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山里走出的大学生将校园小生意做成大产业李玉刚(右)与科研人员在作品《钻石》前探讨。本报特约摄影 卜向东 LiYuGang(right)And scientific research personnel in the works[diamond]Discussed before.Our special photography BuXiangDong


he,Once was a name from the mountains to come out of nongda students.16 years ago,He resolutely gave up at ease/Stable work,On the self-made hard pioneering work road.With wisdom/Diligence and adhere to the,In the fierce competition in the market,In his nerves of steel,Led a group of young entrepreneurs,Brave fight/breakthrough/beyond.From the small business type,To the LED industry's innovation and development,And then to the cultural and creative industries,now,He has to become the industry leader,Standing in the culture and science and technology the forefront of fusion


From Beijing dense road withered willow around the island to the east not far,Then enter the shunyi districts Korean camp town and after sand valley town development of industrial zone.YuanYuanJinJin from time to time out in the houses,Beijing still pass photoelectric co., LTD. Six f and no special place.Just at the gate of the suspension of a piece of LED display screen,Revealed the company's main business.This looks very young enterprise,In fact already with LED localization process,Development for 16 years.Company founder/From the mountains to come out of LiYuGang,All the way clutch dream,Train a grassroots the boss's entrepreneurial road.


创业: venture:


靠两间租用的教室起家 By two rooms rented the classroom up from nothing


Walking in still pass the hq of the company production area be spotlessly clean corridor,Through the transparent Windows,See dressed in military uniforms in modern production line workers skilled operation,How also lenovo less than,Pioneer days,The company is just a small workshop rent two classrooms when working,Raw material tool spread a table;When having a meal,Tool a charge,Work station became the table.


And LiYuGang venture,Actually began more than small mill small campus small business.


LiYuGang grew up in a poor mountain area,Almost and modern isolation.Until 10 years old is mother to the county to a,He just saw the first bicycle and car.


Dashan gave him struggle of power.small,He dreams of one day to be able to rely on your own abilities,Rushes out a piece of their own heaven and earth.


In 1987,,LiYuGang pass an entrance examination China agricultural university application of electronic professional,To realize his dream,Span a big step.Entered the school,He is not going to again to home for money for farming parents,No money!


At that time,Reform and opening up is less than 10 years,Nongda campus,Also seems to be active in a breath of the market.The students' dormitory window,There will be posted out students write advertising"Instant noodles"".LiYuGang is also many"Instant noodles"One of the advertisers.but,He wholesale to the instant noodles are often sent to students because there can't make any money.He only better work up"YouShang",In the student dormitory corridor sell his wholesale to shoes/suit.The meager profit of the peddler fundamental do not have his living expenses.


then,Rich campus activities midwifery campus photography boom,LiYuGang saw one of the business opportunities,Students will joint in the student activity center launched color photo KuoYin department"Good come again",The students every day took up the film,Then sent to the city photo.Although only to make a difference,but"store"Position good/Photo fast/Quality and quantity assured, etc advantages,let"Good come again"Gradually become the biggest CaiKuoBu.LiYuGang one semester could 12000 yuan income at that time,This is a nice income.


The seemingly simple trading,let"market"Two words gradually from abstract definition,Into a truly, truly, LiYuGang eyes wealth.He the market sensitive sense of smell,It is also at this time from the start,To enhance the.


After graduation,He wish stay in Beijing,And in the north water pump factory found a good job.Although income is not high,But very stable/ease.But it can't make LiYuGang meet his dream in zhongguancun!


In the early 1990 s of zhongguancun,Is high-tech/The pronoun of vigor and innovation.The electronics industry to become the most exciting sunrise industries.but,And those who chose to enter the MOTOROLA/Siemens, and so on the different foreign students,Control LiYuGang is another kind of impulse:Learn something really,To be your own boss!


In 1993,,LiYuGang through the AD in the paper,Went to the northern jiaotong university school-run enterprise/China LED manufacturers one of the top three - Beijing blue pass company.LED,Literal translation come is light emitting diode.today,It has been widely used in screen/Landscape lighting/Stage lighting/Household lighting, etc,But before 20 years ago it was new things.


In 1995,,Blue pass company for a variety of reasons suspension.In the company have been familiar with engineering/Market and so on each link of the LiYuGang,Decided to use this opportunity to go it alone.


venture,Of course not easy to.


In 1996,,Haidian district in five road near a private university campus,LiYuGang to school by contracting for half a year the relationship between the dining room,Rent two bungalow the classroom when plant,And a few casual together started production.Because it was embarrassed to hear people call themselves"made",He let everyone call him"Li3 ge".In the small mill so few people,"Li3 ge"Should not only run single,installation/production/debugging/After will be fit in person.


At that time,Small mill products are single,For securities company is production business hall LED display.In order to make screen glass cover not glance,Must be on the glass inunction vaseline,But manual inunction hard to avoid is not uniform.A give a securities company installation,The owner looked at reflective uneven glass cover take off the gloves.Can't,LiYuGang alone with a dishcloth the whole night."A piece of screen didn't have much money,Can the it happened that everyone stared at things."LiYuGang said,products"window"characteristics,Let him have long known,Must attach great importance to quality and service.


创新:竞争中逼出全国市场 innovation:Competition screw out the national market


Still pass company Beijing headquarters office wall,There is a still pass in the national market profile,Little mark has spread all over the country 30 between provincial.farthest,Is the motherland northwest border area of xinjiang.but,this"WanShanGong times"scene,Is LiYuGang forced out without the malicious strength,In the LED industry experience for the first time when shuffle,LiYuGang had collapsed.


Words of small operations a year later,LiYuGang deeply talented persons,So determined to come a good buy,Paid a significant quantities of leave Beijing cost,From the Alma mater agricultural university invited two biconditional gate teacher younger brother.after,LiYuGang of SEC. Bro/Villagers came to help,Small mill gradually with the stability of the team.But he found himself are faced with the problem is still very serious.


By 2000,Beijing can produce LED small workshop,Has about,Row in front of the LiYuGang,Also has 50 about home.worse,The stock market since the 1999 years into the downturn,Stock market situation is bad,Securities companies will be slow to open new business hall,Nature also slow to buy screen.This LED to the whole industry is equivalent to destruction.Because it was the biggest client is LED a securities company.


do?Survival pressure, like a sword hanging roof,Make LiYuGang hurriedly think a way out.His hand tight stare at industry technology trends,On the other hand thought about to go out,To all parts of the country,Create demand,Create market.


LiYuGang to iron will and strong charisma,Mobilization old employees out of the city.Since 2000,Many old staff were LiYuGang"cast"Out of the Beijing,To provincial opening offices.


Lack of contacts,Are total strangers,Most of the time,You can only rely on the most primitive methods looking for customers.


LiYuGang battle in person,To expand the business.In sichuan office,He took one hard through the door of customers,No matter the securities company who is of the display screen,Have to provide the service service at a low price,Depends on the technology to good/Good service win the trust gradually,And then to the order.


Again strong person is flesh and blood.Struggle by 2002,LiYuGang into a deep confusion.To persevere?If the dissolved enterprise,Put the rest of the money to buy a house or investment,LiYuGang can live very comfortable.But those who follow their dry for so many years employees,What should they do?Those who cast their homes is he sent out to employees,And where do?


LiYuGang decided to grind is down.


Everything comes to him who waits.Because LiYuGang company in the industry was very few can accredited commissioner in all parts of the country to provide after-sale tracking service LED the company,Such advantages make him stand out gradually.Only by xinjiang office as an example,In 2004 sales revenue exceeds 1 million yuan,Double in 2005,2006 doubled again...Nowadays xinjiang office annual sales income has more than 10 million yuan.


To look back at the beginning horizontal competition more than one hundred small mill,The vast majority of the industry has great reshuffles died.


Business such as a roller coaster,Sometimes in the bottom,Sometimes in peak.LiYuGang did not so!


In 2003,,It is to LiYuGang change destiny of a year.Experience of the industry reshuffle after struggling,He has been determined to go on."Now that want to insist to do down,Just be sure to do industry first-class!"LiYuGang said.


August this year,He was registered formally still pass company.In the same year,He in shunyi districts near their homes,Rented the sand valley town auspicious industrial area of a piece of land,Decided to built enterprise headquarters,In order to obtain more big customer to prepare.


God seems to also begin to visit the diligence of the entrepreneurs.Since 2004,Good news continuously came.


More than two thousand square meters of company headquarters was completed,Through the moved into,LiYuGang thoroughly get rid of the small mill development pattern.Advanced production equipment one by a mount,LiYuGang also has from the Chinese academy of sciences/Beijing university, the highsalary invited six young executives,Full take-over of the company's technology/market/management.More to his pleasure,With the LED industry upstream technology breakthroughs and LED lighting in function/Landscape lighting, etc to expand the application in the,The whole industry into the golden development.


Auspicious day to the,But trouble came also."To develop have to add.Addition risk big/Pressure big,But don't do not."LiYuGang did not panasonic breath,instead"Be further intensified"Make all staff together mobilization,Ran up the fast lane.


"Do enterprise like towers,Have to dig foundation.Want to cover how high,How deep will have to dig.If personal,You dig out is a pit."LiYuGang forced to learn all the staff/examination,Also lead the registration certificate pass various.Small to electrical/welding,The architect certificate,The company as long as someone to get certificate,Will be special bonus to encourage them,Up and down and to celebrate.Strong study atmosphere permeates in still pass up and down."We have to paddle your own canoe,Can have ample food and clothing."LiYuGang said,He plays really want to take with you all go run.


2007 years later,The company goes on to win the Beijing Olympic Games laoshan stadium/TiaoShuiGuan,National Day the 60th anniversary celebration Taiwan float,Shanghai world expo railway museum major projects, etc,And obtained the construction qualification/Beijing high-tech enterprises/Beijing science and technology research and development institutions qualification.From 2009 to 2011,Also for three consecutive years"China LED the most growth enterprise"/"China LED excellent project prize"/"In 2010, zhongguancun excellent engineering innovation".Last year,Still pass has grown up with the total assets of 163.42 million yuan/The annual output value is about 300 million yuan of domestic famous LED system design manufacturing and energy conservation and environmental protection industry enterprise.LiYuGang also become China's northern region of the LED industry leader.


创意:科技文化融合抢占制高点 creative:Science and technology culture fusion take commanding heights


God always seems to LiYuGang to test.In the whole industry into the golden development at the same time,Competition is more intense.The south LED enterprise due to production chain more smooth,Achieved obvious comparative advantage.Since 2010,Shenzhen several counterparts are listed,To the LiYuGang great stimulation.This means that,No matter how to do now,Under the help of the capital,Not enough"big"Enterprise will gradually be swallow.this"Back pressure",Let he again nervous,Thinking of the future.


"Our industry on the accord with Moore's law,Is the product performance by 30% a year amplitude increase,The price range decreases by about 30% a year."LiYuGang consciousness to,Light depends on the availability of the product is no good,The most valuable,Should be creative and this,Is the body in Beijing the biggest advantage of the enterprise.


In 2010,,Opposite to the company/Located in Korean camp town golden horse industrial area of still pass the new headquarters rises straight from the ground.Company size expanded,But the structure is changed.The company has 500 person,200 people is a worker;Now the company has 700 people,Workers or 200 people,The rest of the 500 people have bachelor degree or above.


The company structure,The biggest change is to increase a new department the creative department.The establishment of this department,LiYuGang derived from the market sensitive sense of smell.With the Beijing Olympic venues the use of LED,Choose new energy-saving lighting materials become a trend.More and more had unexpected customers seek to come."These lamp can much some pattern?""Can a little personality?"This is a lot of new customer questions.The beginning,The company can only send technical personnel to work overtime,Some new ideas for product injection,Provide free services.later,LiYuGang consciousness to,People have already can't meet the city night scene illumination is only light up,But to enjoy the beauty of the change of light and light.Art of lighting's demand will be the future of a kind of basic needs,Only by the technical personnel is not satisfied.therefore,LiYuGang recruited a batch of landscape/Industrial design art professional talents.


Art design combined technology research and development,Make a splash in the company make up.The company's products in the exhibition hall,People see,LED lights can make it all sorts of lantern shape,On the lantern can at any time transformation auspicious words,The Spring Festival when shown on the red lantern"The Spring Festival auspicious",The Mid-Autumn festival can be displayed"A happy Mid-Autumn festival".Still have a kind of variable lamp,With a switch can be used to control the color of the light.In the same area can be,Use in the bedroom can be yellow light,This is for many hotels,Is too convenient.


Have all kinds of beautiful light,How they collocation?Creative and brought new business overall lighting solution.The creative department personnel shows a sample:In the xinjiang wheat getty county,Still pass is responsible for the county's overall lighting design.According to the city layout,Living quarters and business district were used respectively to soft and quiet fashion to move the two types of light,And the city center square,became"Air rose"/"Daolang ZuWu"Wait for all sorts of light sculpture exhibit skill good place.Of course,The overall solution also contains a lot of details,finally,Can let people live in lamplight is built out of the beauty in the world.


"At the beginning of the world expo railway museum the designer,Put a small note round in a circle,Stuck on,Even if the model.Let's design a LED of uzziah, mo than ring,I difficult is broken."LiYuGang recall,This years of creative road let him go very hard.But after numerous personalized after work,Still pass has gradually formed its own original ability.recently,They are hebei qianan region of a construction enterprise headquarters lighting project,Will the whole building all facade are paved LED plate,Even the top,Very magic.


Only originality also can't make LiYuGang meet.Beijing put forward culture and science and technology two wheel drive after development strategy,LiYuGang again keenly to realize,Still pass also to art direction development,Will science and technology and cultural fusion up.


A pure chance,He met the beautiful courtyard department of sculpture of a teacher.The teacher mentioned,One of his master's want to design a LED sculpture as a graduation design.The creativity is,Let a LED to make 3 d people walk away,Go straight to the LED light source attenuation(With brightness, marked by half)So far.In theory,LED light source attenuation need 100000 hours,But the person's life walk about 100000 kilometers.A three-dimensional people LED the attenuation,It is he went out the day of 100000 kilometers.After hearing the originality,LiYuGang especially excited.He decided to the ideas into real work.


but,How creative transformation?It can be difficult to bad still pass the creative department's designers.About after two months of all kinds of experiment,Sculptors and designers finally thought of a way with numerous narrow plane LED plate,Circumference synthetic cube,And a set of a,Set into multiple"Back to"glyph,To form a three-dimensional image.Every piece of LED panel with computer design out a person,All panel to synchronous walk,finally,Whatever you from cube which perspective,Can see a person to walk in.When work finally appeared,Sculptor call him[400000 kilometers],Moral from cube four surface look at the past,Each plane has a person to walk in his life of 100000 kilometers.


Although took about half a year,but[400000 kilometers]To still pass,Open a new era.after,The company once again to the central beautiful courtyard department of sculpture,Works out[diamond]With a few LED display panel to create a solid/Constantly luminous blue diamond.Although each design accomplish such a work,Companies have to put hundreds of thousands of yuan.But LiYuGang believe,The direction is right.


LiYuGang text and development way,Get the shunyi districts propaganda culture a section to support strongly.This strengthened his confidence.


the,After studying at tsinghua university EMBA,LiYuGang thinking more open:"Before we mainly in the factory/An ounce of prevention is worth a company,Now, in turn, the."


LiYuGang also began to consider to outsource production parts,Concentrate on the development of cultural creative industries.Not long ago,He went to the United States investigation at the Massachusetts institute of technology's media lab,Found that science and technology and art binding energy create a geometric growth market value."Only in the art occupy the high-end,Will be more likely to become the industry leader."LiYuGang said,now,The company is brewing established art center.

  直到今天,身为北京澄通光电股份有限公司董事长的李玉刚依然不愿意被人称为“企业家”。他说:“我们现在只能叫公司,不能算企业。只有树立起自己的品牌,拥有自己的核心价值,才能成为企业这也是我的梦想!”本报记者 汲传排 李洋

Until today,As Beijing still pass photoelectric co., LTD., chairman of the board of LiYuGang still is not willing to be called"entrepreneurs".He said:"Now we can only call the company,Cannot calculate enterprise.Only set up own brand,Have their own core value,Can become enterprise this is my dream!"Our reporter JiChuanPai LiYang
