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留学生历险那些事:走夜路煎熬 龙卷风逃过一劫--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

留学生历险那些事:走夜路煎熬 龙卷风逃过一劫 王思言 WangSiYan 留学生历险那些事:走夜路煎熬 龙卷风逃过一劫 刘依林绘 LiuYiLin draw


WangSiYan:I have a big heart




The end of August this year,WangSiYan with dreams to sit on the flight to Canada,On the trip to study abroad.The 22-year-old she has careless character,Total love giggle,Be friends called"Big and silly".For her,"Go abroad is very early planned,Probably begin to consider in high school.I want to see a different country,Feeling different culture;The second is want to learn English well."At present,She is the Canadian university of york read preparatory course.


Walking alone road of suffering


Before going abroad,WangSiYan ready to deal with all difficulties preparation,But in later still some ability not equal to one's ambition.She said:"Foreign and no imagination in so safe,Also the potential for a lot of crisis."She, for example,Foreign night and didn't like domestic neon flashing,The road vehicles and pedestrians were seldom.so,It is dangerous to walk alone students better."Here's a lot of buses at weekends or cancel the operation,Or interval for a long time to just a trip,This gives in a remote section of people waiting for the bus to bring a lot of inconvenience,Especially the girl."WangSi language.


once,WangSiYan follow school tour group from the Niagara Falls back,Stopover in a subway station to get off to prepare to go home.But to get off after,Find the wrong station.She can only wait at the side of the road,fortunately,Run into a car through her car.To get on the,WangSiYan to the driver looking at the map,Ask where should get off the bus,The driver told her a station name.But when the station,Find away from home or far away,But the driver would think she should be in the stop."It was eight o 'clock in the evening,The day also dark,The street special cold and cheerless,Easily meet danger.To prevent robbed,I put my passport and cell phone out alone on the clothes pocket,So carrying bag and so on another bus."She recalled,Waiting for about 25 minutes,Still didn't have a car,She doubts the bus the class,So going to go home on foot.The results,She used mobile phone map location found to go one and a half hours,But in order to get home as soon as possible or decided to walk.Go forward ten steps,She found a reverse direction to car,That bus received no class,So back to wait for at first.Another half an hour,She finally wait to a car,Hurriedly jumped up."The car didn't when on the viaduct,I saw it in the pavement under the viaduct,Is surrounded by trees,No light,I'm lucky that I didn't go on,Because in such a dark place,Once the danger,Even have no chance to call for help."WangSiYan sighed.


"No skin't dare to"To call for help


"sometimes,Tramp will lie dormant threat."WangSiYan just met once.One day,She took a bag of bread,The bosom embrace clothes in the street,Right against the face walk to a tramp,When I walked up to her when before,Suddenly stretched out his hand and tried to rob her bread and clothes."Because at that time was frightened,I hurried back up and screamed.In front of me a man heard,Turned to help me to teach the little tramp.this,Tramp to throw down my things,Fled in a hurry.But in front of the men also have been etc tramp run away,Just go straight ahead."WangSiYan said.


"If you hear someone cry for help,The average person will to help."WangSi language,"So in meet this kind of event,If someone nearby,Will not skin't dare to calling for help.In addition,For help and don't an overreaction,In order to avoid the real rub each other."


Said to their study life,The author WangSi and share ways:"From the moment arrived in Toronto,I was ready to face various difficulties preparation.Although the time is not long,But also experienced many dangers.this,I am very calm to process the,A tear also didn't flow through."When the author asked why she so strong,She smiled and said:"I have a big heart."


ZhouRan:Experience the earthquake tornadoes

  刘 岩

Liu rock


"I'm from the United States last summer reading now,Have experienced three earthquakes and 1 times the tornado."ZhouRan is the university of Oklahoma accounting professional graduate student,There is no set foot in the United States before the land,She did not experience an earthquake/tornado.

  三次地震醒来 一路夺命狂奔

Three earthquakes all wake up killing dog


Last year on a night in November,ZhouRan attended friends after the party,Go home to rest.But in the,An earthquake."I was suddenly woke up,I thought it was at the party drink too much wine?,Brain full meng.I think table seem in sway,Then felt something was wrong,Just think of is the earthquake."Realized after the earthquake,ZhouRan immediately ran to the roommate's room,The roommate waked."After roommate opened the door,Earthquake disappeared.She would not believe what just happened earthquake,Thought it was I had too much to drink."ZhouRan said.


The earthquake didn't appeared,But in 24 hours,Earthquake appear again in Oklahoma.That night,ZhouRan obviously feel the whole room in the rock."The second earthquake stronger than the day before,This my roommate believe.Our first reaction is run,Run all the way to the outdoor.Some classmates is directly hide in the wardrobe the."


Afterwards ZhouRan read the newspaper did we know,Oklahoma have nearly 50 years did not happen so strong earthquake."Maybe we are not the center of the earthquake zone.Met for the first time after the earthquake,Also are more likely to worry that.But when the second after the earthquake,I don't feel panic."


"General school there will be about the disaster forecast notice.Once has the sudden situation,We will be the first time impact to a more solid construction inside to avoid,Like the library and so on."ZhouRan said.


After two earthquakes,With ZhouRan words"Completely immune to the"."In order to prevent have aftershocks,I put a bottle of water in the pillow,In case of an earthquake comes,He was trapped no water to drink."ZhouRan smiled and said,"The third time the earthquake and no second strong,So we all did not hide into refuge building inside,Direct in bed shock wake up for a while,He fell asleep."

  一次龙卷风侵袭 果断停车逃过一劫

A tornadoes hit decisive stop escaped the fire


Experienced three earthquakes don't say,ZhouRan to this year's a tornado,She poking fun at myself:"I really will choose the school,I am in state,Light earthquake an annual average of 50 times,And tornadoes than earthquake are more likely to visit here."


In April this year,ZhouRan through TV and network learned a tornado incoming forecast.Tornadoes will hit that day,It rained heavily in the whole city,Into the dark and alarm in."I was walking home from school,Feel the sky the whole is about to sink down,Also don't know tornado will suddenly roll to I was driving on the highway.I can't continue to open,A see the supermarket,Immediately stop."ZhouRan said,Fortunately, the school before send email notification,Tell everyone tornadoes occur precautions."If a tornado coming,And you and on the road,The supermarket is like the place we can shelter,They will provide temporary shelter."


The local supermarket already ready preparedness,Make a special refuge space.The supermarket staff take ZhouRan hide in."Inside very dark,I see no outside any situation,Want to use mobile phone look at the situation of tornado,But no signal,Very worried.And next to the locals and did not panic,Mutual chat to kill time,More order."ZhouRan said,Had not long,The supermarket staff told,They can safely home.In the car on the way home,ZhouRan see tornadoes hit a area roof was torn/Trees blown down,Wherever a piece mixings.She sighed,Fortunately yourself to stop in time,Avoid the hook.

  有了这几次的经历后,现在的周然也跟当地居民一样,面临突发事件能临危不乱,比较冷静地保护自己。 This several times after the experience,Now the ZhouRan also with local residents,Faced with incident can unflappable,Comparative calm to protect themselves.
