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Original title:When happiness on civil servants


《月薪2000多 为啥万人抢》追踪 [Monthly salary of more than 2000 why ten thousand people rob]tracking


And the glory of the civil servant status as,"Countries take an examination of heat"Is also an eternal topic.When the civil servants really is happy?


This for an outsider answer problem of rich and colorful,In fact to the real civil servants to answer,Also the answer complex.


Take an examination of this year countries hottest jobs in the unit,Someone sound,The only thing I can let a person envy is also"Civil servants"These three words in the.Also someone says,Although pressure big/Don't easily,But he had never wavered on the civil servant status to.


回答1 Answer 1


不,我姓“累” Don't,My name is"tired"


The national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing on YeWuKe team clerk,Only recruit 1 person,More than 2000 a month,But draw 9470 people enter oneself for an examination.


however,The national bureau of statistics data show that the NBS survey office in chongqing,On YeWuKe team clerk position last year, they had a ZhaoLu,The selection process and examination after,An examinee stand out.But in the end for the several days ago,NBS survey office but got the examinee to give up the position of news.


今年最热岗位去年被考上者放弃了 The hottest jobs this year last year by those admitted to give up


当时他似乎找到了更好的工作 At that time he seemed to find a better job


When the reporter comes to the national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing,Is 2 PM yesterday,At that time the team the floor staff is not much,Administrative division staff explained,Most of the staff all went to take part in the party school training.


NBS survey office in chongqing to reporter provides a material,Detailed record the 2011 chongqing NBS survey office in the countries of exceeded otherregions ZhaoLu situation.


Data shows,Last year they were planning ZhaoLu 17 people,But in actual this year to duty but only 14 people.


NBS survey office in chongqing relevant controller introduces,At that time this year to get"Hottest position"candidates,Seems to be a better job,So give up the position of civil servants.so,The hottest jobs this year,Far from"Beyond compare".


And the other two failed to smooth ZhaoLu post,It is because of the professional and work experience as well as limitations,That would eventually lead to no suitable candidate,ZhaoLu failure.


观点:公务员没你想象的轻松 view:Did not you imagine civil servants easy


In his position on the team for the examinee"Heat holding",The national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing staff have even call:In fact, our days didn't they want to comfortable.


The national bureau of statistics division of NBS survey office in chongqing TengGong section head,This period of time are in overtime,Nine point lead came home from work is not rare,"Yesterday saw on TV,There is a little girl described her imaginary civil service life,I can that cause all too late."According to TengGong memories,The little girl is described:Poking every day to come to work,After work to make tea and reading the newspaper/Internet,Then off work.


For such a description,TengGong and colleagues feel wronged,"This may be dozens of years ago,Times have changed for many years,Every day we have to handle the work also many,Also face the pressure from the superior and the subordinate,Civil servants really is no longer the imagination in so easily."TengGong told chengdu commercial daily reporter,His income is in their peers,There is no advantage to,The only can let a person envy is also"These three words in the civil service".


Whether it will encourage their children also enter oneself for an examination officeholder?TengGong and colleagues answer amazing consensus:Now the children have their own ideas,Decided by themselves,For us,When not civil servants are all the same,Because civil servants is just a job.


回答2 Answer 2


对,我很幸福 to,I am very happy


Reporter contact many keen on"Civil servants"position.Or have they deeply the experience of civil servant status of good,Or while to feel the pressure,Is still persistent.From them,This year we can also in this topic read a new problem:The persistence of,How many composition doping up the idea of a century,How many in our time is still all wool and a yard wide.


他们也称压力大但从来没有动摇过 Also, they said pressure big but never wavered


故事一 A story


哭过怕过从没动摇过 Cry afraid of never wavered


For the reason of a civil servant:"After waiting for you to come in,You will see a lot of resources."


LiangQingYang(alias)In the civil service system has played nearly 3 years,In 2008, also in sichuan in a university read her junior year,Has established the checking officeholder determination.Has been,Her family are all very approve of,"Actually then I to the civil servants opinion is‘fuzzy’".


finally,LiangQingYang admitted to get it,Assigned in a small town.Around her classmates for her pull for:"The first two years of accumulation of experience at the grass-roots level."And suggested that she is within the system ready.


"After you enter the system can find,The reality and imagination fully are two different things."The last 3 years,LiangQingYang secretly no less treated with tears.For her,Grass-roots civil servants do the biggest pain for the way to play a limited space/Available resources too little,In addition,Will bear all kinds of personnel pressure.


At first,LiangQingYang blunt not enter oneself for an examination the threshold,Choose the present position,But now because engaged in completely and the original professional disjointed field,Let her feel reserve knowledge can't play,And human relations"complex"."What concerns me most is to stay here for long,Will be content with the status quo,Horizon will become narrow."


But even so,The goal of LiangQingYang has firm"Let me choose a time,I will choose this road.The job as long as a big mistake,Will not lose his job.After waiting for you to come in,You will see a lot of resources."In LiangQingYang eyes,More than 9000 people for a basic position is reasonable,She believes that most people do not follow blindly,"Advanced to say.Even if you in the most basic,Always have a chance."


故事二 The second story


舍弃银行、媒体连考三次公务员 Abandon bank/Media even take an examination of three civil servants


For the reason of a civil servant:"Can know many social gentlefolk."


Ningbo girl WangQing(alias)This summer from Shanghai a university graduate,Ningbo yinzhou area became a village of college students village official.Now she is the village secretary assistant,With 1470 yuan a month the basic wage.however,She is not going to do in the village full two years,She is actively prepare for the end of the year"Countries take an examination of",This time she enter oneself for an examination is a post in zhoushan.


Before that,She has participated in two civil service examination,Though because of written examination not and"defeat".But she is to take an examination of civil servants"persistent",Soon started the third round for reference.


"My parents are both civil servants,They persuaded me to,Must be civil servants."In fact,Civil servants are not WangQing first choice.In become before village official,She has passed the examination of a local bank,But his father resolute don't allow her to go to work,"Too hard,uneconomic."then,She was a media interview notice in zhejiang province,The WangQing mother again to stop,"No preparation,I don't go to."


"I don't want to violate the wishes of the parents."WangQing in all honesty,Mother told her,Want to do your own thing,Must be the first to have the economic basis.In her hometown,Fresh college students if the work in the enterprise,First year will earn 40000 yuan,To become civil servants,A year all kinds of income added up to at least 80000,The temptation to WangQing moved the heart,"When civil servants and a good,Which is able to know many social gentlefolk."


调查: survey:


你如何看待公务员? How do you think about a civil servant?


Chen 26 years old chengdu a teacher in university

  1. 问:有没有考过公务员?

1. Ask:Have taken an examination of civil servants?


a:thought.Value of civil servants easy and stable.


2. Ask:How to treat 9000 more than person rob a position phenomenon?


a:And the choice of young people questioned,Why not ask,Why did the society of other position is not able to provide the same welfare and security,Let young people willingly to develop ability??


3. Ask:If before you have a treatment/The development of civil servant posts are very good,In it and now you career choice between,Who would you choose?


a:Now the professional.Is also a steady job,University for four months of winter and summer vacation,Also more freedom.


Mr Jiang more than 60 years old from a state-owned enterprises just retired


1. Ask:Have worked as a civil servant?


a:As a,Some county in the county party committee before work.


2. Ask:You the impression of civil servants?


a:guaranteed.For example,You give small boss when the temporary workers,At any time the risk of fired.But civil servants is different.


3. Ask:How to treat 9000 more than person rob a position phenomenon?


a:This is normal.Are you willing to when farmers/Workers or well cadres?If it is when cadres,Are you willing to be small or large cadres, cadres?Are you willing to be local cadres,Or: the central cadre!


XieXiaoJie 26 procter & gamble senior manager


1. Ask:Have taken an examination of civil servants?


a:never,Will never.I'm more used to foreign work environment.


2. Ask:How to treat 9000 more than person rob a position phenomenon?


a:This reflects the true behind the,It is young people for small and medium-sized enterprise lacking a sense of security.Small and medium-sized enterprise, if does not provide good welfare insurance,Training and rise space,With what attract young people?


3. Ask:If before you have a treatment/The development of civil servant posts are very good,In it and now you career choice between,Who would you choose?


a:Now the professional.In relaxed stability and wonderful experience between,I will choose the latter.


Miss wang 28 a venture company staff


1. Ask:Have taken an examination of civil servants?


a:Just to chengdu because he didn't find a job will take an examination of a time.


2. Ask:You the impression of civil servants?


a:Even if a person in a certain department dry 20 years,Working content and does not change much.We after 12 years of education,Test for us is the most simple,In this the most simple things to determine the future life for a lifetime,I don't like.


3. Ask:If before you have a treatment/The development of civil servant posts are very good,In it and now you career choice between,Who would you choose?


a:Civil servants will never be my choice.


Chengdu commercial daily newspaper reporter zhang hydrophobic tung wang nan internship reporter jiang LangSha
