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考试辅导机构高峰论坛 0投诉率是否是神话--亲稳网络舆情监测室


November 13,Sohu education channel by the round table on Tuesday[Looking for a good helper exam]BBS seminar sohu education network selection start ceremony in Beijing grand opening.From a nationwide more than 20 well-known test counselling organization marketing director gathered here,The exam is training industry industry development/Teaching research/"The craze for graduate school""Countries take an examination of heat"And makes a further discussion on the hot issues,and"0 TouSuLv is myth"The topic of the high-end dialogue,The following is a BBS memoir:


搜狐教育《寻找考试好帮手》大型网络评选启动 Sohu education[Looking for a good helper exam]Large network selection start点击进入>> Click into the>>

  PART3 高峰论坛 0投诉率是否是神话 PART3 peak BBS 0 TouSuLv is myth


In this selection activities,Our purpose mentioned"Counselling rights",since"Sohu 3.15 consumer exposure platform"After online,We also received a lot of students and parents to training institutions complaints rights manuscript,Such as false propaganda/Exaggerate such as teachers of the existence of the problem,Training institutions how to guarantee will not be complaint is the examinee and the guardian unanimous approval and favorable comment of the,"0 TouSuLv is myth"You have what kind?


 邝金武【跨考教育市场运营中心总监】: KuangJinWu[Cross examination education market operation center director]:这个不太可能。教育企业最核心的在于服务服务分两方面。第一,我们企业的口号服务更多的学生,为什么有人花几万块钱的班,我们收那么多钱把免费的东西直接放给学生,我觉得我的成绩还可以做他的免费服务也能通过考试,这部分学生直接不需要交钱就过了。当企业盈利之后慢慢抬高,慢慢把免费的东西抬高,把产品慢慢抬高,这个是可以的。零投诉几乎做不到。怎么去处理投诉?这个是很重要的。我做考研将近十多年,考研行业是最乱的行业。考研的本质需要长时间的积累,短暂的东西只能带来一点,并不能改变什么。

This is unlikely.Education is the core of enterprise service,Service is divided into two aspects.The first,Our enterprise slogan service more students,Why do people spend tens of dollars class,We accept so much money to free things put directly to students,I think my grades can do his free services also can pass the exam,This part of student direct don't need to make money have.When the enterprise profit after up slowly,Slowly the free things up,The product up slowly,This is ok.Zero complaint almost can't do.How to deal with complaints?This is very important.I do one's deceased father grind nearly ten years,One's deceased father grind industry is the most disorderly industry.The nature of one's deceased father grind need long time accumulation,Brief thing can bring a bit,Does not change??????.


 蔡美玉【海天教育集团企划总监】:“ CaiMeiYu[The Haitian education group project director]:"零投诉”在一定意义上来讲确实是个神话,我们只能说因为现在同学能够去反映问题的或者说投诉问题的渠道太多了,比如微博。我们维护微博的过程当中各种问题都会有,可能今天会觉得我正好坐在空调吹的我的地方太热了,他也会投诉,很冷也会投诉。类似于这种投诉的通道越来越多之后信息更加公开化,渠道更多,对于辅导机构来讲对于我们自己的压力更大,我们更会觉得各种方面都要尽量去做到最好或者尽量避免各种问题。人无完人,机构无法做到最好最优秀的或者拿出哪一点最完美的,也会有不同的地方会有缺失。在这个缺失过程当中首先建议一下,其实有很多时候一个机构像我们所处的环境一个是外环境,外环境很多受众群体、社会包括媒体对我们的判断,小的问题有时候个别媒体会真的放大它,其实它本身不会是真的决定这个孩子或者决定这个考生怎么样结果的非常直接的过程或者原因。像我刚才所举的例子,可能空调吹他热了可能导致他最后考不上,这个就有点意思了。类似于这样的,希望媒体站在比较相对客观公正的角度,真的去评判哪些因素或者哪些原因真是能够直接影响考生决定最终考试成功的原因。从考生的角度换位思考一下,我们并不是把握着考生的命运,而是从帮助他们的角度思考这个问题,相当于我们把自己的定位包括考生应该从自身的角度把握好自己的定位,不能全部依赖机构。内环境来讲,在座所有的机构都会有产品研发、教学服务、前期销售、宣传整个一整套内部的链条,有时候我们会遇到一个问题,个别机构存在这样的问题,产品研发出来之后到了前期销售放大化,课程的内容只能达到某一种效果,但是前期销售所站的角度拉更多的学生来买,他站的角度和后期服务包括整个企业的角度来讲立场是不同的。除了外环境,内环境相对而言第一是流畅的第二有原则的,咨询人员也好销售人员也好,清楚知道产品究竟给学生带来什么,如果真的是用心给学生进行咨询或者服务的一定能感受得到你的真诚。另外产品实现什么样的效果,不能把它无限制放大化。我为了图一时的利益也好把它放大化,这个也是不太好的。从内环境和外环境其实可以做到去降低投诉率,但是彻底规避零的话,真的需要机构沉得住气,这段时间不追求利益完全追求它没有投诉,各种服务都做到家做到位,这个确实需要企业进行长远考虑。

Zero complaint"In a certain sense, is a myth,We can only say because now students to reflect problems or complaints channel too much,Such as micro bo.We maintain micro bo process all kinds of problems will have,Maybe it will think that I was just sitting in the air conditioning blown my place is too hot,He would also complain about,Very cold will complain.Similar to this complaint channel more and more information after more open,Channel more,For counselling organization speaking for our own much more pressure,We will feel various aspects will try to do the best as far as possible or avoid all kinds of problems.Every man has his faults,Institutions can't do the best or take out which is the most perfect,Also can have different places will be missing.In the absence of process first suggest,There are a lot of times a institutions like our surroundings one is external environment,External environment many audience group/Social media including to our judgment,Small problems sometimes individual media will really amplification it,In fact it itself is not really decide the child or decide the examinee how results very direct process or reason.As I have just for example,May he hot air blow may result in his last I failed,This was a bit mean.Similar to this,Hope that the media stood in relative to the objective point of view,Really evaluation factors or what reason is really can directly influence the examinee decided to end the reasons for the success of the exam.From the point of view of the perspective-taking once,We are not holding the fate of the examinee,But from the point of view of help them to think about this question,Is equivalent to our own localization should include examinee from their own point of view grasp their positioning,Not all depend on the mechanism.Internal environment in terms of,All all institutions will have product research and development/Teaching service/Prophase sales/Publicity the whole set of internal chain,Sometimes we will encounter a problem,Individual institutions these problems,Products developed to put the after sales view,The content of the course can only achieve a certain effect,But the sales stand point of view to pull more students to buy,He stood Angle and the after-sale service including the whole enterprise point position is different.In addition to external environment,Internal environment relatively smooth first is the second principled,Consultants or sales staff all right,To know what products to a student to bring what,If really is diligently to the student to carry on the consultation or service must be able to feel your sincerity.In addition the product realization what kind of effect,It is not unlimited put human beings.I in order to map the interests or put it view,This is not too good.From the internal environment and external environment actually can do to reduce the TouSuLv,But completely avoid zero words,Really need to sink institutions stand gas,This period of time is not the pursuit of interest completely after it no complaints,All kinds of services are home to do a,This really need enterprise long-term consideration.


李中其【好学教育市场总监】:“ The lee[Academic education marketing director]:"零投诉”绝对没有一家机构做到这一点,马云说过一句话世界上最贵的产品是服务。好学教育实现产品服务,作为企业来说我要承担社会责任。你投诉我,我很欣赏,被投诉就是我的需求还没有满足他。我希望我们的平台做完之后不要服务,他的需求满足了,就实现了我的社会价值和企业价值,这是我个人对教育行业的理解。

Zero complaint"Absolutely no institution do this,Mr Ma said a word the world the most expensive product is service.Academic education realize products and services,It is quite important for enterprise I want to assume social responsibility.Your complaint I,I appreciate,Be the complaint is my demand haven't satisfy him.I hope our platform after finishing don't service,He needs to meet the,Realized my social value and enterprise value,This is my personal understanding of the education industry.


 方铭洋【万学教育研发管理高级经理】: FangMingYang[All science education development management senior manager]:我为什么毕业之后进入教育行业,可能刚才大家提到的投诉问题是本身教育产业属性的问题,不像实体产业做出来就是一个窟窿放一个螺丝,教育是厚积薄发的过程,知识技能传递,每个需求者每个用户需求点是不一样的,投诉无法避免,怎么样投诉的思路,服务完善就是帮助把产品完善,出现的投诉率也会相应降下去。投诉可以分为大致能产生共鸣的就是两类,一类授课方面的内容方面讲得不好考试没有用到,另外一类服务,老师对我的跟踪不够紧,课程是好内容是好,但是自身惰性安排了服务老师,但是老师的监管力度不够。遇到投诉面对问题解决问题是正视这个问题的第一步。

Why I graduated into the education industry,Could you just mentioned complaint problem is itself education industry attributes of the problem,Unlike the entity industry is to make a hole put a screw,Education is the whole process,Knowledge skills transfer,Each demanders each user demand point is not the same,Complaints can't avoid,The train of thought of how complaints,Perfect services is to help the product perfect,TouSuLv will also appear in the corresponding drop down.Complaints can be divided into roughly can produce resonance is two kinds,A kind of teaching contents in terms of the well test did not use,Another kind of service,The teacher for my tracking is not tight,Course is good content is good,But their own inert arranged service teacher,But the teacher's supervision is not strong enough.Meet the complaint in the face of problem solving the problem is to face up to the problem of the first step.


赵兴华【北京勤思培训学校网络总监】: ZhaoXingHua[Beijing often think training school director of network]:我觉得关键在承诺,只要承诺做到就不会再投诉。

I think the key is in the commitment,As long as the commitment do won't complain.


 李永胜【北京勤思培训学校主任】: LiYongSheng[Beijing often think training school director]:我个人认为必须用心做事,承诺的东西完全一一兑现,这就不存在投诉。再有,如果不存在满意的情况下,不能把学员拒之门外,以诚相待,把投诉率可以降到最低或者降为零。

I personally think must concentrate on work,Promise something completely to one,There is no complaints.have,If there is no satisfactory cases,Can't put students close the door on,Treat each other sincerely,The TouSuLv can to a minimum or zero.


顾昕昕【启政市场部策划主管】: GuXin xin[Rev. Government marketing planning supervisor]:没有投诉才是变态的不正常的,有投诉是正常的。投诉有几种。第一种是恶性投诉,这是很深恶痛绝的,没事找事或者其它竞争机构恶意举报你,这属于恶性投诉。第二种是中性投诉,就是学员心声的表达。第三种是善意投诉,就是所谓的建议,我对这个产品更多的希望它更好,所以我才去投诉,但是这是建议。教育都是人和人之间的沟通交流,人有不足完善的地方,没有投诉才叫神话,有投诉是正常,一定改变学员的心态,关注培训过程和结果。

No complaint is abnormal not normal,There have been complaints is normal.Complaint there are several.The first is a malignant complaints,It is a very deep bad pain unique,Ask for trouble or other competition mechanism malicious report you,This belongs to malignant complaints.The second is neutral complaints,Heart is the expression of the students.The third kind is bona fide complaints,Is the so-called Suggestions,I to the product more hope it better,So I didn't go to complaints,But this is suggested.Education is communication between person and person,People have insufficient perfect place,No complaints was a myth,There have been complaints is normal,Must change the students' mentality,Pay attention to training process and results.


何玓【中公教育全国市场总监】:“ What Di[Public education in the national marketing director]:"零投诉”确实不太可能实现的,如果把投诉视为一种风险的话,从风险管理的角度来看大家追求的不是零风险而是把风险控制在能接受的范围之内,这是一个基本概念。投诉不代表学习结果不好,空调不舒服也可能投诉,如果最后给他提供好的结果考试过了,用户是可以接受的,对我们来说也是可以接受的很多情况下。多些投诉的用户是爱你们,投诉是希望做得更好,有投诉不要紧,我们解决,追求“零投诉”,我们追求百分之百解决投诉。

Zero complaint"Do not too possible to achieve,If the complaint as a word of risk,From the point of view of risk management, we pursue is not zero risk but the risk control in the acceptable range,This is a basic concept.The complaint does not represent learning outcome is bad,Air conditioning uncomfortable may also complaint,If the last provided him with good results passed the exam,The user is acceptable,For us is acceptable in many cases.More complaints user is love you,Complaint is hoping to do better,There have been complaints it doesn't matter,We solve,pursuit"Zero complaint",We pursue one hundred percent resolve complaints.


张铁铮【新东方在线市场总监】: zhang[New Oriental online marketing director]:教育培训的本质是以效果达成为核心的,学员发投诉不会是因为空调、不会是因为椅子、不会是因为座位的安排,核心问题在于教学效果。尤其我们提供公共类的产品的时候,产品能不能照顾到学生的个性化需求。个性化的需求满足了,投诉其实不会真正产生。投诉不可避免,减少投诉最关键的核心第一方面肯定是教学效果、教学质量、教学研发。再者,对客服人员的培训以及整个客户体系的建设和对客户反应的机制,没有人愿意去付费之后专门来投诉,那肯定是因为他的需求没有得到满足或者需求得到满足跟他自己的心里期望产生期望值的落差。最后,对学员的承诺,教育机构如何去实现对学员的承诺。

The essence of education training effect is reached as the core,Students send complaints won't because of air conditioning/Not because the chair/Not because the seating arrangements,The core problem is the teaching effect.Especially we provide public class product when,The product can take care of to the students' individual needs.To meet the personalized needs,Complaint is not really produce.Complaints inevitable,Reduce complaints the key core first hand must be the teaching effect/Teaching quality/Teaching research and development.moreover,To the personnel of the service training and the entire client system construction and to the customer reaction mechanism,No one is willing to go to pay after special to file a complaint,It would be because he needs no satisfied or demand satisfied with his own heart expectations have expectations of the head.finally,To the students' commitment,Education institutions how to realize the students' commitment.


 郑文照【华图教育市场运营中心总监】: ZhengWenZhao[China map education market operation center director]:第一,“零投诉”永远是我们的终极目标。第二,投诉永远是推动我们前进的动力。第三,风险控制,我们会评估多少起教学事故认为是可以接受的,超过用什么样的机制方式去解决。所有的投诉一定是期望跟获得是偏差的。服务两个字谈起来很轻松,但是做起来很不轻松,我们唯有不断改进,不断做到完美。

The first,"Zero complaint"Forever is our ultimate goal.The second,Complaint is always to promote our motivation.The third,Risk control,We will evaluate how much teaching accident believe that this is acceptable,More than what mechanism way to solve.All complaints must be expected to gain is the deviation.Service two words talk about up very easily,But it is not easy,We only by continuous improvement,Continuously perfect.

    PART1 建设分享 为本次评选活动献言献策 PART1 construction share for the selection activities offer advice said


PART2 机构展示 全面了解参选机构的特色、优势、定位 PART2 mechanism show fully understand the characteristics of running mechanism/advantage/positioning
