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军训拉歌女生猝然倒下 已成植物人苏醒希望渺茫--亲稳网络舆情监控室

军训拉歌女生猝然倒下 已成植物人苏醒希望渺茫


Every day to talk to the boy said ten hours words,baby,You better hurry up,Parents believe that,You will wake up......


悲剧来得突然 Tragedy came suddenly


说说笑笑中,花季少女猝然倒下 Laughing and chatting in,Adolescent girl suddenly fell down


On August 14,,Nanjing is a freshman in senior middle school hkied the day of military training,Military training is fully enclosed,The children can't carry a cell phone and all electronic products,Also cannot contact and the outside world.


He he participate in military training,Parents or pretty to worry about,After all, children are the first to leave their parents around,Independent life.In the evening, aug. 16,,The two men also discuss the second day is to see her daughter.At this time,They received from the teacher for peace message,"Your parents,Since the military training a few days in good condition,Please be assured that."See this message after,He he mother relieved.


but,Who also have never thought,On the second day,He he had an accident.


Hkied introduced according to middle school,He suddenly he fainted,Occurred in four days after the start of military training,Is the August 17 at half past eight in the evening around.According to the school a week the teacher written statement to see,That night,The girl is a few squads"LaGe",Round after antiphonal singing,There is a short rest time,The girls amused to each other,Hope the instructor can performances.


According to participate in"LaGe"A piece of instructor said,When there are many girls to come to please him to show,He he is among them,Girls say smile very enthusiastic,While they went back to the team together,He suddenly he fell down.Instructor immediately notify the school teachers and school doctor,Officials immediately call 120 emergency phone.


两次心脏骤停,经抢救后陷入沉睡 Two cardiac arrest,After the rescue after fall into a deep sleep


Accept modern express a reporter to interview,Hkied student affairs with high school HuangKai director said:"He was he situation is very serious,We can't wait for 120,Direct drive send their children to a nearby hospital."


What serious situation and to what degree?HuangKai showed the hospital told reporters in 9 o 'clock that night in separate out"Death notice".


The reporter sees,One of the column clearly written:Lobbyists death.That is,He in he was sent to the hospital before the rescue,It has lost heart rate and breathing.


HuangKai said:"In fact in discover the child in severe cases,School doctor kept on he he cardiopulmonary resuscitation,The hospital in the open after death notice,Doctors and nurses also continued to rescue them,fortunately,She later restored the heart rate and breathing."


Due to the local hospital medical conditions limited,He was in a reluctance to smooth after some,The school will quickly she transferred to nanjing military general hospital treatment.


He he present tube bed doctor/Nanjing military general hospital hyperbaric oxygen practitioners wang told reporters,He he fainted in the heart after altogether arrest by two,Time a total of more than 20 minutes.Every time is in cardiopulmonary resuscitation after first aid,To regain heartbeat and breathing.


Although temporarily saved their lives,But he because he brain hypoxia serious more than 8 minutes,With anaerobic hemorrhagic encephalopathy,Has been lying in bed"sleeping"the.


治疗两个半月,苏醒希望十分渺茫 Treatment of two and a half months,To hope is very slim


He who he met,Will say that"The child's beautiful eyes".Yesterday, reporter in the hospital hyperbaric oxygen wards see when he he,Also see her that pair of big eyes.Although in"sleeping"state,But in"Wake up"when,Eyes or open,just,This pair of big eyes lost his expression,Without consciously looking at the ceiling.


He now he,Only the vital signs,Brain no consciousness,Every day can only through the input nutrient solution to sustain life.


Said that wang,He coma he has the two and a half months,No response to external stimuli,Cannot speak,Body without independent movement,Eyes can be no destination rotation,Seemingly awake,Actually coma,Currently diagnosed"Persistent vegetative state",is"vegetable".


A month and a half ago,He he from emergency transferred to department hyperbaric oxygen treatment,Purpose is to hope can increase her blood oxygen concentration,Improve the brain blood circulation,Promote brain function reconstruction.


"We don't give up on the treatment he he,But from now to see the score,No obvious better,Although not rule out a wake up hope,But the chance is very slim."Said that wang.


爸妈不愿放弃,每天床边深情呼唤 My parents don't want to give up,Every bed deep feeling call


In the mother's eyes,He he has been cleverly obedient,Study is also never let them worry about.So lovely child suddenly became"vegetable",The whole family like fall into the abyss.


"She has a breathing,Has a beating heart,There is hope,Who can tell which day daughter can wake up......"He he parents have been so give oneself pump.


"Daughter like zhang jie/Jay Chou,Her bedside always put a MP3,There are more than 200 first she likes to listen to songs,She like to travel,Every day I told her,And wake up,We go out to play together..."He said he's mother,"Every day to talk to the boy said ten hours words,baby,You better hurry up,Parents believe that,You will wake up......"


He he home is not rich,All the parents in the outside part-time job,The children have a prior,Every month 67000 yuan income.Now the child had an accident,The whole family robot in daughter body,Broken source of income,Now they rely on life savings,Life is hard.


悲剧为何发生? Why tragedy happened?


同学证实玥玥并非首次晕倒 Students confirmed for the first time he is not he fainted


家长认为“两者并无关联” Their parents think that"The two are not related"


He he why will suddenly fall in a faint,HuangKai said,At present the school also don't know why,But from their investigation looks,He is not the first time he suddenly fall in a faint.Her junior high school in pu mouth hexi secondary school,Also has several classmates are eligible for the hkied senior middle schools,So the school find they know the situation.


HuangKai took out the students wrote that situation,around(alias)He is he's junior high school classmate,In the military training was also points to the same team.Around recalls,He is not the first time he actually suddenly fall in a faint,In the month when military training,Once had fainted,After emergency,Soon regained consciousness,But after the three in early life,She did not appear abnormal.


Hold the same view and YanYan(alias),In the description,YanYan also said,He he family in her after faint,Once take her to go to a hospital.


For the saying,He said he's mother:"She first military training and we were really faint over,But that is heatstroke,Soon woke up,After we went to a hospital checking to also do not have what problem,So we think,Put the faint and before the heatstroke pull together,Not suitable."


悲剧如何避免? How to avoid the tragedy?


医学专家: Medical experts:


心脏骤停一般都“事出有因” Sudden cardiac arrest generally"There is no smoke without fire"


Why he will he cardiac arrest?In the doctor's medical certificate written"Etiology is unknown,Cardiac heart sudden stop".


Nanjing a heart of doctor of vice director of analysis said,Sudden cardiac arrest are generally"There is no smoke without fire",Such as basic heart disease/A cold cause myocarditis, etc.He was he rescue came back,If there is no save back,Is that we often say"Sudden death".Many young people in the"Sudden death"before,The surface looks good,In fact in life will have some signal the.For example he he in junior high school after fainted in,Should go to see a doctor cardiovascular specialist,Eliminate is cardiac syncope.


The doctor also remind,There have been faint experience or in life dismayed/Bosom is frowsty/After a lot of activities feel chest pain and fatigue,Should promptly to the hospital for examination,Eliminate basic heart disease,This kind of question general physical examination can not check it out.If there is a family history of heart disease of the crowd,More to be vigilant.


责任该谁承担? Responsibility for the who?


学校:孩子必须救,但负担太重 The school:Children must save,But the burden is too heavy


家长:军训时出事,学校须负责 parents:Military training have an accident,The school is responsible for


He he in severe medicine stayed for a whole month,Then in hyperbaric oxygen wards and live nearly a half moon,All the expenses at present already amounted to more than 40 ten thousand yuan,The charge is by the hkied for senior middle school,And follow-up to the cost of every day in 2000 yuan.


Hkied student affairs with high school HuangKai director said:"I think the school has the show extremely forbearance,From the beginning of the rescue,To the present continuous treatment,The university has been actively cooperate with the,Although he didn't he in the school on a day of class,But she was admitted to our,Are our students.but,Schools now is also very contradiction,Children have to save,But the burden of the school also is too heavy."At present,School have organized the teachers and students.


For the school attitude,He he family feel can't accept,"Now that is in the military training the things,The school must be in full charge,We will such a child,How can you let her because I have no money treatment and lost their lives."He said he's mother.
