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On September 5,,International students in London to participate in the demonstration,Protest against the British government potential out overseas students policy.


CFP for map


On November 13th day,In London LiuQi Chinese students(alias)Finally was relieved.Through the layers of assessment,She received a British famous luxury electric ShangZhongWen edit post employment notice,In Britain the redeemed"bumpy"Job road finally come to an end.Annual salary of $25000 before tax,Let was finally able to economic independent she felt quite satisfied.

  虽然求职过程艰难,刘琦却仍算是在英中国留学生中的“幸运儿”。毕竟,她最终如愿找到了一份与所学专业相关且比较“体面”的工作;其次,她是拿到最后一届“英国大学毕业生工作签证” (Post-study-work VISA,以下简称PSW签证)的中国留学生中的一个。

Although job difficult process,LiuQi is still in the Chinese students in"lucky".After all,She finally found a wish with major related and comparison"decent"work;secondly,She is the final session"British university graduates work visa" (Post - study - work VISA,Hereinafter referred to as the PSW visa)One of the Chinese students.


中国留学生在英就业难 Chinese students in the English difficult employment


LiuQi summer of 2010 from a domestic financial and economics college graduate,Studied journalism and economics,Travel to the UK to study abroad a year later got the mouth translation master's degree,And HuoPing"Outstanding graduates".Upon graduation,She is very easily in the UK find two part-time interpretation work,It made her feel that the employment outlook is still relatively optimistic.so,In the finish school short after returning home,She was applied for"PSW visa",Prepared to go back to England to apply for a job.She was thinking is,To work in the UK,On the one hand we can accumulate some overseas working experience,On the other hand,If you can work smoothly with 5 years,Can get Britain's permanent residence.but,When she in April this year return to London,Find the whole employment environment become"Was very bad".


In the next six months,In addition to occasionally do a part-time job outside,Every day she required"homework"Is the Internet looking for recruitment information,But threw resume mostly disappear forever.


In fact,By August 2012,British domestic people not employment rate reaches 7.9%,It makes a lot of British young people also feel pressure.LiuQi said:"Even the London local friends rather exaggeration to complain,In 1000 resumes,To receive a response is good."


Its people have so difficult to apply for a job,Non-eu students in England face employment situation,More severe.


LiuQi said,British employment market with position,Divided into"permanent"and"contract"Two kinds of,the"permanent"Position majority.Rather than the eu countries held by the students"PSW visa",The visa holder only allowed in the work for two years,therefore,A lot of"permanent"Position of employers are not willing to post to provide hand"PSW visa"students.Even if it is to belong to"contract"A lot of post,Only in the proof of the British and European Union countries when can't do,Will provide non-eu countries.


therefore,Non-eu students,In Britain after graduation to find a job is not easy,To find a with their major related work,Harder for a.


LiuQi said,Many Chinese students around her,All in some retail as a shop assistant and promotions specialist."More and more Chinese tourists,Some stores need will say Chinese clerk.This kind of work the average salary after tax is about 15000 to 16000 pounds,In fact also enough to feed themselves."Even so,LiuQi I still don't want to go shopping guide is engaged in this kind of work,She doesn't want to own professional knowledge be wasted.


就业大门“只剩一条窄缝” Employment gate"There are only a narrow seam"


now,For the students LiuQi lower classwoman speaking,"After the graduation to don't apply PSW salesgirl in Britain",Is no longer need swirly problem.


In April this year,British"PSW visa"Officially cancel.This visa allows once won a bachelor's degree international students after graduation leave both years looking for work.now,International students after graduation to leave the work,Can only by obtaining"T2 visa"or"Graduates entrepreneurs visa"The two channels to achieve.


but,"T2 visa"Request the applicant must be in later graduated from inner British find a £ twenty thousand m work,And the job must be approved by the British border administration guarantee agencies provide.but,Some potential employers because do not know the specific terms and rules,This cautious attitude.

  而“ 毕业生创业者签证”每年只有1000个名额,申请者需要投资5万英镑作为创业资金,并得到校方推荐。该签证申请只批准一年,如果企业运营成功且校方对成果满意,才可再续签。

and" Graduates entrepreneurs visa"Every year there are only 1000 tickets,Applicants need to invest 50000 pounds for venture capital,And get the school recommend.This visa application only approved a year,If the enterprise operation success and satisfaction to the results,Can only to renew.


Such a high threshold,Let not the eu countries foreign students leave the job opportunities became even more remote,As the door had been closed,Only a narrow seam.LiuQi think:"This policy is very stupid.Chinese people work hard,Requirements of the salary is low,Now it is difficult to work in the UK;Compared with,The European Union countries have the freedom of Britain,But some of them don't work,Just enjoy the welfare of the British."


紧缩移民政策受批评 Tightening immigration policy criticized


In fact,The cancellation of the PSW visa,But Cameron government a series of immigration deflation policy part.


In 2010,,British ruling coalition government after had promised,By 2015,will"Net immigration"Slash the number to 100000.When British"Net immigration"Quantity for highest level of 252000 people.The so-called"Net immigration",Refers to the number of entry for more than a year minus the number of exit.In 2011,,The data slightly decreased to 216000 people,But is still the target value more than twice.


Britain and the European Union countries residents can free entry and exit,Refugees by method of human rights protection is not restricted,therefore,The immigration policy tightening by the greatest impact,Is the European Union's technical workers and students,And this is what is most likely to promote British economic development group.


British[economist]Recently papers,Immigrants to the UK against deflation policy"The loss outweights the gain".The article thinks that the,The government set"Net immigration"Goal is not reality,If can not reach the goal,Will only make people become more anger.In the conservative policy,Two years,students/Foreign workers and their family members is difficult to settle in Britain,This not only can make the British in the talent market is no longer competitive,May also lose long-term economic competitiveness.


Britain is the world's second largest exporter of higher education,Second only to the United States.2010 ~ 2011 year,Non-eu students only pay tuition is up to 3 billion pounds,The major from the emerging market,Such as China/India and Nigeria.Eighty percent of the students in the back over five years,This consolidate the British in the status of global network.Other stay in England longer senior technical labor,It is a valuable resource.In addition,Non-eu students were also more likely to obtain a graduate degree and learn science and engineering,This is what Britain's new technology enterprise needs and rely on talent.


Tight immigration policy,Was also social parties of the opposition.In may this year,Nearly 70 UK university President and board chairman joint letter to British prime minister,Request to international students out of the immigration outside statistics,In order to make the UK higher education field international maintain leading position.


In response,September,British university and skills affairs minister David Willie's commitment clear,The British government will not to reduce legal in the number of international students to achieve"Net immigration"target,The British national statistics agency is planning to new ways of statistics number of overseas students.


中国学生赴英留学热情不减 Chinese students to study in the passion flesh


[economist]Also in the article says,In under the influence of government policy,Non-eu students after graduation is hard to work in the UK,Applying for study abroad enthusiasm and therefore reduce,In this year's British worldwide study visa issued by the number was 21% lower than the previous year.


but,British embassies or consulates in cultural and education section of the relevant person in charge told reporters China youth daily said,Visa policy change,On the influence of Chinese students is not big.


Study abroad institutions"New Oriental future go abroad"The relevant person in charge also called,They dealt with in the application of the study did not reduce.The main reason is that,Most Chinese students choose to study English,The main value is,British colleges and universities high gold content of course and diploma,And the master course a relatively short period of school system.According to pay a return visit feedback,Because of China's domestic economic situation better than abroad,Most of the previous years of study to the Chinese students have chosen to employment.so,Although the PSW visa has been cancelled,But Chinese students to study in the enthusiasm has not abated.

  英国驻华使领馆文化教育处表示,中国学生的勤奋和努力一直备受英国学校的称许,中国学生使英国的校园及社区更具国际化和多元化。所以,英国一直欢迎优秀的中国学生。英国为国际学生提供了3000多个奖学金机会,如“志奋领奖学金”、“苏格兰兰十字奖学金”等,每年的奖学金和助学金等超过2.5亿英镑,中国学生均可申请。另外,针对两国在研究领域的合作,中英还共同推出了 “中英优秀青年学者奖学金”等。

British embassies or consulates in cultural and education section of said,Chinese students of hard work and effort has been praised by the British school of men,Chinese students make British schools and community more internationalization and diversification.so,Britain has always welcome excellent Chinese students.Britain provides international students more than 3000 scholarships opportunity,if"Chevening scholarship"/"Scotland blue cross scholarship", etc,Annual scholarships and grants, etc more than 250 million pounds,Chinese students are eligible to apply.In addition,According to the two countries in the research fields of cooperation,Sino-British also rolled out jointly "Sino-British outstanding young scholars scholarship", etc.


British embassies or consulates in cultural and education section also suggested to the learning of Chinese students,After the PSW cancel,In does not affect the academic circumstances,Chinese students can strive for practice or part-time opportunities,For graduate employment accumulate experience.


Our newspaper Beijing on November 16
