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  作为我国 "十二五"教育科研规划重点课题"基础教育国际化人才培养国际比较研究"的子课题,"国际化人才培养策略研究——中美合作项目中课程与教学的理论和实践研究",于2012年11月1日在清华大学信息技术大楼(FIT楼)二楼会议室召开子课题开题会。

As our country "1025"Education scientific research planning key topics"Basic education internationalized talents training international comparison research"Branch of,"International talent cultivation strategy research, sino-us cooperation project curriculum and teaching theory and practice research",On November 1, 2012 information technology building in tsinghua university(FIT floor)The second floor held a conference room branch opening will.

  搜狐教育现场采访了北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席兰宏生、赛尔教育国际业务事业部总经理孙丽、美国碧岳十一高中校长Dr.Melinda Skrade、北京师达中学校长张国玺等。

Sohu education field interviews with Beijing the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization LanHongSheng association President/Cernet education international business division general manager SunLi/The United States brigitte yue 11 high school principal Dr. Melinda Skrade/Beijing shida high school principal ZhangGuoXi, etc.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:兰主席,请问总课题的进展情况如何?有没有一个阶段性的研究成果?

Orchid chairman,Excuse me the total project progress?Is there a periodic research results?


兰宏生【北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席】: LanHongSheng[The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association President]:今年4月份开题,总课题开题以后陆续的有几十所学校和教育机构参与了这个课题,并且陆续有一些子课题开题。比如赛尔教育正在开题,11月13号北京35中学开题,已经开题的学校有北京166中,北京润丰学校,还有北京汇佳学校,几所学校开题了。到现在为止,我们已经有五所学校和课题开题了,应该说进展还是蛮快的。我们想在今年年底组织一个所有子课题项目校的,国际化人才培养的比较研究的大型会议。

In April this year opening,Total subject in succession after opening the dozens of schools and education institutions involved in this subject,And have some branch opening.Such as cernet education is opening,November 13th Beijing 35 middle school opening,Has been opening school in Beijing in 166,Beijing runfeng school,And Beijing huijia school provides,A few schools the opening.So far,We have five schools and subject the opening,It should be said progress or pretty fast.In the end of this year we want to organize a all branch school project,International talent cultivation of comparative study of large meeting.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:课题进行过程中有没有比较困难的地方?

In the process of project have a difficult place?


兰宏生【北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席】: LanHongSheng[The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association President]:困难和障碍也有。第一,国际化人才培养的比较研究,特别在基础教育阶段,如何实施。特别是从小学到初中、高中,过去高中阶段,国际化人才培养比较多,小学、初中阶段的少一些。如何开展这样的课题研究呢?这是一个新的问题摆在面前。

Difficulties and obstacles have.The first,International talent cultivation of comparative study,Especially in the basic education stage,How to implement the.Especially from primary school to junior high school/High school,The past high school,International talent training more,Elementary school/The junior middle school stage less.How to develop this subject research?This is a new problem in front.


another,How can we strengthen international cooperation,The study and international cooperation is very important.Now we always group has invited eight foreign experts as our consultants main topics,All is a level of senior experts.Light that's not enough,We also please some engaged in international education institutions to participate in this topic research,Cernet education such as.We also choose from abroad for part of the school to participate in our research.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我想问一下蓝主席和孙总,我看到资料上写着“留学生不等于国际化人才”。那么两位是如何定义国际化人才的?国际化人才必须要留学么?

I want to ask blue chairman and general sun,I see material written"Student is not equal to the internationalized personnel".So the two is how to define the internationalized personnel?The internationalized personnel must study it?


兰宏生【北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席】: LanHongSheng[The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association President]:中国的《国家中长期教育改革发展规划纲要》对于国际化人才有一段话,被我们认为是一个国际化人才的内涵。那个内涵就是通晓国际规则,参与国际事务和国际竞争这样的人才,我们把它的内涵放在这里。这句话,我觉得很科学的。

China's[National medium and long-term education reform development plan outline]For the internationalized personnel have a words,We think is an international the connotation of talents.The connotation is familiar with international rules,Participate in international affairs and international competition such talented person,We put its connotation in here.This sentence,I feel very scientific.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:孙总,您认为呢?

He always,Do you think??


孙丽【赛尔教育国际业务事业部总经理】: SunLi[Cernet education international business division general manager]:为什么赛尔教育要参与这个课题?也是基于这种国际化人才的理解。什么是国际化人才呢?咱们国家在政策文件中,像兰主席提到了,已经把它的内涵明确提出了,就是要具有国际化视野,通晓国际规则,参与国际事务和国际竞争这样的人才是国际化人才。

Why cernet education to participate in this subject?Is also based on the understanding of the internationalized personnel.What is the international talent?Our country is in the policy documents,Like blue chairman mentioned,Has the connotation of it is explicitly put forward,Is to have international field of vision,Familiar with international rules,Participate in international affairs and international competition such talented person is the internationalized personnel.


You just asked whether the internationalized personnel have go abroad,Must study it?I think not.No matter you are in the domestic,Or in a foreign country,As long as they can meet such a connotation,Is the internationalized personnel.To study abroad is not must have the international standard of talented persons,Many people went to abroad,typically,Even can't into the cultures,So he to international perspective cannot survive,Not to mention him to the understanding of the international rules.


This thing is not absolute row on the equal sign,To study abroad is not the only way the internationalized personnel,Because international premise is first localization.If you are not based on their culture,For their culture does not have a profound understanding of words,How are you able to have international perspective.International first to localization,At the same time orchid President today also mentioned,There are international/personalized.The internationalization way of all kinds,Through all kinds of ways to reach the connotation of this aspect/standard,We think is international talent.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:赛尔教育在做的项目,能帮助中国留学生更快、更好地留学,适应国外的生活,那么有没有一些其他的项目是帮助国内的学生在国内教育中能够提高自己国际化的意识或者水平?

Cernet education in do the project,Can help Chinese students faster/Better study abroad,To adapt to life abroad,Is there any other project is to help the domestic students in domestic education to improve their international consciousness or level?


孙丽【赛尔教育国际业务事业部总经理】: SunLi[Cernet education international business division general manager]:一方面我们是通过大家走出国门去感受国际化,提高国际化的水平。另一方面,我们也特别注重让本土的学生,能够接受到优质的国际教育资源,能够有机会去提升他们的国际视野。在这一方面,我们也在努力地做一些工作,将一些优势的资源引入国内,把一些交流的机会放到本土化。还有更重要的就是我们也跟更多的学校合作,让学生在学习好我们国家优质的基础学科、基本知识的同时,去学习一些国外的文化知识,去了解一些国外的文化价值观念,这个是非常重要的。

On the one hand we are through the everyone go out of the country to feel internationalization,To improve the level of internationalization.On the other hand,We also pay special attention to make local students,Can accept to the high quality international education resources,Can have the opportunity to enhance their international vision.In this respect,We are trying to do some work,Will some advantages of resources was introduced into China,Put some chances to communicate in localization.And more important is that we also with more schools cooperation,Let the students in learning good our country quality basic subject/Basic knowledge at the same time,To learn some foreign cultural knowledge,To know some foreign cultural values,This is very important.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:Dr. Skrade,您好,你们选择学生的标准是什么?有没有一些特别的选拔流程?

Dr. Skrade,How do you do,You choose to students what is the standard?Have some special selection process?


Dr.Melinda Skrade【美国碧岳十一高中校长】: Dr. Melinda Skrade[The United States brigitte yue 11 high school principal]:如果是国际学生,首先第一个是他们语言,然后再就是他们对自己要经历的,要去战胜、克服、完成的这些东西,要有一个充分的认识和准备。我希望这些学生是带着决心去成为同一年龄群体的引导者,或者在自己所处的社区、小社会里面是一个引导者,要做好这样的准备。如果是国际学生的话,我希望他们有足够的勇气去面对即将面临的文化差异,或者在不同的环境中受到的挑战。

If is the international students,First of all first is their language,Then in their namely again to experience,Want to go to win over/overcome/Completion of these things,To have a good understanding of and preparation.I hope these students are with the determination to become the leader of the same age group,Or in the community in/Small society the inside is a guide,To do this preparation.If is the international student words,I hope they have enough courage to face the face of the cultural differences,Or in different environment is in the challenge.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:相比于美国学生,您刚刚提到的这些标准是不是中国学生相对比较欠缺的?

Compared to the American students,You just mentioned these standards is Chinese students is relatively short?


Dr.Melinda Skrade【美国碧岳十一高中校长】: Dr. Melinda Skrade[The United States brigitte yue 11 high school principal]:我不这样认为。现在中国学生在这一方面做得也非常好,很有勇气选择出国留学。我觉得他们不仅是英语,能看出来在国内的时候英语已经做了很好的准备,过去之后语言适应得很好,而且在那边也是文明礼貌的,做得非常好。在这里特别想感谢这些学生的爸爸妈妈,让学生们已经做好准备的孩子,才把他们送出国,他们的培养是非常成功的。

I don't think so.Now Chinese students in this respect has also done very well,Very has the courage to choose to go abroad for further study.I think they are not only English,Can see when at home English has made the very good preparation,After the past to language very well,And there is also polite,Do very well.Here especially want to thank the students' mom and dad,Let the students are ready to children,Just sent them to go abroad,Their training is very successful.


孙丽【赛尔教育国际业务事业部总经理】: SunLi[Cernet education international business division general manager]:碧岳十一高中在美国也是特别优秀的高中,选拔中国的学生也都是特别优秀的学生。

Brigitte yue 11 high school in the United States is also outstanding high school,Selection of Chinese students are also special excellent students.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:孙总,现在学生和家长对于国际化教育的需求是怎么样的?

He always,Now students and parents for international education needs are?


孙丽【赛尔教育国际业务事业部总经理】: SunLi[Cernet education international business division general manager]:学生和家长国际化教育的需求,是非常旺盛的。尤其是现在经济也在国际化浪潮当中,从每年出国人数、国际班兴起的数量、高考弃考学生数量、家长们纷纷走出国门的热切愿望,以及国外机构、国外大学进入到中国等等这些方面,都可以看出国际化教育的需求非常旺盛,因为这些数字是在持续地以非常高的速度发展。

Students and parents international education needs,Is very exuberant.Especially now that the economy is in the internationalization of wave,Each year the number from abroad/The number of international class rise/The university entrance exam abandon exam student Numbers/Parents go out of the country in succession the fervent desire,And foreign institutions/Foreign university into China and so on these aspects,Can see that international education strong demand,Because these Numbers are consistently at very high speed development.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢。请问兰主席,您觉得现在中国学生最需要培养的能力是什么?

thank you.Excuse me, blue chairman,Do you think China now needs to cultivate students the ability is what?


兰宏生【北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席】: LanHongSheng[The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association President]:我觉得开拓国际视野最重要。现在学生在大城市一般还行,广大农村和中小城市国际视野确实需要改善。

I think the most important development international vision.Now students in large cities are generally still line,The vast rural and small and medium-sized city international vision really need to improve.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得需要什么好的途径呢?尤其对于国内基础教育来说?

Do you think need what way?Especially for the domestic foundation for education?


兰宏生【北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席】: LanHongSheng[The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association President]:什么途径呢?就让他们多接触。比如说请进来,我们请来许多外教,外国的一些学生的夏令营,学生的来华游学,让他们多接触。比如说每年组织美国五十所大学的学生来北京和外地,来了以后呢,他们要选两个地区,应该说相对欠发达的地区,去那儿支教,一周或者是两周,广泛的接触那些地区的学生。我们以后有更多的机会创造这样的条件,让请进来的,或者走进来的这些外国学生、教师,让他们来跟我们的学生接触。这样确实就能够扩大我们学生的国际视野,也增强他一些国际观念。

What way??Let them much contact.For example please come in,We invited many foreign teachers,Some of the foreign students' summer camp,Students studying in China,Let them much contact.Each year the United States such as organization fifty university students to come to Beijing and field,Come later,They want to choose two areas,Should say relatively less developed areas,Go there to lend a hand,A week or two weeks,Extensive contact those regions of the students.We will have more opportunities to create such conditions,Please come in and make the,Or walk to come in these foreign students/The teacher,Let them come with our students contact.This really will be able to expand our students' international vision,Also strengthen him some international concept.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢!接下来有请北京师达中学的张校长,您好,现在师达中学在国际化教育方面有哪些比较具体的工作?

thank you!Next please welcome Beijing shida middle school principal zhang,How do you do,Now shida middle school in international education what are some more specific work?


张国玺【北京师达中学校长】: ZhangGuoXi[Beijing shida high school principal]:我们很有幸跟赛尔教育集团合作,共举办国际教育。国际教育对我们来说也是一个新事物,虽然在中国有一段实践的过程,我们现在还是一个尝试阶段。尽管是尝试阶段,我们对这个课题的研究还是非常重视的。

We are lucky to education group cernet with cooperation,Held the international education.International education for us is a new things,Although in China have a practice process,We are now is a try to stage.Although is trying to stage,We study on the subject is very important.


We want to pass this subject research,Make our international education rise a highly,Concretely how to operate,We can now put the international education is divided into two parts,A part of the Chinese traditional education good,Chinese course education,This involves let's the question of state sovereignty,Education sovereignty,It is must to do.But it after all want to study in the United States ah,So it another part,Is harder to improve his English,At the same time learn American high school curriculum.Because the United States is higher education with the American high school education of cohesion,It is not with our senior high school education of cohesion.So the course is very necessary,Very important.Now our course distribution is roughly half and half,Chinese course 50%,The United States course 50%,With China's curriculum gradually completed,This class quantity gradually strengthen to the United States to the course.So we this education course is so distribution,From the moral education on,We are Chinese,I have to let the child know who you are,You will become a who,This is we have to do,And to do very good business.At the same time I also related with the grassroots leaders special arrangement,Because they're leaving 18 years old,Not to the,Is the outside ah,To live independently,His frustration resistance ability,The ability to relate to others,The foreign,Ability to your life,The ability to relate to others,These abilities for domestic students require high,This will become us a education the point,Roughly is such a kind of thinking.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:国际化人才不一定要出去留学才能成为国际化人才,您认同这个观点吗?

International talent doesn't have to go out to study abroad to become international talents,Do you agree with this opinion?


张国玺【北京师达中学校长】: ZhangGuoXi[Beijing shida high school principal]:不行,不可以的。

no,Can't of.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为必须要出去留学?

Do you think must go out to study abroad?


张国玺【北京师达中学校长】: ZhangGuoXi[Beijing shida high school principal]:认识有一个最佳方式、一般方式、可能还有一个不好的方式。在自我封闭的形式之下,想尽快地去获得国际视野,那是非常困难的。而且从我们国家的历史上说,你不管是大的革命事件,包括辛亥革命,五四运动,我们中华人民共和国,都跟留学人员他们的贡献分不开的,他们没有这个视野,那个事情发生不了的。辛亥革命不可能会在1911年发生,五四文化运动,后面的教授们,包括蔡元培他们全是留国回来的,只有他们有这种视野才能带动。所以这个封闭是不可以的,我们不能再走封闭的道路了。

Have known each other for a best way/The general way/There may be a bad way.In isolation under form,Want to as early as possible to obtain international vision,It is very difficult.And from the history of our country said,Whether you big revolutionary event,Including the revolution of,The May 4th movement,The People's Republic of China,All students studying abroad with their contributions inseparable,They don't have the vision,The things happen too.The revolution of not may happen -- but not until 1911,The May 4th movement cultural movement,The back of the professors,Including CAI yuanpei they are all leave kingdom come back,Only they have this kind of view can help.So the closed is not possible,We can't go closed the road.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:但是可能很多学生没有这个能力或者途径去出国留学,对于他们来说在国内教育方面有没有一些方法可以帮助他们有一个提升?

But maybe a lot of students have no the ability or ways to study abroad,For them in the domestic education aspects have some ways to help them have an ascending?


张国玺【北京师达中学校长】: ZhangGuoXi[Beijing shida high school principal]:有,但是非常有限,而且在学生这么短的时间,他学习时间是不长的,这么短的时间里能获得这些东西我认为是困难的。

have,But very limited,And in the student so short a time,He learning time is not long,Such a short time can get these things I think is difficult.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:通过我们国内自己基础教育的改善,不是很有效的一个途径?

Through our domestic his foundation education improvement,Is not very effective a way?


张国玺【北京师达中学校长】: ZhangGuoXi[Beijing shida high school principal]:我认为不是很有效。

I think not very effective.


兰宏生【北京市联合国教科文组织协会主席】: LanHongSheng[The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association President]:走出去当然毕竟人数有限、条件有限,怎么办呢?如果你在基础教育范畴内开展国际化人才培养,实际上是一个打基础,是一个准备的阶段。从小学就让他有一个国际视野,慢慢培养他的国际意识。你有一点国际观念,培养的方式一个是请进来、走出去,还有一个是靠国家的开放度。像北京现在是国际化大都市,开放度大,学生接受的、看到的世界就越大。所以国家的各方面经济、文化、政治、社会的开放程度提高,学生视野在这个过程中也就自然扩大了。至于刚才说国际化人才,那是更高层次的,比如通晓国际规则,参与国际事务和竞争,我们是需要这样的人才,而且大量需要这样的人才,但是从基础教育阶段还做不到。我们只是打基础,做准备。

Go out of course after all number limited/Condition co., LTD.,,How to do?If you in the basic education within the category of carrying out international talent cultivation,Is actually a ground,Is a preparation stage.From elementary school to let him have a international vision,Slowly training his international consciousness.Do you have a international concept,Training mode is a please come in/Go out,And still another is to rely on a country's degree of openness.Like Beijing now is the international metropolis,Openness big,Students accepted/To see the world.So all aspects of national economy/culture/political/Social openness to improve,The outlook of students in the process of natural also expanded.As for just said the internationalized personnel,It is of higher level,Such as familiar with international rules,Participate in international affairs and competition,We are need such talent,And a lot of need such talent,But in the basic education stage also can't do.We just found,To prepare.


张国玺【北京师达中学校长】: ZhangGuoXi[Beijing shida high school principal]:不能简单说可以不可以的问题,就是怎么效率更高的问题。就像学英语一样,你在国内学英语,缺乏国外的环境,总是不行的,总是非常费力的。这是关于怎么更好的问题。

Can't simply can not possible problems,How is the problem of efficiency is higher.Just like learning English,You learn English at home,Lack of foreign environment,Always not,Always very arduous.It is about how to better the problem.
