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This afternoon,Tsinghua university admission office released its 2013"The new one hundred year plan"Measures for the implementation."The new one hundred year plan"by"Leaders plan"/"Best plan"/"Self-improvement plan"Three parts.The aim is to different types of talents practice pertinently selection,Urged talents stand out,Urged education fair chance.

  其中,“领军计划”面向志向远大、追求卓越、品学兼优、素质全面,学业成绩排名在全年级前1%的应届高中毕业生。采用中学推荐的方式报名。认定的学生将享受高考总分最高降60分录取以及至多30分选专业的优惠政策(选专业的优惠政策只有当学生高考分数达到清华大学在本省录取分数线时有效)。“拔尖计划”面向具有学术理想和潜质,在某一方面有突出才华并取得一定成果的高中毕业生,需经2名副高职称(含)以上相关领域专家联名推荐,并由学校确认。通过者根据成绩在限定专业内给予高考总分最高降60分录取的优惠政策。“自强计划”主要面向592个国家扶贫开发工作重点县的县级及以下中学选才。审核通过者需参加清华大学自主招生笔试,并单独划定分数线,通过者参加综合面试。清华大学将组织工作组前往面试通过者的学校、家庭所在地进行实地考察,确定最终认定名单。通过者高考总分最高降60分录取的优惠政策。(记者 王依然)

the,"Leaders plan"Ambition for/The pursuit of excellence/excellent/Quality comprehensive,Academic achievement ranked in the top 1% of the whole grade senior high school graduate student.The recommended way to middle school registration.Recognition of the students will enjoy the university entrance exam scores the highest drop 60 points admission and at most 30 sorting professional preferential policies(Choose professional preferential policies only when students of the university entrance exam to tsinghua university in this province when admit fractional line effectively)."Best plan"Facing with academic ideal and potential,In one hand have outstanding talent and obtained a certain result of high school graduates,Subject to two subtropical high professional title(contain)Or above related domain expert joint recommendation,And the school confirmation.Through the person according to result in the limited professional inside give the university entrance exam scores the highest drop 60 points accepted preferential policies."Self-improvement plan"Mainly to 592 countries poverty alleviation work at or above the county level of the county and the talent selection in middle school.Those who pass the examination to participate in tsinghua university autonomous enrollment written examination,And a separate delimit fractional line,Through the person to participate in comprehensive interview.Tsinghua university will organize working group to interview through the person of the school/Inspect the family is located,Determine the final determination list.Those who pass the college entrance examination admission scores the highest drop 60 points of preferential policies.(Reporter the king still)
