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光棍节遭遇“情”流感 乐pad成大学脱光神器--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  11.11日,你网购了?一个来源于中国高校的特殊节日——光棍节,不断在年轻人中扩散,逐渐形成了一种单身男女的光棍文化。而这个节日却因某电商定义为一场疯狂的网购风暴,8小时支付宝销售额超过50亿。 2012在具有历史意义的世末来临之际,一场真正的光棍节,重新被联想乐pad带入中国校园

11.11 days,The net is you?A Chinese colleges and universities from the special festival - single day,Constantly among young people diffusion,Gradually formed a kind of single men and women's single culture.And this festival but for a certain electric agreed righteousness a crazy e-commerce storm,8 hours pay treasure sales more than 5 billion. 2012 in historic at the end of the world coming,A real single day,To be associative music pad into China campus.

  末世光棍节 狂欢乐pad对”,2012年世末光棍节由联想idea精英汇发起, 11大城市5万大学生与联想乐pad同度过了一个特殊意义的光棍盛典,一日之内席卷了中国校园,用大学生最具创意的方式诠释乐pad A2109四核极速脱光。

End of the single day crazy joy to pad",In 2012 at the end of the single day by lenovo idea launched by elite, 11 cities 50000 college students and lenovo music pad with had a special significance to bachelor grand ceremony,One day swept through China campus,College students with the most creative interpretation of the way music pad A2109 four nuclear off fast.


       11.11“情”流感蔓延 乐pad将狂购节扭转为高校光棍盛典

       11.11"feeling"The flu spread joy pad will be crazy purchase section torsional for university bachelor grand ceremony


Our goal is:With single end bachelor!


"Really is a single day?Can you dear to you?"


"Embrace a!Embrace a!"


"Will he still want me?22 years old bachelor to decide!"

  无活动、宅网购, 11.11已经变成网购节的年代,在2012年世末光棍节来临之时,光棍“情”流感蔓延,联想乐pad重新将光棍节进行回归,光棍节不再只剩寝室的单身情歌,今年更有乐pad对为你牵线搭桥,让你终结单身。

No activities/Curtilage the net, 11.11 has become the net section of the s,In 2012 at the end of the single day comes,bachelor"feeling"Flu spread,Lenovo music pad to reorganize the single day for regression,Single day no longer only bedroom single song,This year is more joy pad for matchmaking you bypass,Let you end single.


Sweet hug,Happy flowers,The end of the fly single vow to light,A only sing to a person's love song,Shy expression……This is not a movie[In those years,We did not overtake girl],These let the university the onset of puberty of men and women the story of envy,Constantly in the crazy joy to appear in the pad.


11大城市同步单身狂欢 体验四核乐pad更要极速脱单 11 cities synchronous single carnival experience four nuclear music pad more to speed to take off the list

  从白天到黑夜,从上海到哈尔滨, “世末光棍节 狂欢乐pad对”共在中国11个城市重点大学院校举办(包含:上海、天津、武汉、成都、陕西、南京、浙江、河南、黑龙江、广州等城市),通过光棍狂欢晚会、乐pad相亲会、单身情歌会等丰富的形式,年轻的联想乐pad呼唤单身男女,勇敢的站出让光棍结束在世末光棍节之日。

From day to night,From Shanghai to Harbin, "At the end of the single day crazy joy to pad"A total of 11 cities in China key universities hold(contains:Shanghai/tianjin/wuhan/chengdu/shaanxi/nanjing/zhejiang/henan/heilongjiang/Guangzhou city, etc),Through the single for a wild party/Music pad to will/Single song will wait for rich form,Young association music pad called single men and women,Brave station transfer bachelor end at the end of the day all single day.


The southwest university of finance and economics bachelor boy composition pattern basketball team,Live performance basketball to display their charm,To the general single girls ask for campus partner.

  “抓不住爱情的我总是眼睁睁看它溜走 世界上幸福的人到处有 为何不能算我一个” 天津师大一男生现场一首《单身情歌》,音乐的想起把现场氛围迅速带入高潮,打动现场无数少女的心,全场一起随声高唱。

"Can't hold love I always helplessly watch it go the world happy person there are why can't count me in" Tianjin normal university a boy field a[Single song],Music remember the scene atmosphere quickly into the climax,Move the countless young girl's heart,With the sound together to sing.

  乐pad现配对、脱光成人礼等大胆创意的脱光仪式让现场不断尖叫,在光棍节狂欢之时,更有四核乐pad 的极速体验在现场狂high进行,9寸大屏、6000mAh超大电池、12核GPU、Tegra专属游戏,1080P全高清影音,乐pad A2109成为当日乐pad对中秒杀单身的脱光利器。

Music pad now pairing/Strip off the adult ceremony and bold creative strip off the ceremony let field constantly scream,In the single day when the carnival,There are four more nuclear music pad in extreme experience in the crazy on high,9 inches of baimiao/6000 mah large cell/12 nuclear GPU/Tegra exclusive game,1080 p full hd video,Music pad A2109 become the music pad in seconds kill single strip off the edge tool.


In the more than 50000 college students to participate in the university campus dynamic single event,Lenovo idea elite members will collect the latest association music pad products to college students' side,Experience of high-tech products,More let students experience kele pad technology innovation of life brought about convenience to change and improve university entertainment new way.From the college students' inner emotional appeals cut,Combined with the university campus is the most popular subject,Lenovo music more pad with innovative products and young spirit again capture college students' favor,Welcomed the campus jillion fans the reputation and praise.
