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女孩与同学结伴出游 半夜穿睡衣离开旅馆后失踪--亲稳网络舆情监控室

女孩与同学结伴出游 半夜穿睡衣离开旅馆后失踪 朱俐俐生活照 ZhuLiLi oh

  新华报业网讯 这两天,一位叫朱俐俐的19岁南京姑娘,牵动了无数人的心,小姑娘与一起实习的同事好友一起去到浙江西塘古镇旅游,半夜竟然在旅馆里人间蒸发,而接到女儿失踪的消息,朱俐俐的父母第一时间赶到西塘,拿着女儿的照片在人群中苦苦哀求,苦苦找寻,他们怎么也想不通,女儿的手机钱包都好好地摆在床上,而一起投宿的结伴室友,竟对女儿的行踪表示毫不知情。

Xinhua press webex this two days,A call ZhuLiLi 19-year-old nanjing girl,The affects of countless people heart,The little girl with practice colleagues friends go to zhejiang xitang town tourism,The midnight unexpectedly in a hotel room evaporation,And received the news of the missing daughter,ZhuLiLi parents first time to xitang,With a daughter's photo in the crowd piteously entreat,Find hard,How do they also think impassability,Her daughter's mobile phone purse all well before bed,And stay together in the roommate,But to her whereabouts said had no knowledge.


网友第一时间微博寻人 Net friend first time micro bo people search


28, more than 4 PM,A putting up immediately on the Internet caused waves,"help,Major putting up the,nanjing,female,19,ZhuLiLi,Ancient town tourism xitang last night,About at zero missing,Please insider speeding forward."Publish this article micro bo's net friend"Xitang ink adjacent pavilion pavilion main"said,He is a native of zhejiang,And ZhuLiLi were strangers,Just happen to meet on the way of looking for daughter zhujiajian the old couple."Xitang ink adjacent pavilion pavilion main"In micro in bo said,The girl's mother was to him the description obviously feel whole body in trembling.To seeing their aimlessly looking for,He hope that through micro bo,When you can out of a force,With the help of poor parents looking for the whereabouts of the girl.


then,He in micro bo and sends the an important clue according to ZhuLiLi classmate sister facial Lei ooze description:"Last night, she wore a khaki dust coat,Matchs green leisure pyjama trousers,The long hair covered with."and"Facial Lei wage-earners"Also in micro bo further said:"Watch the video tape has confirmed ZhuLiLi was dressed in grey sweater brief paragraph coat,Green leisure trousers."


双亲崩溃泣不成声 Parents collapse choked with sobs


"Uncle aunt,Li li disappeared!"28 morning,Received roommate joba chamberlain(alias)Inform daughter missing phone,ZhuLiLi parents shocked,Panic-stricken they rushed to the station to buy the ticket of zhejiang,After a few hours,When they came to the hotel to stay before daughter,Again confirmed the child wearing pajamas go out alone,But mobile phones/purse/Baggage all cut wire intact facts,Such strange situation,Let a couple was eager to find a daughter to the news.Li li's father ZhuJiaCheng took her daughter's photo,See people asked,"Saw the little girl did not,My daughter is missing,Please everybody to help find!"


"Parents send their children to raise to adulthood,moment,They don't have a words,Stabbing pain and sorrow all understand.Tonight I can't sleep,Maybe ZhuLiLi and we never rub shoulders,Just a strange little girl,The age of the pure as jade,Suddenly 24 hours no news,And took place on our side,The heart can't accept this reality.I'd rather believe she was the kidnapping,So long as the life also in!Focus on the current ZhuLiLi,Love is the future!""Xitang ink adjacent pavilion pavilion main"said,He has been in the focus on li li,Are looking at li li parents,Hope everybody many clues,Give them two hope.


旅馆老板娘透露失踪前情况 The hotel Mrs Lieong said before missing situation


The evening of 28,The police ZhuLiLi xitang police station to the hotel were investigated.According to their memories,The hotel position is very remote,Dark and light.More worrying is,The hotel is on the side of the river,And did not the guardrail.The hotel owner said,She can provide some clues to the day,According to her memories,Day night heard someone open the door,Get up and come out to see it,Do have a young woman on the river iron on the column."I asked her to do not into the room,She didn't answer,But I went away to the east straight toward the scenic spot."If ZhuLiLi walk to the east,We must go through a bar,Where the monitoring probe will be recorded.Obtaining police surveillance video playback,Saw inside a girl walk alone,Wearing pajamas,Time for zero 37 points.Four minutes after,The girl and return go back.Exactly go?The colleague's chamberlain recognition,This is the girl ZhuLiLi.But she didn't go to my room.


同伴透露女孩情绪不稳 Companion revealed that the girl was unstable


ZhuLiLi missing,Is having a bad man,Or other accidents?"Will not bear the?"Peer joba chamberlain has revealed a disturbing news,Although ZhuLiLi at ordinary times very cheerful,But that day but some moodiness,May and she had been in Shanghai's boyfriend relevant,Because two people some time ago hand points,Li li is always lost,But soon recovered,Xitang to after,She was still with the name called"nannan"Former boyfriend keep in touch,And has been sending text messages.And the saying,But it has met with the parents of the missing girl question,According to friends and parents said,The little girl character cheerful,Very considerate,likable,Don't like easy to take things too hard man.


In ZhuLiLi the way back to hotel what happened?Will not slip fell into the river?Xitang recent days of the morning mist,here,Many netizens said can't imagine.At present,The police are looking for ZhuLiLi up,The morning paper reporter will also have been ZhuLiLi attention all the dynamic news,Hope insider good intention can provide more clues and call morning news hotline at 84701110.
