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  大学教育是什么?当我们还在为从幼儿园就开始的应试教育模式烦恼头疼的时候,世界许多知名学府已经将实用教育理念灌注进大学校园。大学不再是传统意义上脱离实际的“象牙塔”,学校教育正成为学生学以致用,走向创业型人才的平台。“硅谷的摇篮”、“剑桥现象”、“速度之城”……创业教育颠覆着曾经的大学教育形态,汇成一股挡不住的潮流,引领未来人才培养的趋势…… University education is what?When we were from kindergarten began to takes an exam the education mode trouble when she has a headache,The world many famous universities will have practical education idea infusion into the university campus.University is no longer the traditional from the actual"Ivory tower",School education is becoming a student in order to apply it,To entrepreneurship platform."The cradle of silicon valley"/"Cambridge phenomenon"/"Speed city"...Entrepreneurship education transforming once the university education form,Converge into a stream of stop trend,Lead the future trend of talent cultivation...


美国麻省理工学院: The Massachusetts institute of technology:


“创业生态系统”激励创新精神 "Venture ecological system"Incentive innovation spirit


The Massachusetts institute of technology with its in the high-tech teaching research in the field of top level,Luther &maelzer enjoys high reputation in worldwide.Recently, reporters visited to know,The school will innovation and entrepreneurial spirit as traditional,For decades constructs a set of more mature"incubator"system,So as to promote a large number of high-quality young talents actively participate in innovation and entrepreneurship.


提供创业教育 Provide entrepreneurial education


Massachusetts institute of technology innovation atmosphere is strong,achievements.According to the school entrepreneurship center executive director William ole professor is introduced,The school alumni at all levels in the United States started more than 20000 enterprises,Every year income amounted to over 2 trillion dollars,Each year about new do QiYeShu.


Ole analysis said,Entrepreneurial spirit deeply rooted in the Massachusetts institute of technology,The school has become an important part of the traditional.This and the school advocate"Use what they have learned to produce influence in the world"Spiritual kindred to,From the innovation to become entrepreneurial many alumni to realize self the pursuit of the important practice.The venture with focus on knowledge innovation as the foundation of the new and high technology industries.corresponding,The school entrepreneurship education also aimed at taking high-new technology as the foundation/With high growth or international potential of the project.Focusing on the technical innovation of the business support system have the cohesion,The school of the university of technology and location in.


In the past half a century,The Massachusetts institute of technology has gradually developed a more mature innovation technology venture education and incubation system,And the image of the named it"Venture ecological system".


The Massachusetts institute of technology management thought,From the innovation to the combination of business transformation process mainly includes seven stage,Namely creative stage/Technology development stage/Commercial planning stage/Enterprise planning phase/Forms the enterprise stage/Early growth stage and high growth stage.In order to meet the needs of different stages,The school has established a six independent operation/Effective complementary mechanism.


Entrepreneurship center for the entire school students with entrepreneurial education.In the early 1960 s,The Massachusetts institute of technology is set up"The new enterprise course",For high technical talents and business to provide relevant training.In the 1990 s,This course for further development across the college venture education project.As demand continues to expand influence buckle,In 1996, the Massachusetts institute of technology entrepreneurship center formally established,By the school provide a fixed office location.In 2011,,The center to accept Martin trust fund sponsorship and named,And further upgrade center operation system/To expand and update the office area.


Entrepreneurship center executive director William ole is introduced,The center is affiliated at present at the Massachusetts institute of technology's Sloan school of management has the next,Facing the entire school students with entrepreneurial education.Except by the Sloan school of management to provide venture outside related courses,Entrepreneurship center also invited many famous entrepreneurs and successful alumni giving lectures,For the student venture provide guidance.


DE assorted pender technology innovation center to provide venture capital support.The technology innovation center was established in 2002,Existing staff more than 400,The main task is to promote the school laboratory produced in frontier technologies expand the market field influence,For potential project provides funding/Business startup capital and incubation support.This center will be the focus fell on the cultivation of emerging technology integrated level,Mainly involves biochemical/biomedical/Information technology/The new material/Energy innovation, etc.


In addition to the financial support,The center is also introduced"Venture catalytic plan",Strictly selected a group of have the innovation technology research and development and entrepreneurial experience training division,For the high technology talent to provide a more targeted entrepreneurial guidance,And help innovation technology and angel investors/Risk investment and the investor contacting.


Since its creation,The center has more than 90 project provides $11 million,The 26 project has developed mature,To get the actual business operation level,Attracted a total of more than $350 million investment.


Technology license office provides intellectual property related services.Because MIT students venture with focus on knowledge innovation as the foundation of the new and high technology industries,So the technical protection/Patent application/Technology transfer is very important, etc.therefore,College set up a technology license office for students' venture to provide services.According to the data provided by the office,In fiscal year 2011 the office witness a total of 632 inventions was born,153 patents for authentication,Issue 79 enterprise licence/A 110 trademark license.


Business consultant service center for entrepreneurs to provide consultation.The center employ"Venture tutor"Obligation to provide students with entrepreneurial guidance,The content mainly concentrated in the business of actual operation level.


Le myerson project to encourage invention-creation.College management thought,Invention is innovation and entrepreneurship of the source of power,therefore,Encourage invention is the necessary premise to promote students' venture.At present,This project set up"Le myerson a Massachusetts institute of technology"The award has become the most important invention award.


Rinaldo JiaDu development and entrepreneurship center attention and cooperation in developing countries.The centre was established in 2007,Its main task is to promote innovation technology benefit developing countries or poor countries and regions,Including for potential project provides the start-up capital/Market research/Prophase research/Plan implemented support and guidance;Hold business and investment global BBS,Attract developing countries/Especially the emerging market countries such as entrepreneurs to come to participate in;For interested in the MIT student/Graduates and the researchers offer scholarships.


“10万美元创业大赛” "$100000 business competition"


MIT students actively organize all kinds of business organization and activities,Including venture workshops/Business club, etc.the,The most influential M.I.T"100 k entrepreneurship competition"(That $100000 business competition),The university has become the most famous student entrepreneurship competition.


Competition was founded in 1989,First by the Massachusetts institute of technology's Sloan school of business club and new enterprise association jointly founded,Aimed at the school of professional and business students combined advantage,The innovative concept into the practical application and put into market.


Sloan school of management student Alice Francis is currently executive director of competition.She said,Competition selection excellent business team,And to give winners certain venture capital as a reward,Bonus every year total about $350000,Bonus mainly comes from the outside world sponsorship.


Competition for entrepreneurs to have the different quality is divided into three rounds:The first round is creative class competition.Participants in the jury to sell yourself within 60 seconds of originality,Winners will receive 5000 dollars;The second round is participants is their own business idea realistic operability demonstration,Winners will receive $35000 venture fund;The third round is a business plan competition,Study participants for established enterprise do to actual combat,Winners will receive a $100000 prize.


In the process of the contest,Organizers provide students with platform for their release business idea/Recruiting team members.At the same time,Students also listen to an entrepreneurial team to provide guidance and training, and media publicity/The legal consultation and contacts support,And attract KPMG international accounting firm/Townsend Reuters group and other international well-known enterprises and institutions sponsorship.


学生创业交流有前景 Students' venture exchange promising


Ole said,With China's economic strength of ascension,The huge market potential is increasingly attracting the attention of entrepreneurs at the Massachusetts institute of technology.


In the past few years,The Massachusetts institute of technology and the Chinese government/Enterprise and the school has established the various forms of cooperation.MIT China innovation and entrepreneurship BBS has already entered the second year,Will invite both sides academic elite/Enterprise leaders and policy makers to MIT to lecture and results show,To explore the scientific and technological innovation and enterprise development,Excavations in clean energy/environment/Information technology/Health care and biological science and technology and other areas of potential cooperation opportunities.


As an important part of the BBS,MIT China business plan competition aims to establish a Chinese and foreign investors and new technology/New business model for docking platform,Entrepreneurs to provide more understanding and enter the Chinese market opportunity.Competition to the background and the project categories do not limit,Only emphasize the submit the project to be applied in the Chinese market.Finally the final team will share in the total amount not less than $20000 cash prize.

  来自麻省理工学院的创业团队O ptim ix告诉记者,中国市场蕴含巨大潜力,他们期待能与中国公司展开合作。该团队研发项目主要是通过全新运算模型帮助航空公司整合并协同优化定价及收益管理策略,以提高收益。目前,该团队正在积极接触中国航空界人士,并专门制作了中文产品介绍。(记者 孙浩 樊宇 华盛顿报道)

From the Massachusetts institute of technology entrepreneurial team O ptim ix told reporters,The Chinese market contains huge potential,They look forward to cooperation with the Chinese company.The team r&d project is mainly through the new operation model to help airlines integrated and collaborative optimization pricing and earnings management strategy,In order to improve the income.At present,The team are actively contact China aviation industry people,And specially produced for Chinese product introduction.(Reporter SunHao FanYu Washington reports)


德国慕尼黑工业大学: German technical university of Munich:


系统建设“创业型大学” System construction"Venture type university"


Munich, Germany industrial university is Germany old school of science and engineering,In Germany the comprehensive university rankings of the top.In the principal Wolfgang Herman initiative,Munich Harbin industrial university since 1995 implementation of a series of education reform,And launched a"Venture type university"plan,Aims to cultivate and modern industrial social adaptation of the pioneering and innovative talents,Some practice good convergence,Other universities in Germany and Austria in universities is widely.


创业教育是系统工程 Entrepreneurship education is a system engineering


Munich Harbin industrial university first vice President/Chinese scientists MengLiQiu told reporters,Munich Harbin industrial university puts forward"Venture type university"concept,Its core essence is to mobilize all forces,With its focus on training the students' adaptability/Learning ability and practice force.Students need to master is not only the textbook knowledge,More important is professional view and sense of direction/Ability to work in a team and found and the ability to solve practical problems.


MengLiQiu said,Entrepreneurship education is a system engineering.It is not set up a department or office can solve the problem,It should be involved in teaching practice/Interdisciplinary studies/Administrative management aspects.At the same time,Entrepreneurship education is a long-term process,Not through the movement type/YingJingShi short-term behavior to achieve.


Munich Harbin industrial university management thought,Entrepreneurial culture should infiltrate into every link of teaching life.In the school,Whether life science/Mechanical manufacturing or medical professional,Students from freshman year start with business and professional overview course,By senior professors and business people to student career prospects and professional frontier situation in the lecture.


MengLiQiu said,The stage of undergraduate course helps students learn business in the early stages of career prospects and entrepreneurial path has a macro control.Into the master and doctoral stage,Entrepreneurship education will be aimed at professional more refining and operable.Many courses by enterprise middle managers give a lecture,Industry brings not only the latest trend,Also to business student to provide business consulting.


In the student class -odd,Munich Harbin industrial university and unique"Teacher and pupil pairing"project.Every year,Some businesses near the old retired employees/Old alumni association to school registration,With the students said they would form"pairs",Give after school guidance.And students will submit the letter of intent,The school according to the supply and demand information pairing.Establish contact between teacher and pupil after,Can the independent organization activities.


Said after the beginning of autumn,This system rooted in German vocational education teacher and pupil miming tradition.The master can put students please into your home,Or take him to participate in social activities,In my interactions teach experience.Some teachers will introduce students to the company practice.Teacher BangDai behavior completely voluntary,Don't bring remuneration,So the school also does not have the cost of apprehension.


Said after the beginning of autumn,Construction undertaking type university,Involves a series of education concept and teaching method of the great transformation,And the middle teacher is university managerial train of thought of the practice,Will be directly related to the success or failure of the education transformation.In 2004,,Munich Harbin industrial university use linde company's donation established linde college,One of the important mission is to provide teachers with 60 kinds of retraining project.


建“孵化器”呵护创业萌芽 built"incubator"Caress venture bud


In 2002,,In the BMW company directors susannah · carat teng sponsorship,Munich Harbin industrial university established the business center.Entrepreneurship center's main task is to provide business consulting and develop training programs,Currently there is a more than 20 professional team responsible for specific operation.


MengLiQiu said,Munich our students can go to the business center free elective courses,And included in the credit.Entrepreneurship center of teachers from different departments,There are some visiting professors and business people.According to each stage entrepreneurship faced different problems,Here are your system course.


For fast graduate the senior and junior students,If the startup or scientific research commercial idea,Can go to the business center for comprehensive help,Including their business plans/Provide legal service/Research analysis market/Contact potential cooperation company, etc.For special excellent project,Munich Harbin industrial university will also use special venture fund,To provide students with a pen to tens of thousands of euro unequal start-up capital.


强化产学研融合 Strengthening the combination of fusion


As a school of science and engineering,Munich Harbin industrial university always pay attention to keeping close contact with the industry,And this is for the training of the students' entrepreneurship and innovation ability is very important.


Munich Harbin industrial university and BMW/mass/Such as Siemens company perennial cooperation,Hire company senior personnel have classes,Or as a visiting professor.Every year,A large number of Munich our students to the enterprise practice,Participate in a line production.The vast majority of master of science and engineering/Doctoral thesis is in the enterprise practice topic during establishment and finally complete.


Harbin industrial university Munich with many enterprises signed a joint research and development agreement.Many students in teacher led to participate in technology research,In get all-round training at the same time,Also can feel the real pulsating industry,For future business or employment to lay the foundation.


In recent years,Harbin industrial university Munich to some American university,Strengthened the"Alumni alliance"."Alumni alliance"For the school can not only bring considerable donation,Also can strengthen the university and industrial connection,Alumni work experience and professional resources through the alliance conduction to students,Help students become.

  此外,慕尼黑工大还加强了跨学科建设与人才培养。自2006年起,该校相继成立了高等研究院、研究生院和工程学院,旨在打破门派分割带来的学术封闭状态,为学生提供多个跨学科的研究和学习平台。(记者 韩墨 慕尼黑报道)

In addition,Munich Harbin industrial university has strengthened the interdisciplinary construction and personnel training.Since 2006,The school of higher institute have been established/Graduate school and college of engineering,Aim to break affiliation segmentation bring academic closed state,To provide students with more interdisciplinary research and learning platform.(Reporter Korea ink Munich reports)
