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教育部否认小学辍学率回十年前 称一直在1%以内--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The students will receive their new school bag on the desk before.On May 31, 2012,Commerce in guizhou province vocational college staff representatives,Will more than 500 a water shoes/bag/Stationery and gift to guiyang city remote GaoPoXiang cloud top primary school,Donated to the school more than five hundred students.Diagram/CFP

  新京报讯 据教育部官网消息,近日,有单位和学者就我国农村教育布局调整十年评价发表了相关研究报告,其中一些有关数据引起社会关切,教育部有关负责人就此回答了记者的提问。

The Beijing news - according to the ministry of education's official website news,recently,Have unit and the scholars of our country's rural education layout adjustment ten years evaluation published related research report,Some of the relevant data cause social concern,The ministry of education officials in this answered the reporter's question.


For our country elementary school dropout rates have greatly rebound,whether"Back to the level of a decade ago"questions,This person in charge said,Since entering the new century since more than ten years,Although dropout rates with the year will appear a certain fluctuation,But all have no higher than 1% of the state line,Explain our primary school control dropping out the learning measures is successful.Especially in recent years, primary school 巩固率 five years has been more stable,So does not exist elementary school dropout rates back to the problem of ten years ago.But because our country students large base,School problems still need to get attention for a long time.


The officials say,In 2011,,National rural compulsory education students start nutrition improvement plan,In concentrated special difficult areas pilot,Born in accordance with each every three yuan standards for about 26 million students provide nutrition meal allowance.The implementation of these policies,Ensure the not to let a student by poverty and drop out of school.Together with parents to their children education pay more and more attention to,Send their children to school became self-conscious action.Our primary school enrollment rate from 99.1% in 2001 to 99.8% in 2011,Always maintained a steady growth state.


焦点回应 Focus response


小学辍学率有没有大幅度反弹? Primary school dropout rates have greatly rebound?


辍学率一直稳定在1%以内 Dropout rates have been stable in 1% less than


教育部不再公布辍学率 The ministry of education announced no longer dropout rates


The ministry of education officials say,2005 years ago,According to the ministry of education promulgated in 1991 by the[China's education monitoring and evaluation index system of statistics(trial)]Release elementary school dropout rates.


2006 years later,Along with the popularization of compulsory education degree rise,Primary school dropout rates have been stability control within 1%,Compulsory education work focus from popularity to consolidate improve,Therefore the ministry of education no longer elementary school dropout rates published year,But the state still attached great importance to this problem.


学者套用原有计算方法 Scholars form the original calculation method


In recent years,Our country compulsory education students enhance liquidity,Flow scale also has been increasing year by year,The student individual flow situation difficult to master in time.


2006 years ago the dropout rates used calculation method doesn't take into account the student mass flow factors,So the national level statistics already no longer use this kind of calculation method,Through the establishment of school is to electronic system, and so on ways to strengthen school students of monitoring.Some organizations and scholars although is our primary school dropout rates stage is discussed,But because they do not have the obligation education overall situation,Still applying calculation method of original dropout rates,So can't reflect the objective truth of the students all across the drain,Concluded the data dropout rates is not accurate.


In 1994 the former state education commission issued[The compulsory education assessment acceptance interim measures],Provisions in primary school students dropout rates control under 1%.Since entering the new century since more than ten years,Although dropout rates with the year will appear a certain fluctuation,But to no higher than 1% of the state line.


农村学校布局调整是否为学生辍学主因? The layout and adjustment of the countryside school whether students drop out for the cause?


学校布局规划报备前暂停撤并 The school layout before submit should stop


The ministry of education officials say,With China's migrant workers SuiQian children has increased year by year/The rural population birth rate continues to drop,For rural compulsory education school all the layout adjustment and merging,On the whole have improved the school running conditions.But rural compulsory education school is greatly reduced,Cause part of students to school become far way/Traffic safety hidden danger increases,Students family economic burden,And bring the rural residential school shortage/Some towns school class problems such as excessive amount.


保证学生能就近入学 Ensure that students can came near to the entrance


September this year,Issued by the general office of the state council[Rural compulsory education on regulating the school layout adjustment opinion],At or above the county level for the government to formulate rural compulsory education school special planning layout,The state education system reform leading group for the record,In the finish before the record,Suspend rural compulsory education school merging.Reasonable county in teaching school/Village elementary school/Center primary school/Junior middle school layout,Ensure that students can came near to the entrance.Strict school merging procedures and behavior,Students need to really due to the reduced merger of the school,Must strictly fulfill the merger plan formulation/argument/public/Approval procedures such as.


保障1-3年级学生不寄宿 Security 1-3 grade students don't boarding


The ministry of education related person in charge said,As soon as possible the establishment of a national education information platform and the provincial education administrative departments butt electronic student status management system,To construct the residence school-age population for reference obligation education management and public service mechanism,To strengthen the supervision of the trend of students,Timely and accurate grasp students learn and flow situation.


The ministry of education requires all carry out special deployment,From clear guarantee rural primary school 1 to 3 grade students in principle not boarding,Nearby day school policy to formulate concrete implementation opinion.


对话 dialogue


“教学点过度撤并导致小学生辍学” "School should lead to excessive students drop out"


The 21st century education research institute President said,Local school merging existing save education expenditure motivation


In the recently held"The 21st century education BBS"on,The 21st century education institute issued a name[The rural school layout adjustment policy evaluation and reflection]report.Hebei province education department inspector/China education society of rural education branch HanQingLin revealed,In the last four years the national primary school dropout rates rebounded significantly,"In 2011, 8.8 dropout rates‰,The 1999 level is approximately equal to drop out."


yesterday,The ministry of education officials deny"Primary school dropouts return to ten years ago",said"Some organizations and scholars don't grasp the compulsory education overall situation,Still applying calculation method of original dropout rates,So can't reflect the objective truth of the students all across the drain,Concluded the data dropout rates is not accurate."


this,The Beijing news interviewed host report of the 21st century education research institute President YangDongPing.


"Dropout rates algorithm is very complex"


The Beijing news:How to see the ministry of education for rural compulsory education and dropout rates"From point BingJiao"Assessment report reply?


YangDongPing:The ministry of education with a more positive attitude,Has been very aware of the problem,So since 2006 document issued by,Requires all should avoid blind school.


September this year,Issued by the general office of the state council the[Rural compulsory education on regulating the school layout adjustment opinion].These problems,We assessment report are mentioned,And further more widely.


The Beijing news:Have you noticed the statistical method of dropout rates change?


YangDongPing:Our data is within 1%,Dropout rates computation is complicated,Especially large sample calculation.We quoted data is not direct investigations,But HanQingLin research data.He considered population flow more frequent factors,Consider the two different algorithms,He will also own algorithm to the ministry of education have provided.In fact the two sound existence will do,Because the process is very complex.


The Beijing news:Lead to rural primary school students drop out what are the reasons?


YangDongPing:From the investigation of HanQingLin concerned,Main reason is a large number of merger of teaching school.


Because the school made in traffic more remote places.His survey,Teaching school to remove most of the provinces including guangxi/Inner Mongolia/xinjiang/Tibet/gansu/Ningxia and other,These are the dropout rates rise the most obvious places.His survey,The school is mainly a primary school/The second grade students,Is because teaching school to remove,a/The second grade students to go to school.


"From point BingJiao motivation against original intention"


The Beijing news:For students to reduce the merger of school?


YangDongPing:Students should reduce the basic motive for school.In the 1980 s to the village primary school,Recent years,If a village only a few students,Around the several village schools merged into one.


now,By urbanization influence a bigger place,Parents the child take away the migrant workers,Quite a number of local villages and towns as the center to layout in elementary school and junior high school.But the Chinese are quite different,There are many very remote mountainous area/Pastoral areas and traffic inconvenience remote areas,According to the actual situation or around,Guarantee rural children came near to the entrance.


But should the school agent slowly changed.Local merger scale why more and more big?There are two obvious motivation:The first,Can reduce the local education expenditure,A lot of county was one of 2300 rural schools,After the merger of scores of built,A year can save 12000 ten thousand yuan.The second,Since 2008,Through the school into the city/Students into the city,To drive the county urbanization rate,At this time should the school is no longer for students to reduce the reason.


If is the student reduced motive,The students should be reduced by half,The school also reduced by half,But now is a school damped great student's damping,So have been turned away from the original intention.

  本版采写/新京报记者 郭少峰 邓琦

This collection &composition/Beijing news reporter GuoShaoFeng DengQi


      独家策划: Exclusive planning:


     后撤点并校时代 农村教育何去何从 Retreat point BingJiao age rural education what course to follow

      2000年到2010年,在我国农村,平均每一天就要消失63所小学、30个教学点、3所初中,几乎每过一小时,消失4所农村学校。2001年国务院出台《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》文件后,"撤点并校"狂风骤雨般横扫中国广袤农村,成为地方政府的"狂欢"。"没有学校的村庄就像没有孩子的家庭",十年后,农村没了读书声,没了生气,没了希望,剩下的只有老人和狗…… [点击查看]

      From 2000 to 2010,In China's rural,On an average day will disappear 63 primary school/30 teaching school/3 junior high school,Almost every one hour,Disappear four rural schools.In 2001, the state council issued[The state council on the foundation education reform and development decision]documents,"From point BingJiao"The torrential rain swept China as the vast rural areas,Become a local government"carnival"."No school village is like no child family",After ten years,Rural didn't loud,Didn't angry,Don't hope,That left only the old man and the dog…… [click the check]


     利弊:农村中小学"撤点并校"的十年之痛 Advantages and disadvantages:Rural primary and secondary schools"From point BingJiao"Ten years of pain


      large-scale"The school into the city"after,Causes students to go to school far/School your/School difficult.


     现状:农村教育"城挤、乡弱、村空"危局 status:Rural education"City crowded/Township weak/Village empty"Crisis of


      In this competition,The villagers have laboured keep up with the team,Those poor villagers will be abandoned.


     痛心:留守儿童、农村女童谁在漠视他们的存在 hurts:Left-behind children/Rural girl who ignore their existence

      震惊的毕节五少年"被闷死"事件,4人辍学,若他们有学上就不会死…… [点击查看]

      Shock bijie WuShao years"suffocated"events,Four people to drop out,If they have learn to go up would not have died…… [click the check]


     关爱:我们庆幸还有一缕缕曙光照向那里 love:We rejoice and bits of dawn according to there


      Please remember that these people,Because of their love,Rural children's world is not so single and despair
