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国家公务员考试公共科目25日开考 报名人数超150万--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The 2013 national civil service examination 25 hold a public examination.In the morning of administrative ability test,The afternoon essay test.The test plan ZhaoLu countries more than 20000 people,Over 1.5 million people signed up,Enrollment is a new high.


146个职位无人报考 146 no one position to enter oneself for an examination

国家公务员考试报名结束 The national civil servant exam registration end? ?? ?[相关]国家公务员考试报名遭遇.. |  2013年国家公务员考.. [related] the national civil servant exam registration encounter.. |  The 2013 national civil service exam..


the"Countries take an examination of"Uneven and/Polarization degree further intensifies.As of yesterday and the statistical data shows,"The national bureau of statistics on business department team clerk",Competition than current has reached 9411:1,Followed by"The national bureau of statistics the nanchuan team to business department 2 clerk"Competition than more than 20 9000 mark,Reached almost""situation,But there are 146 jobs no one to enter oneself for an examination.


The national civil servant exam will crackdown cheating on the exam,National civil service bureau said,If the circumstances are especially serious/Impact of poor,Such as in collusion with cheating/Organized cheating/TiKao, etc,It will life must not enter oneself for an examination civil servants.Malice registration information/Copying or assist copy,Five years civil servants must not enter oneself for an examination.


面试爽约记入诚信档案 Interview break an appointment in the credit archives


Some constitutive behavior may not violate discipline violations,But will still be done accordingly.In recent years, such as appear many similar situation,Some candidates have confirmed that for an interview,But on the day of the interview in temporary abandon exam,At the check-in or link to waive enter oneself for an examination position,These actions will be included in the civil servants employed exam discipline violations and integrity archival.


Begin from 2008,State bureau of civil servants on the civil servant recruitment of discipline violation and dishonest behavior information summary,To establish"Civil servants employed exam discipline violations and integrity archival".In any civil servants employed in the exam,Have discipline violations and still in the exam candidates,Can enter oneself for an examination again.


小提醒 Small remind


部分考试不能带计算器 Part of the test can't take calculator


The countries take an examination of individual professional examination are not allowed to bring their own calculator.National civil service bureau special remind,According to the relevant provisions of the exam,National bureau of civil service examinations company and the China securities regulatory commission personnel ministry of education decision,2013 year China securities regulatory commission professional subjects in the exam,Securities regulatory commission meter exams does not allow students bring their own any type of calculator.


The institutions education experts remind candidates,Before must be ready to pencil/Rubber and watches examination tool, etc,Bring your id card and your admission ticket and a series of and examination related articles and documents.


Due to write an essay on reading the manual marking is the way,When examinee answer must pay attention to neatness,Scrabble disorderly change reputation will be reduced.Try not to alter,Don't use modified liquid,There must be modified situation,But in the typeface gently picture track can slash.


25 public course written examination for the morning"Line measurement",Afternoon for"Explain theory".Noon examination can be appropriately to rest,Keep energetic,Can see the examination site ahead of the surrounding terrain,Had ordered the location of the lunch break.


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      找工作时,这些90后撕掉了"叛逆"的标签,一路求稳:6成以上被调查者追求稳定的工作。在职场中,他们也并非敢说"不"的一代:九成被调查者肯做领导安排的私事;当在工作中跟领导持不同意见时,大多数人不愿说"不"……  [详细]

      Looking for a job,These 90 tore off"rebel"label,Way for stability:Six more than respondents pursue stable job.On-the-job field,They also are not dare to say"Don't"generation:Ninety percent of respondents will do leadership arrangement private affairs;When in the work and leadership have different opinion,Most people don't want to say"Don't"……  [detailed]


     策划: planning:2013年国家公务员考试报道

The 2013 national civil service examination reports
