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女幼师堪比保姆吃喝拉撒全管 寸步不离怕被骂--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  今年已经是李丽当幼儿教师(下文简称幼师)的第十个年头,近日有媒体频频曝光幼师的虐童事件,让幼师这个群体成为全民关注的焦点,这也让李丽和同事们紧张起来,“我们这些‘孩子王’每天都当得小心谨慎。大家都觉得幼师挺轻松,教孩子唱歌 、玩游戏,我刚入职的时候也这么认为,实际上不是,孩子吃喝拉撒我们全要管。”11月8日,民办幼儿园老师李丽接受采访时说,“孩子王”真没想象中那么好当。她向记者细数了工作

This year have been lili when preschool teachers(Hereinafter referred to as the fine)The first ten years,Recently had the media exposure of the fine frequently child abuse event,Let fine this group become the focus of attention of the people,This also let lili and colleagues nervous,"Those of us‘HaiZiWang’Every day when have to carefully.Everyone feels fine easily,Teach children to sing /Play games,I just induction time also think so,In fact is not,Children eat and drink pull scatter we all want a canal."On November 8th,Private kindergarten teacher lili an interview,"HaiZiWang"I have no imagination in so good when.She told reporters in the work of the count


Faced with many kinds of pressure:Didn't prepare/Low salary/Trivial work/The principal management strict/Parents' request more……Although there is so much pressure,Lili and colleagues insisted on work,"So many children follow me learned a lot of things,Let me very proud."


人物1 李丽 民办园老师 Figure 1 lili private garden teacher


工资不高,从600元熬到3000元 Salary is not high,From 600 yuan to 3000 yuan through

  11月8日上午,记者在市北区一所民办幼儿园见到了李丽。2002年,李丽从青岛幼儿师范学校毕业,通过应聘进入了这家幼儿园,在这里一干就是十年。 李丽告诉记者,2002年这家幼儿园刚刚建好并开始正式招生,当时一个孩子的托幼费大概就是180元一个月,“那时候幼儿园里工作人员的月工资都是600元,幼儿园厨师的月工资是600元,幼儿园高级老师的工资同样是600元。”如今,李丽的月工资已经涨到3000元左右。

On November 8th morning,Reporter in shibei a private kindergarten met lili.In 2002,,Lili from Qingdao kindergarten training school,Through applying for into the kindergarten,Here does is ten years. Lili told reporters,In 2002, the kindergarten has just build and start formal admissions,When a child's nursery fee is probably 180 yuan a month,"At that time the kindergarten work personnel's monthly salary is 600 yuan,Kindergarten cook monthly salary is 600 yuan,Kindergarten senior teacher's salary is also 600 yuan."now,Lili's monthly wages have gone up to 3000 yuan.


Lili said,Now each child's nursery fee already rose to 680 yuan/month,Kindergarten teachers every year to wages,Just came in teacher every monthly wages can also have 2000 multivariate.


To do well the job is not easy,But she has been firmly stem bottom go to,"Family sometimes feel like my job as a nurse,But I don't think,Because the children call my teacher,Parents have a lot of respect for me,I think this job is very sacred,So many children follow me learned a lot of things,See them study the knowledge displayed,I feel very proud."


Lili also said:"Colleagues time to go to school,All feel when kindergarten teacher is to teach children to sing/drawing/games,Should both happy and relaxed,Can really work later,Discovered and originally want to is totally different,Not only to teach children to sing,Children eat and drink pull scatter all want oneself a person tube."Lili said,Just in the garden,She felt like she was a little girl,In taking care of the children eat and drink pull scatter aspects don't have any experience,So she slowly on the job change myself,As far as possible, like a mother to take care of every child."Then I start a family has children,Change more,Will put yourself in the shoes for children,No matter in the face of which parents will feel have a clear conscience."

  谈起工资低的问题,这家幼儿园的负责人说:“我知道现在的工资离老师的要求还差很远,可是没办法,工资真的涨不上去了,不如公办幼儿园老师的待遇好 ,公办幼儿园的老师投保什么的都有财政支持,但是我们民办幼儿园自收自支。我们的老师还比公办幼儿园的老师累,我们看10个孩子,他们只看5个孩子,如果我们有钱,肯定会把老师的工资涨得高高的。”

About the problem of low wages,The kindergarten's person in charge said:"I know it's salary from the teacher's request return difference far away,But can't,Wage really rise not up,As public kindergarten teacher's pay well ,Public kindergarten teachers have financial support for what,But we raise private kindergarten.Our teacher than public kindergarten teacher tired,We see 10 children,They only see five children,If we have,Will the teacher's salary rise high."


The officials say,Although private kindergarten,But never worry about admissions,From year to year is full,"We recruit students good about our teacher good,Not only around the village children go to school here,Many live LiCun children also came over."


怕孩子受伤,老师寸步不离 Afraid of children hurt,The teacher keep close to


Kindergarten teacher everyday want to do any work?"It's very trivial the,Afraid of children hurt,We when the teacher to keep close to."

  每天早上7点左右,李丽就要到幼儿园,做一下准备工作,早上7点半左右,李丽开始在幼儿园门口接孩子,对每个孩子进行晨检 ,看看孩子有没有手足口病,再给每个孩子量体温,接着把手伸到孩子的口袋里检查衣物里有没有尖锐的东西。“这些工作我已经干得很顺手了。”

Seven o 'clock every morning,Lili is going to kindergarten,Do the preparation work,Around 7:30 in the morning,Lili began to pick up at the door of the kindergarten children,For each child morning check ,Look at the children have a hand, foot and mouth disease,Give each child's temperature,Then reached into the child's pocket check the clothing have sharp things."The work I have done a smooth sailing."


The children before came into the classroom,Lili will give each child take off your coat,Then give each child hand washing,Arrange the children to eat breakfast."I take is small class,The children take off clothes basically all need the teacher for help,Time of have a meal,Need to constantly patrol,See which children eat slowly,Have to feed a feed him,Don't let the children eat cold food,Also give some come late child heat a hot meal."After dinner,Lili will take each children to gargle,Rinse the mouth brought the child to outdoor do gymnastics,The next to teach the children knowledge,After meat is time,Then took the kids to the outdoor activities,Activities after come back with the children wash gargle,lunch,After lunch to take children go out for a walk,"Go outside and need according to the weather to increase or decrease children clothes,Generally we are all advance to the yard feeling temperature,If cold will give the children put on your coat,Not only should put on your coat,And see if there are any in the tuck your shirt in."


The nap time,To give every child tucked,"The children are too small,Body is very weak,Can't jelly can heat the,When their nap,I always beside watched,Who play the quilt cover can give it to anyone,With the quilt cover face who can give it to anyone up……"

  在家长们来接孩子之前,李丽会让孩子们统一上一次厕所,再统一喝点水,给每个孩子穿好衣服穿好鞋,然后交到家长手中。“这个时候仿佛就是家长检查我们工作的时候,家长把孩子放在幼儿园里一天,当然想知道孩子在幼儿园里都干了什么,如果哪个孩子碰着了,就得准备接受家长的质问。”李丽说,一般孩子在户外运动时难免会有磕磕碰碰,如果孩子不小心磕着了 ,自己会第一时间和家长沟通,虽然大部分家长都能理解,但总有一部分家长会找老师的麻烦,甚至让孩子退园。

In the parents to meet before the children,Lili will let the children unified last toilet,Reunify drink some water,Give each child wear good clothes wear shoes,Then make the parents hand."This time is like parents check we work,Parents send children in kindergarten in a day,Of course want to know their children in the kindergarten are dry what,If which children touch the,We should be ready to accept the parents of query."Lili said,Generally the child in the outdoor sports will inevitably have collectively,If the children are not careful depletion on ,He would first time and parents communication,Although most parents can understand,But there is always a portion of parents find the teacher's trouble,Even let the child back garden.


想管却不敢管,生怕家长不理解 Want to tube but dares not tube,For fear that parents don't understand

  “工作这么多年,我发现最难干的就是做好家长的工作,因为孩子虽然难带,但孩子比大人好沟通,有些家长真的很难沟通,现在都是几个家长围着一个孩子转,有些家长不理解老师的工作,有的甚至不信任幼儿园老师,我们跟一些家长沟通起来非常难。”李丽说,有些小事情到了家长那里往往会被扩大 ,孩子在幼儿园玩,免不了会碰着,家长一参与进来,就把事情扩大了 ,比如一个小朋友在课外活动自己不小心碰到了,老师会跟家长解释是孩子自己碰到了 ,但家长会想是不是其他小朋友打的?然后家长就会经常问自己的孩子,班里是不是有小朋友欺负他之类的问题。“家长也会经常问我们,他们的孩子是不是被其他小朋友欺负,我们的工作是个良心活,其实,我们看到哪个孩子伤了会和家长一样心疼,但个别的家长不理解我们。”

"Work for so many years,I find most difficult dry, is to do well the work of parents,Because the child though hard to take,But children than adults good communication,Some parents really hard to communication,Now is a few parents turn around a child,Some parents don't understand the teacher's work,Some even distrust kindergarten teacher,We with some parents are very difficult to communicate."Lili said,Some small things to the parents often there will be expanded ,Children play in kindergarten,Bound to hit,Parents a involved,Put things expanded ,Such as a kid in extracurricular activities careless met,The teacher will tell parents explain to your child is met ,But parents want to if other children playing?Then the parents will often ask their children,Is there children in the class bully him and so on questions."Parents also will often ask us,Their children are bully other children,Our work is a conscience live,In fact,We see which child hurt and as parents love,But individual parents don't understand us."


Lili said,Many after 80 when the parents,They are not too will take care of the children,Their children are home to look after the old man,Once the children in the kindergarten, out of the question,They will not intellectually find come over,Indiscriminately geological asked the teacher."Sometimes we have to spend a lot of time to do the work of parents."


A just before the children into the park,Every day to the kindergarten will cry,In the kindergarten teacher how to coax her all useless,The beginning is parents feel children don't adapt to the life of the kindergarten,And after a period of time,The parents want to how other children don't cry is their children crying,is


Not the teacher don't like their children?If other children rejection she doesn't play with her?"In order to coax the little girl happy,We often over her,Let the other kids play with her,But she was crying,The last child told us,Her mother every day to get up to criticize her slow,Delay their work.We and parents after communication,The parents attitude changed,The child's emotional gradually better,The parents later returned to kindergarten brought multicolored silk banner."

  李丽所在的幼儿园里现在都安有监控设备,“有的家长太不理解老师了 ,幸好我们园里有监控,这不仅对我们起到监督作用,也会为我们提供证据。”

Lili is now in the kindergarten DouAn have monitoring equipment,"Some parents too don't understand the teacher ,Fortunately, our campus have monitoring,This not only to our play a supervisory role,Will also provide evidence for us."


Lili is love the job,But less than 30 years old she said now under a lot of pressure at work.Lili said,The recent media exposure of the individual child abuse event,A kindergarten teacher was pushed in the teeth of the storm,Lili class children's parents asked the child every day,Have you ever been a teacher like abuse problems."We now work every day carefully,Butterflies in the,Not only did not dare to let the children touch the depletion,Is even words all don't know what to say to the kid,You say be tube or whatever?No matter if,Must not,How can no rules,Tube it again afraid parents ask a child,The boy said a little bit a little exaggeration……"

  李丽说,家长一般都认为孩子这么小不会说慌话,实际上,李丽在教学中发现很多孩子喜欢想象,会把一些东西添加进去,“我的儿子也在上幼儿园,前段时间他头上起了个疙瘩,我问他是怎么回事,他说自己的脑袋被小朋友撞了 ,老师用毛巾冷敷了,然后老师领着他去厕所抹东西了 ,还看大夫了,结果第二天我一看,他头上就是起了一个类似粉刺的小疙瘩。家长要是不理解,就会去找老师。”李丽说,家长当然要相信自己孩子的话,但不能全信,一定多和幼儿园老师沟通,沟通之后就能解决很多不必要的麻烦。

Lili said,Parents usually think children so small will not lying words,In fact,Lili in the teaching found that many children like to imagine,Will put some things added,"My son is in the kindergarten,Some time ago his head up a pimple,I asked him how be to return a responsibility,He said his head hit by children ,The teacher with a towel the cold,Then the teacher led him to go to the toilet on things ,Also see a doctor the,Results the next day I a look,His head is up a similar acne goose pimples.If parents do not understand,Will go to the teacher."Lili said,Parents, of course, want to believe oneself child word,But can't believe all,Must be more and kindergarten teacher communication,After communication can solve a lot of unnecessary trouble.


"Every parents let us pay more attention to their children,We can only slowly change parents opinion,We want to take care of so many children,For parents put forward special circumstances we will try to meet,But every man has his faults,The teacher ability is limited,Trying hard to."Lili said,She can only open for each parents explain,Let parents understand his work,As long as the good communication,Most of the parents are very supportive of the teacher's work.


人物2 小林 公办园老师 Figure 2 Lin is business garden teacher


同工不同酬,就图个稳定 Fellow workers for different,Will map a stable


Kindergarten teacher of run by the local people the working stability of some relative difference,General work two or three years,Monthly salary is in 3000 yuan or so.


It is understood,Every year there are many hold qualification of teacher education in preschool graduates public kindergarten teacher any contract.


Last June,Xiao Lin from Qingdao kindergarten training school,Districts in a public kindergarten,But Lin is not enrolled fine,Because the public kindergarten recruit is contract to the teacher.


"At the time when the contract to the teacher,Is the map a stable,To later he found that the difference is not small."Xiao Lin told reporters,He is the new fine,Or contract system of,So to do than campus experienced fine a lot more,And each month's salary is only one thousand yuan,After paying the rent/Water and electricity is how much left,Then xiao Lin became real"Moonlight clan".

  小林告诉记者,自己和其他老师的工资待遇差距很大。小林说,尽管有些幼儿园尽力缩小老师之间的工资差距,然而就算工资相差不多,各种福利待遇也不一样,尤其是农村幼儿园老师,挣的钱更少。“我工作一年多,月工资一千多元 ,农村幼师每个月的收入只有几百元。”虽然都入了社会保险,但是缴费比例不同,差距也很大。此外,小林所在的幼儿园一直没能给小林缴住房公积金。

Xiao Lin told reporters,Myself and other teacher's salary of difference.Kobayashi said changes,Although some kindergarten teacher to narrow the salary gap between,However even if the wage is similar,All kinds of benefits is different also,Especially the rural kindergarten teacher,Money less."I work more than a year,Monthly pay one thousand yuan ,Rural fine every month income only a few hundred yuan."Although all into the social insurance,But different capture to expend scale,Difference is very big also.In addition,Xiao Lin in the kindergarten haven't been able to xiao Lin pay housing accumulation fund.


"I don't know what to do with the family said that my career,Say I am the teacher it,But don't have the public garden the teacher's treatment,I am not a teacher, said,But I do every day is the teacher ought to be doing."His work can not be recognized family,Xiao Lin is the most swirly,Xiaolin looks in,And enrolled fine fellow workers for different problems themselves and not can't accept."I think another one or two years,My monthly salary can rise to the 2000 yuan,The public accumulation fund for housing construction also can have,I can continue to learn,Trying to be enrolled fine,Because I love this profession."
