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40名硕士写科普书化名1人 书籍错误百出--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

40名硕士写科普书化名1人 书籍错误百出 专家称图为一种珊瑚,而非“菊化石”。 Experts say the graph is a kind of coral,Rather than"Daisy fossil". 40名硕士写科普书化名1人 书籍错误百出 专家称图为哺乳类化石,可能是猫科动物,不是“恐龙化石”。 Experts say the fossil mammals,May is a cat,not"Dinosaur fossils". 40名硕士写科普书化名1人 书籍错误百出 专家称图为一种菊石,而非“小蛇骨化石”。 Experts say the graph is an ammonite,Rather than"Small snake bone fossil".

  一本旨在“引领青少年爱科学、学科学、用科学”的科普图书,“辽宁古果”穿越几亿年成了“沙顿蕨”,陆上蕨类也改变习性在水中生活,珊瑚摇身一变成菊化石。专家称图书《变成石头的动植物 化石》存在很多事实错误

A book aims to"Lead the youth love science/science/Using science"Of popular science books,"Liaoning old fruit"Through several hundred million became the"Sutton fern",Land ferns also change habits live in water,Coral suddenly change one's identity into Daisy fossil.Experts say the[Into stone animal and plant fossils]There are many facts wrong.

  这本名为《变成石头的动植物 化石》(2012年3月中国社会出版社第一次印刷)的科普图书存在诸多错误。该书属于《探究式科普丛书》(全套100本),记者随即购买几本,专家看后认定错误连连。

The name[Into stone animal and plant fossils](In march of 2012 Chinese society first printing press)The popular science books there are many mistakes.The book belongs to[Probing into type popular science books](Full set of 100 copies),Reporters then buy a few this,Experts see that after mistakes repeatedly.


yesterday(On November 22),Chinese society press researchers say is investigating.


硕士爆料“劣质”科普图书 Master kept"inferior"Popular science books

  近日,中国地质大学(武汉)古生物学和古生态学硕士纵瑞文(博客)网上发帖,称《变成石头的动植物 化石》书中有10余处化石名称等错误。他在图书馆中看到这本书,“仅翻阅几十页,从图片上就发现很多错误。”

recently,China university of geosciences(wuhan)Paleontology and paleoecology master ZongRuiWen(blog)Post online,Thou[Into stone animal and plant fossils]The book has more than 10 place fossil name and error.He saw the book in the library,"Only through dozens of pages,From the picture he found a lot of mistakes."


He said one example,Hundreds of millions of years ago,The sea active a mollusk,Its name is"ammonite",and[fossil]in,Ammonite fossils is written for conch/snail/Snakes and other biological fossils.And coral fossils has been presented"Snake bone fossil".


"I haven't scan text,Do not know how many mistakes."ZongRui said,These mistakes is very low,"As long as there is a little paleontology knowledge can see out."


“一人”编百本科普图书 "A man"Knitting one hundred this popular science books

  《变成石头的动植物 化石》是《探究式科普丛书》(全套100本)中的一本。

[Into stone animal and plant fossils]is[Probing into type popular science books](Full set of 100 copies)Of a.


The day before yesterday,Wangfujing bookstore second,The bookshelf filled up with books,Have the material science/Life science/Geophysical science/Modern science and technology four series,Each book, the are"Lin",China's social publishing.[series]Sequence is described in the,This series aims to let youth system/comprehensive/accurate/Learn and master the basic knowledge of natural science.

  随后,记者购买《变成石头的动植物 化石》、《地球的肺 植物》等几本书,找到相关领域的专家鉴定。

then,Reporter to buy[Into stone animal and plant fossils]/[The earth's lung plant]And a few books,Find relevant experts in the field of appraisal.

  中科院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员邓涛称,纵瑞文指出的错误的确存在。北京大学生命科学学院植物学教授汪劲武,从事50多年植物学科研工作,他翻阅《地球的肺 植物》,半小时内就发现5处错误。

The Chinese academy of sciences vertebrate paleontology and paleoanthropology DengTao researcher says,ZongRuiWen points out mistakes really do exist.Beijing university college of life science WangJinWu professor of botany,Engaged in more than 50 years botany research work,He thumbed through[The earth's lung plant],Half an hour he found five mistakes.


40名硕士撰写化名一人 40 master's writing alias one


yesterday,Reporters call Chinese society press,A staff member says it is investigating.The popular science books planner WangJunZe says,Chinese society press and his company co-operative publication this series,But for the wrong said"No comment".


after,Wang junwork is accepted the media interview said,"Lin"Is a pen name."[Probing into type popular science books]Take three years to complete.At that time the organization of the Chinese academy of sciences master more than 40 name according to the outline writing,More than 10 doctoral reviewing,Finally and academician checks.For mistakes,Said wang junwork is,"In addition to reprint when the correct mistakes,We will also have been found in the error a errata.Due to the series has listed more than half a year,Recovery is not very practical."


Said wang junwork is,Popular science books published in break-even state,Please write academic science book difficult big shots,"Because the top notch tens of thousands of yuan to several hundred thousand yuan charge hard to bear".


探因 Agent for


“打着科普出版,基本没有把关” "Published a popular science,Basic not guard a pass"


Senior science FanChunPing publishers/Beijing printing college an anonymous professor all think,Now popular science books published quite a mess,writers/press/It is the responsibility of management department.


买卖书号粗制滥造 Buying and selling book number fudge


FanChunPing said,Many non science/Pseudoscience or fudge things as popular science books publication and sales,Also some didn't pass through any scientific training,On second-hand material piece together,Or interpret without real understanding to explain scientific knowledge,Cause many incorrectly relay an erroneous message things be as popular science knowledge spread.


Beijing printing institute published a research professor revealed,Now many publishers and booksellers cooperation,Even selling book number,Because book market downturn,Publishing company profit space is very small,And some press ability is limited,"Now everybody see ebook,Book is too expensive."The professor said,Press survival under a lot of pressure.


Press each year, issued a certain number of book number,Each book number is a profit index,If press can't find good topics,Can't the book,Unable to complete profit index,And even if the book,May also be out of pocket,So as and some bookseller cooperation,Even the book number sold bookseller,Soon finished the profit index.This time quality audit will be very difficult to the standard.


监管乏力执行困难 Weak supervision of implementation difficulties


At the same time,Popular science books published the lack of perfect supervision,Now almost all the press published in different forms of popular science books,And management departments and not about popular science books content scientific management of effective measures.


FanChunPing said,current[The book quality management regulations],And does not include the content the requirement of scientific,From management point of view,Under the flag of science for the publication of the book,Basic is no checks rules.


Although the national publication administration of books every year random audit,But according to FanChunPing know,Such a spot check,And content of scientific nothing relationship.Basic is to inspect the word error rate/The printing quality of what,Or and political/religious/Ethnic problems and so on,"Haven't heard that check scientific wrong".


Beijing printing college professor says,provinces/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the press and publication administrative departments shall be responsible for the administrative area of books quality management work,Every year regularly check part of books,Will also have to report to quality problems of books for review.Finally according to the corresponding quality problem,Corresponding punishment,Back books/compensation/Fines and other,On the editorial staff involved in corresponding punishment.


But in fact,Even if found that these books have quality problem,Also it is difficult to according to regulations stand back,Reprint or fors the compensation,Because now more and more books varieties,Publishing industry market/Corporatization bring low standard,Let industry regulations execution strength also more and more small.


借鉴“养生保健出版” reference"Published health care"


FanChunPing says,Because a few years ago keeping in good health health class book publishing mess,Caused the bad influence.The general administration of press and publishing in October 2010 issued[On strengthening the management of health care class publications notice].According to the requirements of the notice,In the end only including science press/People's medical publishing house/China Chinese medicine press, 53 publishing houses made health care class publishing qualification.This notice,To strengthen the management of health care class publications/To promote the healthy and orderly development of the publication market played a very good role.But for popular science books published,Serious lack of the related management.


FanChunPing said,Keeping in good health health class books may because direct party health and even death,Relatively obvious consequences,So by attention also something more.And popular science books effect on the reader is potential,In the short term can't measurement and evaluation,But after long-term accumulation,For a nation's scientific quality and culture will have the serious influence,So also cannot be ignored.


说法 statement


劣质科普书 Inferior science books


危害青少年 Hazard teenagers


China university of geosciences(wuhan)Paleontology and paleoecology master ZongRui said,They often contests and group work led the primary and middle school students to the field of popular science activities paleontology,The children are very interested in paleontology,Parents also very supportive,To buy his son a lot of popular science books."Now the main science book readers and young people,See them so interested in science,And we offer them is what?Low-level mistakes of books?These books for children how much damage is self-evident."


ZongRuiWen called on everyone meet these loopholes in the popular science books,Will they kept out,Don't let the children on the"Pseudo science"when.


Researcher at the Chinese academy of sciences DengTao is introduced,Popular science books spread the correct scientific knowledge,Let a person to establish scientific thinking,"A lot of science and life is closely linked,So be sure to correct."


DengTao said,Universities and research courtyard of experts write science books is again appropriate did not pass,But now in colleges and research institute,Evaluation system to see papers and subject,So many experts engaged in projects and paper,May not be as before written for popular science books."But other people if enough to know this field,Can also write science books,But some experts to strictly."DengTao said.Now some popular science books do not rigorous,To bring readers misleading.DengTao said,Popular science books must first accurate,Basic fact accurately.
