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母亲用账本记下汇给儿子每笔钱 成励志“教材”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

母亲用账本记下汇给儿子每笔钱 成励志“教材” 昨日,重庆能源集团石壕煤矿,母亲陈治碧出示记录儿子上学花销的账本。 记者 黄平 摄 yesterday,Chongqing energy group stone fosse coal mine,Mother ChenZhiBi show a record of son to school spending ledger. Reporter huang ping perturbation

  商报首席记者 黄平 实习生 何超

Business newspaper chief reporter huang ping HeChao interns


The qijiang count an ordinary miners family background students went to tsinghua university clinical medical specialty,Graduated next year,Mother with zhang this getting down seven years to his son remit to each sum of the money,Accumulated so far for a total of 102277 yuan.yesterday,The mother said,Accounting purpose is to encourage the son upwards,Good good study.


账本 zhang


母亲记下汇给儿子每笔钱 Mother remit son write down every sum of money


This year at the age of 50 ChenZhiBi live in chongqing energy group stone fosse coal mine in spring all the way."2005.10.25. Meter 1000 yuan;11.25 meter 600 yuan."yesterday,ChenZhiBi show a soft leather notebook display,It with a red/black/Blue three types of ball-point pen a record of a string of such data.She said,This record is 7 years ago son was admitted to tsinghua university,She gave him collect each a sum of money.


The reporter sees,This account book mostly on just remembered have detailed time and amount,For money purposes is rarely mentioned text.The pocket book last record time was on July 23,,Display the amount of 11055 yuan,It contains son to the poor mountainous areas such as education cost.She said,Since September this year,Son has started to Beijing union medical college hospital internship,Have certain living subsidies,Since they no send money to him.


发奋 arouse


儿子每年都有5000元奖学金 Son every year there are 5000 yuan scholarship


yesterday,ChenZhiBi and her husband ZhaoFuPing will son in the past seven years all cost plus once,A total of 102277 yuan,Average annual cost 14611 yuan,And they only is a common miners family.


ChenZhiBi said,In June 2005,Son of the university entrance exam 666 points by tsinghua university clinical medicine professional admission,Want to pursue a 8 years."The university entrance exam before we encouraged him,Admitted to tsinghua can go to school by plane."Husband ZhaoFuPing said,The same year in September,,Son spends 980 yuan alone besides studying flight.In the mother ChenZhiBi records,The first semester of tsinghua,Son's tuition and fees and so on, spent 14620 yuan,The second term for summer vacation to qinghai to lend a hand,Her son were to remit to 15150 yuan.


She said,A monthly average of son to collect 1000 yuan living expenses,Son in tsinghua school,Almost every year is about 5000 yuan a scholarship,"When to the money,That time we will no longer exchange cost of living,When he finished we will remit to give him."


报恩 Pay a debt of gratitude


公派出国给父母买礼物 Mr Go abroad to the parents buy gifts


Husband ZhaoFuPing told reporters,August 10,,Son was school fee sent to Harvard University access to more than 20 days.Before I leave,He gave his son to collect 11000 yuan for petty.


Make mother ChenZhiBi relief,The money only son spent about 3000 yuan,"He bought a piece of belt,To his father bought a smoke,Back to I bought a bag,And sent back to some snacks."


On July 21, 2011,Think desperately wants a child in ZhaoFuPing a couple to Beijing visit son.To save cost,At that time each of them spend 800 yuan to buy a ticket to Beijing in the evening,And then with a son to the Forbidden City/The Summer Palace, the Great Wall and play.


心声 voice


激励自己将来回报父母 Motivate your future returns parents


now,ZhaoFuPing both the husband and wife still living in the unit about 30 square meters of the public,Except outside the bedroom and a living room.ChenZhiBi says,Son home sleep of the sitting room folding bed.


yesterday,Chongqing energy group stone fosse coal mine working chamber relevant controller introduces party committee,A husband and wife is ZhaoFuPing ordinary miners,Two people monthly wage income in recent years only 3000 yuan,Add ChenZhiBi is ill in hospital, etc,Spend quite a big family,"Such an ordinary families can cultivate a tsinghua students,Really is rather difficult."


Neighbors weeks woman exclamation said,The winter of 2005,She accompanied ChenZhiBi to a small flower shop 100 yuan to buy a down jacket,So far ChenZhiBi are still in wear.


ChenZhiBi said,I was the one who gave son bookkeeping,Just want to encourage him in the university diligence make progress.yesterday,Tsinghua university is the son told reporters,Every time to go home to see the ledger,In the sad at the same time more to stimulate your make up,Future parents return.


幕后 Behind the scenes


儿子把父母奖励拿去买书 The son parents reward to take to buy a book


July next year,Son graduated from tsinghua university.In the mother ChenZhi in blue eyed,The growth of the son thanks to appropriate incentive and his own hard work.She said,Son read the primary school,They promised,Peacetime unit test a expedition 100 points reward 5 yuan,Half the exam expedition 100 points reward 50 yuan,The final exam a expedition 100 points reward 100 yuan,Every time is cash on the spot.Son take these rewards as buying books"fund",When the money has accumulated to a certain degree,They will take him to buy a book.


ZhaoFuPing said,Son of the mistakes in the exam he will let the son repeatedly do,To do the right so far."This way he read high school has been in use."ZhaoFuPing says,2005 son from chongqing yucai middle school graduation was admitted to qinghua university.


ChenZhiBi said,Since primary school a year,Son 5:30 am every day during the summer with her get up at the same time,In winter, it is six o 'clock,See 1 hour book,After a meal to go to school on foot."So far in the university,He has been insisting on this way of getting up early."ChenZhiBi said.


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