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温州事业单位考试9分者入围 50多分者未进入--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:在温州一事业单位公开选调中,一考生考取9分进入面试,三位考取50多分的考生没有获得面试资格。昨日,一份温州龙湾区文化广电新闻出版局的笔试结果在网上流传,并引发质疑。对此,该局局长潘旭宏回应称,出现这种情况因报名该岗位的考生太少,考9分者已在面试环节出局。 In wenzhou a business unit of public XuanDiao,A pass into the interview candidates nine points,Three pass an entrance examination 50 marks the examinee not got the chance for interview.yesterday,A wenzhou LongWanOu culture radio and television news ChuBanJu written examination results in online spread,And trigger question.this,The bureau chief PanXuHong response says,Appear this kind of circumstance for registration of the position the examinee too little,Take an examination of nine points out who has set up a file in the interview link.更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>> 龙湾区文化广电新闻出版局公布的笔试成绩公示。图片来源:南方都市报 LongWanOu culture radio and television news ChuBanJu published written examination achievement publication.Picture source:Southern metropolis daily

Wenzhou 1 examinee written examination nine finalists institutions admit by examination? ?? ?

  新京报讯 (记者李宁)在温州一事业单位公开选调中,一考生考取9分进入面试,三位考取50多分的考生没有获得面试资格。昨日,一份温州龙湾区文化广电新闻出版局的笔试结果在网上流传,并引发质疑。

The Beijing news - (Reporter li ning)In wenzhou a business unit of public XuanDiao,A pass into the interview candidates nine points,Three pass an entrance examination 50 marks the examinee not got the chance for interview.yesterday,A wenzhou LongWanOu culture radio and television news ChuBanJu written examination results in online spread,And trigger question.


this,The bureau chief PanXuHong response says,Appear this kind of circumstance for registration of the position the examinee too little,Take an examination of nine points out who has set up a file in the interview link.


The written examination results published the first list in wenzhou LongWanOu government website.LongWanOu culture radio and television news ChuBanJu the public XuanDiao within the scope of business of personnel.According to the list shows,There are 17 people enter oneself for an examination,16 people to participate in the examination.


According to the council a staff introduced,The plan for six people,Involved in the subordinate cultural centre/Museum and library superiority.A score of 9 of the examinee enter oneself for an examination is cultural centre."In cultural centre will have 3 people signed up,Recruit a person,According to the proportion of 3:1 interview,Take an examination of how many points have to let into the interview."Three other 50 points but not into an interview,because"Quote other museum too much."


For the written examination in the condition of nine points,The bureau chief PanXuHong explanation,"Cultural centre recruit is dance professionals,Low degree of culture."


According to PanXuHong introduced,18 afternoon,The unit on the recruitment interview link."The candidates are out,But the results haven't announced."


At 5 yesterday afternoon,Longwan government website announced the result of the interview,A score of 9, and that he did not enter the examination link.In the results,In addition to announced the examinee admission ticket number/Result outside,No examinee information such as name.


PanXuHong said:"We consider the name published,Can let a person see the examinee who is,Also takes into account the requirements of candidates,There is no published name……Whether the information released after the other,Listening to bureau of personnel arrangement."


冷门专业和职位: Major of an unexpected winner and position:

  中文专业渐冷门:学生不痴情 教师重研究轻创作 Chinese profession gradually unpopular:Students don't crazy teacher heavy study light creation


The department of Chinese literature, not only to be left out in the cold,Are more"Refused to".Young writer JiangFang boat"Want to do literature"But the choice of journalism and communication,Young writer han han is rejected fudan university with the department of Chinese language &literature abnormality admits."Han han give up the university,He didn't put himself in prison inside."Han han choice get the painter Chen Dan's green identity,In ChenDanQing eyes,Chinese"Will kill"Those who are interested in writing of the young man.


国家公考报名最后一天 部分冷门职位放宽条件 National public examination registration last day part unpopular position relaxing condition


in"Countries take an examination of"Registration website,Including central discipline inspection commission/Ministry of supervision/Such as the highest procuratorate nearly 10 unit of choose and employ persons have published a notice,Or relax professional,Or relaxing age,Or cancel grass-roots work life,Or to no political affiliation.


2012年国考报名最冷门的十大部门 In 2012 countries take an examination of the most unpopular ten big department


最冷门的十大部门(截至2011年10月24日24时) The most unpopular ten big department(By the end of 2011 October 24 24 when)




事业单位招聘中的各种怪象: Business unit recruitment in various strange like:

  安徽青阳事业单位招考一笔试17分考生进面试 Anhui qingyang institutions admit by examination a written examination 17 points in the interview


Written examination grade 17 points,Administrative ability test 6 points,This result unexpectedly"into"Full score 100 points institution admit by examination.This seemingly impossible,But in chizhou anhui province on real county,The county land and resources bureau of land and resources center(branch)A management job interview list finalists,Result is only 17 points and 18 points of the two candidates have got"pass".


男子报考事业单位 综合成绩第二被取消考录资格 Man enter oneself for an examination institution comprehensive scores the second be cancelled KaoLu qualification


Enter oneself for an examination institution into the circumference,But in the physical examination link be cancelled to enter oneself for an examination qualification.A net friend YangLe(alias)post,Tell his encounter,Consider themselves to be"black"the.Yueyang people club bureau of the party members/LiYouXing discipline inspection team leader said,Because staff control is lax,At the beginning when Yang enter oneself for an examination actually does not have the qualification to enter oneself for an examination,Therefore finally cancelled qualification.


琼海事业单位招聘出怪事 考生成绩遭改落榜(图) Qionghai institutions recruit a strange examinee achievement was already changed(diagram)


I really can't believe that,Announces on the scene performance for 77.8 points,Three days later in the municipal government website achieved into a 72.8 points,Interview result how can so changes?"Attend this year qionghai institutions admit by examination of the Chen jiao,Said they because the interview result was changed after,She was ranked fifth,But ranked eighth,And so there is no accepted on.


 陕西事业单位招考抄袭教辅 考题层层转包 Shaanxi institutions admit by examination copying assistant examination questions layers of subcontracting


Shaanxi MiZhiXian institutions at or above the county level ZhaoLu staff written examination to be held in June 17.This should have normal serious examination,But soon be exposed to the written papers out of all 100 word that the objective questions with a press coachs teaching material identical/The Chinese printing mistakes/When besmear card test number less a/Only written not interview, etc"Low-level mistakes",Trigger social attention.


评论:事业单位招考漏洞为何难以堵住 comments:Why difficult to admit by examination institution loopholes blocking


We despite the exams if there is"Radish recruitment"suspicion,But so loopholes in the examination what is the problem?I'm afraid that the institution of enrollment system.Institutions admit by examination and the male exam difference is that the level of organisation not so strict requirements,Civil service exam are provincial,The organization of the national examination,And business unit recruitment exam is pattern,At or above the county level shall have the,municipal,Also have industry system of the organization,This will determine the test organization preciseness is not enough,Is hard to prevent"Radish recruitment"Phenomenon happened.


公务员世袭招聘是哪门子人之常情 Civil servants hereditary recruitment is which son human nature


For immediate family involved in hiring situation,Party officials interviews so excuse:"They grew up in the parents are exposed,Aspire to enter oneself for an examination the traffic system,So take an examination of the person is more,Is understandable."This is the one that quite a bit Lao tze YingXiongEr hero XieTongLun proud of the cadres of the children with environment,Can are exposed to.Subtext is,Civilians have this advantage?
