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美国富豪女儿坐飞机副驾驶位 踢坏系统全家坠亡--亲稳网络舆情监测室

美国富豪女儿坐飞机副驾驶位 踢坏系统全家坠亡托马斯一家考特妮坠落的大楼 Thomas a courtney falling buildings


Each all parents love their children,However an American millionaire however because spoiling their daughter,Let it sit helicopter co-pilot position,Results her naughty playing bad driving system lead to the plane crash tragedy.

  据英国《每日邮报》11月11日报道,近日,美国国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)就美国亿万富翁托马斯·J·斯图尔特死于直升机坠毁一事的真相向媒体作了公布,技术人员对直升机的黑匣子进行了修复 ,找到了事故发生前机上五人的对话 ,弄明白了坠机的真正原因。这起事故的发生并不像之前猜测的,而是由托马斯5岁的女儿引起的。托马斯的女儿执意坐在副驾驶位置,托马斯宠爱女儿,就抱着她坐在膝盖上,没想到会酿成惨剧。

According to the British[Daily mail]November 11, reported,recently,The national transportation safety board(NTSB)The billionaire Thomas J Stewart died in a helicopter crashed to the truth to the media released the,Technical personnel of a helicopter's black box on the repair ,Find the accident happened on five people before the dialogue ,Understand the the real cause of the plane crash.The accident happened before is not like that,But by Thomas 5 year old daughter cause.The daughter of Thomas would sit copilot's position,Thomas dote on his daughter,Just hold she sat on his knee,I didn't know I would spawn tragedy.


The 64 - year - old Thomas is the founder of the services group,The company with an average annual turnover of more than 2.5 billion dollars,Thomas is a real billionaire.On feb. 14, 2010,Thomas and his wife Dana manasseh/5 year old daughter Sydney/Wife's younger brother abdullah take by pilot rick driving helicopter,From Arizona to return to phoenix a person of extraordinary powers curtilage,In phoenix KaiWei river plane crash happened,The five were killed.

  事后警方取走了黑匣子,但因为黑匣子破损严重,直到日前才完全修复 ,并读出数据。美国国家运输安全委员会的发言人向媒体通报了黑匣子记录下的飞机飞行参数以及死者生前的部分对话,推翻了警方之前就事故原因的推测:警方调查发现,飞行员里克虽然飞行经验丰富,却是无证驾驶,他一直没有考取正规的直升机驾驶证。此外,直升机的转子叶片有松动,曾怀疑这些可能是导致直升机坠毁的原因。

Police later took black box,But because the black box damaged seriously,Until recently was completely repair ,And read data.The national transportation safety board spokesman to the media report it to the black box record of the aircraft flight parameters of the deceased and part of the dialogue,To overthrow the police before that causes of the accidents:The police investigation found that,The pilot rick although flight experience,It is driving without license,He never admitted to normal helicopter a driver's license.In addition,Helicopter rotor blade is loose,Have doubt these may be lead to the cause of the helicopter crashed.

  不过,黑匣子里的录音显示,托马斯5岁的女儿悉尼登上直升机后非要坐在副驾驶的位置上,托马斯拗不过任性的女儿,就把她抱到自己腿上坐着。因为是老来得子 ,托马斯非常疼爱小悉尼,对她可以说是有求必应。悉尼在托马斯的腿上并没有老老实实坐着,录音中托马斯好几次提醒女儿不要调皮捣蛋。托马斯的最后一句话是在悉尼踢了操作系统之后,狠狠批评她的话 ,之后就听到飞行员里克大喊“糟糕,操作系统失灵”,一阵杂音后,又听到里克惊呼“飞机要坠毁了”,之后就再也没了声音。飞机最后坠毁在凯维河一段干涸的河床上。

but,The black box of the recording display,Thomas 5 year old daughter Sydney after the helicopter must sit copilot position,Thomas her wayward daughter,Put her up his leg sit.Because it is old come son ,Thomas very love small Sydney,Can be said to be responsive to her.Sydney in Thomas legs and no honest sit,The recording of Thomas several times remind daughter don't be naughty monkey.Thomas is the last word in Sydney played after operating system,Severely criticized her words ,After she heard the pilot rick shouted"bad,Operating system failure",After a burst of noise,Heard rick exclaimed"The plane would crash",Then never the voice.The plane crashed in the last KaiWeiHe a dry bed of.
