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黑龙江率先公布异地高考实施方案 明年实施--亲稳网络舆情监测室


According to the ministry of education related requirements,Province recruit committee decided to,2013 our province ordinary high school recruitment of students test registration work November 5.All who participate in our province in 2013 college entrance examination candidates shall be on time to the designated place,The relevant provisions as follows:


 报名时间为:2012年11月5日—11月23日。 The registration time for:On November 5, 2012 - nov. 23,.


Condition signing up for:Census register in our province citizens,Shall abide by the constitution and the law of the People's Republic of China,Senior secondary education school or those with equivalent educational level,health;Not the registered permanent residence of our province rural migrant workers in children,Should have a high school student in our province and the high school stage in our province in continuous 3 years,Parents in our province have a legal professional and legal stable residence(Including lease);


Settled in our province and in accordance with the conditions of the foreign nationals,Must hold the province provincial public security issues[Foreigners permanent residence permit]or[Alien resident certificate];Not yet scheduled work of the army/Demobilized soldier,Departments of civil affairs shall hold a certificate of proof and[The Chinese people's liberation army soldiers return card]or[The Chinese people's liberation army cadres be transferred to civilian work card].


The following personnel shall not sign up:With higher degree education qualification of the students of institutions of higher learning;Senior secondary education school not fresh graduate students;In the senior secondary education stage not fresh graduate to cheat the year means and illegal to participate in regular schools of higher learning the recruitment of students test(Including the national unified examination/Provincial unified examination and the separate organization the recruitment of students test)candidates;In 2012 in ordinary higher school recruit students cheating in the unified national examination the circumstances are serious candidates;For violating criminal law has been the relevant departments to take compulsory measures or are termer.


Registration measures for:Every accords with the university entrance exam registration conditions must hold[Residence booklet]And the second generation[Resident id card]Participate in college entrance examination registration.Graduating high school graduates from secondary school is responsible for organizing the collective registration;Go to the household register born in city(area)/county(city/area)Gives public notice registration;In WaiShi/County unwelcome fresh examinee,Students should be back in the school;Census register in our province/In the provinces in the this year's examinee fresh graduate certificate by the original/Provincial prefecture-level academic level exam(Or high school will)Management mechanism provides the results prove materials and the schools provide ideological and political moral assessment materials,To the household register to be in city(area)/county(city/area)Gives public notice registration;Not the registered permanent residence of our province rural migrant workers children must carry relevant documents to the student status in city(area)/county(city/area)Gives public notice registration;In our province resident foreign nationals living in cities(area)Gives public notice registration;Not yet scheduled work of the army/Demobilized soldier living in cities(area)/county(city/area)Gives public notice registration.

  为确保考生报名信息完整准确,省招考办提醒考生注意: To ensure that the examinee registration information complete and accurate,5th opening shengqiaokaoban remind candidates note:


Want to attend the university entrance exam registration.Whoever wants to participate in 2013 the university entrance exam candidates,Especially the past life and other various special type examinee,Must be within the prescribed period of time,Namely on November 5, 2012 to November 23 period,From the examinee I hold the second generation id card to the household register or student status report in the ground,Don't miss the time signing up.All the examinee registration shall not be repeated.


Secondly, to prudent choice to enter oneself for an examination category.Whoever wants to take part in the 2013 college entrance examination arts professional course the unified examination,Or the relevant art colleges and universities organization school take an examination of the examinee shall be according to the arts;Whoever wants to participate in 2013 the university entrance exam sports class skill the unified examination,Or inside and outside of the sports colleges and universities study sheet for sports training/The national tradition sports professional examinee shall be according to the sports class registration.art/Sports class examinee must participate in college entrance examination after registration,Can join the art professional course/Sports skill the unified examination or about art colleges and universities organization school exam.Artistic kind of examinee can be in the same professional newspaper and other professional,But do not cross class and report.All kinds of art courses/Sports skill concrete examination requirements/Exam course and marking standard will be in succession in the near future in heilongjiang the recruitment of students test released information port.


Third, we need to fill in registration information.Candidates must be in when signing up full filling seriously[The examinee registration information collection table]Content in the."national"Component a must and examinee's[Residence booklet]And the second generation id card information consistent,Otherwise, shall be at prefecture-level above national affairs departments and the public security organs that common household department;"Always find the examinee my phone"a,Candidates must be retained to September 2013 before the end of the admission,Always someone watching/Always can find the examinees of fixed telephone and mobile phone each a,In order to timely receiving admit by examination departments and relevant university phone call;"Admission to the mailing address"a,Candidates should be written clear by heart,In order to avoid admission after delivery error,Delay entrance.


The fourth is to the examinee I signed.Candidates should be carefully checked[The examinee registration form]The content of the accuracy/effectiveness,[The examinee registration form]Must be the examinees and verify the signature confirmation,Because the examinee their mistakes or by others issuing any consequences created by the examinees are responsible for.Registration information is reported,No one may change.


The fifth is to strictly abide by the relevant regulations.All the register to attend the university entrance exam candidates and related middle school all should consciously bound,Every student in/Census register and ethnic composition deception/Favouritism cheating will to severely punished.In 2013 the university entrance exam during registration,At all levels and all levels of education will gives public notice of administrative departments/The public security organ, and other relevant departments close cooperation,And will continue to be the resident id card reader and other equipment to carry out"From five",That is not fresh graduate from high school students enter oneself for an examination;Take strict precautions against all kinds of higher school students enter oneself for an examination;Take strict precautions against ethnic composition false;Take strict precautions against all kinds of personnel TiKao;Take strict precautions against"College entrance examination immigrant".


【叹息】外地来京母亲盼异地高考方案:愿用生命换考桌 [sigh]Beijing to the college entrance examination from mother different scheme:Would like to use the life in exam table


崔莹知道,她和女儿在进行一场赌博,她没有像其他家长那样,在升高中时,把孩子送回老家。她赌,女儿高考时,政策能够松动。现在,离女儿的高考,只剩下200多天,崔莹说:“我愿意用自己一条命,换一张北京的考桌。”…[ CuiYing know,She and her daughter in a gamble,She didn't like other parents like that,When is on the rise,The children back to their hometown.She bet,Daughter when the university entrance exam,Policy can loose.now,From her daughter's college entrance examination,Only more than 200 days,CuiYing said:"I would like to with their own a life,In a Beijing test table."…[详细 detailed]



【评论】异地高考:是谁“离间”了京内外家长? [comments]Different college entrance examination:Who is"alienate"The inside and outside the parents?


围绕异地高考的网上口水战升级,20余名北京籍家长前往北京市教委信访办,明确反对开放异地高考。现场视频显示,京籍家长与非京籍家长发生了正面的争吵。此事经媒体报道和渲染后,网络上两方的矛盾加深,争论更加激烈,甚至转向了相互攻讦和谩骂 Around the different college entrance examination online upgrade spat,More than 20 Beijing nationality parents name to the Beijing municipal education commission letter is visited do,Clear open against different college entrance examination.Field video display,The parents and the cadastral cadastral Beijing parents happened positive argument.The matter by media reports and after render,The network on the two sides of the conflict to deepen,Debate more intense,Even to the prosecution and abuse each other…[

…[详细 detailed]



【各地动态】 [Dynamic around]


湖北异地高考政策年底前出台 高考强省有自信 Hubei college entrance examination before the end of different policy on strong province college entrance examination have confidence


广东异地高考方案年底出台 方案将具广东特色 Guangdong college entrance examination at the end of different scheme on scheme will have guangdong characteristic


江苏异地高考方案初稿已形成 望年底出台 Jiangsu college entrance examination has formed different scheme draft looking out at the end of the year


安徽省异地高考方案已进入专家论证阶段 Different in anhui province college entrance examination scheme has entered the stage on the expert's demonstration


云南将开放异地高考 担心影响本地孩子教育资源 Yunnan will open different the university entrance exam worry influence local children education resources


【特别策划】:异地高考一小步 教育公平一大步 [Special planning]:Different college entrance examination education fair one step one step


异地高考依然是“拼爹时代”的缩影 Different college entrance examination is still"Spell dad age"The epitome of

:原本期待的异地高考,一句“有条件的准入”让很多人止步在“条件”之外。就眼下的几个条件,某种意义上,还是拼爹时代的一个缩影。父母没有房子,没有固定工作,没有上保险,没有待在一个被需要的城市,随迁子女的权利就随之被剥夺。现今出台的关于“异地高考”的政策,虽然不乏良好初衷和善意,但其实依然以父辈们占有资源的多寡作为子女能否参加高考的“硬杠杠”…[ Originally the university entrance exam to different places,a"Conditional access"Let many people walking in"conditions"outside.Is now a few conditions,A sense,Or spell dad a miniature of the era.Parents have no house,,No regular work,No insurance,No stay in a city of need,SuiQian children's rights will then be deprived of.Now come about"Different college entrance examination"policy,Although there is no lack of good original intention and kindness,But it still to the parents of the amount of resources as children can attend the university entrance exam"Hard underlined"…[详细 detailed]

