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男子支教结束不放弃 卖车卖房带学生来家乡读书--亲稳网络舆情监测室


九江男子贵州支教结束不放弃 卖车卖房带15个学生来家乡读书   Jiujiang man guizhou education end not to give up sell cars sold 15 students to take home reading

  最大心愿是"他们能学有所成,回归家乡" Biggest wish is"They could have learned something,Return home"


核心提示 summary:2010年,他志愿前往贵州偏远贫困少数民族地区助学支教。两年后,支教结束,带着家长的殷切期盼,他做出了一个惊人的决定:带领当地15名小学毕业生回家乡九江,自费供他们读书。

:In 2010,,He volunteered to guizhou remote poor ethnic minority areas student education.Two years later,End education,With the parents look forward very much,He made a surprising decision:Lead local 15 primary school graduates jiujiang back home,At one's own expense for them to read.


15 guizhou children,Not only is his responsibility,He would prefer to have them through their own efforts,One day can return to his hometown,To improve the local education status.


For these children,He gave all,Sell the car,And is located in shenzhen of 5 sets of homes in the four sets.


Some had questioned his behavior,Some say he silly,And he feel like a idealist,Think of do,Don't give life leave regret.He is ZhouYuYang jiujiang people,He USES his own action,Writing a big"love"word.


15个贵州孩子1个九江好心人 15 guizhou children 1 jiujiang good intention


GaoPeng/GaoYan/rodin/Amith jj/ZhuMeiYan/MinYi/Wilhelminastraat beauty/LuoPeng/ZhuMeiYan/DuJu/ChenRongTao/ChenRong ling/MeiYing two/Long snow/SuWenMei - August this year,This 15 children from guizhou province in bijie city HeZhangXian xingfa township SLATE village came to jiangxi jiujiang county JiangZhou town group chau private secondary schools.


Of the 15,11 is yi,A girl is 11 people.At the age of 16 of them MinYi age biggest,13 years old GaoYan minimum age,Among them there are two full sister/A pair of close brother and sister/A pair of hall and sisters.


Far from guizhou to jiujiang reading,Was that local students feel strange,But more let them feel surprised and moving,15 children study miles away behind unknown story.


On November 1,,The new legal news reporter on-site visit JiangZhou town group chau private high school.


JiangZhou town is located in the river,All around was surrounded by water,Beautiful scenery/Quiet quiet and beautiful.


Group chau private school is a rural junior middle school,Three grade three classes,15 guizhou to children enrolled in first grade.The school in primitive conditions,A 3-story teaching building/A small playground/A row of ZhuanWaFang/A few vacant formed the school of all.


15 children by the students and teachers welcome.


The children tell new legal news reporter,They arrived on August 22, jiujiang.Due to the hometown education lag behind,In the new environment,They study and it was very difficult.In order to facilitate to look after them,ZhouYuYang teachers also on group chau private middle school to teach English/Class art, etc,Has an income of 1000 yuan per month.ZhouYuYang teacher buchibuqi every day,Accompanied by eating and living,In the evening often use spare time for everyone to cram,Now mostly adapted to the side of the life and learning.


And they ZhouYuYang is from guizhou to jiangxi's amazing.


半年的志愿者生活开启新的人生方向 Half a year's volunteers life open new the direction of your life


JiangZhou town is ZhouYuYang hometown,He was born in 1974 in the town and village with a common peasant family.From smart studious of his 1989 mid-term exam in jiujiang county second straight into jiangxi foreign trade school,1992 years after graduating from technical secondary school,Was assigned to jiujiang cereals and oil soil products import and export company.


In 1995,,Not resigned to a life of mediocrity he leave without pay to shenzhen single chuang world.


Just to shenzhen,ZhouYuYang still engaged in the foreign trade industry,And then switching to real estate.After 13 years of fight,ZhouYuYang in shenzhen have their own real estate and cars,And lover/Son lived a secure and stable life.


On May 12, 2008 of the wenchuan earthquake,National pathos.ZhouYuYang through the television that needed when volunteers,Decided to.He explained to the unit leadership,In the late wife liu get the support of the phoenix after,There is no volunteers ZhouYuYang experience on May 19 take drugs from shenzhen to chengdu,And then toss to dujiangyan.


In the disaster area,He and many volunteers a carry stretchers,Transfer the wounded.14 days after,He returned to shenzhen,Make a little rest,Back to the disaster area,This "he take a wife and children.His wife and he a volunteer work,Children in the local reading.


ZhouYuYang says,The disaster area people's needs not only supplies,Need more psychological counseling and comfort,"Many locals see us from the other parts of their lives to come together,May they some encouraging,Can let them a little at ease".In the disaster area,He and other volunteers mobilize friends together making donations to help the disaster,To the disaster area people send medicine/Send clothes and other supplies,By the end of the,The disaster area people life gradually settle down,ZhouYuYang family then returned to shenzhen.


Half a year's life the disaster area,Completely changed before ZhouYuYang with material and wealth to establish goals in life."At the beginning to disaster areas just want to you can do,Then I to the life,Life has different comprehension and experience.People should not only for himself but alive,Before is the volunteer work as part-time,Back after shenzhen,I can imagine the volunteer work into their career."


2009 years for a whole year,ZhouYuYang rest in shenzhen,Wenchuan earthquake with the feeling of looking for my new life direction.


贵州支教的700多个日日夜夜 Guizhou assistance after more than 700 days


By the end of 2009,ZhouYuYang from online that guizhou a volunteer action --"Operation blessing",Recruiting volunteers to impoverished mountainous area poverty alleviation/student.


In march of 2010,ZhouYuYang through the recruitment,Well become a member of the action to guizhou province in bijie city,Then he is scheduled to HeZhangXian state-level counties of xingfa township SLATE village teaching school engaged in education.


ZhouYuYang still clearly remember,Initial to SLATE when village,The local bad living environment to his strong shock.


2008 years to pass power on slab village,Have a television family a few,Some families are still living MaoCaoFang.SLATE village is located in the deep mountains,Only a winding mountain road connected with the outside world,Don't open to traffic,Can only walk.From the town to the county to must walk a few hours mountain road,So many locals the lifetime have never had dashan.


The more than 1000 population village,Complete finished junior high school of no more than 20 people.Due to the blocking and poverty,Few teachers are willing to work here,SLATE village teaching school only one to four grade,After reading four grade will have to go to the small town to go to school,Most of the children from school.


ZhouYuYang survive the first three months,Resolutely will of his wife and children received local.


ZhouYuYang said,School has more than 70 children,Squeezed in between the three buildings in class.Because there is no accommodation site,He and his family will lodge in the local people home.


ZhouYuYang to SLATE after village,Do put forward five grade,And what of the mobilization school children to return to school.After days of the,He mobilized 15 children in grade five,After the fifth grade in grade six.He undertook the 15 children teaching task.


The late wife liu is responsible for the life of the girl/Psychological counseling,Correct the children some poor health habits.


After more than 700 days,From the city to ZhouYuYang couples can live in this lonely small mountain village,Complaint or regret.


In the first half of 2012,15 children completed six grade school,Face to junior high school.however,More than three hours of mountain road spans in the SLATE village and township xingfa between market town,Blocking the children in the hope of junior high school.


For many years,SLATE village there are few parents are willing to send their children to the small town in the middle school.


The students finished quiz,ZhouYuYang continue to give them remediation,On the one hand hope that they will be able to enter junior middle school points a good class,On the other hand he also think about what to do next.


If these children to read the junior middle school,Can only day,And day every day he to go three hours of mountain road,Not reality.


与家长签协议带15个学生走出大山 And parents sign the agreement with 15 students out of the mountains


Two weeks after the end of remediation,ZhouYuYang with wife and children back to shenzhen.


Before this,He had were take some children leave the idea of guizhou,But this idea was a lot of friends and relatives opposition.


Don't take them off,Many of them will face work out/The fate of the school,And they skin but reveal the strong desire to go to school.


ZhouYuYang says:"Every summer when I back to shenzhen,Students and parents are afraid of him to leave,Cry to ask me when you come back."


15 years old amith jj said,She and the other two age girl once no book to read,Will face the fate of a son to marry,Many of her friends is so.


"do?If gae up,The two years of painstaking effort education almost in vain;And to persuade parents send their children to the mountain in the middle school,It is almost impossible."ZhouYuYang and his wife very confused.


On July 24th,,ZhouYuYang received a telephone call from a guizhou,Amith jj said to be her back from zhejiang's cousin out job,When he heard the news,ZhouYuYang immediately notify the other students and parents to do amith jj parents' ideological work,And in two days later to guizhou.


Amith jj nearly out the work,ZhouYuYang strengthened the spare and give up,So he holds the student parents,Tell parents his ideas and signed an agreement with the parents.Choose the excellent for more than 10/Have a strong will to continue to read the children leave guizhou,After several parents under the strong demand,List add to 15 people.


On August 19,ZhouYuYang couples with with 15 guizhou child from guiyang train to jiujiang,Toss 3 days,Final on August 22 returned to his hometown JiangZhou town, jiujiang county.


He will be the children and his son arranged into oneself the junior high school teacher WangXianGuo President group chau private high school.


想到就做不给自己的人生留遗憾 Do not think of to own life leave regret


From the disaster relief/Guizhou to lend a hand to take their children out of the mountains.Four years,Due to the commitment,ZhouYuYang and his wife has quit work in shenzhen.No fixed income,Long time out on the run,They had to mortgage five sets of the property sold four sets."Each month mortgage has become our encumbrance,The car we also up,We also need the money,So they have sold up,House left a set of."


Some say he silly,Has said his support behind a consortium,And ZhouYuYang is smile said:"I should be a idealist,My wife often say that I am,Think of what you do,His decision will insist.I don't care about others to my question,If a few years earlier,In the face of such a thing,I will also questioned.But this is what I want to do,Other I really didn't think too much,The only owes is my son and his wife."


ZhouYuYang parents lived in distance school about 5 kilometers of the village,His wife at ordinary times and they live together.


In order to let the children feel the atmosphere of family,ZhouYuYang bought 10 bike,That man again after three contributed.Every Saturday afternoon,He took the children ride a bike to go to his house,Monday morning to return to the campus.


Laugh all the way the song,A room full of joy through the thick affection,15 guizhou children peremptory became ZhouYuYang children;Liu late chicken is help grandpa mother-in-law busy for the children ready meals.


ZhouYuYang act of kindness also got the technical secondary school students and their relatives and friends support,They or donation,Subscription or organization,Let ZhouYuYang was deeply touched,This strengthened his confidence.


Although 15 children need at least eight year ten thousand yuan expenditure,But ZhouYuYang no regret and fear."The children in the countryside at present costs will be smaller,At the moment I still don't think they read high school and university of spending,Can only walk the one step calculate step.I will stick to support these children through school,My biggest wish is that they could have learned something,Return home."


And the children of the ideal most also said,In the future we hope to have learned something,Back to hometown,To improve the local teaching environment,Hope there home children have a book to read.

  这,是一份爱的传递。(新法制报 文/图 记者昌江)

this,Is a carrier of love.(The new legal newspaper article/diagram reporter ChangJiang)
