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中国体制太庞大跳出来的多傻逼 不会有文艺复兴--亲稳网络舆情监测室(3)

中国体制太庞大跳出来的多傻逼 不会有文艺复兴 韩寒 Han han


Original title:Han han:No Renaissance


summary:from[Solo group]to"Renaissance foundation",Han han to the Renaissance more and more pessimistic intellectuals falling credibility/Education barriers had not broken/Scholars scorn each other.……but,Even so,"Total or depth to do things".


Reporter tang in Hong Kong reports


“文艺”没问题,“复兴”有问题 "literary"no problem,"Renaissance"Have a problem


SMW weekly:How do you understand"Renaissance"?


Han han:I do the first magazine[Solo group],Name called"Renaissance",But at that time the name is not approved,Said with"literary"Two words are not batch of new magazine.I listen to the,When he took the second alternative name[Solo group],Results before long,With a lot of"literary"Two word magazine came out,if[Literary wind reward]Ah of what.Then I didn't understand,"Renaissance"These four words in,"literary"no problem,"Renaissance"Have a problem.


"Renaissance"The word more refers to Italy,But I think to the Chinese people,The heart that the plot of the Renaissance,May be designated is in the 1930 s,Then as if had a while Renaissance means there are some enlightenment,Some good literature MaoJian,Since then is a bust.Now because of the Internet,Literature and art development and a little better than before,But from"Renaissance"/"flourish"Return bad far.


SMW weekly:In the existing system,China could realize the Renaissance?


Han han:System can be overhead system can be the heart of built on stilts.Literature and art can revival,In fact, it is the heart of the problem.If the heart not Renaissance words,That no amount of funds,The slogan of the more,Are not.sometimes,A lot of things I personally pessimistic after is the,For example in the s pen Pal,Handwritten copy of the s,Rock and roll up the s,Hong Kong film of gold s,It had will no longer to.


SMW weekly:You believe that now the heart?


Han han:(smile)Now the heart actually believe is emotional.People are followed emotions go,Doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong,Only see which is pleasing to the eye,Listen to which pleasing to the ear.


SMW weekly:Since everyone follow mood walk,In this case can overhead system?


Han han:Hard to,It is difficult to.This system are too big,A lot of jump out to is silly force.And in fact so big of a system,Also has a lot of the wise/Elite in the service it.


SMW weekly:You have some pessimistic.


Han han:to,Or that sentence,The past is past.but,Always do something every way you can.Now it is difficult to literature and art as before so prosperous,Because of its carrier has changed.At that time I have magazine,Hope to have a place,To let more young people in the literature on attention.Everyone wants to be famous,But if there is no a very appropriate/Good carrier made them famous words,It would be easy to go the way of grandstanding,People also don't want to see us this formal interviews.


重复启蒙 Repeat enlightenment


SMW weekly:Micro bo age will be optimistic?


Han han:If the Renaissance understanding into small concept,On a purely literary point of view,It doesn't matter difficult or easy.If understood to get bigger,interpreted"The awakening of the"words,There is a problem:Repeat enlightenment.In the Internet age,You look at a lot of things spread quickly,But actually quite difficult,Because I found that the audience is actually the same.


If this of the enlightenment of the audience is two million,So enlightenment has been in the two million people in,Is very difficult to be broken barriers,To those who like CengYi behavior person,People like li yuchun,Like to see beautiful people play……Renaissance or personal awakening,Just became a beautiful play's operas,As you this batch of people is like watching[housewives]of,And we this batch of people is like watching[Renaissance]of,Will become so,And every barriers is very deep.Micro bo relative access to certain freedom of speech,But in micro bo on,Along with the intellectual words more and more,Add their own infighting,Their credibility than the government's fall faster.


SMW weekly:Intellectual credibility why down?


Han han:I think a lot of reasons to from intellectual body to find:A no consensus,No force.It's like us to come on the same,Everybody wants to go to the same place,Are all in the same on the bus,I said let's save money,Add 93 it;Some think we want to go hurry up,Add 97 it;There's more extreme,Said the car have to add a 98,fastest,Direct destination.Results want to go to the same destination three group to be noisy up,Fried the gas station,Then flank a gang laugh this help a silly force.It's so easy to will face such a problem.


Look small bo to change a lot of things,But in fact,This is very difficult.In the traditional media age before,You find many newspapers really changed something,Changed some system/Some to,Even change the fate of many officials.But in micro bo era,Everyone's attention too fast,Some special major public topic also can continue a day or even half a day.In the process of forming force,Any silly force out to shout a voice,Attention will be scattered.


SMW weekly:Have what way can break you said just now barriers?


Han han:Actually quite difficult,The only way is from the earliest foundation education(of).Education is the most strong a barrier.Our children are in a sad education system.


For example a class more than 50 people,Facing the same problem,The final result may be twenty-five men don't matter,Twenty people accept its brainwashing education,Finally only four or five individuals have some self-awareness.There are a lot of what we know,Will feel so-and-so,Think he did how many bad things,How don't like,But when you go to the homecoming,Ask a,Around that you are the only one think so.So I think a lot of time to from the earliest education began to break.


I want to give their children woven materials,Published his.Including my friend's some publishing plan,I hope I can publish some new extracurricular teaching materials,But in and it is not possible.


secondly,Still have to rely on science and technology.We have not freedom and scale,In fact is science and technology for our convenience,Don't have some of the science and technology,I believe we may still stay in the s,Sometimes ease,Sometimes closely this time you may be able to criticize the three gorges,It is because that the built three gorges appealing to the people recede into the background.It is not based on freedom of speech,But the somebody else infighting process put a cut let you said it.It is not optimistic.


SMW weekly:In your heart,China's recent literary prosperity age is in what time?


Han han:"The May 4th",And the 1980 s,The former have the freedom,The latter has a passion.


最看不惯文人相轻 The most kan buguan scholars scorn each other.


SMW weekly:Compared with the same system Soviet literature,Have to admit that,Our writers are quite weak.Do you think that cause such reason is what?


Han han:One is the character of different nationalities result,Another reason is for many the Soviet union for writers,Europe is their garden,That is,In the Soviet union was persecuted,Europe a lot of places can shelter them,They can still writing,And they and Europe many countries belong to the indo-european,In the language have a lot in common.The Chinese sometimes do not acknowledge own is also a reason,Even if a Chinese and a foreigner do the same things,Will the subconscious that people can't.Better give friend don't give family slave thoughts extended out,Also can cause our own phase light.Many reasons together,age/character/language/national,In a word is unlucky sad reminder to add on a,Became the way it is.


SMW weekly:In addition to the external environment,Chinese writers/The artist itself also lack???????And contemporary foreign literature than,Do you think the gap between contemporary Chinese literature have how old?


Han han:Don't lack what,Lack of readers,Lack of high royalties,Lack of social security.Our social change experience and words are all too special,I'm not particularly suggest transforming our contemporary literature to contrast foreign literature.


SMW weekly:You have been exposed to Chinese writers to see,You can't bear to see what the most of their problems?


Han han:Scholars scorn each other..I in the early also have such tendency,Can't bear to see other writers,Think write difference.Myself to put a few words to no malicious words,Feel very good.But phase to phase light to light,Very easy to become mutual scandals.Some think Chinese writers circle consciousness is very heavy,But this understandable,People have their own friends free.


SMW weekly:Thoughts in Renaissance play a role in how?At present,China to realize the Renaissance,Need more thoughts or courage?


Han han:No Renaissance.This time things too much,Even if the Renaissance arrival,The new industrial revolution come again,We won't in this age was aware of.thought,Don't talk about it so far.


SMW weekly:The young writer,At present the main is after 70/After 80/After 90,But compared with after 50/After 60 writer,,The generations of writers seem mature very late,Is far from enough to create and they had to contend with contemporary classic works.This is why?


Han han:There is no denying the fact,A lot of 50 after 60 writers write many outstanding works,But people always used to does not recognise the current,Back past.Wait until 30 years later,Will someone asked,Now after 20/After 30 sell very well,Very concern,But compared with a group of 80/After 90,Haven't create can counter……


SMW weekly:Some scholars think,History in China after 80 in literature is absent.this,What do you think of?


Han han:As far as I know,Many young writers have a lot of the description of the history.Some scholars so-called young writers and works out of the history,In fact in the final analysis is the young writer not works in the background of the cultural revolution/Great leap forward/Anti-rightist movement/Go to the mountainous and rural areas and their experience of the special period.seriously,Although I know a little of that history,But I put the novels or prose background directly into a I have no experience,But in the human's civilization and extremely special tricky time,I don't have the courage and confidence,Besides witnesses mostly alive,The young writer writes quite easy to make a fool of oneself.The time,Had not experienced people believe that it is difficult to realize.obviously,Even if young writer wrote,Some scholars also can jump out to cynicism to say,Small writer or to live in the present,Write your own life,Own s,In the background of the fathers special experience is not advisable,For you write full of loopholes,You see,The time,XXX is not such……


SMW weekly:Since the new century,After 80 literature has been stick"Youth literature"Market label,After 80 more excellent serious literature creation is covered.

  韩寒: 文学就是文学,青春文学、严肃文学,甚至穿越、宫斗、科幻,都是文学的一部分。不存在所谓更优秀的严肃文学创作。文学只有好的、坏的、好看的、难看的。当然,这个好坏的评判标准因人而异。

Han han: Literature is literature,Youth literature/Serious literature,Even through/GongDou/Science fiction,Is part of the literature.Does not exist the so-called more excellent serious literary creation.Literature only good/bad/good-looking/ugly.Of course,The quality criteria vary from person to person.
