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海口一小学老师群发不及格学生名单 遭家长质疑--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  “各位尊敬的家长,晚上好!语文期中测试卷今天已发下,考得85分以上的同学是:王××、林××……考不及格的同学是:邓××、陈××……希望各位家长能时时提醒孩子自觉遵守纪律,认真听课认真完成作业,做个有情有义,懂得感恩的人。”近日,海南海口的顾先生(化姓)收到了孩子所在学校班级语文老师发来的一条短信,正是上面这条短信令他非常困惑。20日,记者从采访中了解到,这名老师将全班不及格学生名单(含85分以上学生名单),通过短信群发给学生家长的做法引发家长质疑。 语文测试不及格名单被短信群发引家长热议

"You respect for parents,Good evening!Chinese mid-term test roll today sent down,Exam is more than 85 points of the students:The king of xx/Forest............The students are not fail in the examinations:Deng x/Chen * *...I hope each of you, parents can always remind children consciously abide by discipline,Finish your homework carefully listen to the teacher carefully,Do a sentient beings have righteousness,Grateful person."recently,Hainan haikou Mr Gu(Change name)Received the which school a child from class Chinese teacher of a message,It is the message to his very confused.20,Reporters learned from the interview,The teacher didn't pass the exam will be the class students list(Including 85 points or more students list),Through the message packet to the parents of the students practice cause parents question. Language tests fail list be message packet lead parents hot debate


"Do not give the Chinese test score low labeled as a student‘Don't pass the exam’Label??Her starting point is what?""The teacher so that the student who has failed a name published,Have you ever thought about the little boy's psychological growth will produce what kind of impact?""Do a sentient beings have righteousness grateful people's subaudition is what?"This text messages caused all the parents all sorts of conjecture and worry.


According to Mr. To reflect,His children in hainan haikou sea survey island a primary school,The mid-term language examination results in the ranking list of didn't pass the exam,To see the teacher after the message from her,He felt uneasy.At noon on 20,Mr. Of reporters said,He told the children in the same class parents of students at contact,Everyone says to this message was perplexed."The child well on the test,The teacher can communicate directly with single parents of students,Why will list to all parents announced?My child comparative inferiority,Know yourself in by the teacher‘Don't pass the exam’After the list of mood is very low,To see the child so that we also compares love dearly.One thousand children because it has not kept up with learning,After the study result will not be affected?If a child learning problems,The teacher should not use this way to communicate with their parents."


The other one anonymous parents told reporters,His daughter result in more than 80 points,Although there is no more than 85 points,But name at least not appear in the list of the students didn't pass the exam,So think doesn't matter,But the daughter know after this reaction is strong,Think the teacher doing so can make student who has failed a very embarrassed,"Daughter said‘Fortunately, I passed,Otherwise name is out many a shame ah’,I think the teacher to do so more or less wrong."


校方表示将让老师注意表达方式以免家长误会 The school said it will let the teacher pay attention to express way in order to avoid parents misunderstanding


At noon on 20,Reporter for parents reflects the situation,He visited haikou sea island a primary school.According to the school's zheng President introduced,The parties to the younger Mr Li,Kind simple,She believes that miss li's starting point is good,But language expression don't pay much attention to."I'll find miss li talk about,Let her pay attention to protect students' privacy,Pay more attention to the psychological healthy growth.Have a problem can be alone with the parents of the students communication.Note expressions,Don't let parents misunderstanding."


20,Reporters call miss li's telephone interview after that intention,Miss li admit you thoughtfulness,"When I took over this class language result with grade than other classes to almost,I did it in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students,Encourage children to study hard."Mr Li said,As for in the SMS hope that students do a"grateful"people,Because some students in the class is naughty,Often don't listen to the teacher's words like with the teacher by answer,So I just want to say parents to cultivate children's the heart of Thanksgiving,So the children will know learning is for yourself and learned."


Mr Li said,Due to individual students bad grades,And learning attitude is not correct,Don't know why learn,Some students even think learning is to the teacher/In order to parents,Parents send their children cultivate adult is not easy,Students should also be grateful parents betrayal,Study hard.Afterwards she realized,His practice although original idea and starting point is good,But cause parents a misunderstanding,At the same time also to injure the heart of individual students,His practice is really wrong,Offering and apologize for any inconveniences that any of the students.
