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2岁幼童接受父亲肝移植苏醒 术后需“闯关”1年--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Have a fever signs;Doctors say,For liver has begun to function,Postoperative fever is normal phenomenon

11月17日,病床上,万金强和凡凡头抵头躺着,准备睡午觉。从今年6月凡凡被确诊患胆道闭锁,万金强陪儿子熬过了等待肝源的5个月。A14-A15版摄影/新京报记者 周岗峰
On November 17,,bed,Gold strong and whoever whoever head to head lay,Ready to take a nap.From June this year all those who are diagnosed with biliary atresia,Gold strong with son survived waiting for liver source 5 months.A14 - A15 edition photography/Beijing news reporter ZhouGang peak

yesterday,Armed police general hospital in the ICU,Accept liver transplants biliary atresia all children who(alias)Woke up.Doctors say,This suggests that all who father from strong for liver has started to function.
The beginning of June this year,Hubei men from the sons of strong that whoever(alias)Are identified as biliary atresia,Help only in liver transplantation surgery.After analysis,Every mother with all for type B blood.Gold strong said,She was on the telephone to Beijing said to his son do liver transplantation,But she didn't come,And in the telephone,No longer can not contact.Because of the worry son can't wait,AB blood from the strong determined as a son cross blood group donated liver.The day before yesterday,Surgery in the armed police general hospital successfully completed.(Our previous continuous reports)
万金强日后可正常工作生活 Gold strong future can be normal work and life
According to the gold strong mother WangSanFeng is introduced,Strong from the previous night in the ICU within to have,PuTongBing move into the anterior chamber,See the family's first words were asked who every situation.That son after operation smoothly,Is satisfied.but,Because of its body is still in the drainage tube/Stomach tube,Postoperative wound also pain,So temporary can't turn over,Also can't take atmosphere and speak loudly.
Yesterday afternoon,Armed police general hospital make a single ward for gold strong health.According to the hospital, deputy director of the department of transplantation ChenXinGuo is introduced,Strong from two to three weeks can discharge,In the future can be normal work and life.
凡凡发烧医生称系正常现象 Whoever whoever fever doctors say is normal phenomenon
The night before last,Liver transplantation was performed after a successful end,Less than two years old of all those who are pushed into ICU.
yesterday,The ICU,Has been to all of that because mouth have intubation,Appear very uncomfortable,Always shake head.ChenXinGuo said,All signs that have a fever,"38 ℃ temperature more than,but,This belongs to the normal phenomenon."
"We have worked out a detailed plan,Closely monitor the condition that all,And in the light of the causes of complications caused by take corresponding measures."ChenXinGuo said,For all the who use when immune preparation,Will combined treatment,And improve drug concentration,Also can improve the microcirculation of blood vessels,Prevent form tiny blood clots.
ChenXinGuo says,If all goes well,All in all the three or four weeks after hospital discharge.but,Three months after discharge,All who want to to the hospital a week for review.
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幼童肝移植后需“闯关”一年 Young children need after liver transplantation"recruit"A year
Armed police general hospital of doctor of vice director of li wei is introduced,Accept liver transplantation children,The first week after the most dangerous,And in a month after,Also may face would endanger their lives bile leakage/Biliary tract stenosis and biliary complications.A year,If through the above the close,The illness will tend to be stable,But still should guarantee the regular review and take medicine on time.
追访 After visit
跨血型肝移植易出现血栓 Cross type liver transplantation easy blood clot
the,From all the strong and all across the blood type for liver transplants.Compared with blood type transplantation,This kind of operation risk a little high.
"Cross type complications of liver transplantation/The incidence of rejection is higher than the same blood type of liver transplantation."ChenXinGuo introduced,When blood type ill-fitting donor implant recipients body,The original donor body vascular endothelial cells of blood group antigen with recipients body as A natural antibody/B agglutinin combined with,Rapid damage blood vessels network,Cause vascular thrombosis.
"Cross type most prone to liver transplantation rejection and vascular biliary complications."but,ChenXinGuo said,So far,The armed police general hospital operation more than 10 cases of adult span blood group liver transplant cases,Has not appeared yet postoperative vascular complications.
ChenXinGuo said,Father and son for gold in strong,For whoever every type B blood,For the father for the liver from strong is AB blood.therefore,preoperative,Medical personnel who will all advance access to the ICU,Will the blood eduction in vitro,Through the rod specific adsorption device clear resistance to A antibody,The rest of the ingredients and feedback to the body,And input AB plasma exchange every every body type B blood."After the above operations,Whoever whoever blood agglutinin valence has been reduced to 1:16 controllable range,To avoid the possible surgery for liver acute rejection reaction."
In addition,ChenXinGuo says,To adult span blood group liver transplantation was performed in the process,Also may do splenectomy,In order to reduce rejection reaction,But because the recent years have developed such as plasma exchange and other pretreatment method,This method has generally not children cross blood type used in liver transplantation.
武警总医院副主任医师李威则表示,根据日本、中国台湾等地的资料显示,因为2岁以内的幼儿尚未形成完善的免疫功能,如果经过合理的预处理,可令跨血型肝移植手术达到血型一致的手术效果。(记者 许路阳实习生 李晓波 通讯员 陈姝)
Armed police general hospital of doctor of vice director of LiWeiZe said,According to Japanese/China Taiwan data shows,Because within 2 years old children has not been formed perfect immune function,If after reasonable pretreatment,Can make span blood group liver transplant to blood type consistent operation effect.(Reporter xu road male interns LiXiaoBo correspondent ChenShu)
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