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学生猝死致校取消长跑 专家吁健全纠纷解决机制--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

学生猝死致校取消长跑 专家吁健全纠纷解决机制  11月3日,参赛选手在进行虚拟跑步比赛。当日,上海市首届虚拟运动会在沪闭幕。新华社记者凡军 摄 On November 3,Contestants in the virtual running game.On that day,Shanghai the first virtual games closing in Shanghai.Xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation


用法律呵护青少年的健康体魄 Legal care for young people's healthy body


取消长跑”事件引发体育教学法律保障思考 "Cancel run"Event trigger sports teaching legal thinking


"Young strong, strong countries",Liang qichao in[Young China says]Wrote in.


"strong",Nature also include health strong.unfortunately,Since GuHongMing in[The spirit of the Chinese people]Used in"docile"Describe the Chinese biggest qualities and after well known,So far,"Docile Chinese"Seems to still did not grow up to be"Nervous Chinese".Recently had the media reports,Nov. 10 to 11, at the central China university of science and technology autumn sports meeting,Women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project was suspended.And after,Beijing science and technology university and Beijing normal university this year games running project the longest distance is 1500 m and 800 m,Xian 30 universities has also cancel long project.University officials say,The deterioration of student's physical quality and avoid students sudden death or injury is the biggest reason to do so.


The fact is that so?What is the student constitution is not strong,Or the school to student's protection excessive?Or is the school has inconvenience narration of difficulties?


“取消”原因之一:运动的危险性 "cancel"One reason:Movement of the risk


"You will go through every week running exercise?"In wuhan, hubei province is located in the central China university of science and technology in the campus,Media reporters random for some college students have been survey.Most of the students said"Never have to go running",But by other activities such as basketball/football/badminton/Swimming exercise, etc.Junior student xiao li is college football player,In order to exercise fitness,He will be a week to go to the playground and run 5 times,Running five laps,His roommate also like doing push-ups.In fact,Central China university of science and technology itself to strengthen students' physical quality has some hard and fast rules,Such as a freshman students"drill",Namely each college has two days a week,Students are required to 7 o 'clock in the morning go to the playground do broadcasting gymnastics.


For the games cancel the women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project,The surveyed students also have two kinds of attitude,Part of the said doesn't matter,For long distance running too hard,Few people are willing to attend,The quality of the body is a huge challenge,This project in their view some"Divorced from the masses";In addition some students think long distance can be condensed team strength,Cancelled a pity,"A person running,More than ten people in the field with run/Shouted refuels scene can't see the".


Central China university of science and technology, deputy director of the sports ShenYueJin when accepting a reporter to interview said,Cancel two long distance running project is of realistic consideration,"On the one hand is the weather is too cold,Run too hard;On the other hand,These two on students' body quality request is higher,Most of the students can not reach the requirements,Play has certain risk."ShenYueJin said,Every year the new entrance will fitness and physical test,The results are not ideal,It also increases the risk of the school to run concerns.


Cancel after two projects,Games increased interest content,Can attract more students to participate,This is the school a consideration.ShenYueJin said,Cancel this year in the women's 3000 meters and the men's 5000 m project,Will according to students' physique/Physical situation flexible adjustment,May also return to sports events.


Not only the movement of the hidden danger to worry.I believe that many parents have such feeling:His running around youth/Chase each other of the scene,The children hardly see the.Kindergarten in,The children were told to SaHuan are not allowed to run;Elementary school break,Students are not allowed to chase scenes,Even the bathroom will exactitude to line up...Every this a variety of children an innocent active nature regulations,Are derived from the university of malaises:Afraid of student injury.


“取消”原因之二:体育教学标准降低 "cancel"Second reason:Sports teaching standard reduce


Our country in 1975 formulated the[National physical exercise standard],In 1989 the amended,1990 by the state council to release.This standard for different gender and age of children and adolescents exercise items and standards puts forward specific provision,To achieve outstanding standard before the country will send unified medal certificate.In its supplementary provisions for each stage need to test project has made specific provisions,Such as junior project is 1500 meters running/In the 1000 - meter run/1500 meters ice skating(Above male);In the 800 - meter run/1000 meters ice skating(Above female);200 m swimming(With men and women).According to the provisions,School teaching hours have specific direction,To the content of the standard,Is must teach.


but,Now the sports teaching does not need to carry out the standard,Instead, executive[National students physical health standard],Namely undertake to the student physical health test,Such as university students' test project includes grip strength/Standing long/steps/Height and weight/Vital capacity, etc.And former standard than requirements,The state sports teaching task and requirements eased,This also for sports teaching/activities"shrink"To make the policy cues.


Our country sports education reform has experienced several stages:In the 1980 s,Physical education is the guideline of the physical health,The provisions of the standard well;By the 1990 s,Advocate quality education,Sports teaching methods appear some new ideas,But hard index point of view has appeared concessions;And after into the 21st century,advocate"Lifetime sports/Health first"concept,In the concrete implementation of the requirements of the standard into the physical test.


"I think that the requirement of students' constitution would be a step backwards."Sports department director of China university of politics and law/Associate professor zhang smile in the world to accept our newspaper reporter to interview expressed concerns about,"Recently heard a message,shocking,It is said that Beijing university student myopia rate has more than 90%,now,In the high school students recruit pilots were difficult to have qualified object.Can only say,This is the education system the malpractices.Fully avoid the practice of some sport activities,Physical education teaching is the reverse,If allowed to its development,Back to the point of no return,Sports should be cancelled."


“取消”原因之三:校方需担责 "cancel"The third reason for:Officials need to bear the responsibility


The dangers of movement,In the school to,Is secret sorrow.In occasional sudden death events,The school has fallen due to inform obligation or corresponding rescue responsibility,Or is doing his duty but not for students' parents identity,Assumes the liability to pay compensation is huge.


On November 20, 2009 at noon,Zhengzhou city, henan province, 29 WeiYongBin middle school students in the school play death,That's family with three van will grind the school gate,Don't let the teachers and students in and out,The school about 1300 teachers and students are closed.Finally, parents and the school preliminary to reach an agreement,The school pay 150000 yuan,Events to resolve.On December 13, 2010,Jiangmen city, guangdong province XinHuiOu junior middle school students LiHaoBin innovation in physical education classes 1000 metres test suddenly fall in a faint,After the rescue invalid death after that day afternoon.After the incident,Death students suspected family death otherwise the ropes,Requires schools to make high compensation;And the school is that families the door please view behavior disturb the order of school.


In the one-child policy implementation in China for many years,Children are many families only concerns,Children due to take part in physical exercise and death,The loss of parents of grief mood/Attitude is so intense is human,However the school not from cent say it must bear the high claim also let the school panic."Once students appear sudden death events,No matter for any reason,The school will burden huge compensation.Out of hedge consideration,As long as it is a certain risk of the projects have not included in the teaching."A smile the world to our reporter explained to school students"overprotection"reason.


解决之道一:健全纠纷解决机制 Solution a:Perfect dispute resolution mechanism


"This is a kind of avoid risk approach."Some universities to cancel an run,A smile the world feel helpless,He thinks,The biggest reason is that China's dispute resolution mechanism is not sound."I think,If the school students to explain the long distance possible risk,Do to inform obligation,And do the corresponding prevention,Prior to the student body had a credible investigation,But students still appear accident,In this case,Schools should not bear such liability to pay compensation.If have corresponding dispute resolution mechanism,Can be solved the trouble back at home of the school,So the school also do not need through the negative to cancel some items to hedge."Zhang shi smile.


China university of politics and law to the provisions of the freshmen is,Sit in the first year must run a 1000 meters(man)And 800 meters(woman).The northern winter exercise means relative lack of,Long distance running is more appropriate,In order to improve the students' consciousness of exercise,The school sports teachers will on the first class hour just told students have this project,Results special excellent have high scores,Adhere to the run of more then credits(Body circumstance is not suitable for long distance running another consideration).In addition,In each test run when the ambulance stop nearby,Equipped with corresponding rescue measures,And ask students in advance whether body unwell/Without cardiopulmonary function, etc.This is all for hedge measures taken.


A smile the world think,In the dispute settlement mechanism under the condition of sound,Schools can for students at ordinary times long distance running exercise make requirements,Individual students if there are not suitable for long distance running situation,Proof issued after,Can run free,But other students in normal;At the same time in the game or when the exam is equipped with standard in place of the rescue measures,This will avoid to run the project"One size fits all"condition,Appear sudden death events chance will also be greatly reduced.


解决之道二:法律法规保障 Solution two:Legal laws and regulations


In the face of due to take part in the school sports bring hurt,Many parents questioned whether schools do safety guarantee obligation,According to the law on the protection of minors/Tort liability law and other laws and regulations,The way to suit for fighting for the rights of the child/dispute,This is a kind of rule of law progress.but,The school shall bear much responsibility,If you can use the method of science define the responsibility of the school problems,In the dispute often becomes the focus.


Beijing jiaotong university law school teachers ChenMingTao accepting our newspaper reporter to interview think,The school first need to do is the security obligations,As long as do truthfully inform the/Guard duty,And teaching in sports activities can meet the standards stipulated by the state,Just don't feel free to expand the school's responsibility.In the judicial practice,This is according to the specific case to the problem of discretion,School how to just calculate ready security measures/Students' medical history is provided with proper attention/The school should take on the responsibility of the how/Encountered the excessive compensation,Can use simple laws be definition and standard,There are no detailed rules for the implementation of the corresponding can guide judicial practice.But parents once has the ultra move,Schools to maintain stable and simple way to solve the problem in compensation for nor desirable,The only way to pour oil on troubled waters school avoid risk stop sports,And can not guarantee the parties rights.


As a sports department director,A smile is the law of the relevant laws and regulations and pay attention to the implementation of the status quo,Also hope to explore,Legal provisions in"Banned what to do"outside,Whether can also stipulate corresponding security rights,Regulations not only"Can do",Also can do provide some security.


Law of/[The school sports work regulations]Belongs to the laws and regulations,They can't fine to even run 3000 meters/5000 meters are prescribed.Reporters refer to[The school sports work regulations],see"Ordinary primary and secondary schools/Agricultural middle school/Vocational school shall arrange exercise between classes every day,Arrange a week three times more extracurricular sports activities,Ensure that students have a hour every day sports time(Including physical education)"terms,Set time activities,But is not stipulated teaching content.


In the need to implement[National physical exercise standard]The provisions of the standard in time,Sports teaching have relevant documents as guidance and support.And in not to carry out the provisions for rigid requirements later,Legal basis relative loss,Once in the concrete operation of any problem,Schools and teachers will need to assume because the independent increase teaching content and must be independently bear responsibility.


"For example,The provisions to run 1500 meters,In the sports teaching from elementary school will begin to let the students run,Always ran to the university,Appear sudden death/The possibility of accident will greatly reduce.instead,From the lack of corresponding exercise,Want to in the university rapidly improve cardiopulmonary function,It is almost impossible,Let such a student to run 3000 meters/5000 meters,No does not have an accident."Zhang shi smile.


解决之道三:体育科目纳入高考 Solution three:Sports course into the college entrance examination


In the present China,Sports activities have two different trends,On the one hand,Competitive sports like a raging fire,Gratifying situation;On the other hand,People fail to improve sports skills,Children and teenagers because their pressure reduces the sports time,Adults also because working pressure and activities of habit and ignore sports activities.


Although the ministry of education compulsory primary and middle school students daily exercise at least an hour,But the real can do this school is not much.According to the statistics,In 2000 the constitution monitoring,Teenagers speed quality/Endurance quality/Flexibility quality/Explosion quality/The strength quality - 1995 with an average annual overall decline.And in early 2010 published a set of the latest national constitution report shows,Compared with 2000,Our country young people's constitution to fall again.


A smile the world feel,"Only pay attention to the universities sports teaching is not enough,The best solution is to sports in the university entrance exam study project,Sports scores low into a good college concept of the popularization,From the habit of exercise continue down,Students' physical quality natural will improve."


The good news is that,Education department really began to pay more attention to physical education in primary and secondary schools in the position.On October 22,,The general office of the state council departments and so on ministry of education forward[On further strengthening school sports work several Suggestions of the notice],Requires all"Adjust measures to local conditions to implement good junior middle school graduate entrance examination of sports",and"Active exploration in the high school level exam increase the practice of sports course,Promote the university entrance exam comprehensive evaluation system construction,Effective play its to the enhancement of students' physical guidance role".


On this notice all the response is gradually increasing sports into the pace of the university entrance exam.in[Shandong national fitness implement plan(2011-2015)]in,Shandong provincial government documents in the form of a student sports course into the college entrance examination has become a conclusion.


"Young progress is countries progress,Young is better than Europe,The kingdom is better than Europe,Young male to the earth,The male countries on earth."To let the students have rich knowledge at the same time,They a strong body needs the law and even the entire social common care.(were)
