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  近来,浙江温岭某幼儿园教师虐童事件震惊了舆论界。揪住幼儿双耳,孩子痛苦的表情,教师兴奋扭曲的脸,强烈地冲击着公众的正义感,家长们怒不可遏,网友们纷纷怒斥这名幼师“连畜生都不如”。虽然虐童教师受到了处理,涉事幼儿园也为“聘用无证教师”付出了代价,但这远远不能消除这件事给社会带来的震惊。在家长看不见的幼儿园里,到底有多少这样无证、无良、无底线的教师?每天到底发生着多少这样的罪恶? recently,Zhejiang possessing a kindergarten teacher of child abuse event shocked the media.Children hold ears,The child expression of pain,The teacher excited twisted face,Strongly impact the public's sense of justice,Parents hopping mad,Net friends have nu scold a fine"Even than brute".Although the treatment by child abuse teachers,It is also in the kindergarten"Hire unlicensed teachers"Pay a price,But this is far from can not eliminate it brings to the society shock.In parents' invisible in the kindergarten,How many such unlicensed/No good/Without the bottom line of teachers?What happened every day how many such crime?


Nearly time,One after another around the exposure out several child abuse event,First fan children a slap in the face,To catch the ear is suspended,Have a plenty of let the child mutual box,Have a plenty of suddenly and violently dozen children.people"shocked"To find,The original is all around us,The phenomenon of child abuse was so common.


A public opinion is illusion,Seem in"Fan children a slap in the face"and"Catch ear photos"after,Only around"successive"There have been many child abuse event.Completely is not so,In fact"Child abuse"Problems in the present society, there has been a,But most of the time these evil are mediocre/Trivial and dispersion,Lack of cause social sensation/Let DaHua public opinion/The impact of the eye stimulation,Then as if is not"News value",Did not cause the attention of the public and the government.As soon as the like"Even the type 70 a slap in the face"/"Hold double ear lift from the ground"Nothing can extenuate such appalling after extreme events,Depending on the extreme ugly,Those petty/Addition of evil have"News value",Just be pick-up up market offer for news.


We can notice a phenomenon,Some extreme events and was after reports,In the event of the formation"Public opinion field"and"Hot field"Within the period of time,Media reports for all similar problems occur,to"Somewhere and exposure"/"Such and such events after exposure"The title of the report such as.But it is not"And exposure"and"Exposure to",Similar events happen every day,Is only attached to an extreme way and got the chance to be reported.Some social problems,Is a widespread phenomenon,But because too common,Instead of focusing on tired is ignored,Only extreme special case,To touch opinion dull and numb nerve.Agenda setting,Often are these extreme case traction.


Of course,An extreme case mention agenda,The formation of hot spot"Public opinion field"Has a very limited timeliness,Lasts less than two or three days,Long but a week,People on the subject after numb,Turn again to the new issues.Common phenomenon and social problems,In the raw discussion,And the voice of a sinking,Waiting for the next new extreme cases after the exposure,Public opinion to shock,Experts to analysis,The government attaches great importance to say again,Legal person old words again again"The lag of legislation".The hot topic of to break out,Current topic conversion,News calendar over,It is in this topic cycle of the carnival with noise.


obviously,Child abuse event shocked the public opinion,Set up issues,Pulling for similar events of the media attention,After a weekend,Many people have started to forget,To no longer interested in this topic,He moved to the new hot spots.


As a media people,I don't want to blame the media the hot nose impetuous disease,This is the pursuit of news value of the limitations of the media.I want to say is,Can breakthrough on extreme case attention,And subtly from occur every day ugly incident see widespread social problem.Such as child abuse event,Not the teacher hit the child more than 70 a slap in the face,Just think this is news,Realize the following problems,Hit a box on the ear,Is also a bad child abuse;Can't just like possessing the teacher took the child's ear lift from the ground and photo,Just shocked and angry,Actually this teacher has previously in the personal space pass many abuse photos,Just as catch ear so extreme and have"impact".Focus on common problems,Can beyond that to be the case to the nose of fickleness periodic law,Can also avoid the extreme events toward the direction of development.Of course,Media after all just those reports,Need more holds the power to make decisions on relevant government have pay attention to the social awareness of the deep problems/Patience and responsibility.

  网上一个帖子很有意思:布什说:“我们准备枪杀4000万伊拉克人和1个修单车的。”CNN记者:“1个修单车的?!为什么要杀死一个修单车的?”布什转身拍拍鲍威尔的肩膀:“看吧,我都说没有人会关心那4000万伊拉克人。” 这就是舆论和公众,他们只关心奇怪的个案。媒体人都应该以这个故事为镜。曹林

Online a post is very interesting:President bush says:"We are prepared to shooting 40 million iraqis and 1 fix bicycle of."The reporter of the CNN:"1 fix bicycle of?!Why want to kill 1 fix bicycle of?"Bush turn round shoulder of clap Powell:"see,I say no one would care about the 40 million iraqis." This is the opinion and the public,They only care about strange case.The media should be in the story of the mirror.CaoLin
