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EF Ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:昨日,在参与十八大新闻中心举办的主题为"中国的教育公平"网络访谈活动时,教育部部长、党组书记袁贵仁代表表示:"教育公平涉及千家万户。十六大以来,党中央、国务院高度重视,坚持把教育公平作为国家基本教育政策,把促进公平与提高质量一起作为国家教育改革发展两大战略任务,推动教育公平迈出了重大步伐,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。"山东大学党委书记李守信、广西壮族自治区平果县希望小学校长周标亮、甘肃省嘉峪关酒钢三中教师闫桂珍等三位代表也一并接受了网友的提问。 yesterday,Participate in the eighteenth big news center held the theme of"China's education fair"Network interview activities,The minister of education/Secretary of the party group of yuan guiren indicated representative said:"Education fair involving thousands of households.Since the sixteenth congress,The party central committee/The state council attach great importance to,Keep your education fair as a national basic education policy,To promote fair and improve quality together as a national education reform, development and two big strategic task,Promote education equity made significant steps,Has achieved remarkable results."Shandong university LiShouXin secretary of the party committee/The guangxi zhuang autonomous region PingGuoXian hope primary school principals ZhouBiaoLiang/Gansu jiayuguan jisco 3 闫桂珍 teacher three representatives together also accepted the net friend's question.更多教育热点资讯>> More education hot information>> 教育部:我国每年980亿资助困难生8000万人次 昨日,十八大新闻中心举办的网络访谈“中国的教育公平”现场。 张启川 摄 yesterday,Eighteen big news center held network interview"China's education fair"field. ZhangQiChuan perturbation

  新京报讯 (记者郭少峰)昨日,在参与十八大新闻中心举办的主题为“中国的教育公平”网络访谈活动时,教育部部长袁贵仁表示,我国目前每年资助家庭困难学生近8000万人次,资助金额980亿元。

The Beijing news - (Reporter GuoShaoFeng)yesterday,Participate in the eighteenth big news center held the theme of"China's education fair"Network interview activities,The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated said,Our country at present the annual subsidy of family difficulties students of nearly 80 million people,Funding amount is 98 billion yuan.


Yuan guiren indicated said in recent years,Promote education equity made significant steps.One is to improve the aid system.At present,Our country has set up from preschool education to the graduate student education complete family economic difficulties the student financial assistance policy system.Annual subsidy of family economic difficulties students of nearly 80 million people,Funding amount is 98 billion yuan.In the Midwest launched the family economic difficulties expenses admission funded projects.


The second is to narrow the disparity in different regions.On the one hand,To the Midwest adopt special policies and financial support,Such as the implementation of higher education revitalization plan, etc;On the other hand,With increasing support dynamics,Such as implementation support the Midwest recruit students cooperation plan,Acceptance rates at the top colleges were ascending the Midwest the university entrance exam, etc.


The third is to speed up the gap.Adhere to the education resources to rural tilt.In the past two years,The central financial investment more than 350 yuan,The implementation of the countryside junior middle school school reconstruction project/Rural compulsory education weak school reform plan,The rural school running conditions improve.Special duty implementation plan,A total of 300000 graduates recruitment,80% of them stay at the local teacher.Implementation of the normal education for free,Every year nearly graduates to the Midwest primary and middle school teaching.


The fourth is to narrow gap between schools.In recent years,Mainly through the speed up the weak school reform/Promote county in the rational flow of the principal teachers/The quality of high school student enrollment reasonable distribution to the area junior middle school/Promote quality education resource sharing and so on measures,Promote balanced development of compulsory education.From the beginning of this year,Education department to carry out compulsory education basic equilibrium county(city/area)The determination of the assessment.


热点问答 Hot question and answer


At yesterday's theme"China's education fair"Network interview activity,The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated,Shandong university LiShouXin secretary of the party committee in communication with friends,For its/College recruit students employment problems on the question and answer.


营养餐 11省份3000万学生受益营养餐 Its 11 provinces 3000 students its benefit


reporter:"Rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan"Last September officially implemented,How's the progress at present?Next step, how to promote?


Yuan guiren indicated:Last year the national start implementing students' nutrition improvement plan pilot work,Cover the Midwest 699 counties,There are 11 provinces in 288 counties to carry out the local pilot,Direct benefit from more than 3000 students.This is the first time in the history of our country large-scale nutrition intervention programs,The social echo is very good.


The world bank/The United Nations food development programme (undp) and children partner organization experts think investigation,The Chinese government organization to implement nutrition improvement plan has high efficiency/High quality and normative characteristics of the three aspects,And the world more than 90 executive school meals than countries,Has unique advantages.


Due to the nutrition improvement plan line length/Surface wide/Involves many departments,A part of any slight oversight,There are possible safety accidents.The next step,We will carefully summarize the experience gained in various places,Together with related departments,Deepening the refining food safety management,Standard from the field, come to the table each link/Each meal of the subject's action;Deepening the refining capital safety management,Prevent any/Falsely claim/Show the/occupy/Divert nutrition diet subsidy funds;Deepening the refining students' nutrition and health education,Lead the students to develop healthy eating habits and lifestyle,Ensure that the physical and mental health of students.


相关新闻: Related news:【身边的变化】农村孩子吃上营养餐 [Side changes]Rural children eat nutrient food

  农村学生营养改善计划学校全部开餐 The countryside student nutrition improvement plan school all open meal


据中国之声《全国新闻联播》报道,教育部透露,纳入"农村义务教育学生营养改善计划"的学校已全部"开餐",近2600万农村学生吃上营养午餐。 According to the sound of China[The national news broadcast]reports,The ministry of education has revealed,into"Rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan"School has all"Open meal",Nearly 26 million rural students eat on nutritional lunch.


高校招考 农村生源比例下降是必然趋势 University recruitment of students scale rural decline is an inevitable trend


reporter:Media reports,Key university students in rural areas the proportion of has been declining,How look upon this problem?


LiShouXin:Key university rural students the problem of low proportion,fundamentally,Because our country is large gap between urban and rural development caused by.At present,Our country urban and rural economic and social development there is a big imbalance,Education level difference is bigger,High quality education resources mostly concentrated in the big city,The rural poor condition of running universities.


Now China's urban population in the proportion of the population has reached to 52%,And with the improvement of the urbanization rate,The proportion of urban population will continue to rise,The city into a key university proportion will then increase,The rural students drop ratio is also the inevitable trend.


Rural areas the proportion of students into a key university,Involved in education fairness,Need to attach great importance to.But solve the problem,The core is to promote the integration of urban and rural development,gap,To realize education balanced development.At the same time,Governments at all levels to education in the allocation of resources to the countryside/poverty/National regions inclined.


The government has taken measures to reduce the proportion of students regional difference,Such as the implementation"Cooperation plan",Take out certain recruit students to plan,The developed areas in the Midwest recruit students,In 2012 reached 170000;In addition,Countries have implemented for poor areas special recruitment of students plan,Every year in laminated plate destitute areas takes in 10000 students.


相关新闻: Related news:农村生源进重点大学比例涉及教育公平问题 The rural students into a key university in education fair proportion problem

  山大党委书记:大学农村生源下降因城镇化率提高 Shandong secretary of the party committee: university students for rural urbanization rate drop to improve


大学生环卫工 编制观念仍影响大学生择业 College students' dustbinman compilation idea still affect college students' employment


reporter:Media reports,Harbin recruit sanitation worker,Thousands of bachelor degree or above, the owner.How look upon this phenomenon?


LiShouXin:Sanitation worker post attract many college students registration,Is a worth thinking deeply social phenomenon.This outstanding reflects the traditional career identity/Establishment of the concepts of today's university students career choice still has great effects.


University graduates is not cannot be engaged in sanitation worker jobs,But such a large number of people with bachelor degree in application,The fact that behind,Is that many people want to get the business establishment"identity".


Under the current personnel system,Once get this identity,Means end on the national finance job,And in a certain extent,May also lifelong benefit.At the same time,It also shows that China's in the reform of personnel system of urgency and importance,Can't let work and identity bound together,Must be entering and going out.


相关新闻: Related news:哈尔滨环卫工吸引高学历 29名硕士参与应聘(图) Harbin dustbinman attract highly educated and name for master's participation(diagram)

  高学历者争当环卫工人 凸显人事制度改革紧迫性 One with high diploma to be sanitation worker highlights the urgency of the reform of personnel system

  新京报记者 郭少峰

The Beijing news reporter GuoShaoFeng


报告解读 The report read


标准答案不能培养创新精神 Standard answer can cultivate the spirit of innovation


Full implementation of quality education,Deepening the education field comprehensive reform,Strive to improve education quality,To cultivate students' innovation spirit.Learn to do before education,Balanced development nine years of compulsory education,Perfect lifelong education system,Build up a learning society.


From the eighteenth big reports

  【解读】 北京师范大学教育学部教授褚宏启说,标准答案培养不出孩子的创新精神。他认为,应该从培养目标、课程设置、教学方法和评价方式等四个方面来改变,培养出有创新能力和创新精神的学生。

[interpretation] Beijing normal university education division ChuHongQi professor said,Standard answer training a child's spirit of innovation.He thinks,Should from the training goal/curriculum/The teaching method and evaluation ways and so on four aspects to change,Cultivate creative ability and creative spirit of students.


In the curriculum setting,Also need to adjust and change.ChuHongQi said,At present middle and primary school curriculum content too much,And lay particular stress on knowledge,Give children leave work are also consolidate knowledge,The social survey/Social practice, as well as special research homework rarely,It also unfavorable to cultivate children's innovation spirit and innovation ability.


建立孩子成才基本评价标准 Establish the child into basic evaluation standard


Vigorously promote education equity,Rational allocation of education resources,Key to the countryside/remote/poverty/National regions inclined,Support special education,Improve the family economic difficulty level of student financial assistance,Actively promote the children of peasant workers equal accept education,Let every child can become good.


From the eighteenth big reports

  【解读】 北京师范大学教育学部教授褚宏启说,每个孩子的禀赋都不一样,只要能让每个孩子找到自己的位置施展自己的才华,那就实现了“让每个孩子都能成为有用之才”的目标。

[interpretation] Beijing normal university education division ChuHongQi professor said,Each child's endowment is different,As long as it can let every child find their own position display their talent,That will achieve"Let every child can become good"goal.


ChuHongQi Suggestions,Should children be"good"There is a basic the standard of the evaluation system,Teachers and parents evaluation children,The headmaster evaluation teacher and children,Education administrative department evaluation principals and teachers,Standard shall be consistent,Don't in a link appear rupture,"If the local education administrative departments as long as graduation rates,The principal didn't also way,According to the enrolment rate to evaluate the teachers and students".
