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晚报记者 周柏伊 报道
Evening news reporter ZhouBaiYi reports
Female university students wood heart I never thought,Yourself a short posts,Does online created quite a stir,And eventually cause lawsuit.In her eyes,This is just some", honey whisper".Yesterday afternoon,The network goodwill infringement in xuhui district court,The plaintiff Shanghai Christine food co., LTD. To"Wood heart"Claim one million yuan.
【事件回放】 [Event playback]
女生网上发帖被大量转发 The girl online post was a large number of forward
今年4月25日晚10时许,上海某高校大一女生木心在人人网上发了一个帖子:“刚跟老妈打电话获悉,金山一家奶油厂被卫生局查封,里面的奶油都是用地沟油和外国的工业油制成的!克里斯汀(原文)、莉莲蛋挞等沪上知名蛋糕品牌都从这家厂进货!!大家千万别吃了啊,昨天查出的,预计马上就要曝光了!!千万别买啊!!! ”
In April this year 25 night at about 10,Shanghai some college freshman girls wood heart in everyone online made a post:"Just learn to call my mother,Kingsoft a creamery is health bureau attachment,The inside of the cream were trench oil and foreign industrial oils!Christine(original)/Lillian egg tart, Shanghai famous brand such as cake from the factory purchase!!Please don't eat ah,Yesterday rummage,Soon the expected exposure!!Don't buy ah!!! "
次日中午,网民 “新闻小兵曹文艺”在加上“克莉丝汀也出事了?”的标题后将木心的帖子转发微博,随后的几个小时内,这则微博以转载或改写的方式被“中国消费监督在线”、“公司舆情”、“直播上海”、“上海最美食”这些拥有数万乃至数十万粉丝的“大V”进行传播。
At noon the following day,netizens "The news CaoWenYi dogface"Add to the"Christine also had an accident?"After the title of the wooden heart post forward micro bo,Over the next few hours,This is the micro bo to reprint or rewrite manner"China's consumer supervision and online"/"The company public opinion"/"Live Shanghai"/"Shanghai is the most food"These have tens of hundreds of thousands of fans and even"Big V"spread.
6个小时后,克莉丝汀国际控股有限公司在其官方网站上发表澄清声明。 4月26日19时许,“克莉丝汀”法务部在微博上责令网民“新闻小兵曹文艺”于一个小时内删除帖文并道歉,“新闻小兵曹文艺”很快删除了帖文并作了道歉。
After six hours,Christine international holdings co., LTD., in its official website published clarification announcement. On April 26, at about 19,"Christine"Ministry of law in micro blog shall be ordered to Internet users"The news CaoWenYi dogface"In a hours to delete 1 wen and apologize,"The news CaoWenYi dogface"Quickly remove the post text and apologize.
不久,大一女生木心删除原帖,也在人人网上作了澄清:“没想到我的一个帖子引起这么多人的关注。平时喜欢吃蛋糕,老妈一直反对,特别是前两天在路上听见人家讨论金山某奶油厂被查封,就更不放心了。于是我发了个帖子提醒一下亲近的朋友们,结果被误传至此。我不是什么新闻工作者,更无意诽谤。大家就不要把我和闺蜜的私话太当真了,如果引起误会,见谅,希望大家帮我澄清。 ”
soon,Big one girl, duramen delete advantage,Also in everyone online made clear:"Didn't expect one of my post drawn so much attention.Usually like to eat the cake,Old mama have been opposed to,Two days before, especially in the way heard somebody else discuss kingsoft a creamery is attachment,Are not even relieved.So I made a post remind close friends,The result is misrepresent so far.I am not what journalists,More has no intention of libel.They don't leave me, honey and confidence too seriously,If cause misunderstanding,Excuse me,Hope everybody to help me clear. "
【提起诉讼】 [A lawsuit]
克莉丝汀公司索赔百万元 Christine company claim for compensation of one million yuan
4月27日中午,上海克莉丝汀食品有限公司 (以下简称 “上海克莉丝汀”)员工向徐汇警方报案称:该消息已经对公司的正常生产经营秩序造成了重大影响,对公司的名誉造成了重大影响,股价大跌。 4月28日,“上海克莉丝汀”向徐汇区法院提起商誉权诉讼,要求木心赔偿100万元。
At noon on April 27,,Shanghai Christine food co., LTD (Hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Christine")Staff to xuhui the police said:The news has been to the company's normal production and operation order caused a significant impact,For the company's reputation caused a significant impact,Shares tumbled. April 28,,"Shanghai Christine"Xuhui district court to reputation right action,Requirements wood heart pay 1 million yuan.
Original tell says,This false information after release,Be tens of thousands of netizens forward,Lead to many unknown truth consumer complaints to the plaintiff/ask;All government departments including quality control/commerce/Food also wait until the plaintiff the factory examination;The plaintiff holding company in the Hong Kong stock market prices, etc.In fact,The plaintiff use butter never to jinshan enterprise purchase,The plaintiff and jinshan so-called was seized creamery nor any cooperation relationship.The defendant release information serious distortion,Without the audit/Confirmed cases,In a public website issued without authorization,And a large number of netizens forward,Cause the plaintiff economy and the significant loss of reputation.The plaintiff appealed court may order the defendant to stop the plaintiff reputation violation,In renren home page and micro bo home page significant position issued a statement,Offer an apology/Eliminate the effect,The statement comes time not less than 60 days;May order the defendant to compensate the defendant reputation loss 1 million yuan.
The plaintiff lawyers believe that one million yuan claim amount of by the following aspects:Operation profit;The parent company Christine international holdings co., LTD(Listed companies)Share price fall loss;And dealing with the matter of human material loss,Including attorney's fees 5000 yuan/Notarial fees 1700 yuan, etc.
June 5,Court mediation presided over both sides,Shanghai Christine said,Can derate"Wood heart"compensation,But the latter must be in its organization news conference by the company to read out apology letter,Wood heart and its agent to refuse the offer,Both sides did not reach a reconciliation.
【庭审纪实】 [Trial documentary]
网友发帖是否应尽审核义务 Netizens Posting whether should do audit obligation
In yesterday's court,Both sides committed around four big dispute focus is discussed.First of all,Shanghai Christine have charged the subject qualification.secondly,According to the network infringement constitutive requirements,The defendant behavior whether there are violations?Whether to need to bear corresponding responsibility?Ordinary citizens post whether should do audit obligation?The third,A claim for compensation if there is a legal basis?The defendant's act and the plaintiff's damage results have causal relationship?The fourth,Well-known enterprises in the face of opinion whether should have a certain tolerance?The plaintiff puts forward apology plan is appropriate?
it"Subject qualification"problems,The accused agent in the statement of defense said:First of all,Wood heart that was written in"Christine",Instead of the plaintiff's brand"Christine",If the same people are referred to need.secondly,if"Christine"Reputation right belongs to"Shanghai Christine"and"Christine international"Common all,So shall be made by the two companies together a lawsuit,Shanghai Christine has no right to bring a lawsuit alone claim.
The plaintiff lawyers think,Christine as famous trademark,In Shanghai has a very high reputation.Although that different font,But the same pronunciation,the"Shanghai famous cake brand"Description enough to let you think it means"Christine".
被告代理人提交了两份金山区两个村村委会出具的证明称:“2012年4月24日,本地开始出现传言称,金山一家奶油厂被卫生局查封,里面的奶油使用地沟油和外国的工业油制成,克莉丝汀等品牌从这家厂进货。 ”木心正是听到传言后,将其写在人人网账户的状态栏中。代理人认为,被告作为普通人,其发言和公众人物发言是不一样的,越是没有知名度的人,审慎审核的义务也就越低,发帖时是不需要注意审慎审核的义务的。这种质疑,对于社会的整体利益是有好处的,如果灭掉了公众的声音,就没人敢质疑了。
The accused agent submit two copies of the jinshan two village, a certificate for evidence issued by the village committee said:"April 24, 2012,Local rumors began to appear,Kingsoft a creamery is health bureau attachment,The inside of the cream use trench oil and foreign industrial oil is made,Christine and other brand from the factory purchase. "Wood heart it is heard after rumors,Will the written in renren account in the status bar.Agent think,The defendant as ordinary people,The speech and public figures speech is not the same,The more no awareness of the people,Careful examination obligation also will be lower,Post is not need to pay attention to prudent audit obligations.This question,For the overall interests of the society is good,If destroyed the voice of the public,No one can doubt the.
The accused agent rich sensitive rong lawyer to ten years ago fan4 zhi4 yi4 reputation infringement is pointed out that as an example,As a famous enterprise,Treat network public opinion,More should have a certain latitude.
The plaintiff lawyer does not agree with the above views and said,By this event negative influence,The company profit increase slowly,One million yuan claim have according to the.
The court will be sentenced next.
【法官点评】 [The judge comment on]
这是一个 “人人皆记者”的年代,因为传播工具的进步,信息的传递从最原始的口口相传,经后来的纸笔相传,到了如今通过网络传播的状态。
This is a "Everyone reporter"Of s,Because of the progress of communication,Information transfer from the most primitive of mouth,The later paper and pencil to generation,To now travels through the network state.
Also because of this,The spread of information more quickly and widely.This is a case,Also micro bo era of a typical event.Each netizen in the post,Be aware of her words, all the world to hear,To be able to judge true,Want to have media culture.
In 2002,,Fan4 zhi4 yi4 to Shanghai a media for reputation tort,The court claim compensation,Court ultimately rejected the appeal.the,Domestic first recognized"Public figures"concept:As a public figure of the plaintiff,To the media in the exercise while in the process of supervision by public opinion,May cause slight damage shall tolerance and understanding.
Public figures such,Famous enterprises should also be so.Treat public opinion,It is certain to should have tolerance and patience,To bad language,Can timely public and clarification;As long as it's not intentionally or malicious remarks,You should not just be to rumor otherwise,"How dare citizens voice,Public opinion how to be‘fishing’"?
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