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重庆劳教委拒为任建宇恢复身份 坚称其有问题--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  [ [导读 introduction]25岁的任建宇2011年因转微博被以“通过互联网煽动颠覆国家政权”劳教两年。11月获释后他起诉重庆劳教委被驳回,而要求恢复公务员身份也遭拒绝,对方称,你不是清白的,是有问题的,应该被劳教。   任建宇否认自己有违法事实,他称如果自己有违法事实,是不是所有的人都要被劳教,谁没有抱怨过?谁没有发过一个事件,有一个自己的认识和看法? ] 25 years old RenJianYu 2011 due to turn micro bo be"Through the Internet incitement to subvert state power"The detention two years.November after released his prosecution chongqing law education commission was dismissed,And want to restore civil servants identity also refused,Each other says,You are not innocent,Is a problem,Should be the detention. RenJianYu denies that she has the illegal facts,He says if you have the illegal facts,Do all of the people to be the detention,Who has not complained?Who did not send a event,There is a their own understanding and view?


Let build parity court ascertained that improper detention,But the detention undeserved unequal so I have no illegal facts,As has just become a full member of the village official,He needs to restore civil servant status.

重庆劳教委拒为任建宇恢复身份 坚称其有问题 重庆劳教委回应任建宇起诉:在重庆你不可能胜诉 Chongqing law education commission RenJianYu response to prosecution:In chongqing you can't win the lawsuit






source:CCTV net

  重庆劳教委回应任建宇起诉:在重庆你不可能胜诉收起 Chongqing law education commission RenJianYu response to prosecution:In chongqing you can't win the lawsuit pack up


25 RenJianYu,In 2011 for forwarding network micro bo,Is the chongqing law education commission identified as"Through the Internet incitement to subvert state power",In two years of reeducation through labor.however,In 2012, with the constant change of the environment and situation,RenJianYu not only by judicial procedure of administrative action of forced labor education commission withdrew before the detention resolution,Also once again to the plaintiff's identity will chongqing law education commission to court.


And when this week reporter saw RenJianYu Wisconsin when,The ups and downs of the story,Still no picture full stop.

  正文: text:

  【字幕】2012年11月23日 重庆市永川区朱沱镇 任建宇获释后第四天

[subtitles]As of November 23, 2012 YongChuan area in chongqing ZhuTuo town RenJianYu released after the fourth day






On Friday,Was still prepared to continue to appeal to the RenJianYu returned to their hometown,Chongqing jiangjin area ZhuTuo town.Think of the past 400 days,He said"inside,The most impressive dream,Is the dream of their own is like a bird in a cage."Now open the cage,Just to the way of the land of the free,Maybe a long.


[Over the same period]Mountain road


male:Now is free,Now this,Really understand"Not free,Give me liberty or give me death"The meaning of this sentence.


The host:You now is the real freedom,Do you think.


male:to,free,, the feeling of coming home is free.






[Trial field large screen]




On Tuesday,Chongqing third intermediate people's court to the plaintiff RenJianYu v. the defendant law education in chongqing,A case of reeducation through labor public sentencing,Because after a large number of media reports,This sentence results caused wide attention,Many media also in court door wait for the results.


[Over the same period]The judge


RenJianYu rejected the prosecution,The plaintiff has the RenJianYu pay the fees for accepting the case shall be returned to 50 yuan.




In addition to the sentence,In the court's administrative award two points in eye-catching:One is to reject the cause of RenJianYu prosecution:The court said that RenJianYu in the detention period although personal freedom is restricted,But communication/Meet with the right to obtain the safeguard,In the past year should be included in the prosecution period,More than three months legal prosecution deadline,Therefore rule to reject the;And the other is a chongqing three then such a court verdict


[Over the same period]The judge


"Any public power must be exercised in accordance with law/prudent,Especially take restriction of personal freedom to severe when disciplinary measures,Should follow the purpose and means of the principle to adapt,Even in the face of the citizen the ultra improper remarks,The male power authority should also give reasonable tolerance."


[Over the same period]


reporter:Now three then temporary decision results have been out?




reporter:Just cancel the lawsuit,And only that the detention of unfair,Or a little overweight.


RenJianYu:Disappointment!,disappointment,I hope to have a better result.


reporter:But withdrew the litigation,Admit or they have self error correction of such a process,Not that you don't have a problem?You are free is equal to is you don't have a problem?


RenJianYu:not,They think you improper detention,Improper detention unequal so I have no illegal facts.


reporter:That is still have no idea to like what you said is your innocence?


RenJianYu:to,This is I insist on the cause of the appeal.Because I need this(innocent)identity,I have no illegal facts,If I have the illegal facts,Do all of the people to be the detention,Who has not complained?Who did not send a event,There is a their own understanding and view?


reporter:Then you know you have to face after the appeal road is what kind of?Have you ever thought about it?


RenJianYu:I'll keep on trying,Regardless of the outcome,All the way from the supreme people's court of appeal,If the end result is a misconduct,I finally certainly will insist.


reporter:You sure you can get?


RenJianYu:Firmly believe that I can get.




Prosecution was dismissed,Means that although chongqing law education commission of the improper detention punishment,But pressure in gw body so-called"Subvert the state power"Charges and have no legal sense of change,For a young man who is only 25 years old,Can't easily,Also difficult to accept.


now,In front of the lens RenJianYu keep the brush cut/Face angular,But only a year ago,Photos on his mouth still belongs to a friend"Micro fat boundary"A member of.At that time RenJianYu,In addition to PengShuiXian college student village official outside the identity,And most of the young people,He likes surfing the Internet,Love FaWei bo,Around other people's posts.And he doesn't think he himself is a network of militants.


[Over the same period]


reporter:You think you is a cynical?


RenJianYu:not,I'm not.I feel I am very peaceful.I at ordinary times is very attention.


reporter:Pay attention to what?


RenJianYu:Rational some/Peace some,Don't extreme speech,Including QQ group chat,QQ group chat, I say to others,There are some rumors,I said these are rumors,Don't do it,Like this will give your critics more excuses,I also pay attention to.




however,Make RenJianYu didn't think of,It is their forwarding a slightly bo,Became the reason was the detention.2011 August 17,This day,The fate of the RenJianYu became a turning point,For the first time in his life by the police investigation.


[Over the same period]


RenJianYu:Them to my office,They came up with a file,A4 paper print my things,Is I may forwarding a picture,They control after,Looked at id card,A look at me now,He said to,Is his,He brought me into the office,Began to find.


reporter:Find what?


RenJianYu:Find a picture,In the QQ group on the picture,And then looking for two or three hours,Said found.




Since then,The police put RenJianYu and computer with him into PengShuiXian public security bureau continue to investigate.


[Over the same period]


reporter:The whole survey continued for long time?


RenJianYu:They night after the public security bureau,Around ten o 'clock,They said if you said that the picture is not your own(primary)of,That you put it(primary)Find out,I always find two o 'clock in the evening,The picture found.


reporter:When you think you had no matter is?


RenJianYu:At that time very trapped,Then they say how to do,In consideration,I simply in the conference room the next small room,In sleep.The next morning I woke up about nine o 'clock,Woke up after,They have two young police told me that,You this thing it's all right,Because young people are well.11:And this time I found the table has a text material,To RenJianYu processing way,education/warning,Such a way for me to deal with.


reporter:This requires you to sign(confirm)??


RenJianYu:Don't need,They formed a word reported material.


reporter:Then what?


RenJianYu:Then they sent me back to the town,On the way back to the office,The police told me,Don't go after send these things,As a party and government organs(personnel),Immediately into the civil service,He said these things don't hair.


reporter:How do you say?


RenJianYu:I say,I don't go to send these things,Give me back the QQ group,Let me put files deleted,I said I could,no problem.Back after,Back to the office after,Does the QQ group return,When there are twenty for a QQ group,All return,In addition to leave a classmate group,Micro Po I also to see it again.

[导读 introduction


] 25 years old RenJianYu 2011 due to turn micro bo be"Through the Internet incitement to subvert state power"The detention two years.November after released his prosecution chongqing law education commission was dismissed,And want to restore civil servants identity also refused,Each other says,You are not innocent,Is a problem,Should be the detention.




Although jittery,But back to the town RenJianYu think business as usual,Can continue to he CunZhuRen assistant work.Coincidence is,August 18, this day,Civil servants is the village become a full member public issue of the first day,In the notice to the RenJianYu saw his name,When the two years village official,He finally wait to have preparation time,Heart have unbearable joy.however,In just a few hours later,Everything taking place beyond his expectation.


[Over the same period]


RenJianYu:August 18, when at six o 'clock in the afternoon,They again three policemen,He said to me XingJu,I said XingJu,How to want to XingJu,What I say is XingJu,He said XingJu is shut you thirty days,If no problem put you out,At that time, I was once meng how can suddenly to XingJu.


reporter:Do you ask why XingJu?


RenJianYu:no,Fear was,Suddenly meng off.


reporter:Now you think at that time,Can you help me to describe,The 18th that yourself?


RenJianYu:To do a record of fingerprint,Remember very clearly,Record the fingerprint,I was hand keep sweating.


reporter:So don't press the on?


RenJianYu:A few times are not recorded,At this time a young police told me,You now know panic,I didn't answer him,At that time really panic.They give me to after detention house,Don't know what is my crime,Watch to register my is a what would the charge be in,They investigators and public security bureau don't know what is my sin,Then they make a phone call to ask chongqing,They say I am incitement to subvert state power,They told me,You see how you can,Incitement to subvert state power,We peng do the largest case is called a Tijuana frontier.


reporter:When you hear these words,The first reaction is afraid?


RenJianYu:Feel very funny,Don't understand.Is this a few words to subvert the state power?Online thousands are in hair so of the speech,In their own points of view and understanding.



  然而,这样的罪名最终还是落在了任建宇身上。2011年9月17日,重庆市公安局因其在网络上转发的图片、上百条含有不当言论的微博,以及“不自由,毋宁死”的文化衫,以颠覆国家政权罪,提请将任建宇正式逮捕。 然而仅仅六天之后,重庆市人民检察院第一分院的审查认为,“该案犯罪情节轻微危害不大,不认为是犯罪”,不批准逮捕。但令人惊讶和不解的是,就在同一天23号,重庆市劳教委就下达了劳教决定书,决定将任建宇送往涪陵劳动教养戒毒所,劳教两年。

however,Such charges finally landed in the RenJianYu body.On September 17, 2011,Chongqing city public security bureau in the network because of its forward picture/Article hundreds of improper contains speech of the micro bo,and"Not free,Give me liberty or give me death"Tee shirt,To subvert the state power sin,Request will RenJianYu formally arrested. But just six days later,Chongqing people's procuratorate first branch review think,"The case the circumstances of the crime is slight harm,Don't think that was a crime",Not to approve arrest.But the amazing and don't understand is,On the same day a 23,Chongqing law education commission will give the detention decision,Decided to RenJianYu sent to fuling reeducation through labor drug rehabilitation center,The detention two years.


[Over the same period]


reporter:When you see two years the word,What do you reaction?


RenJianYu:Stay off the whole people.


reporter:What did you do?


RenJianYu:I was in a training room a corner squat down.


reporter:Squatting long?


RenJianYu:A few minutes.


reporter:How to face?


RenJianYu:I also want to go to(appeal),I have put together some of my material,I tell my father/My girlfriend,Help I appeal/appeal,But they told me,The things out of the time,They have gone to sichuan chongqing consulted a lawyer.In chongqing(the)This kind of environment,Is impossible to win the lawsuit.


reporter:That yourself?,On an appeal to the sense of hope has been?


RenJianYu:Have been.


reporter:When do you hope to achieve a what kind of purpose?


RenJianYu:Can get a chance to defend.


reporter:That is to apply for their own a chance to speak.


RenJianYu:to,There is a independent/Another organ,I can be for myself these words and deeds to defend.Included in the detention house,When know may be the detention time,I think of the,If be the detention and choose between judgment,I would rather choose to be judge.




RenJianYu:Judge I can defend in court.


reporter:Such doing can realize what purpose?


RenJianYu:I can speak for themselves,An independent authority,And the detention is no way out,He thought you should be the detention,line,Make a material,The detention,Finished take you go,The detention went,No other people,Or some other organ or be independent agencies can participate.




however,At the time of the environment,RenJianYu and not have the opportunity to appeal.Place in the detention,RenJianYu had depression,A year off,Weight loss more than 30 jins.


[Over the same period]


reporter:You in the work camp also have a birthday?


RenJianYu:Twenty-five years old.


reporter:Quite important a birthday,Who gave you?


RenJianYu:Is my girlfriend and some of my classmates.


reporter:How did?


RenJianYu:They come to see me,Bring me a cake,But take not to come in,Cake also can't brought in,I beside looked at it,Across the window watching them,Then they go outside the candle blew,Be had a birthday.


reporter:You across the window to see a glimpse of the cake,Look at the things they take?




reporter:At that time thought???????


RenJianYu:Or very good,good.


reporter:But then girlfriend said,That day you have never dare to see everyone's eyes?


RenJianYu:Now I can't see,I now and conversation,Don't like eyes look.




RenJianYu:After go in,Don't adapt to the environment,fear,panic,Then not confident,And when talking,Eyes dodge/panic.


reporter:This self-confidence and panic from what ah?




reporter:Anxiety for what?


RenJianYu:For the future.




The future,For RenJianYu speaking once so near,Now it so far.Work camp life boring,In addition to routine according to regulations,labor,RenJianYu occasionally write some articles.In March 2012 at the end of the CPPCC in China,RenJianYu heard from the news of work camp outside.Feel the external environment change quietly,Then also heard that chongqing in the central new adjust of secretary of municipal committee of the CPC.But he hasn't realized,Such a change could change their own destiny.


Until May 2012,In chongqing,In the network more cause a post/In the case of the detention post has amounted to get.Once and him a piece of execution the detention friends through the administrative litigation has revoked the previous the detention decision.The news,Let originally want to pass commutation to end the detention of the early RenJianYu,Have some hope.August 15, 2012,As a father YuTong built in the lawyer's help to chongqing three then formal bring an administrative lawsuit,Requirements revoke the decision of reeducation through labor.


[Over the same period]


reporter:When you decide to appeal time,You have such confidence?




reporter:This time you don't have any worry?


RenJianYu:I told my girlfriend,Has no one than this more bad things.


reporter:There is no more bad what things?


RenJianYu:Not more bad ah,Will only develop toward good way.

[导读 introduction


] 25 years old RenJianYu 2011 due to turn micro bo be"Through the Internet incitement to subvert state power"The detention two years.November after released his prosecution chongqing law education commission was dismissed,And want to restore civil servants identity also refused,Each other says,You are not innocent,Is a problem,Should be the detention.




The RenJianYu seemed to see the possibility of change,However, he will not think of,In addition to chongqing's external environment change outside,About China calls the detention system reform is also more and more big.

  【现场】2012年10月9日 《中央的司法改革》新闻发布会

[field]On October 9, 2012 [The central judicial reform]Press conference




Coincidence is,On the second day of the conference on October 10,,RenJianYu prosecution chongqing law education commission illegal detention a case in chongqing three then session.


[Over the same period]


reporter:The day for you?


RenJianYu:Haven't been court,Very excited,Very be afraid.


reporter:And scared,This time and afraid of?


RenJianYu:On the court when,They will ask you questions,Do not know to be in the face of what?


reporter:You see them?


RenJianYu:see,They also appear the.


reporter:See them is what kind of reaction?


RenJianYu:Finally saw to send me to the detention of a person,It is they.




After the trial,The court did not at court judgment.But chongqing law education commission and RenJianYu consultation,Hope he can withdraw.


[Over the same period]


RenJianYu:Let me talk about the withdrawal,Ask me what conditions,I said there are three conditions,The first one is for me to cancel the case,The second is national compensation,The third was to restore my work.They say it's not likely to recover,I said that no,Return to work was to restore my identity of a public.


reporter:Do you mean work,Is to go back to college students' village official this position


RenJianYu:Should be restore my civil servant status,If there is no this I was the detention,Be sent in the detention,I have been to the civil servants

  记者: 你为什么那么渴望回到这个位置上

reporter: Why are you so eager to return to this position


RenJianYu:Only return to work,To say is I have no illegal facts


reporter:Finally the talk about the result is what kind of


RenJianYu:Don't make a.They told me,You don't think you are innocent,You are a problem,You should be the detention of.




On November 19, on Monday,The court will make the decision,Chongqing law education commission please RenJianYu sign in this picture[Cancel the decision of reeducation through labor],Let him out of work camp,free.And two days later,[People's Daily]of"People's comment"Column is published articles[System supply should keep up with The Times steps]Commented that:"Have understand just have clean hands,A fair and just have working,Now RenJianYu recovery free,Why I will lose its freedom,Still lack of clear statement."The paper also points out that:Has been in China implements 50 years of the detention system,Has displayed many insufficiencies,Limiting citizens' personal freedom power can only be set by law,The detention is already in illegal dilemma."


At this time,was[People's Daily]Concern RenJianYu,More become the focus of the society,Every day he will face a flood of new media.


[Over the same period]


reporter:You hope this thing was the more people know better or something?


RenJianYu:I hope more people can see,Only see they can know,I such will also be the detention,Then they that some people,Thousands of people online,netizens,They send such posts,Of contracts,Who will not be the detention?Who is dangerous,Published a view,A knowledge,A public events,Will be the detention.


reporter:That you now in 15 months,How do you to define the detention system


RenJianYu:I do not acknowledge,The detention system must be have a problem,The detention system too casual,Too strong optional sex,terrible.(Black field)




On November 13, 2012,RenJianYu to see grandpa




After seeing grandpa,tears,Ran to the rice paddies,figure;




[Over the same period]


RenJianYu:In this kind of environment feel very relaxed,Listen to the Yangtze river water,Take a look at the environment very comfortable.


reporter:now?The Yangtze river is the Yangtze river.


RenJianYu:I was the original I.


reporter:What kind of you?


RenJianYu:Is I used to is what kind of,I would still be what kind of,The future will be what kind of.Everything will be fine.




Posting from/arrested/The detention/appeal/revoked/prosecution/rejected/To appeal,RenJianYu,This has been the detention of the village official life destiny changes,And this time is closely linked.


The present[Reeducation through labor provisions],because[constitution]/[The legislative law]In the legal status of the conflict,In the law enforcement procedures and crime measure on controversial,Change the existing the detention system call all the more eager.From 2009 to now,The National People's Congress FaGongWei has formed[The illegal behavior education correctional method]draft,Hope it to the detention system in judicial reform.In 2010,,The method of the National People's Congress again in the legislation plan.And in 2011,lanzhou/jinan/nanjing/Zhengzhou four by the supreme people's court joint establishment for pilot cities,To education correctional instead of reeducation through labor.


Today we RenJianYu attention,May be people known as Chinese rule of law in the process of progress a footnote.But perhaps sometimes,We are short of some of these footnotes,The whole society will make every ordinary people more at ease/More dependable.
