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湖北25岁美女教师十余年无例假 经检查实为男性--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  原标题 [25岁美女老师原是“纯爷们”] The original title [25 years old beauty teacher was"Pure the yes"]

  来源:西部网 source:Western network

  本报讯(记者黎清 通讯员杜巍巍 杨岑)有着萝莉的面孔、魔鬼的身材,十余年不来例假,一直被诊断为“原发性闭经”,如果不是要结婚考虑要小孩,25岁的小张怎么也想不到,自己居然是染色体为46XY的“纯爷们”。

Report from our correspondent(Reporter correspondent LiQing DuWeiWei Yang cen)With Laurie face/The body of a devil,More than ten years not to come official holiday,Has been diagnosed"Primary amenorrhea",If it is not to get married is considering to children,25 zhang never thought,Their incredibly is 46 xy chromosome for the"Pure the yes".


Joba chamberlain is jingmen a school teacher,Good culture and shape conditions,Side many suitors.Only let her upset is,His 25 years old,But never official holiday.In a local hospital inspection,Has been considered to be"Primary amenorrhea".Until recently,Home urge her to get married,Considering the married to child's things,She decided to wuhan to check.


In October this year,Joba chamberlain to wuhan university people's hospital,B ultrasonic examination results let her surprise,She didn't uterus,Ovarian also shows polycystic change,And abdomen has two ball shadow,Consider for cryptorchidism.Further do sex hormones and chromosome examination,Display the increased testosterone,Karyotype analysis for 46 xy.From a biological says,"she"Is a male!


Since the chromosome destined for the men,Why not Adam's apple and male genital,Instead, vaginal ovarian available/And the external representation are woman??


The hospital plastic surgery WangSongShan professor explanation,zhang"miss"In is called on medicine hermaphroditism,At the same time that the body has testis and ovarian this distinction between men and women double sex gland.zhang"miss"Pelvic cavity double side although have cryptorchidism and testosterone is on the high side,But the body is not sensitive to androgens,Ovarian existence has made the slight estrogen,Made from genetic physiology was identified as male"she",In the physical appearance of the feminine characteristics seriously,Is also used to say"Male body reflection of".


According to introducing,The so-called"ambisexual"Namely hermaphroditism,Refers to the body at the same time keep men and women two sets of reproductive system,The disease incidence rate is extremely low.Double sex deformity from the embryonic period dysplasia,Partly because genetic factors,Partly because pregnancy outside infection.Hermaphroditism separable pseudo and true.Pseudo is divided into two,If the body have ovarian,But no testicular,Belong to female pseudohermaphroditism;Otherwise, it belongs to the male pseudohermaphroditism.And like a"miss"So the body exist at the same time the testis and ovarian,Belong to the true hermaphroditism.


Last month 20,The doctor gave joba chamberlain did laparoscopic bilateral pelvic neoplasm resection.Postoperative disease inspection results show that,This is two poorly differentiated of testicular tissue.


the,zhang"miss"Restore good,Sex hormone testosterone down to normal,Yesterday has already recovered discharge.


Doctors say,Due to congenital no uterus,Together with ovarian dysplasia,zhang"miss"barren,But because have vaginal tissue,"she"Can lead a normal life of husband and wife.


Not all the amphoteric malformation patients can birth.WangSongShan said,A lot of true hermaphroditism patients with gonad development good,Uterine ovarian and testicular development good to fill,Even if not through the surgical correction,Its birth probability is as high as 70% ~ 80%.There have been reported in the literature abroad,There is a true hermaphroditism patients,Because men and women two sets of organ sound,Successively composition in two families,As a husband and wife were birth two children.


While female pseudohermaphroditism and postoperative"qualitative"For women with,Fertility rate and treatment time closely related.If the uterine well developed and 2 years before they have accepted treatment,Fertility rate can reach 40%;Drag the longer,Fertility rate is lower,After 18 years of age will be reduced to 1%.
