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  GRE写作向来是血多中国考生的Achilles Heal,主要原因很多时候并不在于语言(尽管许多老师和学生看来是如此)。对于GRE写作,大部分考生在备考或者许多老师在备课时都会有一种难以言说的茫然,这种茫然是在相对而言思路清晰的填空和阅读的对照之下突显出来的。GRE写作部分考察的内容确实是和Verbal Quantitative非常不同的,这也是其分开计分的原因。在老GRE的split test中,作文和其他两部分一直是分开考的,这也说明了其特殊性。讽刺的是作为GRE考试中唯一公开题库的一个部分,写作部分的对策却从未脱离过百家争鸣的不确定状态。而本文也并非致力于寻找一个绝对“正确”GRE写作对策,而侧重于分析GRE写作对中国考生来说难度产生的特殊原因及对策。

GRE wrIting has always been a blood Chinese examinee's Achilles Heal,Main reason many times does not lie in language(Although many teachers and students seems to be so).For GRE wrIting,Most of the students in the reference appendix or many teacher prepares a lesson in will have a kind of hard to narration of vacant,This is a relatively clear ideas in the fill in the blanks and reading in contrast highlights out.GRE wrIting part of the investigation of the content is really and Verbal QuantItative very different,This is also the reason of Its separate scoring.In the old GRE splIt test in the,The composItion and other two parts have been separate test,It also illustrates Its particularIty.Ironically as the GRE general test question bank only a part of the public,WrIting section countermeasures never from over schools of thought contend uncertain condItion.And this paper also is not commItted to looking for a absolute"correct"GRE wrIting countermeasures,And focus on the analysis of the GRE wrIting for Chinese students have difficulty for special reasons and countermeasures.


一、 中文写作与英文写作的环境差异 a/ Chinese wrIting and English wrIting environment difference


WrIting environment difference is usually composed of various factors including history/culture/Language characteristics,However the author believes that the most direct wrIting environment,At the same time is also the most important influencing factor is the polItical environment of openness,Or the degree of freedom of speech.Chinese and English speaking countries which more freedom of speech must also know the reader.The control of speech no matter for the article content or Its show form can create very notable effect.The most direct result is in free speech under the environment of the author's primary goal is to cater to the reader or market,And in the strict control of speech under the environment of the author's primary purpose is through the examination.So in the domestic used in published wrIting more is the author and the review of the relationship between mechanics under the action of the results and foreign wrIting more is the author and the reader's mechanics relationship under the action of the results.This fact to Chinese students GRE wrIting in the impact of the author will discuss below.


二、 中国学生写作的教育 two/ Chinese students wrIting education


In our country universIty most professional is not open wrIting class,Students' final graduation thesis is how to do,If readers have graduation will have experience.So most Chinese students wrIting education limIted to compulsory education stage of the Chinese classes.And we Chinese wrIting the biggest characteristic is to what?Believe that the reader many remember high school Chinese teacher's instruction:"The composItion to wrIte true feelings"So It is not difficult to get the conclusion domestic wrIting education is the core content of"How to express emotion".The reader may recall the middle school language wrIting most is what kind of this article?Believe that many people answer is"prose",This definItion reason I want to is due to wrIte articles is neIther fish nor fowl,So as a great of concept.But wrIting subject is more"Light sadness""family/friendship/AiGuoQing great", etc.But GRE wrIting is actually Argumentation(Argument)wrIting.Although the middle school stage wrIting also involves Argumentation wrIting,But the way this is something totally different.A joke said:Every college entrance examination qu yuan and will again and again jump river,Beethoven and to again and again deafness,Sima qian and once again be castration.This shows that even Argumentation we've learned is also a kind of"ShanQingShi argument",The focus is still emotion.


我们不妨将GRE issue议论的话题与中学语文中重叠领域的侧重点作一下对比: We might as well will GRE issue discussion topic wIth the middle school language of overlapping areas of emphasis for the contrast:

  1. 教育

1. Education


GRE:Students should learn many professional outside of the subject.


Chinese:Black hair not diligent study and early,Hoary head party regrets reading late.

  2. 社会

2. Social


GRE:Many people wIth their own and social groups in common define yourself.


Chinese:The world so confused know only egotrip missed the good life.

  3. 环境

3. Environ.


GRE:Society should not wIth economic development and people's employment as price to save endangered species.


Chinese:Don't let the earth's last drop become people's tears.

  我们可以看到GRE issue题议论的话题是非常practical的,而高中语文课则是天马行空的,几乎都只是占据道德高地然后进行空泛的指责。我们的写作教育为什么不让我们谈些更实际的问题、多强调一些理性思考?这是一个有趣的问题但笔者在此不会多谈。我只是想指出这样一种现象的存在,而其对中国考生GRE写作产生的影响本文后面还会具体谈。

We can see the GRE issue topic discussion topic is the very practical,And high school language lesson is the powerful and unconstrained style,Almost all just occupy the moral high then wishy-washy accused.Our wrIting education why don't we talk about something more practical problems/Much emphasis on some rational thinking?This is an interesting problem but the author in this won't talk about.I just like to point out that such a phenomenon existence,And the GRE for Chinese students wrIting later in this paper the influence of concrete will also talk about.

  相反写作教育在美国无论是重视程度还是 侧重点与国内都有很大的区别。美国大学在本科阶段一般都会开设写作课而这些写作课的侧重点与GRE写作也基本是一致的。老师给的写作练习一般是需要学生自己查阅一些客观资料来形成观点的所以更偏于理性。

Instead of wrIting education in the UnIted States whether emphasis or emphasis and domestic has the very big difference.The American universIty undergraduate course phase in general will open the wrIting class and the wrIting class emphasis and GRE wrIting also basic is consistent.The teacher gave wrIting practice is generally need students refer to some objective material to form views so be more rational.


三、 GRE写作观点的确立 three/ The establishment of the GRE wrIting views


We talked about before domestic practical wrIting wrIting is the author and the review of the relationship between mechanics under the action of the results(This paper only look at to review the role of wrIting and watch wrIting on the review of the reaction),And review process is mainly see article content is in line wIth the government or the idea of the ruling party thought in our country.In this a simplified,The ruling thought is what?Marxist-leninist MAO deng three.This intermediate about the communist part there is nothing to say,is"The superiorIty of socialism"and"The capItalist ugly".While other to GRE wrIting in the process of the establishment of the view of the most influence is"In two""Particular case is particular analysis""materialism"ideas.Our newspaper, such as can be seen everywhere"We in the……In has obtained great achievement,But also want to see some problems in them.""The sItuation of our country decided we can't make that a set of western countries……To proceed from realIty…….""The main task of the current economic construction,To keep the national economy fast and steady development."

  这样的单一思想的写作环境对中国考生GRE写作观点的确立产生了潜移默化的影响。读者若对英语高考写作或四六级写作印象早已模糊,非常可能还记着一个词组那就是“every coin has two sides”。而绝大多数中国考生对GRE issue题库中几乎每一道题所持有的观点都是“一分为二”地看待,原因是这些考生潜意识接受了只有“一分为二”才是正确的这一前提,因此就认为在issue写作中只有“一分为二”才能的高分。而实际issue 写作并没有“对”或“错”的观点或者“一定能拿高分”的观点。同样笔者也并非在此宣扬“一分为二”是错的。我想说明的是放弃自我思考,机械地对任何一道题目一分为二的做法对GRE写作备考是不利的。从认知的角度讲每个人都是独特的经验体(本文中所涉及的“经验”一律是指经验主义的经验即“感官经验”sensory experience 或者说我们从小到大的所见所闻)。正是因为每个人经验的特殊性,他们对不同的热点问题(即issue)不太可能都有中庸的“一分为二”的态度。这里的态度指的是心理学上的implicit attitude即我们在经验中形成的对不同事件的潜在的态度,这些态度有许多是prejudice但是他们反映了你真实的想法。举个例子,大部分中国人或日本人对“钓鱼岛的被日本所占领”这一事实能有一分为二的态度吗?同样的道理一个人对题库中的上百个issue也不太可能有一分为二的态度。而一个人对某一issue的真实态度对后面我们要讲的观点论证是密切相关的。

Such a single thought of wrIting environment for Chinese students is the establishment of the GRE wrIting ideas produced exerts a subtle influence on.If the reader to English college entrance examination wrIting or four six levels of wrIting impression already fuzzy,Very may still remember a phrase that is"Every coin has two sides".And the vast majorIty of Chinese the GRE issue Item pool in almost every problem is held by point of view"In two"at,The reason is these candidates subconscious accepted only"In two"Is right this premise,So think in issue wrIting only"In two"To high score.And the actual issue wrIting and no"to"or"wrong"Point of view or"Must be able to get high scores"Point of view.Also the author also not in this preach"In two"Is wrong.I want to explain is to give up ego thinking,Mechanically to any one question the practice of two sides of GRE wrIting note is adverse.From a cognItive point of view everyone is a unique experience body(This paper involved in"experience"All is refers to the empirical experience namely"Sensory experience"Sensory experience or we saw and heard since the childhood).It is for everyone to the particularIty of experience,They to different hot issue(Namely issue)Not too may have middle"In two"attItude.This attItude refers to the psychology of the implicIt attItude that we are formed in the experience of different events potential attItude,These attItudes have many is prejudice but they reflects your real thoughts.For example,Most Chinese or Japanese"Diaoyu islands of Japanese occupation"This fact can have two sides attItude?In the same way a person to the Item pool hundreds of issue is unlikely to have the attItude of the two sides.And a man on a particular issue real attItude on the back we will speak point of view is closely related to the Argument.

  这种既存的“一分为二”的思想有的时候也会影响中国考生对GRE官方指南的解读。比如官方指南上说GRE写作考察了学生的complex thinking,许多考生就相信所谓的“复杂”思考就是暗示他们要“一分为二”,再比如在新GRE中新加入的instruction中经常会有这样的表述“consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true.”许多考生也认为这也就是要“一分为二”的意思。实际上complex thinking可以体现在对某一问题不同角度,不同层面的思考而不一定要一分为二而might or might not hold true则是英语议论文写作的一个习惯:那就是文章中一般要考虑相反观点(opposing view)。这里的考虑相反观点并不是“一分为二”,因为这里考虑相反观点并不意味着一定要肯定相反观点,许多情况下是指出相反观点的不足从而对自己的观点起到支持作用。这与GRE阅读题中作者支持新观点批判老观点是类似的。尽管有时会作让步,那也是对自己观点的完善而非“一分为二”。读者可参阅官方指南的issue满分范文,它实际就是在反对相反观点的基础上建立起的自己的观点。

The existing"In two"Thoughts sometimes also can affect China the GRE official guide interpretation.Such as the official guide said GRE wrIting examines the student's complex thinking,Many students believe the so-called"complex"Thinking is suggested that they want to"In two",For another example in the new GRE Miocene join instruction we often have such expression"Consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true."Many students also think It is"In two"mean.In fact complex thinking can be embodied in different points of view to a certain question,Different levels of thinking and do not necessarily Every coin has two sides and might or might not hold true is English Argumentation wrIting a habIt:That is the general to consider in the opposIte point of view(Opposing view).This consideration contrary viewpoint is not"In two",Because here considered contrary viewpoint does not mean that must instead point of view,Many cases is pointed out the deficiency of the Opposing views so as to his views have support effect.This and GRE reading problem in the support of new ideas crItical old view is similar.Although sometimes to make any concession,It is to their point of view and not perfect"In two".Readers can refer to the official guide model issue full marks,It is practical in Opposing views against established on the basis of the own views.

  “具体情况具体分析”的具体体现就是“case by case analysis”的文章展开方式。“case by case analysis”的展开方式可以说是与“一分为二”的态度非常配套的。如何体现“一分为二”?那么在不同情况下适用性就不一样。而同样这里“case by case analysis”的问题在于人的经验差异不太可能使得他对每个话题都存在这种不同案例分析的思考。有些时候我们就容易从问题的根源进行讨论。比如题库中的一道题:

"Particular case is particular analysis"Is the concrete embodiment"Case by case analysis"On the way."Case by case analysis"The expansion mode can be said to be wIth"In two"AttItude is very matching.How to embody"In two"?So in different cases applicabilIty is different.And here"Case by case analysis"Problem is that people experience difference is unlikely to make him on each topic there are such different case analysis thinking.There are times when we would be easier from the root of the problem is discussed.Such as the test question:

  18.The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.

18. The well - being of a society is enhanced when many of Its people question authorIty.


For this problem, some people idea is:We humans can question authorIty of the concrete form(That is for the students to the teacher is authorIty,For children parents is authorIty, etc),But we never refused to authorIty this concept(That is no matter when we all need a priori correct authorItative guide).This point of view how the case analysis?In this also need to point out is the author and not trying to prove that"Particular case is particular analysis"Is wrong but"Think that particular case is particular analysis easy to get high scores"To GRE wrIting for an exam, adverse.


The next is"materialism",Materialism for Chinese students is embodied in the influence of the Item pool in the strictest people's material demand and the contradiction between the spirItual needs of this kind of topics,Will only adhere to the material demand as the primary to discuss.Such as this problem:

  51.Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.

51. Young people should be encouraged to pursue long - term, Realistic goals rather than seek Immediate fame and recognItion.

  “追求现实目标不要一夜成名”多数学生很容易理解,因为根据马克思主义哲学“物质资料的生产是人类身生存和发展的基础”。然而为了满足“一分为二”许多学生会想尽方法加一个反面。“年轻人的兴趣不能忽视”啊,“年轻人也应该有些个人空间”啊等等一些非常牵强的反面。而这一类问题的反面,笔者认为,正是在马克思主义哲学从来不谈的autonomy,这个词我找不到比较好的翻译,大致可以理解为“自制”或者说每个人都有不受外界支配自由选择的能力。这也是“自由主义”的哲学基础,也是美国政治哲学的基础理论之一。这一概念与哲学家尼采是分不开的,对于“自由主义”在此笔者不会展开论述。而与本体相关的一点就是尼采的观点“Humans need to acquire knowledge of themselves and then act on that knowledge. Meaning and morality cannot (or should not) be imposed from the outside; it must be discovered within.”简单的讲就是人们只有自己去经历,去不断尝试才能真正懂得知识,实际在笔者看来尼采哲学是非常流行的,比如“This is not a time a to make decisions, this is a time to make mistakes.”这样的电影台词所反映的观点就是来自于尼采哲学。在这道题目中也就是年轻人只有尝试过追求“immediate fame and recognition”才能够真正懂得什么是对的什么是错的。

"The pursuIt of realistic goals don't overnight"The majorIty of students easy to understand,Because according to marxist philosophy"Material material production is the human body the basis of survival and development".However in order to meet the"In two"Many students try methods add a negative."Young people's interest cannot ignore"ah,"Young people should also be some personal space"Ah, etc. Some very farfetched opposIte.And this kind of the reverse side of the problem,The author thinks that,It is in marxist philosophy never talk about autonomy,The word I can't find good translation,Can be roughly understanding for"homemade"Or everyone has not affected by external control the abilIty of free choice.This is"liberalism"The philosophical foundation of,The UnIted States is one of the basic theory of polItical philosophy.This concept wIth philosopher Nietzsche are inseparable,for"liberalism"In this paper the author can't start.The ontology related is that Nietzsche's point of view"Humans need to acquire knowledge of themselves and then act on that knowledge. Meaning and moralIty cannot (Or should not) Be imposed from the outside; It must be discovered wIthin."Simple speaking is people only oneself to experience,To keep trying to really know knowledge,In the actual seems Nietzsche philosophy is very popular,For example"This is not a time a to make decisions, This is a time to make mistakes."This kind of movie lines reflects the idea that comes from Nietzsche philosophy.In this way the topic is young man only tried to pursue"Immediate fame and recognItion"To really know what is right what is wrong.

  此外中国考生在GRE issue写作观点的确立上另外一个障碍就是政治类话题的理解。中国是世界上极少数在学校开设政治课的国家,然而讽刺的是中国写生在政治方面的理解确实最缺乏的。笔者自己在思考下面这道题时,我的一位考托福同学看到后就脱口而出“领导是不是应该听取群众的意见”。她这样翻译时立刻让人联想起新闻联播中领导下乡视察的情景,自然而然就想到“领导应该认真听取群众意见,虚心向群众学习”这样的官腔。

Besides Chinese students in GRE issue wrIting views on the establishment of another obstacle is the understanding of the polItical subject.China is the world's rare in the school open polItical lesson country,Ironically, however is China's sketches in polItics understanding really lack most.The author himself in thinking this question when,One of my toefl classmate see after the blurt out"Leadership is should listen to the opinions of the masses".She such translation as soon as let person couplet remember in the news broadcast leadership to inspect the scene,Naturally think of It"Leadership should seriously listen to the public opinions,An open mind study to the populace"Such acknowledged.

  16.Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.

16. Some people believe that in order to be effective, PolItical leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential qualIty of an effective leader is the abilIty to remain consistently commItted to particular principles and objectives.

  而在笔者看来这道题目所描述的是政客与民众的力学关系 。这就需要联系到世界上最著名的政治哲学之一的马基雅维利主义。马基雅维利认为政治家要获得政权并维持政权,最重要的就是维持自己在民众心中的形象。唯一有意义的是“民众印象中的政客”而不是政客本身的真实形象。这里的潜在假设当然就是“政权的存在取决于民众的支持”。所以在马基雅维利看来塑造光辉形象、欺诈、玩弄权术是政治家的本职。所以在西方国家政客大力投资自己的形象宣传、诋毁对手早就是公开的秘密,而大部分中国学生对政治的理解还停留在“当官不为民做主,不如回家卖红薯”的阶段。除此之外还有托马斯霍布斯的“protect people from their self-destructive instinct”的政治主张等等。而中国学生政治知识缺乏的原因,实际也不难想到。笔者认为对马基雅维利主义一无所知的社会正是对马基雅维利主义运用最彻底的社会。

But in the author seems to this problem have described is polIticians and public mechanics relationship .It needs to be linked to the world's most famous one of the polItical philosophy of Machiavelli socialist.Machiavelli think polIticians to gain power and maintain regime,The most important is to maintain himself in the public image of the heart.The only meaningful is"The public impression of polIticians"Rather than polIticians Itself real image.Here, of course, is to the underlying assumptions"The existence of the regime depends on the support of the people".So in Machiavelli seems shaping glorious image/fraud/Pawn is a polItician's class.So in the western countries polIticians invest heavily in their own image propaganda/Denigrate rivals would have is an open secret,While most Chinese students to polItical understanding also stay in"Officer not people family,As home to sell sweet potato"stage.In addItion there are Thomas Hobbes's"Protect people from their self - destructive instinct"PolItical claims, etc.Chinese students and the reason for the lack of polItical knowledge,Actually not difficult also think of.The author thinks that to Machiavelli socialist society is nothing to Machiavelli socialist the use of the most complete social.

  最后再次声明笔者并不是在驳斥马克思主义基本原理,虽然这是一个非常有趣的课题。笔者在这里不是要证明“一分为二”“具体情况具体分析”“唯物主义”是错的,而是盲目追从这些思想而放弃自我思考是不明智的。笔者驳斥的是这种conformity。GRE写作所考察的最核心的内容是critical thinking,而这种考察的前提是考生要有自己的thinking。

Finally the author and not again statement in refute the basic tenets of marxism,Although this is a very interesting subject.The author here is not to prove"In two""Particular case is particular analysis""materialism"Is wrong,But blindly follow these ideas and give up ego thinking is not wise.The author refutes the conformIty.The investigation of GRE wrIting is the core content of crItical thinking,And this kind of investigation is the premise of the examinee must have their own thinking.

  四、 GRE写作观点的论证

four/ GRE wrIting view of the Argument

  GRE写作考察的另一个重要的点就是persuasive writing。除了要有一个自己的观点以外还要能够说服他人,换言之就是对观点的论证过程。笔者认为观点的论证就是作者建立与读者之间的common ground以让读者接受其观点的过程。这一过程主要是让读者产生情感和理性的共鸣或者说价值的认同。这里需要说明的是,许多人认为GRE写作要绝对理性不涉及情感,但笔者并不同意这种观点。因为情感是人类价值观和社会道德形成不可忽视的一部分。人类最基本的情感之一就是empathy(心理学上人们能够对其他人的痛苦感同身受的现象,不仅存在于人类中。)而正是因为empathy的存在,我们才会反对谋杀、反对迫害弱者、反对对弱势群体的歧视,除此之外也是婴儿听到其他婴儿啼哭会跟着哭的原因,它是与生俱来的。因此价值观与情感是无法分开而论的,笔者之前所批判的是在议论文中煽动读者情感来掩盖其理性而非情感本身。

The investigation of GRE wrIting another important point is persuasive wrIting.In addItion to have a own viewpoint outside must be able to convince others,In other words is the view of the reasoning process.The author thinks that view of the Argument is established by the authors and readers of the common ground between to let readers accept Its view of the process.This process is mainly let readers emotional and rational resonance or value of the identIty.Here to those who need a specification is,Many people believe that GRE wrIting to absolute reason does not involve emotion,But the author does not agree wIth this view.Because the emotion is human values and social moral form part of the can not be ignored.The most basic human emotion is one of empathy(Psychology of people on to the pain of others wIth empathy phenomenon,Exist not only in humans.)And just because of the existence of empathy,We will against murder/Against persecution the weak/OpposItion to disadvantaged groups of discrimination,In addItion also baby heard other baby crying will follow cry reason,It is innate.Therefore values and emotions are not separate yet,Before the crIticism is in the Argumentation of incIting the reader emotion to cover Its rationalIty rather than emotional Itself.

  GRE作文的读者并不是与我们有着类似价值观的教育者,而是一群西方社会的人,想必这是所有人都承认的事实。正是因为这个原因,我们需要与之建立common ground的价值观应当是一些“普世价值”比如“人格的平等”“社会的公平正义”“个人的发展需求”“人类文明的进步”等。当然我们更加需要注意的应该是那些不属于“普世价值”的价值观:“孝敬父母”“舍生取义”“实现共产主义”“刻苦学习”“让领导先走”这样的存在于我们历史和宣传中的价值就不属于“普世价值”。比如下面这道题:

GRE composItion of readers and not and we have similar values of the educators,But a group of western society,Surely this is all admIt that fact.It is for this reason,We need and set up common ground values should be some"Universal values"For example"The equalIty of personalIty""A society of equIty and justice""Personal development needs""The advance of the human civilization", etc.Of course, we need to pay attention to more should be those who do not belong to"Universal values"values:"Is filial piety the parents""Image of""The realization of communism""Study hard""Let the leadership go first"Such in our history and the value of publicIty is not belong to"Universal values".Such as this problem:

  46.Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

46. UniversIties should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student 's field of study.


As Chinese students we are very easy to think of learning professional course can let a person learned/Edify sentiment/Cultivating interest and so on point of view,This point of view It is difficult to make the most of western readers.How to determine whether their articles convincing depends on the author and readers perspective-taking abilIty between.


China's examinee Argument is not convincing reasons largely is mentioned before:View from the mechanical"In two"Rather than think for themselves and summarized.The author thinks that if It is self think get point of view,Must be able to have a good Argument,At the same time also won't lack of evidence.The reason is this view at least persuaded him examinee,At the same time It comes from the examinee their experience of induction,And the discussion of the process, summarized the actual simply that part of the experience to reduction.For example:

  24.The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

24. The best way to teach is to praise posItive actions and ignore negative ones.


If I am here's an idea is"In order to encourage competItion,Praise is not overused",Because of my this view is my own thinking get,So for example support process actual only for I get the point of view of the scene for step by step refining reduction process,Rather than aimlessly"Looking for"example.Here are examples of the formation of.

  1. In the hope of encouraging achievements, it’s not wise to praise positive behaviors, unless they’ve met certain criteria.

1. In the hope of encouraging achievements, It’S not wise to praise posItive behaviors, Unless they’Ve met certain crIteria.

  2. When the goal is to encourage ever higher achievements within an organization, it’s not wise to praise minor improvement, to be sure, it is only reasonable to praise improvements that have satisfied certain criteria or broken certain record.

2. When the goal is to encourage ever higher achievements wIthin an organization, It’S not wise to praise minor improvement, To be sure, It is only reasonable to praise improvements that have satisfied certain crIteria or broken certain record.

  3. In a corporation, in order to encourage improvements, it is not wise to take too seriously small improvements such as making the manager’s coffee in the right way or bringing in a few clients. In contrast, significant feats such as designing of a best-seller product, or a double in the revenue should probably not be slighted with a simple “good job”.

3. In a corporation, In order to encourage improvements, It is not wise to take too seriously small improvements such as making the manager’S coffee in the right way or bringing in a few clients. In contrast, Significant feats such as designing of a best - seller product, Or a double in the revenue should probably not be slighted wIth a simple "'re very eloquent".

  4. In a corporation, in order to encourage improvements, it is not wise to take too seriously small improvements such as making the manager’s coffee in the right way or bringing in a few clients, for this will make the impression that reward is not something to be striven for and thus discourage competition among employees. In contrast, significant feats such as designing of a best-seller product, or a double in the revenue should probably not be slighted with a simple “good job”, if employers wish to see other clerks would follow the example and bring out the best of themselves. Henceforth, In order to create enough incentive for employees to make optimal contribution, the strategy of praise should be neither absent nor ubiquitous.

4. In a corporation, In order to encourage improvements, It is not wise to take too seriously small improvements such as making the manager’S coffee in the right way or bringing in a few clients, For this will make the impression that reward is not something to be striven for and thus discourage competItion among employees. In contrast, Significant feats such as designing of a best - seller product, Or a double in the revenue should probably not be slighted wIth a simple "'re very eloquent", If employers wish to see other clerks would follow the example and bring out the best of themselves. Henceforth, In order to create enough incentive for employees to make optimal contribution, The strategy of praise should be neIther absent nor ubiquItous.

  我们可以看到上述过程从第1步到第3部只是不断加入细节的过程。比如从1到2我只是将观点放入了一个organization中,而2到3则是将organization具体成了corporation,同时将minor improvement具体成了making the manager’s coffee in the right way,再将improvements that have satisfied certain criteria具体成了designing of a best-seller product, or a double in the revenue。当然读者还可以再进一步具体到某一种corporation,比如insurance company, retail store等甚至具体到某一家公司比如Apple, Microsoft但笔者认为到这里的第3步已经是一个比较充分的例子了。而第4步则是对具体细节进行诠释的过程,即阐明为何例子能够支持观点的过程。

We can see the above process from step 1 to 3 department just constantly add details of the process.For example, from 1 to 2 I just will view into a in the organization,And 2 to 3 is a specific organization corporation,At the same time will be minor improvement concrete was making the manager’S coffee in the right way,Then improvements that have satisfied certain crIteria specific became designing of a best - seller product, Or a double in the revenue.Of course the reader can also further specific to a certain corporation,Such as insurance company, Retail store and even specific to a company such as Apple, Microsoft but the author thinks that to the step 3 is a more fully the example.And step 4 is details were the process of interpretation,That is why example illustrate that can support view of the process.


And if just mechanically"In two"May appear below such articles,This article is the official 2 points articles.This article is get two points,The official explanation is unable to understand the author want to express meaning.Does this article whether words/grammar/It is difficult to sentence through direct translation to understand.However, if we try to the Chinese thinking to understand words,Very easy to get the author in the translation.To the author's real intention,The author is not necessarily understand accurately,and"This article is from the hand of the test takers in China"Also the author's personal point of view.And if the reader accept my such translation,It is not difficult to find that this article the narrative and"Speech of the leader"Style is very similar,the"In two""Particular case is particular analysis"Thoughts reflect is also very obvious,And the actual this"Slogan posItions"Argument in GRE readers eye is not convincing.

  1. As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

1. As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, The abilIty of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

  In recent centuries, humans have developed the technology very rapidly, and you may accept some merit of it, and you may see a distortion in society occured by it. To be lazy for human in some meaning is one of the fashion issues in thesedays. There are many symptoms and resons of it. However, I cannot agree with the statement that the technology make humans to be reluctant to thinkng thoroughly.几个世纪以来人类技术飞速发展,人们可以从中获得一些价值,同时也能看到这使得社会产生的一些扭曲。从某种意义上讲,现在人们变得越来越懒惰已经是一种普遍问题。但这是由多方面原因和造成并存在着多种病症,我无法同意题目中“人类变得不善于全面思考”的说法。

In recent centuries, Humans have developed the technology very rapidly, And you may accept some merIt of It, And you may see a distortion in society occured by It. To be lazy for human in some meaning is one of the fashion issues in thesedays. There are many symptoms and resons of It. However, I cannot agree wIth the statement that the technology make humans to be reluctant to thinkng thoroughly. For centuries human technology rapid development,People can get some value,At the same time also can see that makes social has some distortion.In a sense,Now people are becoming more and more lazy is a common problem.But this is by various causes and the symptoms and there are many kinds,I can't agree wIth the subject"Humans are not good at comprehensive thinking"that.

  Of course, you can see the phenomena of human laziness along with developed technology in some place. However, they would happen in specific condition, not general. What makes human to be laze of thinking is not merely technology, but the the tendency of human that they treat them as a magic stick and a black box. Not understanding the aims and theory of them couses the disapproval problems.我们确实可以看到随着技术的发展人类变得越来越懒。但这只是少数情况而非普遍情况。使得人们懒于思考的原因不仅仅是技术本身而是人们倾向于将技术看成是万能魔棒和魔箱(过于依赖技术 )。我们对技术的目标和理论缺乏全面认识导致了这些负面问题。

Of course, You can see the phenomena the great name still laziness along wIth developed technology in some place. However, They would happen in specific condItion, Not general. What makes human to be laze of thinking is not merely technology, But the the tendency the great name still that they treat them as a magic stick and a black box. Not understanding the aims and theory of them couses the disapproval problems. We can actually seen that wIth the development of technology of human is becoming more and more lazy.But this is only a few cases rather than general sItuation.Make people lazy in the cause of the thinking is not only the technology Itself, but people tend to will technology as a universal the wand and magic box(Too dependent on technology ).Our technical target and the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the theory led to these negative problem.

  The most important thing to use the thechnology, regardless the new or old, is to comprehend the fundamental idea of them, and to adapt suit tech to tasks in need. Even if you recognize a method as a all-mighty and it is extremely over-spec to your needs, you can not see the result you want. In this procedure, humans have to consider as long as possible to acquire adequate functions. Therefore, humans cannot escape from using their brain.我们使用新老技术最重要的一点是要理解它们的基本原理,因地制宜。有的时候即使你将一种方法看作是万能的、有求必应的,但你也不一定能看到你想要的结果。在这个过程中人类必须尽可能思考如何获得足够多的用处。所以人们永远无法避免使用自己的大脑 。

The most important thing to use The thechnology, Regardless the new or old, Is to comprehend the fundamental idea of them, And to adapt suIt tech to tasks in need. Even if you recognize a method as a all - mighty and It is extremely over - spec to your needs, You can not see the result you want. In this procedure, Humans have to consider as long as possible to acquire adequate functions. Therefore, Humans cannot escape from using their brain. We use the old and new technology is the most important thing is to understand their basic principle,Adjust measures to local condItions.Sometimes even if you will be a way as everything/Accede to the demands of,But you also can not see the results you want.In the process of human must as far as possible thinking how to get enough use.So people can never avoid using their brain .

  In addition, the technology as it is do not vain automatically, the is created by humans. Thus, the more developed tech and the more you want a convenient life, the more you think and emmit your creativity to breakthrough some banal method sarcastically.除此之外技术不是凭空产生的,而是人类创造的。因此技术越发达,人们想要生活越方便,就越要人们勤于思考释放自己的创造力来突破陈旧的方法。

In addItion, The technology as It is do not vain automatically, The is created by humans. Thus, The more developed tech and the more you want a convenient life, The more you think and emmIt your creativIty to breakthrough some banal method sarcastically. Besides technology does not just happen,But human creation.So the more developed technology,People want to life more convenient,The more you should people diligent in thinking release their creativIty to break through old method.

  Consequently, if you are not passive to the new tech, but offensive to it, you would not lose your ability to think deeply. Furthermore, you may improve the ability by adopting it.因此,只要我们不被动接受新技术而是迎难而上,就不会失去深入思考的能力,此外我们还可以不断提升自己的能力。

Consequently, If you are not passive to your new tech, But offensive to It, You would not lose your abilIty to think deeply. Furthermore, You may improve the abilIty by adopting It. So,As long as we don't passive to accept new technology but rising to the challenge,Will not lose the abilIty to think deeply,In addItion we can also improve their abilIty.

  此外,中国学生由于中学语文写作的影响存在着一种思维定式就是:论据一定要是“名人轶事”或者“历史事件”。而实际GRE 官方指南上非常明确地指出“no task requires specific content knowledge”。“博学”并不是GRE写作考察的内容,所以没有必要为了GRE写作查阅大量文献资料。议论文论据最常用的主要有3类fact, example, expert opinion, 而在GRE写作中最常用的只是example。前面提到的“名人轶事”或者“历史事件”都属于fact,所谓fact就是能够证明真假的信息,它属于specific content knowledge, 而example则更多的是作者想象的具体社会场景(如之前提到的in a corporation)。此外有效的论据一般要满足4个特性即Accuracy(准确性)Relevance(相关性)Representativeness(代表性)Adequacy(充分性)。Accuracy就是论据要准确的从信息源援引过来不可歪曲或断章取义,就这一点而言我们所接受的历史事件和名人轶事就很难满足。它们一般都带有传播者的个人意志,尤其是我们从“国民教育”中学到的一些facts。此外Representativeness和 Adequacy也很难满足。牛顿被苹果砸能想到万有引力不代表所有人都行,也不能说明有许多科学规律是这样发现的。因此“名人轶事”或者“历史事件”多数情况并不是有效的论据。

In addItion,Chinese students due to the influence of the middle school language wrIting is a kind of thinking is finIte:Argument must be"CelebrIty anecdotes"or"Historical events".And the actual GRE official guide very clearly indicated"No task requires specific content knowledge"."learned"And not GRE wrIting investigation content,So there is no need to in order to GRE wrIting consulting a large number of lIterature.Argumentation Argument the most commonly used mainly have three kinds of fact, example, Expert opinion, And in GRE wrIting the most commonly used just example.mentioned"CelebrIty anecdotes"or"Historical events"All belong to fact,The fact is able to prove true and false information,It belongs to specific content knowledge, And the example is more imagination is the author of the concrete social scene(As previously mentioned in a corporation).In addItion effective Argument general to meet four characteristics namely Accuracy(accuracy)Relevance(correlation)Representativeness(representative)Adequacy(adequacy).Accuracy is the Argument to accurate information source quoted from come not distort or out of context,In this regard we accept historical events and celebrIty anecdotes are difficult to satisfy.They generally wIth the disseminator of individual will,Especially from our"National education"The middle school to some facts.In addItion Representativeness and Adequacy is difficult to satisfy.Newton was apple hIt can think of universal gravItation don't represent all people will do,Also cannot explain many scientific law It is found.therefore"CelebrIty anecdotes"or"Historical events"Most cases are not valid Arguments.

  五、 写作习惯

five/ WrIting habIt

  关于写作习惯和细节问题由于涉及的点过于繁多,在此无法详细展开。前面谈到言论开放的国家的写作本身反应的是作者与读者之间的相互作用,笔者认为英文写作的许多写作习惯正是反应了这种作用。大部分写作老师在讲写作时都会强调连接词的使用,而连接词实际就是为了减少读者阅读障碍而存在的。读者看到but就能够预期后面会谈相反的内容,看到for example就会预期后面会举例阐述,看到in fact就预期后面是强调的内容。这样就不用读者花时间思考句与句、段与段之间的关系。除此之外长短句结合能够造成一种变化的阅读节奏从而减少读者阅读疲劳。还有英文写作用的比较多的parallelism(类似中文的排比,读者可参阅马丁路德金的I have a dream)也是让读者在知道接下来的句子结构相同的情况下,将注意集中于作者的文章内容,同时产生的恒定节奏则是与“长短句结合”不同的体验。总而言之,笔者认为英文写作习惯的熟练掌握主要是靠作者与读者的换位思考实现的,我们写完文章若能站在读者的角度看待自己的文章就很容易发现不足。

About wrIting habIts and details because It involves too many points,In this not detailed expansion.When It comes to speech in front of the open country wrIting Itself reaction is the author and readers of the interaction between,The author thinks that English wrIting many wrIting habIt is reaction this role.Most of the wrIting teacher talking about wrIting will emphasize the use of conjunctions,And conjunction actual is in order to reduce the reader reading disorder and existence.The reader can see but expected talks behind the content of the opposIte,See for example might have expected there will be this example,See in fact is expected back is emphasized.So they are not the reader spend their time thinking about words and sentences/Segment and the relationship between the period.In addItion to bolster his suggestion, the combination can create a kind of change of reading rhythm reducing readers fatigue.And English wrIting USES more of parallelism(Similar Chinese paradigmatic,Readers can refer to Martin Luther King, jr. I have a dream)Also is to let the reader know the next sentence structure of the same case,Attention will be focused on the author of the article content,At the same time produce constant rhythm is and"Lyrics combined wIth"Different experience.overall,The author thinks that English wrIting habIts of master is mainly by the author and the reader's transposItion thinking of realization,We finished this article if you can stand on the reader's view his article is very easy to find shortage.


