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浙江教育厅对虐童行为非常愤慨 称深感内疚--亲稳网络舆情监测室


"I see a son was carry pictures of ear,Shuddered at goose bumps,How can YanYanGong laughs out?"Yesterday afternoon,The reporter comes to child abuse event happened wen blue peacock kindergarten,Found the ear with the boy's mother jun yan.

  说起儿子的遭遇,这位年轻的母亲泣不成声。 “儿子现在在家,耳朵还有淤血,一听说去学校就害怕。 ”昨天,她将幼儿园园长陈某送到家中的3000元现金和两条中华烟退给了幼儿园。而其他被虐照片中的儿童家长也纷纷来到蓝孔雀幼儿园,指责园方态度敷衍。

Speaking of son's encounter,The young mother choked with sobs. "Son at home now,Ears and gore,A heard to school was afraid. "yesterday,She will kindergarten work his way up the principal to the home 3000 yuan in cash and two Chinese smoke returned to the kindergarten.While the other bettered pictures of the children's parents also have come to blue peacock kindergarten,Accused the zoo attitude play.


男童说老师打他母亲起初还不信 The boy said the teacher call his mother at first also don't believe

  被拎耳男童今年4岁,父母都是温岭本地人。一个多星期之前,他的耳朵突然出现了红肿,父母一开始未在意,细心的外婆询问孩子孩子说“这是被颜老师打的”。孩子母亲君燕一开始不相信,认为是儿子不喜欢上学故意撒谎,“颜老师对你严厉是为你好,她怎么会故意打你。 ”结果一个多星期来,孩子一听要去上学就恐惧,每天送到幼儿园都很费劲。

Be carry ear boy's this year 4 years old,Parents are possessing the locals.More than a week ago,His ears suddenly appeared red and swollen,Parents began to not care about,Attentive grandmother asked the child,The boy said"This is facial teacher dozen".The child mother jun yan initially didn't believe,Considered son doesn't like school deliberately lying,"Yan teacher to you tough is good for you,How she intentionally hit you. "Results more than a week to,The child to go to school to fear,Every day is difficult to kindergartens or nursery schools.

  24日晚,颜艳红被警方带走的当天,蓝孔雀幼儿园园长陈某突然来到君燕家中,“她没待多少时间,就是不停地说对不起,然后留下3000元钱和两条中华烟就走了。 ”当时一家人都有点莫名其妙,他们并不知道拎耳的照片已在网上被快速传播。

24 late,YanYanGong on the day it was taken by police,Blue peacock kindergarten work his way up the principal suddenly came to jun yan home,"She didn't stay much time,Is constantly say sorry,Then leave 3000 yuan and two Chinese smoke went away. "At that time the family are a little puzzling,They do not know if carry ear photos has set up a file in the online is rapid spread.

  25日上午,拎耳照片登上了全国各地的报纸,君燕的朋友告诉她,“网上都是你儿子的照片”,她赶紧上网,结果一看到儿子被拎起来痛苦不堪的表情,眼泪就夺眶而出,“她也是爹妈养的,以后也要做母亲,她怎么做得出? ”

25th morning,Carry ear photos on the newspapers all over the country,Jun yan friend told her,"Internet is your son's photo",She hurriedly Internet,Results a see son was carry up to the misery of expression,Tears will burst into tears,"She is also of a mother and father,Later also should make mother,What did she do that? "

  昨天下午,君燕和丈夫以及其他家人来到蓝孔雀幼儿园,把钱和烟退给了园方,同时要求园方给出一个正式的解释,结果陈园长的态度让他们很不满。 “她说自己也很震惊,现在的年轻人怎么会做出这种事情,好像幼儿园没有半点责任一样。 ”现在,君燕最担心的就是儿子的耳朵会留下什么问题,这几天她准备带孩子到五官科医院做次全面检查。

Yesterday afternoon,Jun yan and her husband and the other family members to the blue peacock kindergarten,Put the money and smoke returned to the zoo,At the same time the zoo requirements are given a formal explanation,Results the principal Chen attitude make them angry. "She says she is also very shocked,Young people nowadays how can do such a thing,As there is no kindergarten as responsibility. "now,Jun yan most worried about is the son's ear will leave what problem,This few days she was ready to take the child to ent hospital for times overall inspection.


女儿回家问父母“你们接吻吗” The daughter ask parents home"You kiss?"


YanYanGong QQ space she"teach"Young children kissing the photograph also scream.yesterday,In the picture girl's jade(alias)Mother also came to the kindergarten.

  “看到照片我就傻眼了,她怎么会教那么小的孩子做这些动作? ”小玉妈妈也是在朋友的提醒之下上网看到这些照片的,她当时第一反应就是保护女儿,要求网站删除照片,“我打电话到网站,他们说网上到处都是转载的,已经不可能删除了”。她现在最担心的就是女儿看到这些照片后会造成二次伤害。

"See photos I was dumbfounded,How she teach so small children do these actions? "Jade mom is in a friend reminded the Internet under the see these photos,She was the first reaction is to protect the daughter,Requirements website delete pictures,"I make a phone call to your website,They said that the online are everywhere reprint,Already could not deleted".She is now most concerned about is your daughter see these photos will cause secondary damage.

  看到女儿的“接吻照”,小玉妈妈才终于明白半年前女儿为什么要问那个“怪问题”。 “有一天晚上,女儿一本正经地问我,妈妈你和爸爸接吻吗? ”小玉妈妈当时以为肯定是女儿看电视学来的,还训斥女儿以后少看电视。

See her daughter's"Kissing as",Jade mother finally understand that six months ago daughter why want to ask that"Weird problem". "One night,Daughter stockily asked me,Mom and dad you kiss? "Jade mother thought must be daughter learn to watch TV,Also scolded daughter later watch less TV.


And in the picture were thrown into the trash can children,More than a year ago transfer from blue peacock the kindergarten.The child father saw the photos yesterday also for coming all this way,Said he asked the child last night,Although has fast two years passed,But the child even details recollection.And be tape FengZui boy,The mother saw the photos after his home transparent tape,Results the child immediately said,This is a kindergarten teacher stick with your mouth,The part say side unexpectedly his mouth tape to seal up.


“乖乖女”被刑拘父母傻掉了 "Darling female"Be XingJu parents was silly to drop

  突然接到女儿被市公安局刑事拘留的消息,颜艳红的父母顿时傻掉了,“女儿平时很乖很老实的,真没想到会出这样的事情。 ”

Suddenly receive daughter is the news of the municipal public security bureau criminal detention,YanYanGong parents immediately was silly to drop,"Daughter at ordinary times very good very honest,I didn't expect such a thing. "

  颜艳红的叔叔告诉记者,颜艳红从小就很听话,很少出去玩,朋友也不多,对家里亲戚都很好,“看了网上的照片,她做得是过分了,但她年纪也还小,希望孩子家长们能够原谅她。 ”

YanYanGong uncle told reporters,YanYanGong grew up very obedient,Seldom go out to play,Friends will not,In the family relatives is very good,"See the photos,She's done is too much,But she's still small,Hope children parents can forgive her. "

  “我们将和城西街道一起给所在班级学生及家长情绪做平复工作。 ”温岭市教育局副局长滕林华表示,该事件的影响十分恶劣,充分暴露出个别幼儿园在日常管理、师德建设、规范办学等方面存在着一些突出问题。为加强幼儿园建设和管理,促进学前教育健康有序发展,滕林华要求各幼教办组织人员对辖区内幼儿园进行全面检查,特别是检查有无体罚或变相体罚现象。至于师德考核,滕林华表示可以通过教师互评、家长评教以及看、听、访、查等多种途径,对教师进行全面考核,促使师德水平不断提高。

"We will and chengxi subdistrict together in a classroom for students and parents emotions do remove work. "Wenling city education bureau deputy director teng Lin said,The influence of the event is very bad,Fully exposed individual kindergarten in daily management/The building of teacher's virtue/The specification on the aspects to have the some outstanding problems.In order to strengthen the construction and management of the kindergarten,Preschool education to promote the healthy and orderly development,Teng Lin required the preschool education do organizations within the jurisdiction of the kindergarten to conduct a comprehensive inspection,Especially check whether corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms phenomenon.As for the assessment of teacher's morality,Teng Lin said can through the leading teachers/Parents teaching evaluation and see/Listen to/visit/To look up and so on the many kinds of ways,For the teachers comprehensive assessment,To continuously improve the level of teacher's morality.


For online concern of qualification of teacher of YanYanGong no problems,Teng Lin explained,Considering the realistic problems,The province of card mount guard to fine far can't satisfy the preschool education needs,After the first mount guard textual research question widespread,At present fine team of card mount guard in the proportion is 40%."After all the kindergarten of recruiting new teachers at,Must hold the recruitment certificate."Teng Lin said,Things happen after,City bureau of education immediately asked each kindergarten formulate measures and plans,Mobilization unlicensed teachers' participation in training,For teachers' qualification,Strive to through the three years of hard work,Most teachers of card mount guard.


浙江省教育厅昨道歉并证实 Zhejiang provincial department of apology and confirmed yesterday


全省4万多幼儿教师未取得资格证 The province more than 40000 preschool teachers without obtaining a certificate


yesterday,Zhejiang province education department held a press conference,Child abuse event to possessing the kindergarten to respond.Zhejiang provincial deputy inspector WuYongLiang said,Provincial department of education on child abuse behavior very indignation.The incident happened in education system,As the education management departments,Provincial department of conscience,At the same time also want to borrow the media and network to be hurt kindergarten children and their parents apologize sincerely.It happened,Reflect the individual teachers' sense of responsibility/love/Teaching in accordance with the serious lack consciousness,Exposed the serious kindergarten management does not reach the designated position,The administrative departments of education in teacher education/training/ZhaoLu management and daily work behavior regulation are obvious loopholes.


The meeting have a digital revealed the preschool teacher team there is no worry of qualification of teacher of preschool teachers of more than 40000 people.


Education department officials said,The nursery teacher occupation is not very strong attraction,Private kindergarten teachers' treatment is also a problem,From 2008 years of province education office has issued relevant policy,This year the province plans to preschool teachers hold teacher qualification rate was 80%.


therefore,Province education department also issued relevant measures to guarantee the goal realization,Such as enlarge higher normal professional colleges and universities preschool professional recruitment of students scale,This year than last year, 2000 people;From 2009,Arrange every year 4 million yuan funds preschool teachers training,Including kindergarten, run by the local people,There are 40000 teachers to participate in free training.


yesterday,Province education department issued a notice,Resolutely prevent and stop the occurrence of similar events.

  昨天温岭警方也发布公告,指出目前网上流传的颜艳红道歉的微博都是虚假的,“温岭虐童事件主角蓝孔雀幼儿园老师颜某被刑拘后,微博上出现数个与她同名的ID,要么说道歉,要么称已交罚款"完事",这些微博都是通过手机上网发布的。经温岭公安局核实,这些以"虐童女教师"颜某名义发布的微博均系造谣,并表示对发布虚假信息的造谣者,公安机关将依法追究其法律责任。 ”

Wen also issued a police yesterday,The paper pointed out the popular online YanYanGong apology micro bo is false,"Possessing child abuse event leading role blue peacock kindergarten teacher yan one is after XingJu,Micro bo to appear on a number of the same name with her ID,Either say apology,Either say already pay a fine"finished",These small bo is released through the Internet phone.The possessing public security bureau to verify,These to"Virgin abuse teachers"Yan issued in the name of a micro bo are rumormongering,And said to publishing false information the rumor mongers,The public security organ according to law, it shall be investigated for legal responsibility. "
