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83岁老太收养残疾女弃婴 用三轮车拉其上学8年--亲稳网络舆情监控室

83岁老太收养残疾女弃婴 用三轮车拉其上学8年阿婆每天三轮车载着小璐璐上学、放学 Wu woman every day with tricycle carrying small school life/school


对残疾养女不离不弃感动了周围的人, 当地残联近日专程购买电动车送上门 In exceptional sons and daughters buchibuqi touched the people around, The local disabled persons' federations and recently came to buy electric cars to the door

  文/ 图羊城晚报记者李维宁 通讯员周瀚鑫 熊家泷(发自肇庆)

Wen/diagram the yangcheng evening news reporter LiWeiNing correspondent ZhouHan xin bear Long home(From zhaoqing)

  八年来,在肇庆市鼎湖区桂城街道上,人们常常看到一个头发花白的阿婆,风雨无阻地踩着三轮,送一个十来岁的小女孩上学。阿婆叫做吴淑珍,茂名高州人,今年已经83 岁高龄了,坐在车上的是她的养女璐璐,双脚不能正常走路。吴阿婆对羊城晚报记者说:“如果女儿考得上高中,我还会踩着三轮让她读下去。”10 月31 日,记者了解到,鼎湖区残联近日专程从佛山购买了一辆电动轮椅送给璐璐。

For eight years,In zhaoqing dinghu district GuiCheng streets,People often see a woman hair is turning gray,Rain or shine on the three rounds,Send a teenage girl to go to school.Woman called wu shu-chen,Maoming gaozhou people,This year has been 83 - year - old the,Sitting in the chariot was the life of her sons and daughters,Normal feet can't walk.Woman wu to the yangcheng evening news reporters:"If the daughter to take an examination of in high school,I will be standing on three made her read on."October 31,The reporter understands,Dinghu district disabled person association recently flew from foshan bought a motorized wheelchair to kill.


医院门口抱回弃婴 The hospital embrace to return to abortion

  吴阿婆原在高州与老伴靠贩卖水果为生。1996 年7月11日的上午,吴阿婆经过一家医院门口,无意发现了一个出生才三天的弃婴,阿婆见其长得可爱心生怜悯,又想到和老伴没有孩子,于是便抱回了家。

Wu original woman in gaozhou and his wife living by selling fruit.July 11, 1996 morning,Wu after a woman at the door of the hospital,Accidentally found a was born just three days of abandoned babies,The woman saw long love can be born mercy,And think of and his wife have no children,Hence then embrace to return to home.


His wife deng zhenning saw after the child is very like,"Way of picking up,It was named life of it,but,To add a king by words,Ruby is the mei-yu,For us is baby ah",Wu woman the old couple immediately deal with the formalities of adoption.Home added so a new members,Life natural also a lot more laughter.According to wu woman is introduced,Before one person.but very love life,When I was a child life of a cute,There have been a lot of people want to kill the adoption,But one person.but were sternly refused,Not their milk,Every day one person.but to buy milk feed life,Every evening one person.but will bring life to square up to play for a walk.


两次险被人贩抢走 Two risk was RenFan robbed


When it comes to life when I was a child,Woman recalled,There are two times life almost was abducted the traffickers:Once the at home across the street,Wu woman at home cooking,Suddenly I heard the cry of life,Wu woman hurriedly rushed out the door,See a stranger who picked up the life of a ready to go,Wu woman loudly hoot,Away the traffickers.There are a,With the life of one person.but as usual go for a walk to that square,While the traffickers one person.but don't pay attention to picked up the life of a turn round and then walk,Kill the scared to cry,One person.but discovered after go up,Recapture the life of a.This an experience life until today and impression,She told reporters:"This is my father let me the most touching a."


厄运降临脚不能走 Bad luck comes feet can't walk

  当一家人沉 浸在幸福之中的时候,厄运却悄然降临。璐璐八个月大的时候,打预防针出现异常,两岁半之后她就不能像别的孩子一样正常走路了,夫妻俩非常着急,带着璐璐辗转广州、上海四处求医,钱花了好几万, 但还是没有把璐璐的病治好。当时不少人都劝老邓夫妇放弃这个孩子。但夫妇俩坚决不同意,在他们看来璐璐已经是他们的亲骨肉了。

When the family heavy immersed in the happiness of the time,Bad luck but sadly.Kill the eight months,Hit precautionary needle abnormal,Two and a half years after she cannot be like the other children as normal walk,A couple is very worried,With the life of a toss guangzhou/Shanghai healed around,Money spent tens of thousands, But still do not have the life of the cure.When many people are advised one person.but couples to give up the child.But the couple resolute don't agree,In their view life is their own flesh and blood the.

  2001 年,吴阿婆举家搬到肇庆鼎湖定居,倾其所有在桂城修了一栋房子。到了上学的年龄,其他家的小朋友都找到学校上学去了,而璐璐却找不到学校,不少学校都以璐璐身患残疾为由拒绝为其办理入学手续,老邓为此四处奔走,托关系使人情,终于把璐璐送进了桂城中心小学,让她摆脱了失学的命运。

In 2001,,Wu woman moved to zhaoqing dinghu settled,Pour all its in GuiCheng repaired a house.To go to school age,The house of other children find the school to school,And life but can't find the school,Many schools are a disability life refuse to handle the admission procedure,One person.but for this on the go,Joe relationship between human feelings,Finally the life of sent to the guangxi center primary school,Let her get rid of the fate of the drop out of school.


三轮一骑就是八年 Riding a tricycle is eight years


In order to let the life of a normal school,A savory money bought a tricycle,Every morning riding a tricycle carrying daughter go to school,This a send is eight years,"I won't be free time,One person.but also help the shuttle",Woman said.For eight years,Woman step every day with his those tiny feet,Challenges with two kilometers distance to go to school.Once a savory carelessly,Be a car rushed over motorcycle crashed into,Woman's legs and feet,And the life of a serious back is bruised,Thanks to get the help of man,Take them to the hospital.From now on,Woman riding a tricycle more carefully,Because of the way to the school also across the busy road,The two kilometers of road so often have to spend nearly one hour of time.


Woman wu betrayal were not in vain,Life is try to make a good showing,In the school swot,By the teacher and the students' appreciation,Results the top in the class.Back to home,She also try our best to help my mother do housework,8 years, and he learned to cook.

  女儿梦想正常行走随着年龄的增长,璐璐也渐渐地开始懂事,每天坐着老母亲的三轮车去上学,在享受别人得不到的那份幸福的同时,也品尝到不少人世心酸。结伴同行欢声笑语地上学, 活 动课时活蹦乱跳地游戏, 体育课、做早操、上厕所……这些在平常小朋友看来都平常不过的事情,璐璐都觉得遥不可及。上小学的时候,璐璐曾经忍不住了把屎尿拉在了裤子里,陈老师背她去厕所,帮她洗干净身体,并叮嘱她以后想上厕所就告诉身边的女同学,让她悄悄告诉老师,背她去上厕所,同学老师一直背璐璐到小学毕业。

Daughter dream walk normally as the growth of the age,Life is also gradually began to sensible,Every day the old mother sat the tricycle to go to school,Enjoy the happiness of others do not at the same time,Also to taste a lot of the world feel sad.Walk together laughter to go to school, Live dynamic class alive and kicking game, Physical education/Do morning exercises/Toilet......These children in common seem ordinary things,Kill all feel remote may not and.When in elementary school,Life once can't help the excrement and urine in the pants,Chen back her to go to the toilet,Help her clean body,And told her later want to go to the toilet will tell nearby of the female classmate,Let her quietly tell the teacher,Back her to go to the toilet,The teacher has the students back to the life of a primary school.


For your help kill the look in the eye,In mind,She knew she could do,Is in their own excellent results thanked teacher,To do some housework can to alleviate the burden of the mother.According to the old woman said,The life of a food is delicious,Her best subject cooking is scrambled egg with tomato.


"My biggest wish is the same as other people can walk normally".To reporters when talking about this desire,The life of a gleam in the eyes of tears.

  两本存折余额十元去年,老邓过世,照顾女儿的重任全部压到了吴阿婆的身上。由于吴阿婆年事已高,没有劳动能力, 日子本来就过得相当拮据。吴阿婆每天送完璐璐上学之后, 便骑着三轮车去收一些破烂来补贴生活费,但仍不足以支持璐璐的学业。居委会知道消息后,把她们一家列入了低保,给予她们一定的补助;鼎湖区妇联知道后,也帮她们争取到了民建的支持,每个月帮扶璐璐250 元的助学金。在社会各界的帮助之下, 璐璐顺利读完了小学,读上了初中,但家里的经济条件依然不容乐观,翻开阿婆的两本存折,里面的余额加起来还不足10 元,听吴阿婆说,最苦的时候,家里一分钱都没有。

Two passbook balance ten dollars last year,Died one person.but,Take care of the burden of the daughter all pressure to wu woman body.Due to his old age woman wu,No labor ability, The day was a fairly embarrassment.Wu woman after delivering every day after school life, Then riding a tricycle to collect some junk to support their living expenses,But it is still not enough to support the life of a school.Neighborhood know that news,Put them on the low protect a,Give them a certain subsidies;Dinghu district women's federation after know,Also to help them to strive for the support of the China democratic national construction association,Helping each month kill 250 yuan grants.In the social from all walks of life under the help, Life of a successful after the reading of the primary school,Read on the junior high school,But the family economic condition is still not optimistic,Turn the woman two passbook,The inside of the balance add up to less than $10,Listen to wu woman said,The most bitter,Home is not a penny.

  10 月31 日, 记者从鼎湖区了解到,当地残联近日专程从佛山购买了一辆电动轮椅送给璐璐。有了电动轮椅, 璐璐终于可以自己骑车上学了。鼎湖区残联联系上了当地街道办, 对璐璐家门口有门槛和陡坡进行了无障碍改造, 方便轮椅进出, 并安排电工在阿婆家中安装插线板以便给轮椅充电。肇庆市残联在了解璐璐的情况后, 决定对璐璐家进行家居无障碍改造, 把蹲厕改成坐厕, 并安装扶手, 方便璐璐和妈妈的生活起居。

October 31, Reporters from dinghu district to know,The local disabled persons' federations and recently flew from foshan bought a motorized wheelchair to kill.The electric wheelchair, Kill the finally can ride a bike to school.Dinghu district disabled persons' federations and contact the local neighborhood, Home to kill a threshold and steep slope on the barrier-free transformation, Convenient wheelchair users, And arrange electrician in the woman home installation lug plate so as to give wheelchair charging.Zhaoqing city in the life of disabled persons' federations and know the circumstances, Decided to kill the home for household barrier-free transformation, The squat toilet to sit lavatory, And install armrest, Convenient and kill the mother's life daily life.
