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13岁女生军训死亡 带队校长老师外出洗脚按摩--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Last month 24,Crystal newspaper hair depth survey said[13 years old girl military training death of the unanswered questions],Roc overseas Chinese middle school to junior new WenXiaoLin's death has carried on the report.yesterday,Dapeng new city the ac related departments to crystal news reporter bulletin,After investigation,The day before WenXiaoLin death,13 the teacher had co-operated to KTV to sing;The in the afternoon,Nine shift the teacher to leisure center wash feet massage,The President also really been drinking,But all the teachers are not involved in sex activity or accept pornography service.The competent departments have to the principal LiQunLi and nine led the teacher to JieMian conversation,And shall be ordered to make a written examination.Relevant departments will formulate relevant regulations in order to regulate the activities of students' military training.


Dapeng new social construction bureau chief the ac ZongGeKe ZhangMu yuan told crystal report depth investigative reporter,October 24 crystal report depth investigation report after publish,Dapeng district management committee attaches great importance to,In the morning the social construction bureau of investigation is established working group,Reported that reflect the investigation,And formed the investigation report.


军训基地请13名教师唱歌9名教师洗脚按摩 Military training base please and teachers singing nine teacher wash feet massage


The new social construction bureau chief roc education section ChenYuanXiong to crystal news reporter about the results of the survey:


1/On September 9, when 20 to 23,Training base party(Shenzhen golden course education service co., LTD,Similarly hereinafter)Please roc overseas Chinese middle school teacher 13 people(Shift teachers 8 people,The shift teachers five people,The female teacher three people)To kwai chung holiday hotel KTV sing(This song and dance hall the complete set of licenses),Sing no paid PeiChang service;At about 23,Shift teachers return to base.


2/On September 10,(WenXiaoLin the day)At about 16,Military training base party please school shift teachers 9 people(The female teacher 2 people,A base party female teacher 1 person accompanied,Another teacher left-behind base to assist management)To dapeng brilliant leisure center wash feet massage.At about 17,Shift the teacher go back to school to rest.


3/On September 10, 18 PM,All the teachers to dapeng jade garden seafood restaurant attend school teacher's day dinner.The headmaster LiQunLi and part of the administrative personnel in the party drink a little wine,Did not appear the phenomenon of drunkenness;The headmaster LiQunLi for alcohol allergy,To the roc hospital looking for friends consultation,Because there was no serious,So there's no hospital records.At around 20,Before teachers return to base,To participate in "camp gala.meeting,The teacher on the stage to accept students of the teacher's day wishes.


校长和9名带队教师被诫勉谈话,不得晋升职称 The headmaster and nine led the teachers are JieMian conversation,Promotion title shall not be


Survey report says,"In the student during military training,Led the teacher accept training base party to places of entertainment activities invited,Leave the position,Belong to dereliction of duty behavior,Harm the image of the new teachers".


In view of this,Dapeng new city construction bureau of society of roc overseas Chinese school leadership and teachers make the following treatment:The principal of the event LiQunLi responsible for the leadership responsibility,Decided to carry on the JieMian conversation,And shall be ordered to make a written examination.To participate in entertainment activities before nine teachers collective JieMian conversation,And shall be ordered to make a written examination.According to another ChenYuanXiong said,These teachers this year will not be able to participate in the title promotion,Year-end can't PingXian recommendation.


“今后原则上不批准与教学无关的校外活动” "The future in principle not to grant approval and teaching independent external activities"


ZongGeKe person in charge ZhangMu yuan said,Crystal newspaper survey prompted us to check their work,Do have not the place that reach the designated position,According to practices such as,The past military training school when led the teacher can't enter the military training base,Students in military training what happens when the teacher didn't know,To ensure the safety of the students left a hidden danger,In the future, we will be from the system on the school military training activities specification,To ensure the safety of the students.According to the investigation report processing opinion,Dapeng new district will from now on incident draw profound lessons,Perfect activities outside the system of examination and approval,Strict student activities outside the declaration and the examination and approval,In principle not to grant approval and teaching independent external activities.To approved external activities,The school will be prior to buy personal accident insurance.


报道回放 Report playback


Late on September 10, 8 xu,Roc overseas Chinese junior high school freshmen WenXiaoLin in shenzhen golden course education service co., LTD., kwai chung white stone duty military training base during the show,Suddenly fell,Being taken to hospital,In 11, when death at 5 xu.


Crystal newspaper reporter survey found,During military training,WenXiaoLin had had fainted but not attention;10 when having a meal at noon,Her mind fuzzy,This should take bowl but took my hat,But these failed to inform the parents.WenXiaoLin after the death of,Her military training diary was torn,She send medical and treatment process is also not enough timely.Crystal report depth reporter received a source says,"The night before the,The footman of military training teachers had to pornographic sites sing K far into the night,That afternoon the teachers in the entertainment center push oil/Evening to seafood restaurant drink,That night the principal drunk the wine to the hospital,Teachers drunk after the meal returned to training base,To find out the last breath of WenXiaoLin",This exposure material think the school to the death of the WenXiaoLin responsible for negligence or fault responsibility.

  为此,晶报深度调查记者先后到大鹏医院、休闲中心、海鲜酒家、军训基地、学校等地进行调查。(晶报 黎勇)

therefore,Crystal report depth investigative reporter has to dapeng hospital/Leisure center/Seafood restaurant/Training base/Schools to investigate.(Crystal report LiYong)
