尤其对于独生子女而言,脱离了社会化的过程,缺少同伴交流和集体生活的体验,可能对孩子未来全面发展产生影响。哪怕家庭刻意制造机会,也无法与学校中学生之间、师生之间的交往相比。杨雄还举例说,他曾接触过一个“小神童”11岁参加高考(微博),在社会上引起轰动。这个孩子也一直“在家上学”,可杨所长观察下来发现,这个孩子尽管聪明,但很孤独,心灵完全封闭,“在我看来,他即便上了大学或许也不能很好地适应集体生活。 ”杨雄说。

In addition to this risk outside,YangXiong also pointed out that,School education is a family education cannot be replaced,Especially for the one-child concerned,From the process of socialization,The lack of peer exchanges and collective life experience,Children are likely to influence future comprehensive development.Even if the family deliberately manufacturing opportunity,Cannot and school between middle school students/The interaction between teachers and students compared.YangXiong still for example,He had contact with a"The little child prodigy"11 years of age to participate in college entrance examination(Micro bo),In society caused a sensation.The children have been"At home to go to school",But Yang director observation down found,The child though smart,But very lonely,Mind completely closed,"In my opinion,He even went to college may also can not well adapt to the collective life. "YangXiong said.


In our country,To go to school at home is not a clear definition,The child as experimental products have a great risk.Now go to school at home in urgent need of the legislation safeguard,To its specific qualitative,At the same time to provide corresponding service.


The 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi


The 21st century education institute to provide the data display:Before the 1970 s,"At home to go to school"In the United States most states are considered as a kind of illegal things,Has been hit by a public management institution"encirclement".After more than a century of various efforts,Since the 1980 s,The United States comes on stage in succession began to relevant laws,confirm"At home to go to school"Legal status.In the United States,Survey statistics show that,"At home to go to school"Children's scale is growing rapidly.According to conservative estimates,At present the United States at home to go to school children has amounted to more than 200 people.


The 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi is introduced,In the 1980 s,In order to regulate the national"Education at home",The national association of state education commission proposal,States should be family teaching to establish standard,Parents should have such as teacher qualification certificate,Should use approved materials,Should attach importance to the students in the basic discipline performance,States shall require parents regularly to the school officials report student progress,To ensure that the parents can competent for teaching,Education quality to accept professional evaluation, etc.

  “但在我国,仍未对在家上学做出明确界定,把孩子当成实验品存在很大的风险。 ”熊教授建议,针对在家上学的需求,我国应启动《义务教育法》的修订,允许学生在学校教育之外,接受家庭教育,也必须对这种“在家教育”进行明确界定,同时对父母的教学资格、在家上学的质量监督等进行明确,避免由此催生非法办学和适龄儿童辍学。同时,应切实推动中高考制度改革,打破现在单一的人才选拔评价体系,为学校教育和学生成长提供多元的选择。 “现在在家上学急需立法保障,给其明确的定性,同时提供相应的服务。 ”

"But in our country,To go to school at home is not a clear definition,The child as experimental products have a great risk. "Bear professor suggested,According to the needs of the school at home,Our country should start[Compulsory education]revision,Allow the students in the school education outside,Accept family education,Must also be on this"Education at home"To clearly define,At the same time the parents' teaching qualification/At home to go to school quality supervision clearly,Avoid the illegal expedites the running and school-age children drop out.At the same time,Should earnestly push ZhongGaoKao system reform,Break now single talent selection evaluation system,For school education and students' growth to provide multiple choice. "Now go to school at home in urgent need of the legislation safeguard,To its specific qualitative,At the same time to provide corresponding service. "


In addition,He pointed out that,In China's current education system,If a child or to undergo tests and the university entrance exam,Choose to go to school at home is very risky.At home to go to school is more outside the system choice,Some families chose not to send their children to school,It is not going to let the children to participate in ZhongGaoKao,Ready to let the child go abroad to study abroad.If go to school at home is mainly this purpose,so,The education development of our country's meaning is very limited.


■记者手记 S reporter notes

  在家上学,不可盲目模仿 At home to go to school,Not blindly imitate

  这篇稿件的诞生,的确是一个“难产”的过程。从上周开始,记者就通过各种方式不断联系这些“在家上学”的实践者,但都无功而返。本打算加入上海在家上学联盟的QQ群,反复提交申请不下十几遍,均被管理员“无情”弹回,理由是“我不属于这个联盟的家长。 ”对方冰冷的回答,让我对这个群体产生了不友好的印象。直到认识了Tina一家,才有所改观。 Tina的父母拥有较高的学历、海外生活经历、良好的修养、对教育有自己独到见解和坚持、待人热情真诚、全家人都充满了学习的动力。尽管对目前的教育体制存在的弊端,不少家长和Tina父母一样都看得很清楚,却唯独缺少一份对抗现实体制的勇气。

This article the birth of the manuscript,Really is a"dystocia"process.Since last week,Reporters through various means constant contact with these"At home to go to school"practitioners,But all have.This going to join Shanghai at home to go to school league QQ group,Submit the application again and again for a dozen times,Were administrator"heartless"bounce,Reason is"I don't belong to the league's parents. "Each other cold answer,Let me to this group produced unfriendly impression.Until know Tina a,To change. Tina's parents have higher degree/Overseas life experience/Good manners/To education have their own unique insights and insist on/Others warm sincere/The whole family is full of learning motivation.Despite the current education system existence malpractice,A lot of parents and Tina parents were clearly visible,But the lack of a real system against the courage.


Reason is that,At home to go to school,Not blindly imitate.Because even if"Rich leisure highly educated"Also not taught good boy.therefore,In LiXinLing seems,Only clear the characteristics of their children/advantage,Only children for what,And own a feasible education methods and scientific education concept,At the same time, the economic conditions also allows family,A child is suitable for"At home to go to school".Each child's personality difference is very big,At home to go to school success example does not have universality.


interview,Tina father's a few words impressed me,He said,Although now most parents may not have the conditions at home to go to school,But at least can do some efforts,The family education and school education closely,Supplement each other,Such as together with your child to listen to these high quality network courses,Let children learn to relax,Happy point.

  他还利用“复合增长”的计算公式告诉家长们一个很重要的道理,孩子的基础怎样并不重要,关键是成长速度和成长周期,速度和周期的细微变化,都能产生令人意想不到的惊人结果。现在考多少名都不能代表什么,关键是掌握真本事,做一个好人能人,相信若干年后,你的孩子一定会带给你惊喜。(晚报记者 钱钰 杨玉红 报道)

He also took advantage of"Compound growth"The calculating formula of tell parents a very important reason,The foundation of children how does not important,The key is growth rate and growth cycle,Speed and cycle change,Can produce unexpected amazing results.Now take an examination of how many names can't mean,The key is master skills,Do a good man homo habilis,Believe that after a few years,Your child will bring surprise you.(Evening news reporter QianYu YangYuGong reports)
