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专家称高中三年是抑郁症高发期 家长应疏导--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

专家称高中三年是抑郁症高发期 家长应疏导图形 徐侨唯 制 Graphics XuQiao only system

  华龙网讯 “孩子的快乐比什么都重要,可惜我们很多家长至今没意识到这一点!”昨日,在市科协组织的“学会理事长谈科技促民生”系列访谈活动中,重庆市著名心理学家、市政府危机干预专家组成员、重庆心理学会秘书长、西南大学应用心理系主任王卫红公布了西南大学和重庆医科大学所作的一项大型调查:经对5万多名高中生和大一学生进行调查,不少学生因心理疏导不及时患上了抑郁症

China - our "The child's happiness ratio what all important,It is a great pity we, many parents today didn't realize this point!"yesterday,In the city association for the organization"Society of talk about science and technology to promote the people's livelihood"Series interview activity,Chongqing famous psychologists/The municipal government crisis intervention group members/Chongqing psychology association secretary general/Southwest university applied psychology department WangWeiGong announced the southwest university and chongqing medical university for a large survey:Through the analysis of more than 50000 high school students and freshman students were investigated,Quite a few students for psychological counseling not timely had depression.


调查 survey


疏导不及时发展成抑郁症 Dredge not timely development into depression


"Depression mood not promptly dredge and developed into depression,This has become the healthy growth of teenagers influence a big factor."yesterday,In the city association for the organization"Society of talk about science and technology to promote the people's livelihood"Series interview activity,Chongqing psychology association secretary general/Southwest university applied psychology department head professor WangWeiGong is introduced,Last September,Southwest university and chongqing medical university for the ministry of health"Youth suicide and mood disorders research"Subject after,Then in chongqing teenagers opened in the investigation.Last year a total of survey high school students and 53570 freshmen,The high school students 16876 people/Freshmen 36694 people.The results of the survey a heavy heart:16876 investigated in high school students,Because of the psychological counseling not timely,There have been 386 people have suicide self-mutilation behavior,In 36694 freshmen,There are 559 people had suicide self-mutilation behavior,Accounted for 1.52%.


WangWeiGong says,The large survey will continue next year,Last year more than fifty thousand people and investigation,At present middle school students surveyed/College students has reached 100000.This year the surveyed students' relevant data in the statistics,But the overall proportion of last year and the results of the survey are not significant.


误区 error


八成左右家长“讳疾忌医” About eighty percent of parents"pathomeiosis"


WangWeiGong said,In fact,Depression is a kind of our daily life emotional response,And depression is the most close is a kind of"loss",Such as today work didn't catch car will also be depression,Today go to the dining room dozen rice but not for their own food,May be depressed.The general circumstances,various"depression"Because of the joy of living and to ease,But if long-term depression and mood can't get counseling,It is possible to suffer from depression.


From the results of the survey to see,High school three year period is depression,At present high school life pressure ratio college students a few bigger,The proportion of suicide self-mutilation than college students is higher.Which also have a reason,Is as the growth of the age,College students' compression decompression ability than high school students will be strong some.


"From our perspective speaking,We appeal to parents of card mount guard!"WangWeiGong introduced,In the education of teenagers,Now parents roughly points democratic/NiAiXing/laissez-faire/CuBaoXing four categories,Many parents in the child's psychological counseling is"The unqualified"of.Many parents because do not have the basic knowledge of psychological counseling,No basic psychological counseling ability,Can't use the right attitude/The correct method to children dredge,This is children suffer from depression and suicide self-mutilation behavior increases, one of the important reasons.


"In fact the depression is a kind of disease,Like as the cold has a headache,No fuss."WangWeiGong said,But in reality,Knowing that the child out of the question,But 80% of parents"pathomeiosis",Will equal the depression and mental illness,Scruple children"reputation"Not willing to face and recognition,Thus miss the best treatment opportunity,Lead to the child's illness.


提醒 remind


孩子快乐比什么都重要 Children happy ratio what all important


"Contact us for a some parents,In children suffer from depression just too late to regret,Realize that happiness to the child the importance of growth,But late."WangWeiGong said,Teenagers should enjoy good childhood and youth,But some parents in children with the pressure,But let them out of breath.No happiness which can healthy growth?Some family economic pay and children's academic achievement/Psychological quality/Health and social adaptation ability is not significant between the proportional relationship,The most important thing,Parents is not aware of the importance of children grow up happy.


The child's happiness ratio what all important!WangWeiGong called for,The growing process of children parents is the most important"partner",Pay more attention to the child's mental health,Some encouragement/channel,Less scolding/scolded,This is every parents should master"Basic knowledge".


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孩子患抑郁症 Children suffer from depression


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The child's what performance shows that he may suffer from depression, and mental illness,Thus shall cause our attention?WangWeiGong said,The most obvious depression,Is withdrawn/back,Gradually away from the crowd,Further understanding of can find his life lack of goals,In life to learn from relatively lazy,The children appeared these conditions,Parents should pay attention to the.
