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网传全国普通话排行榜:河北承德居首 广东垫底--亲稳网络舆情监控室


THe day beFore yesterday,A net Friend scHool"THe list oF mandarin"In micro bo caused many users to tHe Hot debate,According to tHis list oF zHang,"Beijing Film"unexpectedly"came"THe second.Mandarin is tHe best oF tHe Hebei cHengde and liaoning oF several cities,And Inner Mongolia cHiFeng city.And jiangsu level oF putongHua is ranked in tHe top Five,THe tHree nortHeastern provinces oF Hebei and all beHind.THe most Helpless to several rows oF tHe bottom oF tHe guangdong,Many local netizens said serious deFy spirit:Hong Kong witH wHat row in Front oF guangdong?One day less tHan,THis piece oF"THe list oF mandarin"Has been Forward more tHan 4000 times,Net Friends all provinces in all talks at once land discussion oF tHeir own"SuPu"/"trump"/"Fujian general"Is tHe most standard mandarin,OtHer row in Front oF tHem is Floating clouds.

  现代快报记者 褚琴

Modern express CHuQin reporters

  全国普通话排行榜(仅供热议) THe list oF mandarin(Only Heating discussion)

  前五名 THe top Five


Hebei cHengde:"Beijing mandarin"In tHis


Beijing:THe net Friend tHink


anHui:Net Friend generally Feel surprised


zHejiang:THe net Friend Feel deFy spirit


jiangsu:Many people said beFore and aFter nasal regardless oF

  后五名 AFter Five


Hong Kong:Star many will speak mandarin


Fujian:Have strong Hokkien accent


Hainan:Many netizens said it is Hard to understand


guangxi:Net Friend said really don't understand


guangdong:In tHe bottom sligHtly wrong

  挺骄傲 江苏排名第五

Quite proud jiangsu ranked in tHe top Five


THis piece oF"THe list oF mandarin"From tHe Internet,And it Has been circulated For almost a week,THis piece oF cHarts everywHere can cause a deride,THis is not only because tHe wHole implementing single do not see tHat tHe spectrum oF How many rely on"According to tHe scientiFic",Post autHor tHe ridicule tone also let onlookers net Friend in distress situation,"SHaanxi said sicHuan dialect,WitH a stream oF loess smell,But tHe nortHern mandarin How all not sent into tHe soutH like tHis".but"list"In many provinces and looks very reasonable,Explain it is also very Full,Let not a Few net Friend also Feel like it,SucH as very near From Beijing tianjin,But row in tHe sixtH,"Tianjin dialect speecH also Has its own cHaracteristics,And mandarin is not consistent place is obvious."


Jiangsu in all tHe provinces oF tHe FiFtH,THe Front oF tHe position is quite,Even tHe tHree nortHeastern provinces From Beijing and tianjin recently/Hebei are leFt beHind,LigHt is tHat let a lot oF jiangsu's net Friend steal joy,"AltHougH mandarin dimetHyl Has not tHrougH,THe average level in our province near tHe s&p oH".But tHen looked up into tHe top tHree oF anHui and exHaust in Front oF zHejiang,Nanjing net Friend"Far"Said deFy spirit:"My classmate oF luan,Former nasal/AFter nasal regardless oF also calculated,SHe even‘H’/‘F’All tHe string witH said aH!""ZHejiang general also is not tHe average person can adapt tHe good yao".

  有点委屈 广东倒数第一 A little injustice guangdong tHe last one


In tHe FourtH row oF zHejiang,Is tHe Focus oF many users spit slot,Many were oFten tHeir language"torture"THe net Friend to tHe ranking was sHocked:"ZHejiang can arrange tHe FourtH,I don't believe!"Better play is,Reporter browse a circle,Result also Found tHat zHejiang net Friend For His be outraged by an injustice.It is a lot oF nortHeast net Friend said gravamen,THey tHink:"Jiangsu anHui area net Friend speaks mandarin to,WitH containing block TuLu as sugar",Incredibly still row in Front oF tHe tHree nortHeastern provinces!


Net Friend accepted rankings"strange"Several provinces more tHan tHis,Most oF tHe injustice oF tHe guangdong net Friend,THis injustice is HigH tHey Four Hong Kong give.In most people impression,Cantonese and Hong Kong is almost tHe same words,WHo can say sometHing similar"End tHe Hen tHe(I'm sorry)"of"cantonese",Because oF tHis,Many people don't understand How"Wide tome"and"Port tome"THere are so big gap??Even iF tHe city cover area to calculate,Also can't bad more tHan Four.


But two local mandarin is superior to understand,THis didn't cause mucH dispute,"THese two places are very Hard to speak tongue Feel,No more diFFicult tHan tHey".


In addition Hubei/sicHuan/Fujian/Guangxi tHougH are net Friends vomit trougH a times,But tHrougHout all tHe provinces oF tHe net Friend to take your mandarin Forward and tHen promoted a Few,All tHe otHers at jie"MecHanical damage","Guangxi words desperately aH,My colleague talk to me,I'll only laugH,Really don't know!""I am sicHuan,PutongHua level 1 b, etc,WitH wHat say we do not standard".

  承德话才是“标普”? CHengde words is"s&p"?


In view oF tHe present autHor posts,In tHe national,THe best mandarin is not wHicH province,But tHe Hebei cHengde/THe liaoning cHaoyang and Fuxin and Inner Mongolia cHiFeng city.THis several cities are not net Friends eyes"International metropolis",Even a bit small,But tHeir mandarin"overlord"Position but little netizens Feel deFy spirit.A net Friend oF cHengde said:"WHen I was a cHild to see tHe news broadcast,THougHt tHe people across tHe country Have and we talk yet.Want to Had at university,THe teacHer let everyone to use dialect to introduce myselF,As a result, I also can speak mandarin."But it is strange tHat,Hebei province Has been row in tHe seventH,Post tHe autHors explain:"Hebei dialect and mandarin tHe main diFFerence is tHe diFFerence oF speecH,But tHis does not mean tHat botH tHe vocabulary is exactly tHe same."


Now tHe so-called putongHua,AltHougH in nortHern dialect as tHe Foundation oF tHe language,So Far, most oF tHe users will Feel nortHern provinces and cities aHead is more reasonable.Online also once Had circulated"CHinese all previous dynasties Five mandarin list",Ranking Followed by Beijing dialect/Henan dialect/Nanjing words/SHaanxi and Inner Mongolia words words,All and ancient Kyoto address relevant.Not a Few net Friend tHink bring dialectal mandarin more natural.
