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北师大外籍科学家在《美国科学院院刊》发文阐述 Beijing normal university in foreign scientists[Testing of the American academy of sciences]Outgoing mail this
   全球变暖与大西洋飓风存在联系 Global warming and the Atlantic hurricane existing contact

  10月16日,北京师范大学全球变化与地球系统科学研究院首席科学家John Moore与其合作者,在《美国科学院院刊》(PNAS)上发表了题为《自1923年以来大西洋飓风的同类数据记录》(Homogeneous record of Atlantic hurricane surge threat since 1923)的文章。文章指出,在全球变化领域中,有98%的确切性表明全球变暖和大西洋飓风运动之间存在联系。John Moore为英国籍芬兰Lapland大学、瑞典Uppsala大学教授,国家“千人计划”入选者,北师大全球变化与地球系统科学研究院首席科学家,极地气候与环境实验室主任,中国极地研究中心客座教授。

On October 16,,Beijing normal university global change and the earth system science research institute chief scientist John Moore and its partners,in[Testing of the American academy of sciences](PNAS)Published titled[Since 1923 the Atlantic hurricane similar data record](Homogeneous record of Atlantic hurricane surge threat since 1923)article.The paper points out that,In the field of global change,98% of the tangibility show that global warming and a link between the Atlantic hurricane movement.John Moore for UK Finnish Lapland university/Sweden Uppsala university professor,countries"One thousand people plan"enrolled,Beijing normal university global change and the earth system science research institute chief scientist,Polar climate and environment laboratory chief,China polar research center visiting professor.

  据John Moore介绍,这一研究结果来源于对自1923年以来相关天气事件的数据整理分析。此前,关于全球变暖和大西洋飓风运动之间是否有联系一直存在争议,主要原因在于前人所做研究的可靠数据来源于40年前开始的卫星观测,这不足以为研究提供足够的数据支持。于是John Moore与其合作者们将数据记录的起始时间向前推进了50年基于六台检潮仪从1923年以来记录的数据。在排除了其他影响因素之后,通过统计学的方法得出结论。

According to John Moore is introduced,The results from since 1923 related weather events data analysis.after,On global warming and the Atlantic hurricane movement between whether there is a connection has been controversial,The main reason is that the former do research of reliable data from 40 years ago satellite observation,This shortage thought research provide enough data to support.So John Moore and its collaborators will data record's starting time forward 50 years based on six table tide gauge from the data recorded since 1923.After controlling for other factors later,Through the statistical methods concluded.


The conclusion shows that,With the temperature lower than year,Air temperature is higher year Atlantic tropical cyclone more frequent,larger.The study found that,Since 1923,Medium and large number of storm surge has increased greatly;Compared with the year of a cold,Warm years there will be twice as likely to happen hurricane katrina strength weather events,This will show that global warming and hurricane activity between potential links.

  该论文是John Moore研究团队关于全球变暖和大西洋飓风运动之间关联研究的第一部分,主要讨论的是历史情况和研究方法论的问题。该研究的第二部分主要涉及飓风的预测和地球系统模式,这一部分的研究结果也将于近期发表。

The paper is John Moore research team on global warming and the Atlantic hurricane movement between the first part of the association studies,The main discussion is history and research methodology problem.In part two of the study mainly involves the hurricane prediction and the earth system model,This part of the results of the study will be published in the near future.

  《美国科学院院刊》是与Nature、Science齐名,被引用次数最多的综合学科文献之一。自1914年创刊至今,PNAS发表了众多高水平的前沿研究报告、学术评论、学科回顾前瞻和学术论文。PNAS在SCI综合科学类排名第三位,是全球科研人员最为重要的科研资料之一。(通讯员 曹宁 记者 黄文)

[Testing of the American academy of sciences]Is the Nature and/Science eponymous,Cited most times comprehensive discipline one of literature.Since founded in 1914 so far,PNAS published numerous high levels of frontier research report/Academic review/Review studies prospective and academic papers.PNAS in SCI comprehensive science class ranking the third,Is the scientific research personnel are the most important one of the scientific research material.(Reporter correspondent, cao HuangWen)


[China's education to]October 29, 2012 version 6

