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小学生机械式作业引家长抱怨 被指味同嚼蜡--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

“a,o,e写两行,1-10写五行” "a,O,E write twO lines Of,1-10 write five line"


小学生机械式作业家长抱怨味同嚼蜡 Pupils mechanical OperatiOn,Parents cOmplain as dry as dust


recently,Citizens tO the repOrter liu reflect,His daughter is in the first grade this year,Every language/Mathematics have hOmewOrk,SOmetimes want tO write mOre than an hOur,And basic it is repeated write pinyin/Digital, etc.Mr. Liu think,NOw vigOrOusly advOcate quality educatiOn,AdvOcate teach students in accOrdance with their aptitude,Can the child every day Or mechanical writing and back,Children feel bOring,Parents cOach alsO feel vexed.


现象:孩子越写越像虫子爬 phenOmenOn:The mOre children write mOre like bugs climb

  “语文作业是 a,o,e各写两行、每个拼音各读10遍,家长签字;数学作业是1-10各写五行,每个数字都要写工整。”刘先生的女儿萌萌今年上小学一年级,每天放学后,刘先生都会收到老师发来的作业短信,告知孩子需完成哪些作业,有什么具体要求等。作业内容几乎都是写写背背,看似简单,却十分枯燥。

"Chinese hOmewOrk is a,O,E each write twO lines Of/Each pinyin each read 10 times,Parents sign;Math hOmewOrk is 1-10 each write five line,Each digital have tO write neatly."Mr. Liu's daughter sprOut sprOut in this year a grade primary schOOl,After schOOl every day,Mr. Liu will receive the teacher sent hOmewOrk message,TOld children need tO finish what wOrk,What is the specific requirements, etc..JOb cOntent are almOst back write back,LOOks be like simple,Is bOring.


In Order tO develOp gOOd habits,Mr. Liu requirements daughter hOme every day after hOmewOrk first,As learning mOre difficult,Such repeated cOpying hOmewOrk mOre and mOre,SOmetimes ligatures and read,Daughter cOmplete hOmewOrk tO mOre than an hOur.This wOrk really necessary?"The teacher asked the parents respOnsible fOr checking assignments,But in the face Of such mechanical cOpying,Just began tO daughter can still insist On,Can write much mOre,OperatiOn quality alsO fell,FOr example,Number 1-5 write is still very neatly,But the mOre the mOre scribbled back,Etc wrOte 10,Like bugs like tO climb,But can Only let her rewOrk rewrite."Mr. Liu tOld repOrters.


质疑:重复抄写是素质教育吗 questiOn:Repeated cOpying is quality educatiOn


NOw the department Of educatiOn vigOrOusly advOcate quality educatiOn,AdvOcate tO students"Alleviate the burden On",FOr just entrance fOr children,The daily repeat cOpying/recite,Is this is the quality educatiOn?interview,Many parents said,A pinyin write several times,The same OperatiOn prOblem tO practice repeatedly,NOt Only children insipid,Is the parents On One side alsO lOOk as dry as dust.


In additiOn,FOr children,HOmewOrk very hard every day,But in fact,Parents alsO is nOt easy,Because the child hOmewOrk,The parents want tO walk beside write.Ms. Wang sOn is in the third grade,Begins frOm One grade,Every day she will finish the hOmewOrk tOgether with yOur child.Children will nOt dO,She wanted tO give children explanatiOn,TO supervise the child tO recite/reading/Preview...Each assignment after cOmpletiOn,AlsO check the signature.With ms. Wang said:"After the children tO schOOl,I alsO tO a primary schOOl."


therefOre,Ms. Wang said,Each child's understanding ability/Ability tO learn/Master ability are each are nOt identical,if"One size fits all"wOrds,The same hOmewOrk tO sOme children speaking burden is tOO heavy,But fOr sOme children speaking and tOO simple.I think wOrk shOuld keep sOme flexibility,Such as the knOwledge better children may leave less hOmewOrk,They cOme hOme can have mOre time tO learn extracurricular knOwledge,In-class mastery Of knOwledge nOt all children can use wOrk as cOnsOlidating the means Of learning."


老师:低年级重在打牢基础 The teacher:JuniOr fOcuses On laying sOlid fOundatiOn


Parents think children hOmewOrk tOO mechanical,Cram tOO much,The teacher hOw tO see?PrOvincial capital a well-knOwn primary schOOl du, his tOld repOrters,She 8 years teaching,The main belt juniOr,FOr this age grOup fOr children On grOund,Learning knOwledge difficulty is nOt great,But we shOuld firmly memOry,SO there will be a repeat Of the practice/Recite, etc."A grade children if pinyin learn bad,Learning wOrds in the future is difficult;Learn mathematics, if digital dOesn't write very well,NOt tO mentiOn the add, subtract, multiply and divide.In additiOn,The teacher in the classrOOm will try tO finish mOst Of the teaching cOntent,hOmewOrk,Only fOr cOnsOlidate the knOwledge Of class tO gO tO schOOl."Du, his said.


FOr parents said"Teach students in accOrdance with their aptitude",Du, his thOught,Primary schOOl is mainly tO help students fOrm gOOd learning/habits,FOr the next higher level schOOl grOund,This time write it is necessary tO practice mOre,But if the seniOr,AlsO blindly arrangement mechanical cOpying hOmewOrk,Is aggravated the burden Of students,Then the teacher can teach students in accOrdance with their aptitude accOrding tO students' situatiOn."NO matter hOw hOmewOrk,There are always a few parents OpiniOn.HOmewOrk mOre,Parents' request tO alleviate the burden On children;Less hOmewOrk,Parents fear the child tO play tOO wild,Only arrangement written wOrk,Parents think is examinatiOn-Oriented educatiOn;DecOrate sOme beginning ability strOng,Parents and that is disguised burden.As a teacher,Really helpless."interview,A lOt Of primary schOOl teacher abOut arrangement hOmewOrk very grievance.

  一位不愿透露姓名的老师表示,老师在布置作业时都会遵照教学大纲要求,考虑到大多数学生的接受能力,让所有学生都能够在一定时间内完成。另外,随着素质教育的推广,老师们也开始布置一些比较灵活的作业,如读书、手工制作等,既让薄弱的同学不太费力地写完作业,又让那些素质优秀的同学利用灵活作业充实、提高自己。“不过这样的作业多在假期或周末时布置,如果天天有,也不符合实际,小学阶段还是重在打基础。”该老师说。(记者 张雯雯)

One dOes nOt wish tO be named, said the teacher,The teacher in the hOmewOrk will fOllOw the teaching Outline requirements,COnsidering mOst students accept ability,Let all the students can finish in a certain time.In additiOn,With the prOmOtiOn Of quality educatiOn,Teachers alsO began tO decOrate sOme mOre flexible OperatiOn,Such as reading/Handmade, etc,BOth the weak students nOt tOO painfully finished his hOmewOrk,And let the quality Outstanding students use flexible in OperatiOn/ImprOve their."But this hOmewOrk mOre On the vacatiOns and weekend arrangement,If every day,AlsO dOesn't accOrd with the actual,Primary schOOl Or On grOund."The teacher said.(RepOrter ZhangWenWen)
