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  1600 个学习中心温情服务学生

1600 learning centers warmth service students


Into the AoPeng remote education chengdu learning center,Online experience teaching service terminal are flashing,YiTaiTai computer screen showed clearly the"Teaching subjects/Teaching course/Guidance teachers/Operation examination"projects.As long as the little mouse gently,Input learning account number and password,Students can easily learn,Only in sichuan,Such learning center has grown to 83,In the national have 1600."Distance education mainly through the network learning,The sense that gives a person is between teachers and students lack of warmth,For here for teachers and students,And well, we was like family as dear to each other,Care about each other to encourage."AoPeng remote education chengdu learning XinPingShui, director of the center.


More than 40 universities more than 300 professional let you choose as the first national remote education public service system AoPeng education/China's largest network education content service operation organisations,AoPeng education has and Beijing university/Zhejiang university/China people's university and so on more than 40 domestic famous universities cooperation,To meet all kinds of people to participate in training and hoisting capacity demand,For all types of learners high school starting point specialist/Starting point high school undergraduate/Undergraduate course specialized subject starting point/Bachelor degree and 2 minor professional and so on the different levels and professional degree education service.

  2009年,奥鹏远程教育成都学习中心成立。今天,逾1500名学员在这里济济一堂,为自己的人生再度充电。辛平介绍说,已经有北京大学、北京外国语大学、北京航空航天大学、南开大学、天津大学、中国医科大学、吉林大学、北京语言大学、大连理工大学、江南大学、中国石油大学(华东)等12所高校授权奥鹏远程教育学习中心。在这里,学员可以从工商、行政、财务管理、日语、汉语、土木工程、工程管理等100多个专业中选择自己的进修课程。  让学生感受家的关怀与温暖在多数人想象中,在远程教育中学生主要通过网络学习,与老师缺乏面对面的沟通与交流,然而在奥鹏远程教育成都学习中心,学生却总能感到家一般的温暖。

In 2009,,AoPeng remote education chengdu learning center was established.today,More than 1500 students here a gathering of many people,For my own life charge again.XinPing said,Have Beijing university/Beijing foreign studies university/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics/Nankai university/Tianjin university/China medical university/Jilin university/Beijing language and culture university/Dalian university of technology/Jiangnan university/China university of petroleum(East China)12 universities such as authorized AoPeng remote education centers of learning.here,Students may commerce from/administrative/Financial management/Japanese/Chinese/Civil engineering/Project management and so on, more than 100 professionals choose their own refresher course.Let the students feel the home care and warmth in most people imagine,High school students in remote education mainly through the network learning,With teachers lack of face-to-face communication and exchange,However, in the AoPeng remote education chengdu learning center,Students are always can feel the warmth of home general.


"We have been trying to let the students to produce a sense of belonging."XinPingShui,Every year center organization more than two students' activities,Such as drift/Expanding training/Organic barbecue, etc,Let the students/The teacher through this platform communicate emotion."And the teacher in charge is from head to tail,Is a teacher as well as a friend."


XinPing tells a story:Before two years,A in the supermarket as salesman students suddenly don't go to class,Don't connect the teacher phone."The teacher wanted to,May be what's the matter,He ran to his place of business to find him."After a talk,A student is to expose feelings,Don't go to class because income is not high,Economic difficulties,Pay the tuition,"That do you still want to go to school?"The teacher asked,The students nodded his head."I come to give you trying to,"The teacher put forward two Suggestions,His lend money to students to go to school,The school or apply for installment payment to pay tuition.finally,Students on the installment plan finished with school,And therefore gradually into the management of the company.


More let XinPing are pleased,"The relationship between student is also very good,They help each other,Have a good job opportunities or the test information, etc,Will take the lead in released to the QQ group,share."


Characters article

  关艳:身残志坚 圆梦网络

GuanYan: ShenCanZhiJian oneiromancy network


At the age of 14,For spinal cord compression disease cause paralysis of the lower limbs;Junior high school haven't finished reading it was forced to drop out of school……22 years wheelchair life,Beijing girl GuanYan did not give up studying,She was on the basis of self-study,Choose the studying English,And successfully completed the college.At present,GuanYan has become AoPeng remote education center English teacher,To realize her dream of teachers.

  22年轮椅生活 从未放弃学习1986年,14岁的关艳和同龄孩子一样,每天除了上学就是和伙伴玩耍,她常常憧憬美好的未来。但是命运的航船突然偏离了方向医生把一纸写着“脊髓压迫症”的诊断书递到她父母手中。此后,关艳丧失了行走能力。由于行动不便和心理障碍,关艳休学了。慢慢冷静下来,关艳觉得,自己不能就这样被噩运击垮,对知识的渴望使她重新拿起了书本。

22 years wheelchair life never give up studying in 1986,GuanYan 14 years old children of the same age as,In addition to school every day is to play with friends,She often look forward to a better future.But the fate of the ship suddenly stray from the path the doctor put a paper written"Spinal cord compression syndrome"The medical certificate will be handed over to the hand of her parents.Since then,GuanYan lost the ability to walk.Due to the action inconvenience and psychological disorder,GuanYan with school for.Slowly to calm down,GuanYan think,Himself can't be bad luck eat up,Knowledge of the desire to make her to picked up the books.

  自学很难,对于残疾人更是难上加难。“学英语是出于喜欢,一看英语书心里就能平静下来,时间过得也很快。”最初,关艳跟着电台学习。为了加强记忆,提高效率,她每天一睁眼脑子就琢磨单词,背课文、听录音,日复一日,乐此不疲。背诵课文从几十字到几百字,书上密密麻麻用各种不同颜色的笔圈圈点点,字典的夹页用透明胶条粘了又粘。凭着惊人的毅力,关艳坚持学完了两期英语函授课程,并于1994年顺利考入大连外语学院。1998年,她又顺利考取北京外国语大学,完成了大学学业。  辅导网上课程 门生已达两万人关艳的故事感染着周围的人。2007年,她顺利进入奥鹏远程教育中心工作,担任网上英语教师。每天在家里办公的她,通过奥鹏教育的远程教育系统平台,帮助全国两万余名学生完成英语学业。

Self-study hard to,For the disabled is brutally hard."Learning English is out of love,A look at English book heart can calm down,Time passed very quickly."first,GuanYan follow station learning.In order to strengthen the memory,Improve efficiency,Her eyes every day brain figured words,To recite the text/Listen to the tape,Day after day,happy.Recite the text from dozens of words to hundreds of words,The book thickly dotted with all sorts of different color pen loops little,The dictionary of clamp page with transparent glue to stick a and sticky.With amazing perseverance,GuanYan adhere to the learned two stage English correspondence course,And smoothly in 1994 was admitted to dalian institute of foreign languages.In 1998,,She was well attended Beijing foreign studies university,Finishing college.Tutoring online classes pupil has amounted to twenty thousand people GuanYan story infected people around.In 2007,,She get to AoPeng remote education center work,As online English teachers.Every day in the home office of she,Through the AoPeng education remote education system platform,Help the national more than twenty thousand students in the completion of English studies.


"In the AoPeng education before,I can only at home when the tutor,Coaching a two students,Or to disabled persons' federations/Do some community service.I never expect to have a formal work,Envy an office worker life."GuanYan memories,Here is a special chance."At that time,Many media reports my story.later,The company's human resources department to find me,Think I am more fit for the job.Enter the AoPeng after education,I change especially big,Not only living standards have improved,Also make many colleagues/friends,Study and understand the enterprise culture,Be happy everyday enrichment."


GuanYan revealed,Now she is responsible for every day in addition to online course guidance,Also as online guide to learn/English course proposition/Course BBS maintenance, etc.Although work tedious,But don't feel tired,Because of her from the experience online teachers meet with relief."My students have the more than twenty thousand people,All over the country?!"In the words of pride,Is irrepressible joy.

  王昌国:学历低找工作难 奥鹏教育改变命运

WangChangGuo: degree low job difficult AoPeng education change destiny


WangChangGuo,34,He not only through the AoPeng education network learning won the dalian university of technology college diploma,Looking for a job is successfully solved"Degree low"problem.WangChangGuo revealed,At present he also teachs central assistance remotely through aopeng education center to enter oneself for an examination the Beijing university financial undergraduate professional,Ready to go to top management development,His wife is also affected,Prepare through the network to continue education.


"Shenzhen difficult to find a job,I am secondary specialized school students',Hunting for a job is not.In AoPeng education study and get the diploma,Only through the knowledge change destiny."WangChangGuo said,In 1998,,He from radio and television technical school after graduation,Unfortunately met laid-off tide,Wen wanted him to look for work not low."time,I came back to sichuan guanghan hometown parents do business,Also went to shenzhen done workers,Career no hope."After a few years,WangChangGuo in shenzhen has been a r&d company do technician,We have accumulated a wealth of experience in production technology.


"I have heard from the technician do developer,But the company's value degree,Although I than a lot of young people more experienced,But every to promotion and attention,The company for giving me the chance of a few."WangChangGuo started to wildly on the network electronic delivery resume,But always disappear forever.


"later,Through friends introduced,I met with a company's manager,The manager is still recognized me,But because degree problem,I still can't improve the treatment.Many employees technology is better than I,But because is undergraduate course degree,Salary is twice as much as I do,Don't solve the problem no record of formal schooling!"WangChangGuo began to ask around:How can delay work,Accept re-education?


"In 2009,,I through the dalian radio and television university AoPeng remote education centers of learning,To read the dalian university of technology of mechanical design, manufacturing and automation.Because is network course,Learning time is flexible,Work and study two not mistake.Experts and professors's explanation is also very carefully,Don't understand can feel free to call teacher or online communication.In the cost,A credit is 80 yuan,Three years down to 6400 yuan.In July 2012,I successfully got the dalian university of technology's graduation certificate."


now,In a company WangChangGuo guanghan technical designers.At present,He also through the AoPeng education report read Beijing university financial undergraduate professional."In the technology and management level,I have already handy.If you want to become a top company,In financial matter I still need to learn,A remote education support,I believe that the day will come soon."

  邹德威:当上部门经理 奥鹏教育充电给力

ZouDeWei: when the department manager AoPeng education charge to force


ZouDeWei,ZhongFang group sichuan co., LTD., comprehensive quality control department manager.In September of 2009,He began to teachs central assistance remotely through aopeng education chengdu learning center in Beijing university human resources management,Has been submitted to the graduation thesis,If there is no accident,March to the Beijing university diploma.


In 2005,,ZouDeWei from henan industry university food engineering and scientific disciplines,To ZhongFang group work,Responsible for product quality management,Because performance is better,Will be transferred to the comprehensive quality control department,Responsible for the external propaganda/Human resources management,"Just began to some ability not equal to one's ambition,Feel the need to recharge.but,If all full-time into university,Work to do?Tuition to do?"ZouDeWei began to think of remote education,After a comparison,He chose AoPeng education.


"The entrance exam is Chinese/English and history."Pass the exam after,ZouDeWei began in Beijing university human resources management course,"Our teacher/credits/course,With Beijing university human resources professional student teacher is the same."ZouDeWei said,They have 30 many courses in need,Including employment learn,Organizational behavior/Human resources management and so on,The only difference is,They are in the online follow the teacher's teaching video learning.In the process of the class,You don't understand,ZouDeWei is through the AoPeng education specialized learning channel post questions,soon,There will be professional teacher to answer.


It wasn't long before,ZouDeWei began to make of things learned in class to apply daily operation.In 2009,,The company has been want to do performance management,But don't know how to do,Also not formed a complete performance management system,At Peking University human resources class,The teacher just carries out a detailed explanation,"The use of all,By the end of 2012,I according to the teacher teach method,Combined with the practical situation,For the performance management system,Effect is very good,Get leaders and colleagues affirmation."


In addition,Personnel recruitment/Staff training/Staff career planning, and other professional knowledge and skills,ZouDeWei also both use the effect.With the ability to ascend,The leaders more regard highly him,Treatment has also improved."Now the enterprise competition,In fact is talented person's competition,The learning ability of competition,In the information development so rapidly today,Must be lifelong learning can consolidate step by step."ZouDeWei said,now,He also organize the employees through the AoPeng education class,Promote team level of knowledge and professional ability.

  记者杜灿 张菲菲

Reporter DuCan zhang feifei lost her job
