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硕士儿子拒绝赡养父母 指着母亲鼻子大骂“滚”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  东方今报讯父母含辛茹苦供养儿子读完研究生,任职高薪职位,不料,在老父看病急需用钱时,儿子不仅不照料病中老父,竟然连以前买房炒股借父母的钱也拒不归还!年迈的父母无奈,把儿子告上法庭,要求还款。 Oriental this alarm parents reared support son finished graduate student,Office positions,behold,In the father to see a doctor when in urgent need of money,Not only do not take care of the sick son father,Even before fry to buy a house by their parents' money also refused to return!Their aged parents helpless,The son to court,Request reimbursement.


On December 13 morning,At the age of 40"son"WangQing on the phone told reporters,"What brought up?Are urban petty bourgeois ideas!Want money!You also tell them(parents),I don't have any relationship with them in the future,Later don't again and I importune!"


满足:一辈子养了5个孩子,3个上了大学 meet:Lifetime have five children,Three on the university


WangXuan big ye this year already 72 years old,Is leveling group workers retire.He and his wife LiSuLan from 1958 came to life here.The old couple in this life the most satisfy things,To have five children,Three are admitted to the university.The second son WangQing,Home is the first college kids,And in that age,Read the master graduate student,The deal will be more family proud.


LiSuLan recall that the past said,That moment life difficult,She didn't work,In field dry temporary workers,What do cement/Do brick,Again painstakingly again tired of live are done,For children can study well!Happy is,Children are very try to make a good showing.In 1982,,At the age of 19 WangQing admitted to the tianjin university,Home for the first time out of the college students,Family happy,Also designed for this matter please the guest.begins,Father children ready for tuition fees and living goods,Personally carry baggage,Sent him to tianjin.In 1986,,When heard he admitted to graduate student's news,His father said happily,As long as a good on,Even up to doctor,Home is to surrender one's last resource also support him to go to school!


失望:二儿子两年多不看望病中老父 disappointed:The second son more than two years don't see disease father


WangXuan old man in old age,Disease also much.Because diabetes cause cerebral thrombosis/hypertension/Coronary heart disease (CHD) needs to be constantly in hospital,Four years.


"Later, more than two years of time,WangQing do not return seen the father of the hospital."LiSuLan the old man said,"once,I call him,Say you again busy also have it on Sunday,Time back to see your father all right?"But did not see the figure of the son.On January 31, 2003,Fast the New Year,Marder vj returned to their parents home.


His eldest brother to reporters see a I owe you,Said when asked him,"Why don't you come back to see their parents?"WangQing replied that he no matter,After the money at home,He also don't.


A listen to he said,The boss feel too unkindness,Let him put the original borrow their money back.WangQing fill a I owe you,Angry to stand up and went away,There is no back seen parents.


The old man told reporters,The family now even the WangQing address/Mobile phone/Home phone all don't know.Will know that buy a house to borrow money is said in a district of the fifth floor.When asked why he buy our high floor parents on how,The son replied buy low floor if old followed him change.Ask him to telephone,He also don't say,Say fear of family disturb him.Although a lived in the city,Comparable to see a stranger is difficult.


心酸:二儿子指着鼻子让“滚” Feel sad:The second son by nose let"roll"


This year's August 18,/19,Let LiSuLan old man a most harrowing.


LiSuLan said,Look at WangQing will not come back,His wife and going to see a doctor of zhengzhou,Are short of money,Thinking about if he can gather together point,But don't know where he lives,Contact phone number also have no a.


August 18,,She and her little daughter wang Juan helpless to find WangQing unit,In the guard there to check into his office telephone and mobile phone number.Janny give him a call,But he does not come out,Cell phone,shutdown.There is no way,They begged the leadership to make a phone call,Call him out."Who knows him out by my nose said,You don't importune,You roll to me!"


Wang Juan to reporters took out a few photos,Said had seen him scold mother,Will stretch out his hand push the mother went,She went up in front of elam,Gas to scold him,Call him a slap in the face,Her glasses to play on the ground,Black eye,Face is the black and blue.spoke,Her tears fell down.


The next day,WangQing couple dwelling at my parents,In the alley in the presence of many neighbor's surface,Blame parents maltreat he when I was a child,Let him six years to wear a quilted jacket,Also always let wear his brother's old clothes.


To alleviate the relationship,Parents get someone to mediation,By the son's refused.See this son,But the parents had to resort to law,Want to buy a house when the son back to the original fry borrowed money,Good to go to a doctor.


丢人:邻居评价儿子所为 a:Neighbors evaluation for son


At noon on December 13,,Reporter in the interview,Several old neighbor hutongs by a piece of place:Right here,The second day, and his wife, crying cried out, lit their parents face,Reveal old clothes maltreat them,When his father gas shaking.


"a,It's a shame!"Nearly eighty years old field bring this thing is angry,"At that time, I was I would be angry at a side that clap your hands"good!good!Read so many years book zha la,The virtue of the elderly and care for the young to learn which go to?Earn so much money,Take the!"A disgrace which!"She said,That s,Whose child is not wear old clothes come over,Our parents have worked so hard to raise a few children adult,Went to college,Is not easy."He don't want to,People will old ah."


"Not reasonable,Where xing this ah,Pointing to the old face scold.Also don't want to want to,So many years on learning,Home is not the output."


"In the 20 years to learn,Don't left the miles!"The neighbors comment in succession.


心寒:儿子说出绝情话 chilling:Son say words to contact them


On December 13 morning,The reporter comes to WangQing work unit.At the gate,Janny dialed his number.When the reporter that when the queen,In his working time can't refuse to receive a visitor the personal interview.


phone,WangQing told reporters,"Without what good talk,The court has arbitration.They do not just think of I tuned in to the joint venture company,Thinking of my money?"


The reporter asked him,"Don't a little family all have no?Parents support for so many years,"Words haven't say that finish,He immediately interrupted reporter,said"What affection?What brought up?Are urban petty bourgeois ideas,Want money."


"Since you came,I tell you,I wouldn't accept any mediation,See you in court.This case I believe that I can win.You also tell them,I don't have any relationship with them in the future,They don't and I importune,I have also never find them to."


At noon on December 13,,When a reporter WangQing to tell his parents,LiSuLan old man said sadly,"I'm afraid to die again hard to see him come."


WangXuan old man in the cocked rely on chair,Hand to hold the crutches,Low head,Every now and then some SOB.


律师:血缘关系断不了,赡养老人义不容辞 lawyer:Blood relationship can't break,Supporting the old obligatory


October 8,The two old people to WeiDongOu court,WangQing repay the loan for 29000 yuan,The court put on record.Because of the defendant after address problems,The case is transferred to XinHuaOu court,The date of the hearing pending.

  河南元瑞律师事务所刘艳军律师认为,不管父母怎么想怎么做都是自己的父母,血缘关系谁也无法割断。父母养育孩子是无条件的,子女赡养老人也是无条件的。赡养老人是不可推卸的责任和义务,孝敬老人也是基本的社会道义,我们每一个人都不能以任何理由推脱。东方今报 (来源:中国经济网)

Henan yuan red LiuYanJun law firm lawyers think,No matter what do parents want to do is their parents,Blood relationship who also can't cut off.Parents raising children is unconditional,Children supporting the old is unconditional.Supporting the old is an unshirkable responsibility and obligation,Honor your father and your old man is also the basic social and moral,Each one of us can't for any reason to push to take off.Oriental today newspaper (source:China JingJiWang)
