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网友建议幼儿园监控上网引争议 专家称太荒谬--亲稳网络舆情监控室

网友建议幼儿园监控上网引争议 专家称太荒谬家长幼儿园门口张望孩子 Parents in the doorway look kindergarten children


About kindergarten monitoring topic,Recently shenzhen netizens Posting[Strongly recommend shenzhen kindergarten monitoring all access to the Internet],Cause a large number of netizens discussion.Loaded on monitoring,Can destroy the teacher of child abuse question?


样本:幼儿园投巨资“透明管理” sample:Kindergarten invested a huge sum of money"Transparent management"

  “襄阳小杨”发帖称,表姐的小孩几年前在河北廊坊一所幼儿园上学,那边的幼儿园监控接入了互联网。自己在家里可以看到孩子在学校的一举一动。孩子在学校表现得如何家长心里十分清楚。放学回家了也可以及时地调整教育方法。孩子在学校哪里做得不够好,哪里做得很棒,回到家应该批评的批评,应该奖励的奖励! 网友强烈建议:“深圳幼儿园监控全部接入互联网,对幼儿园进行无死角监控!让罪恶远离孩子们!”

"Xiangyang xiao Yang"Post said,Cousin child a few years ago in hebei langfang a nursery school to go to school,There kindergarten monitor access the Internet.At home can see children at the school's every move.Children in school how did parents heart very clearly.The home from school can also timely adjust education method.Children at the school where do not good enough,Where do well,Back to home should criticize criticism,Should reward reward! Net friend strongly suggest:"Shenzhen kindergarten monitoring all access to the Internet,To kindergarten without dead Angle monitor!Let the evil away from the children!"


The reporter sees,Not a few net friend said the post,Shenzhen has implemented a kindergarten network monitoring,Hope the follow the lead of the move.Through the survey,The reporter understands shenzhen deep industry(Mann Beijing)Kindergarten is the few shenzhen all-round implementation of monitoring,And networking kindergarten,Parents as long as login can see children in the performance of the garden.


Treated yellow the principal when accepting a reporter to interview said,Kindergarten from 2003 and garden start implementing such networking policy,For is the transparent management.She said,Such a live,Is the zoo characteristics,"Huawei company specifically for our research and development design,So for many years in this investment millions of yuan."Huang said the principal,After networking,Parents take voluntary pay policy,Each month is 50 yuan,Expenses are to telecom department,The zoo free of charge.As for networking policy ideas/Purpose and implementation effect,Yellow the principal is not willing to say more.


But reporter interviews through birth parents to know,A lot of parents for the move or compare support:"Do you see a child's performance,Also nothing bad.But also can't say too big effect,Is more stop worrying."


家长:监控当然好,没必要上网 parents:Monitoring of course good,No need to surf the Internet


"Of course! Put."The daughter of FengXiaoJie this year in kindergarten class,Mention whether kindergarten should be installed monitoring topic,She put her foot down and told reporters,This is necessary.FengXiaoJie said,Two years ago,Yourself busy work,Just call her daughter's grandfather go to the kindergarten baby home,But grandpa how all can't wait to the baby.Then is the kindergarten through defend room surveillance video,To see her daughter with other kids together out of the school gate,In the nearby to play the slides!


FengXiaoJie recalled the scene at that time,Still jittery,"If their school is not in the corridor and the entrance of the school with monitoring,Adjustable out to see her daughter's whereabouts,When old man almost hurry out to heart disease."She thinks,Schools in the corridor/playground/The door waiting for some public place to put monitoring is necessary."Children is disadvantaged groups,Need more care".


Miss wu also told reporters,Children in the public garden is in public position of the camera,Monitoring is set in the protection of the room,Parents can always see children access,Is very convenient.Miss wu said,She often see many parents through the monitoring know whether the baby home after school,"Something is better than nothing,Save for a rainy day is always good".


But mention kindergarten monitoring is to the access network,FengXiaoJie and miss wu all don't think it is necessary,The reporter interviewed nearly 20 parents think,As long as the guarantee students' safety monitoring can,As for the teaching monitoring is some exaggeration,Is absolutely no need.Mr. Wu told reporters,This will give the teacher cause too big pressure,"The teacher depressed,How to teach very good boy,Still perhaps can affect the teacher's creativity".


老师:若不信任就别送孩子来 The teacher:If you don't trust don't send children to


Said to"To the kindergarten loading real-time monitoring and networking"when,Not a kindergarten teacher would like to talk about the topic with reporters on,The reporter contact five preschool education,Say this topic is really very hurt"people",One of the preschool education is very sad to say:"Real-time monitoring can be prison,How can be childlike kindergarten."


this,Shenzhen meilin 1st village kindergarten yao the principal also cannot hold back have words to say.She told reporters,The teacher is the teacher's dignity and the personality,The whole monitoring is to the teacher's not respect,Her position clearly told reporters,She doesn't approve of a kindergarten for real-time monitoring,And into the networking.


Yao said the principal,His kindergarten classroom is equipped with monitoring,But only teaching purposes,Will not open to the public,And kindergarten in the corridor/playground/School gate,Even in connecting the campus road are equipped with monitoring,The pathway and equipped with alarm center,In order to guarantee the safety of students."Child abuse event different group events,Is individual events,Not every a preschool education is such."She thinks,If only because the national happened a few child abuse event,Will enlarge in every one of the fine,Is extremely unfair.


In addition,Yao the principal told reporters,Parents can after real-time monitoring,This kindergarten/Parents and society will only become more and more mistrust each other,If even the basic trust all have no,How is the teacher teaching,The parents how to trust the child to come over?She thinks,Parents and teachers/The kindergarten should trust each other,"The teacher in teaching supervision,Don't sunshine,Become depressed,How to put the sunshine positive and optimistic attitude on to as a pure white children?"


In addition,The reporter understands,Shenzhen listed kindergarten,Whether private or public,All the requirements in the campus public position,Such as the entrance of the school place with monitoring,In order to ensure students' personal safety problem.One anonymous private garden the principal told reporters,Safety monitoring can be installed,But if the kindergarten all real-time monitoring,Parents and society in such distrust environment operation words,Don't leave the child might as well send,"At home looking at is the most safe".


教育专家:监控上网太荒谬 Education experts:Monitoring the Internet too ridiculous


Shenzhen university teachers college preschool education department professor/Preschool education experts LiuKeJian in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview said,Cannot because domestic appear individual child abuse of teachers,In fact, the preschool education group,"Cannot because individual black sheep will overgeneralization ah".


He thinks,Loading monitoring is not the solution to the fine quality of the method.He said,The kindergarten education is not for people to watch the performances,"Online monitoring is ridiculous",Preschool education teacher is also a complete individual,The teacher's labor should be respected.


LiuKeJian think,Even with monitoring,Network with the,Will bring about a series of problems,As a child rights/privacy,These foreign made public,There will also be a series of chain reaction,Can't JiaoTongYiJiao instant gratification.

  陆克俭还告诉记者,现在幼儿园教师入门门槛极低,工资待遇极差,每月只有两三千元工资的比比皆是。一些真正优秀的人才很难在这个行业长久地做下去。“幼教还不能等同于小学、中学老师,但这些老师都是培养未来人才的。正因为幼教进入条件不高,基本素质难以规范,才会有虐童事件中的那些教师。(文/图 记者 沈婷婷)

LiuKeJian also told reporters,Now the nursery teacher entry threshold is extremely low,Salary range,Only a month 23000 yuan salary can be found everywhere.Some really talented people in the industry for a long time it is difficult to do it."Preschool education is not equal to primary school/High school teacher,But these teachers is to cultivate talents in the future.Because of preschool education into the condition is not high,Basic quality is difficult to regulate,Just can have the child abuse event those teachers.(Wen/diagram reporter ShenTingTing)
