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The classmates to help her to take care of my mother
"mother,You be good at home,I'll be back in a minute."
Liu hand over to take care of my mother
喂妈妈吃饭同学们帮她照顾妈妈“妈妈,你在家要乖,我一会儿就回来。” Hello my mother to eat the classmates to help her to take care of my mother"mother,You be good at home,I'll be back in a minute."
再苦再难也笑着面对,她带着智商相当于1岁小孩的妈妈上大学 Again painstakingly again difficult also smiling face,She took the intelligence quotient (IQ) is equivalent to 1 year old child's mother go to college
she,A junior girl,21,Like other girls youthful beauty/Have a dream.
she,And very different,Mother's intelligence quotient (IQ) is equivalent to 1 year old child,To take care of mother,She took my mother to go to school,shouldering"dad"role.
Her name is liu hand over,Character cheerful,Good communication,In order to help her,The classmates spontaneous composition the voluntary service.
记者 陈海峰 实习生 刘梦珂 文图
Reporter ChenHaiFeng interns LiuMengKe wen diagram
奔跑 run
下课赶快往家赶,还要帮妈妈上厕所呢 Class is over quickly to drive home,To help my mother? Go to the toilet
"embarrassed,I just go home class with my mom went to the toilet,Mobile phone in the classroom didn't take."Yesterday morning,Just the school liu hand over to see waiting reporters said shyly.
Hand in liu told reporters,She was born in 1991,Shangqiu is normal college mathematics and information science college level 2010 undergraduate students of the class,Mom told HouPan cheese,46 years old,Is a farmer.Her mother from the right hand disability,And with psychosis.In October this year,Is the class she suddenly received home telephone said,Her mother has paralyzed.She immediately ask for leave to take care of her LuYi.
"I want to quit school at home and look after her,But don't want to give up your studies."Liu said hand in,On November 5,She put her mother received shangqiu,Near the school rented a house,Goes to school,Side to take care of mother.
Every morning at 6,Liu hand over up to cook,Hello mother after eating,Then go to class.Counting the time,A class,She quickly ran home to serve mother relieve oneself.
now,Liu hand in mother's intelligence quotient (IQ) and 1 year old child's intelligence quotient (IQ) almost,Who all don't know.Hand in hand in class every day liu,The mother is locked in the house,Sometimes her mother crying,Liu hand over it to her"mother,You be good at home,I'll be back in a minute.You listen,I come back to you buy chicken leg to eat."
Liu said hand in,Her mother started when paralyzed,Can't talk,Won't eat,Hands and feet are not moving.Every day,She is taking the time to give mother massage/Pinching their hands and feet.In her care,Her mother can simply say a few words,Can in others' hand slowly under walk.
角色 role
照顾妈妈和妹妹,她充当起“爸爸”的角色 Take care of mother and sister,She ACTS as the"dad"role
"My mom before paralysis,I often zhoukou shangqiu run on both sides.Because my mother is mentally ill,Often get lost,Don't know home,My sister and go to a boarding school don't go home.Every time she get lost I will go to find her,sometimes,My mother is walking ten inside it."Liu said hand in.
It is understood,Liu is hand in afforstation Yang hukou PangZhuang town village,Two years ago,Her father died because of esophagus cancer.Take care of my sister and mother,She resolutely make the burden of the family,ACTS as the"dad"role.
She has two acres more,Every grain in ear season,She would leave home sow the land.To earn money for the family and earn my tuition,While her holiday job,After school time tutor/Do earn promotion.
感动 moved
同学组成志愿队,轮流照顾她母亲 Students volunteer group composition,Take turns to look after her mother
Yesterday morning,Journalists and liu come hand in her place to rent,Far see a group of young people around a woman talking and laughing.
"They are the students volunteer group,No lesson,Just to take care of my mother."Liu said hand in.
Liu hand over good friend ZhangYaHui told reporters,Two weeks ago,Liu hand over back to school,Says she wants to take home,A few friends decided to hand in liu situation reflects to department leader and student union.
November 16,Institute for liu hand over and collected 13793.3 yuan,System for her students have formed a volunteer service,Help her to take care of my mother."More than 80 students take turns in looking after."Some students said.Liu hand over counselor GuoZhiLin said,Liu hand over every year, grants,She is a personality is bright children,Like her this kind of situation,General students hold down.
Liu said hand in,Two weeks ago,Few people know about her condition."Originally I had one's deceased father grind dream,Can consider to now bad family status,I just want to graduate earlier,Earn money for the family early,Give my mom a doctor.For one's deceased father grind,Now want to all dare not to think."
(Original title:"mother,good,I'll be back in a minute")
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