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EF ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:两个小时,5次雷鸣般的掌声。因言辞犀利风趣而闻名法学界的中国政法大学教授、法学院副院长何兵11月17日做客岭南大讲堂·公众论坛。在谈及近期舆论热点“温岭虐童”案时,他认为“没必要设虐童罪,虐童罪跟伤害罪有什么区别?我觉得没有必要这样,伤害儿童加重处罚,这是量刑上的一个情节。没有必要再制定那么多罪了。”… Two hours,Five thunderous applause.Because words sharp wit and famous law professor of China university of politics and law/Vice President of the school of law HeBing on November 17, guest lingnan lecture hall · public BBS.Recent public opinion, in talking about hot spot"Possessing child abuse"Case when,He thinks"No need to set of child abuse sin,Child abuse sin and mayhem have what differentiation?I think there is no need to this,Damage children's severe penalty,This is sentencing on a plot.There is no need to reenact so much sin."...更多精彩>> More wonderful>> 中国政法大学教授何兵:我觉得没必要设虐童罪   11月17日上午,南都公众论坛嘉宾何兵在作题为《从三打两建看人民司法》的演讲。 实习生 熊俊敏 南都记者 冯宙锋 摄 On November 17, morning,SMW public BBS guests in HeBing entitled[From three dozen two built see people's judicial]speech. Interns XiongJunMin SMW reporter FengZhouFeng perturbation


I think no need to set"Child abuse sin","Child abuse sin"What is the difference between with mayhem?I think there is no need,Damage children's severe penalty,There is no need to reenact so much sin.

  南都讯 两个小时,5次雷鸣般的掌声。因言辞犀利风趣而闻名法学界的中国政法大学教授、法学院副院长何兵11月17日做客岭南大讲堂·公众论坛。在座无虚席的学术报告厅里,何兵与近百名听众分享了他对中国司法过去及未来的看法。他认为“中国面临着社会风气和社会方式的根本改变”,“公正的审判绝不畏惧公众的舆论和评论”。

SMW - two hours,Five thunderous applause.Because words sharp wit and famous law professor of China university of politics and law/Vice President of the school of law HeBing on November 17, guest lingnan lecture hall · public BBS.In the full academic report hall,HeBing and nearly audience share him on China's judicial the past and the future view.He thinks"China is facing a social atmosphere and social way the fundamental change","Fair trial never fear of public opinion and comments".


After the meeting,The active in micro bo,Has more than 30 fans blogger accept SMW interview,With such issues as the publicity of the administration of justice,"Guest star"became"commentators",One comment on current online hot case.


Recent public opinion, in talking about hot spot"Possessing child abuse"Case when,He thinks"No need to set of child abuse sin,Child abuse sin and mayhem have what differentiation?I think there is no need to this,Damage children's severe penalty,This is sentencing on a plot.There is no need to reenact so much sin."


The whole speech process,HeBing with dozens of zhang PPT presentation files to the audience reviews the past Chinese judicial development course,Emphasis on the guarantee judicial independence and the importance of the judicial justice."If the judicial justice,People can find through the court of justice,Social there won't be a big problem.If justice is unjust,Common people can't find justice through the court,Only appeal.so,From the strategic point,As long as we established the impartial and honest court,Can realize the basic social stability,Instead there will be a problem."HeBing think,The court's construction is an important factor that the judicial justice.


谈“司法公开” Talk about"Judicial public"


SMW:You in this lecture,Mentioned a lot about judicial public aspects.In recent years,Guangdong judicial organs are also emphasize the publicity of the administration of justice,For instance courts and procuratorates to open small bo,Do live trial.Do you think the judicial organ in judicial glasnost aspect work,Need to pay attention to those aspects?


HeBing:I think the court in public is a small part of the publicity of the administration of justice,And what I talk about judicial public are two different things,(For example)Court open micro bo choose some case to trial in public,The key is to common people of concern to the case can open,Media reports is not restricted,This is the major.


SMW:At present some cases such as food safety cases,And some involved in criminal cases of minors online can cause attention.Many netizens to decision said not satisfied,Think sentencing underweight.Do you think that appear such circumstance because people of legal cognitive finally,Or current related laws and regulations need to be improved?


HeBing:For instance food safety case,We really found more light,Because the things out of the dangerous point of view,Direct is thuggery,So generally speaking I feel or the people as a juror to jury,The government is no pressure.I believe most investigators and common people's intuition or is correct.


谈“虐童”案件 Talk about"Child abuse"case


SMW:recent,"Possessing child abuse"The case on the Internet is very hot.Child abuse case of female teachers recently was also believed to be released after does not constitute a crime.For the case you how evaluation?


HeBing:Does not constitute a crime is not representative does not constitute a security illegal,To see the specific circumstances,In fact she(Parties to children)Damage is a must,So how does not constitute a deliberately harm?We used to say deliberately hurt,Will emphasize the flesh(damage)Objective standard,Such as frame broke three root belong to serious injury,Frame has broken a root belong to minor injuries,There is no consider giving people's spiritual damage,If the spirit damage are included,That I think it really can also to consider whether the constitutes a crime.


SMW:Around this event,Law issued two kind of voice,Some people think that to set up a child abuse sin,Also some people think that if any of the administrative organs in place,Do not need to set up a new charges.What do you think of?


HeBing:I think no need to set"Child abuse sin","Child abuse sin"What is the difference between with mayhem?I think there is no need,Damage children's severe penalty,Damage not self-defense ability severe penalty,This can be the,This is sentencing on a plot.There is no need to reenact so much sin.Play adults few a slap in the face and playing children a few a slap in the face no difference,Is mainly(children)No self-defense ability,Aggravated punishment is finished.


谈“国家赔偿” Talk about"State compensation"


SMW:The media reported before"HuangLiYi won the state compensation"case,Causes of hot debate online.[Legal daily]Highlighted in the spirit of guangdong province in pension do very well,Other provinces and cities even though the spirit into the state compensation for a few years,But in practice are lacking rules.Do you think the problem of what be the reason?


HeBing:In fact the state compensation law has already started to compensate the spirit.We want to return to the court's true colors,Now the court is make mental compensation,That's not to consider the problem of method,Want to consider the government would like to compensate,The government is there outlaw motion.You put a person off more than ten years,Should not pay for their spiritual loss?What is there in the legal many say,That is we the judge's independence,He found little time according to legal to make.

  采写:南都记者任先博 实习生 王玥璐 周世玲

Collection &composition:SMW reporters as first bo interns WangYue ZhouShiLing ruby


相关评论: Relevant comments:


温岭虐童案尚有疑问需解释 Possessing child abuse case there is doubt to explain


From high-profile criminal put on record,To low-key put people,Possessing child abuse case really is full of twists and turns.Meanwhile exactly what happened,The public is still falling in the clouds.Since you have conclusion of investigation,By rights,The police have the facts of the case will check up thoroughly,As a great influence public events,To the society should be a complete confessed,But it is a pity that,Possessing the police for the case of the information publicity,What was not satisfactory based on reason and evidence to catch a person;Continue to investigation the when found any new facts,Meet what circumstance,That prompted view change the handling process,The lack of a clear information openness.[detailed](The Beijing news)

事件回放: Event playback:

>>起因:浙江温岭虐童幼师系无证上岗 称因出于"好玩" >>cause:Zhejiang possessing child abuse fine system without card mount guard says because of"fun"


A source says people familiar with the YanYanGong engaged in teachers' professional system without card mount guard,The case was confirmed and correct.

>>拘留:温岭幼教虐待幼童被刑拘 拍照女教师被拘留7日 >>detention:Possessing preschool education abuse children were XingJu photos female teachers in custody 7


On October 25,,Yan a suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime,Be the police criminal detention,Another name to participate in the pictures of the female teachers a child,Because stir-up-trouble been made to administrative detention 7 of punishment.

>>处理:浙江温岭幼师虐童续:事发幼儿园园长被免职 >>processing:Zhejiang possessing fine TongXu abuse:The kindergarten is dismissed calls


On October 27,,Child abuse teacher yan in a kindergarten blue peacock kindergarten the principal has been removed.The local education bureau from public kindergarten transfer hands in the kindergarten management.

>>观点:上海律协研讨温岭虐童案 学者支持"暂不批捕" >>view:Shanghai LvXie discussion possessing child abuse case scholars support"Temporary not among"


Most experts/Scholars of the prosecution"Temporary not among decision"Be sure,Think from the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a start,Hit and the teacher's behavior into punishment does have some far-fetched.Democracy and the rule of law need all to comply with the law,Method the absence of express stipulation is not a crime,This is should stick to the bottom line.

>>观点:专家呼吁设"虐童罪"罪 盘点各国保护儿童法规 >>view:Experts called for a"Child abuse sin"Sin inventory countries protect children regulations

>>当事人:温岭虐童案幕后调查:颜艳红的生活碎片 >>The parties:Possessing the child abuse case investigation:YanYanGong life fragments

>>当事人:受虐儿童正在接受专家心理干预 >>The parties:Battered child is undergoing expert psychological intervention

>>独家策划:教师虐童堪称恐怖片,禽兽如何混进幼师队伍? >>Exclusive planning:The teacher is child abuse horror movie,How do animals in fine team?
