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公务员辞职在社区卖菜 父亲与其断绝来往--亲稳网络舆情监测室


25,2013 annual central organs and institutions directly under the civil servants employed examination public course written examination end,National civil service bureau data display,The countries take an examination of about 1.117 million people attended the exam,For the most,The countries are expected to take an examination of ZhaoLu of more than 20000 people.Its hottest position 9411:1,It may be said is an army crowded wooden bridge.


Is the only road to"black"??


A few days ago,Our reporter accompanied"Food king"A LiuXianHui Oriental satellite TV"Oriental ZhiBoShi",To the audience about the LiuXianHui from a civil servants to the builder to fresh shopkeeper story.


国考故事 Countries take an examination of the story

  主角刘献炜:弃当公务员立志当“菜王” Leading role LiuXianHui:Abandon as civil servants to when"Food king"


A few days ago,Oriental satellite TV"Oriental ZhiBoShi"Director through our reporter,Found this newspaper in October 15, 2010 published by the[University graduates to give up civil servants to community open vegetables shop]Are masters"Village folks"LiuXianHui.


LiuXianHui had admitted to nanyang WoLongOu procuratorate,Become a let countless people yearning civil servants,however,On him but happened from civil servants to the builder to fresh shopkeeper's disintegration.He said his dream is to make everyone can eat FangXinCai/"Scale heart"food/Satisfactory food.however,This disintegration but let hard to accept father and not associate with each other.so,Now the aims to be"Food king"The xiao liu is a what kind of?


说创业 Said it

  两次创新均夭折 Two innovation are aborted


yesterday,Reporters once again came to MingHong LuLiu offer Hui open"Village folks"Fresh shop.


He said,Vegetables seller in recent years,To have business model had two large-scale innovation,It was the most open and chain stores,But in the end because of a variety of reasons have failed to success.


LiuXianHui said,In fact,The first year he earned more than 20 ten thousand yuan,Mainly to the hotel distribution,He wants to do the hotel do it again big,People also don't know"Village folks"A stem of,It won't solve the problem of common people buy your dishes,The more unfavorable to the long-term development of the brand,So the main energy resources into the store,The most open to the size of the 13 chains,the,A branch office one day can earn 4000 yuan.later,Because and cooperation people idea branch,He dropped out of the.


At that time they made a"Express delivery of food"Network business platform,The highest 20 personal send food is not sent,Because of the increase of the flow rate,Server isn't enough,Rented server need 300000,They got stuck.


 “我不能砸了我的牌子” "I can't hit me on the brand"


now,The rent from the past 3000 yuan rose to 6000 yuan,Profits can only maintain normal operation,If you want to continue to develop open chain can only rely on foreign investment,Because only scale economy can reduce the purchasing cost.This intermediate also have to join"Village folks"of,But in order to ensure food safety,Only retail to maximum security,So have been rejected,"I can't hit me on the brand".


LiuXianHui idea is to be henan's largest fresh product service provider,To become the first domestic terminal fresh chain listed enterprise.


LiuXianHui said,He give up the civil service,Every day is a dry is not what they have learned;The second is administrative unit by seniority,Need long time bitter, etc;Three is the use of his relatives or friends working for his work,Do not run to upset people,Would not be able to do.


居民 Residents say

  他心善、人勤快 His heart is good/People diligent

  绝对信得过 Absolute trust


These two days,The reporter also to LiuXianHui.. shop in the village went a trip,And the surrounding residents talked a lot,Found that they have a real xiao liu by.At the mention of LiuXianHui,Residents said the boy a good heart/People diligent,Absolute trust.


LiuXianHui dishes are remove waste leaf/Waste root to weighing.Sell fruit and vegetables/Daily necessaries as long as in the warranty period is on approval.And free of charge to food,For those legs unwieldy old man be a big help.


Jurisdiction residents know to reporters"Oriental ZhiBoShi",The reporter is entrusted by dozens of residents written in red cloth on the wishes to onstage LiuXianHui.


The red cloth is he hard business contacts that down/reputation,Although sell food didn't make a lot of money,But these blessing is bought with money,Hope LiuXianHui can stick to my dream,Because all the residents have LiuXianHui need.


节目现场 Program field

  很多人都支持他 Many people support him

  一公司想年薪10万招刘献炜 A company want to yearly salary 100000 recruit LiuXianHui


In the program,There are a lot of people said LiuXianHui support,the,There is a company controller is willing to provide a yearly salary 100000 can be talent platform to give him,If you can do the greater China region President,There are willing to offer him 10 million venture fund.


this,LiuXianHui said,The company called him back last night,He is still can't carry any idea,One is not put near the inhabitants of acquaintanceship,The second is loathe to give up his own created brand,Hope to be able to and local enterprise cooperation,Continue to continue the dream.Even if the walk will also put the shop preserved to sister management,Will send food through to the end.


 国考故事 Countries take an examination of the story

  主角 朱敏:考过6次公务员准岳母说考不上别想做她女婿 Leading role ZhuMin:Pass 6 civil servants must mother-in-law said I failed don't want to do her son-in-law


"Take an examination of the civil servants,Don't want to be my son-in-law."25,26 years old ZhuMin(alias)6 point less than just woke up.He's a bit of a chaotic,What is in a dream girlfriend is mother of this sentence"words"Wake up with a start of,Or a wakes up thinking up this sentence"words".


then,And alarm clocks on cell phones ring,Notepad written"Countries, take an examination of".25,In 2013, the central organs and their departments directly under the national civil servant exam started.


7 point about 30 points,Girlfriend car came to his downstairs.Silver-gray bentley,The market more than 500 yuan.


The car is dad's girlfriend,She is for boyfriend when the PeiKao.


ZhuMin offer is a clerk,Girlfriend mother let test,Say you do in the office,Have the power,ShangDeKuai,Others see the three points fear.


The couple are university students,In order to his girlfriend,ZhuMin came to ningbo,Girlfriend mother don't think he is a foreigner,The condition in the home is also general,Said that he can't do it rich the second generation/Officer the second generation,Somehow also want to make your own money badly,Or civil servants.


So ZhuMin already pass 6 civil servants,Have a written examination/Interview finally passed the,But his girlfriend mother said,It was a clear water yamen,I don't have any way,Finally gave up.


ZhuMin said,Oneself also very embarrassed,If this didn't exceeded otherregions words,do?Is the only road to black,Take an examination of to age too big can't you take the exam?Really take an examination of civil servants,You really can do?Former professional knowledge can only be lost?


 国考故事 Countries take an examination of the story

  主角 施欣:考过20多次公务员坦言继续考因为能够做官 Leading role ShiXin:Take an examination of 20 many civil servants said to continue to take an examination of because he had passed

  “东方直播室”还找到了另一名主人翁施欣,男,1984年生,江西宜春人,四川西华师大文学院硕士研究生,曾参加过20多次事业单位和公务员录用考试, 2011年10月,考取樟树人保局农保办,今年,他又报考了国考。

"Oriental ZhiBoShi"Also found another name ShiXin masters,male,Born in 1984,Jiangxi yichun people,Sichuan xihua normal university college of liberal arts master graduate student,Once had participated in 20 multiple institutions and civil servants employed examination, In October 2011,Camphor tree pass insurer bureau agriculture insurance do,This year,He enter oneself for an examination the land exam.


In fact,Let ShiXin is known and not once had participated in 20 multiple institutions and civil servants employed the experience of the exam,But in sichuan civil service examination,Comprehensive scores the first however because of physical examination"Transaminase on the high side"rejected.To prove themselves have no disease,Toss jiangxi/hunan/The three provinces of sichuan,In three hospitals in four physical examination,Medical results are showed,Related index does not exceed the standard of civil servants admission.


ShiXin said,Himself in the organization continue to take an examination of reason is able to view,When have greater power of time,More for the people's welfare,And isn't that what reflects the view of value?Countries after the exam,Also will middle-level/Place class……

  (本文来源:中青在线-中国青年报 )

(This paper source:Middle online - China youth daily )
