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传统长跑项目不受待见 体质场地等成制约因素--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  15日,青岛50中的学生在进行冬季长跑活动,虽然是1000多米的慢跑,但学生仍然累得不轻。 15,Qingdao 50 students in the winter long-distance running events,Although it is more than 1000 meters of jogging,But students still tired not light.


After wuhan/xian/Nanjing and other many universities games to cancel the women's 3000 meters and the men's 5000 m after the project,Shenzhen primary and middle school students games cancel long distance running project again cause social attention.Reporters learned that,Run in the Qingdao many school sports meeting do not suffer"like",Mostly because of various reason to cancel.The traditional long project,Why do students is more and more"Run fixed"?Reporter visits to know,site/safety/Constitution and so on all become a limiting factor.


现状 status


800米就被学生当长跑 800 m were students when run

  近期,青岛启动全市中学生以及小学五、六年级学生的阳光体育冬季长跑活动,要求按照小学男生1000米,女生 800米;初中男生1500米,女生1000米;高中男生3000米,女生2000米的标准,在校园内集体跑完当天预定的里程 。

recent,Qingdao start the whole city middle school students and primary school five/Grade six students sunshine sports winter long distance running events,According to the primary school boys for 1000 meters,The girl 800 meters;Junior high school boys 1500 meters,The girl 1000 meters;High school boys 3000 meters,The girl 2000 m standard,In the campus collective run day scheduled mileage .

  11月15日上午 ,青岛50中全校学生在课间操时间,全部到操场集合开始跑步,要围着操场跑1000多米。学生们绕着圈慢跑,一些学生表情比较轻松,但对于大部分学生来说,即使是慢跑,也是一场很艰巨的“考验”,没跑两圈都开始直冒汗,不停大口喘气。

November 15, morning ,Qingdao 50 students in the school in the lesson hold time,All to the playground set start running,Around the playground to run more than 1000 meters.The students jogging around the circle,Some students expression more relaxed,But for most students,Even if is jogging,Is also a very difficult"test",He soon got two laps began to sweat out straight,Kept gasping for air.


50 students in the last year DongBingChen is sifang district primary and middle school students games 3000 metres champion,He from primary school grade four began to practice run,Everyday want to run 4000 meters.


"Some of my classmates to run a heard that face is color,Run a 800 m as is‘run’,Also tired not,Not to mention three or four kilometers.In fact run not so terrible,I feel is insist on,And to exercise is good."DongBingChen said.


The reporter understands,City experimental junior high school,Qingdao no. 2 middle school sports meeting these years are no longer set 3000 meters/5000 metres project.In addition to because of long distance running time is too long,And fear of the students in the long distance running injured.


原因 reason


场地难找 Site difficult to find为跑越野转战农村 For run cross-country fought rural


A primary school districts PE teacher palace teacher told reporters,Primary school winter run by 1 ~ 2 kilometers of endurance running,Although pupils itself to external collective run run is interested in,But site factors,Led directly to the winter long distance carrying out more and more difficult.


"The first is security are not allowed in the city make off-road.Before we schools are in a village inside/Badaguan, etc for cross-country race,At that time, vehicles and pedestrians less,Students can also open activities,But now village road both sides all stop full vehicle,Teachers can't goes out with the kids,Afraid of danger."Palace teacher said,Now the student to participate in the endurance running opportunities are fewer,Let him feel very pity,"After all in the exercise endurance and toughness aspects,There are few sports can comparable,This is long distance running is called‘Endurance running’reason."The year before last winter,Palace teacher in school in order to let the children experience the real run cross-country race feeling,Planning organization the students went to the JiMo vegetable base,And there arrangement for three to six year students conducted a field cross-country race.

  “我们首先发给家长一封信,家长根据自己孩子身体的具体情况及意愿报名,班主任再对报名者进行筛选,大约有400名小学生符合资格参加了这次比赛。”宫老师回忆说,虽然跑了不到1公里 ,孩子们跑完之后大汗淋漓但都很兴奋。

"We first send a letter to parents,Parents according to the specific circumstances of their children body and intend to sign up,The teacher in charge again to screen applicants,There are about 400 pupils qualified took part in the game."Palace teacher recalls,Although ran less than 1 km ,The children ran after the sweat but are very excited.


"Although the organization that run cross-country very successful,Parents and students' response are very good,But then vegetable base because of all sorts of reasons no longer suitable for off-road,The new site looking for also with difficulty,So can only be ended."Palace teacher said.


安全难保证 Safety difficult for


长跑让路趣味运动 Long distance running way interest movement


In addition,safer/More interesting fun sports items increases,Also let long lost to students and school attraction."swimming/Skip aerobic exercise are more interesting,Only to run in the school 200 meters on the runway,Speaking of the student would be so boring."Palace teacher said a lot of students do not too like around the playground has been run,Is also not willing to bear hardships,So a physical education classes,Both claimed to play ball games,The initiative to run very few students.


Name road primary school in the first bathing beach just held the beach fun games,Students head on the relay RACES/Standing long/Earthbags throw far/Shuttlecock kicking game fun,"We are now games basically all is by the interesting games give priority to,Because the children prefer,Can feel happy in sports,Knowledge will/Exercise sex/interactive/Interesting to collect for an organic whole."Name road elementary school to fix the teacher said,Apart from being fun,Fun games than competition type games and more safety.


A school principal also said,Now the school easily can't make have physical contact/Strenuous exercise game,Is mainly safety factor,"The students were in school organization activities were injured,Some parents will take off the gloves,Don't let the school give parlance,So our school do games main or in the play is given priority to."


体质下降 Physical deterioration


跑3000米“赶鸭子上架” Run 3000 meters"Put someone on the spot"

  因为学业压力过重直接导致平日运动量减少,目前学生体质呈逐年下降趋势,也使他们在面对长跑项目时 ,只能是“赶鸭子上架”的尴尬局面。

Because of the pressure of study overweight led directly to the daily amount of exercise reduce,At present the students' constitution reduced year by year,Also make them in the face of long distance running project ,Can only be"Put someone on the spot"Awkward situation.


Qingdao a university of engineering management major freshmen XiaoYe a recently completed the university's annual physical test."General fitness test including measuring height/weight/Grip strength/Lung capacity/Long jump and 1000 meters,The girl is 800 meters,Although this is not a race,Also feel very tired."XiaoYe said,Some time ago,He department held a fall sports,Meeting the most"difficult"The project is 3000 metres,And 5000 m already out of sight.


In order to gather together together run 3000 meters of players,Each class require at least a person,XiaoYe class has 40 people,The only one of the students was contest"Forced to"in.And bite a tooth to run the 3000 - yard course,This classmate is two legs are feeble/panting,Had to be students stand next to,After the students"swear"No longer to attend this kind project.


观点 view


家长:不赞同取消长跑 parents:Don't agree to cancel long distance running


"Long distance can exercise the stamina and physical quality,Cancel to bad."City experimental primary school parents pay woman heard shenzhen middle and primary school sports to cancel the run,Is not agree with.She thinks that run with other movement can't take the place of superiority:"Especially in winter,Long distance can enhance the body resistance,Prevent colds."So every day took are five grade the son ran 800 meters.


After reporter random asked six primary school parents,They all said run as a traditional sports athletics project,Cannot be cancelled.


Qingdao city education bureau officials also said,Qingdao primary and middle school students kept track and field games 3000 meters/5000 m sport,Not be canceled long project.


City bureau of education body WeiYi place LiYeQing director think,Long distance can exercise,And students can experience the will,Winter is the first choice of outdoor sports,Therefore Qingdao will also organizes the student to carry on the winter long distance movement,Hope to be able to have more students join to run to.


专家:长跑要循序渐进 experts:Long distance running should be gradual


Green establishing affiliated hospital of medical ChengZhaoZhong head of the medical department is introduced,Long distance can increase the blood circulation/Strengthen muscle power function,People often run cardiopulmonary function than the average person strong many.But he also reminded,Long distance running should be gradual,You'd better to warm up,Gradually extended running distance,Not accomplish in one move."Suffering from congenital disease children is not suitable for taking part in a long distance,Such as asthma/Heart disease."(Peninsula metropolis daily)
