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  父母花60万给女儿谋银行工作 换来的只是个实习机会

Parents spend 600000 to daughter seeks the bank work got only a internships


Middleman to earn favour fee,The results DaoTie mint,Engage in a lawsuit for saying


Heard that neighbor LiuMou can pull wires,Introduce bank salary at least 100000 yuan work,Hangzhou building the woman took it to a little sisters said,Just a countryman, xu want to give daughter xiaoli find a stable job.


Floor lady xu received 606000 yuan,And one of the 533000 yuan to LiuMou to neighbor"Joe relationship",Later the little li is really into the bank,But in the end turn not positive,Got a chance to practice.


Things didn't be,Xu ran after the floor woman and the little sister a refund,Floor lady returned 606000 yuan,Then find neighbors LiuMou for money,The other party say most of the money received,Have used in the dotting relationship,Among them to the bank President 200000 yuan.


Helpless under,Floor lady will neighbor LiuMou and bank President to the court,Ask neighbours money back,At the same time bank President also have to clear the court and the end is what relation.


yesterday,The job holder relationship caused by the case in hangzhou XiaChengOu court trial in public,Bank President to a party"Lay shot in the",And accused floor lady malicious action.Although because the problem of burden,The court decided to temporarily suspend this case trial,But behind the case of a lot of problems food for thought.


父母花60万元托关系给女儿找工作 Parents spend 60 WanYuanTuo relationship to daughter looking for a job


Xu is wenzhou people,She had a daughter was born in 1989,Last year a universities from fujian independent college graduation,But always can't find a satisfactory job.


The husband and wife has done for her daughter to work when trouble,In hangzhou to work to the villagers said a certain temperature,Little sister floor lady neighbor special help bank LAN storage,And bank relationship very well,Pull wires to help find a job at the bank easier.


but,Said a,Neighbor LiuMou put forward,Into the bank work dotting would have had to spend 500000 yuan,But busy also can't white help,Also give point advantage fee.A husband and wife is xu business,They feel,If the daughter really can get high salary bank stable job,The money also spent to value,They also promised to,Then an additional 73000 dollars to floor lady and a certain temperature used to run relationship.


In order to give daughter looking for a job,Before and after xu were paid 606000 yuan.One of the 533000 yuan,Old xu hui gave floor lady,Again by building the woman took the money to the neighbor LiuMou.meanwhile,LiuMou say contact to a few Banks,But not below,In may this year or so,LiuMou said small beautiful to bank job done.


工作找到了,却是个实习机会 Work found,It is a chance to practice


Small beautiful one begins to be placed in a bank hangzhou high-tech subbranch of a bank teller interview,But the interview we were told that don't need cabinet,The next day was to interview finance manager,The interviewer asked xiao li can do many performance,Can give bank bring many benefits.


Small beautiful just came out from the school,Character and some introverted,Interviewer said,The bank will not to do a performance of the people.Interview failure,LiuMou let small beautiful wait and see.


It didn't take long,Small beautiful and is scheduled to the bank's hangzhou branch to interview cabinet,After two times interview stayed,But a few days,And was told that small beautiful some stuttering,And is short,And they grow not beautiful,So she was back to high and new branch.


Floor lady said,According to the LiuMou said,Her husband's friend is high and new branch President relatives,LiuMou also said,Xiao li in the new and high branch first two months internship,Practice expire to become a full member,Also said that college students are so over.


On May 23, to July 23,,Xiao li in the new and high branch practice,But the internship,Still no sign of become a full member,And she was told,Even become a full member the monthly salary is only 3000 yuan,Other income all must depend on the performance,Xiao li will tell the parents the truth.


事情没办成,结果倒贴巨款 Things didn't be,The results DaoTie mint


The husband and wife news xu is very surprised,Money out,Work didn't find,Small beautiful daughter in the process was hit,So they seek the person of hometown a certain temperature and floor that lady please.


The temperature was just want to do me a favor,By the way, and the little sisters floor woman make point advantage fee,That small beautiful can't become a full member,Know are wrong floor lady his advance in cash,The couple returned xu 606000 yuan,Such calculating down,Floor lady also DaoTie at least 500000 yuan of money.


But when the floor lady look back to find neighbors LiuMou back money,Each other flatly refused to,Even find a friend even community to coordinate all have no result.


Floor lady took his lawyer to find bank President,Bank President's words made floor woman feel cheated.President said,He doesn't know xiao li,And bank practice words,As long as it is college students can come to,And small beautiful didn't become a full member because interview pass.


September 18,,Floor lady to entrust contract dispute will be on the neighbor LiuMou couple,A new branch of the bank President to XiaChengOu against the people's court.


Yesterday afternoon,Case when the hearing,Xiao li and families are not to attend the court,Floor lady also called his lawyers and little sister a certain temperature,The bank's President and floor lady neighbor LiuMou couple carte Blanche lawyer processing.


中间人深感被骗,怒告牵线人和银行行长 Middleman deeply swindled,Anger against pull wires and bank President


For floor lady's prosecution,LiuMou couples think that,Relative to the floor of the lady and a certain temperature"Favour fee"amount,They for small beautiful looking for work get remuneration is entirely reasonable,And they are really help small beautiful found work in a bank job,The bank is prepared with small beautiful signing,And help her become a full member of the,Is xiao li family too low wages and working pressure big waiver.


The ladies floor provides and bank President negotiations dialogue recording,And accused LiuMou couple in a completely,Because the bank President confirmed that didn't want to sign with small beautiful.


Bank President attorney, said,Floor lady provide all the evidence and bank President has no direct relation,As for small beautiful parents is how to spend more than 60 WanYuanTuo relationship he also don't know anything about this,Ms floor to bank President of prosecution is entirely malicious prosecution,Bank President is"Lay shot in the",They will be apparent things progress take further legal action.

  由于楼女士一方当庭提交了几十页的新证据,包括与银行行长对话的录音,被告一方表示要对证据进行核实和梳理,法官决定暂时中止本案审理,择日再开庭。(通讯员 夏法 本报记者 陈洋根)

Because floor lady party at court submit dozens of pages of new evidence,Including and bank President dialogue recording,The accused party said to verify evidence and carding,The judge decided to temporarily suspend this case trial,Again next hearing.(Correspondent summer method ChenYangGen our reporter)
